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[SubtleGraces] Skyglazer - Spawning bombs for no reason

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:59 pm
by Skyglazer
Byond account and character name: Skyglazer, Tries-Her-Best, bartender that round

Admin: SubtleGraces

Time incident occured: 2:40 PM on 6/24/15 EST

Detailed summary:

So, a normal extended round, everyone's having fun and chilling in general until meteors are spawned. Pretty sure that part was a random event but hey, only the logs will tell. Anyways, shuttle gets called because meteors and everyone's bored, I pack up my drinks from a lively bar, had a lot of fun, made a few friends, played some cards, the like. Shuttle docks, everyone gets on, but for no reason in particular, there's a syndicate bomb in the middle of the shuttle. The bomb had a timer on it more than the round actually had left in it, so everyone left it alone. Some engiborg whose name I don't remember (ckey was Scones though) runs up to the bomb and blows it up. I make an adminhelp about how ridiculous that was and to ban the engiborg for harming the shit out of about 10 people on the shuttle, but then SubtleGraces responds with "I'm not going to punish a player for something an admin did." This stuck me as quite silly, because the engiborgs screwdriver and multitool were not an admin's doing. If I were an admin and spawned wands of death under everyone, then got ahelps about "Wow this dude just wand of death'd me for no reason," the wand of death was my doing, but the players using them was not. I understand that the borg's laws were robocop. Protecting the innocent does not involve blowing up a shit-ton of innocent people on the shuttle. His excuse for spawning these was that it was an exciting end to a boring extended round, and it didn't kill any antags. Didn't kill any antags? So if I go around spawning bombs in highly populated areas, then allow them to be blown up for seemingly no reason, it'd be a completely fine admin activity because "it didn't kill any antagonists?" Blowing shit up, or allowing shit to be blown up (by a non-antag engineering cyborg) during an extended "roleplaying" round, is poor form. SubtleGraces should at least be talked to about how randomly spawning bombs does not make an extended round "fun." Allowing an engiborg to go against its laws is also not something an admin should be doing, either.

Re: [SubtleGraces] Skyglazer - Spawning bombs for no reason

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:10 pm
by Subtle
To give some context; the two syndibombs were announced before the shuttle docked.

It was explained as being an attempt to sabotage the shuttle by a Syndicate boarding party, gibs and a little pod included, etc. After getting a number of prayers for something exciting to happen I figured this would be a way to close out the round with an entertaining bomb defusing or an explosion that wouldn't take anybody out of the round for more than the ride, or threaten anyone's greentext considering it had been a quiet extended round. (They were also set to explode long after the shuttle docked, so the only reason for them to explode would be as if, in the borg's case, it was detonated during an attempt at disarming) The first got tossed off the shuttle and the second exploded.

You PM'd and asked for the borg to be punished, which I responded to as I did because it's not quite their fault for playing along with the gimmick I set up. It's certainly your prerogative to make a complaint about the circumstance, but frankly it seems to me more that you're eager for someone to be punished than any particular anger over sitting out of the round for scant minute. The other people who participated didn't seem upset and OOC after the round was filled with players talking about how they enjoyed the calm shift.

This wasn't simply adminspawning an explosion over the shuttle during a high-population traitor round. However, if my actions were out of line I'll cop to that.

Re: [SubtleGraces] Skyglazer - Spawning bombs for no reason

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:15 pm
by Skyglazer
Subtle wrote: You PM'd and asked for the borg to be punished, which I responded to as I did because it's not quite their fault for playing along with the gimmick I set up.
Playing along, in this case, being breaking literally the only rules that silicon mobs have to follow, where in any other case they would be punished for doing. If you're going to let them do this, at least upload an ion law of sorts.

Re: [SubtleGraces] Skyglazer - Spawning bombs for no reason

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:17 pm
by Subtle
I don't really see how failing in an attempt to protect humans from an explosion is breaking any laws.

Perhaps they didn't notice you'd uprooted the bolts? It certainly wasn't intentionally detonated.

Re: [SubtleGraces] Skyglazer - Spawning bombs for no reason

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:20 pm
by Skyglazer
Subtle wrote:I don't really see how failing in an attempt to protect humans from an explosion is breaking any laws.

Perhaps they didn't notice you'd uprooted the bolts? It certainly wasn't intentionally detonated.
They hadn't noticed that A. The bomb was moving, it could easily have been spaced with borgie all-access, or B. "Look at the timer?" The borg wordlessly walked up to the bomb and cut with wild abandon, that's not trying to protect, that's actively endangering.

Re: [SubtleGraces] Skyglazer - Spawning bombs for no reason

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 8:58 pm
by Scones
Clarification about the defusal situation:

The Engineering Cyborg did not fail to defuse the bomb, I did. I was the Roboticist on the right side of the second bomb, already having unbolted and safely disposed of the first one.

Bomb defusal wires are randomized bomb-to-bomb and the timer was set to an amount that ensured it would detonate while people were still on board the shuttle. A cyborg's best option would be to ignore the bomb as the initial wire cut has an equal chance of harm and defusing the harm. I made the cut instead, on the yellow wire, third down from the top - Second cut, after the first green wire proved to be null effect. It happened to be the boom, and everyone blew up. If the bomb was unbolted, I had already tried to drag it (and failed - in fact, that was the first thing I did when I got to the bomb. It didn't move, and someone set off a 300/300 bluespace beaker potass/water bomb nearby, deafening me to anyone saying it was unbolted).
PM to-Admins: If I try to defuse these bombs and fail will I get banned

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-SubtleGraces: Nope.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
EDIT: Syndicate Bombs are a matter of pure luck. For those of you unaware, there are five wires:
There is a 40% chance of explosion(PROCEED with timer active detonates), 20% to have the bomb safely removable (UNBOLT), and 20% to defuse it then and there. Pulsing wires is only slightly safer as a pulsed BOOM still explodes.

Re: [SubtleGraces] Skyglazer - Spawning bombs for no reason

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:02 pm
by Skyglazer
Scones wrote:Clarification about the defusal situation:

The Engineering Cyborg did not fail to defuse the bomb, I did.
This is all SG had to say, my ban-lust is appeased for now. Scones-ler did nothing wrong

Re: [SubtleGraces] Skyglazer - Spawning bombs for no reason

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:14 pm
by onleavedontatme
Going to lock this then, PM me if something else needs resolving here.