Capstone toxin effect

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Capstone toxin effect

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #772344

I made a shitty prototype of this idea a while ago but the code is too bad to ever see the light of day.

An issue with chemistry and toxic chemicals as it stands (I believe since fermi-chem) is that poison's lethality effect is reduced by the fact that it both:
A) Damages the liver
B) Does not work with a broken or nonfunctional liver

This has the effect that incredible saturation poison will cause the liver to fail before the poisons effects can claim the victim's life, doing even less damage if the player already had liver damage. The consequences of liver failure are no where near as severe as if the toxin were allowed to run its course naturally.

Here's the proposal:
If a player's liver health/amount of toxin damage reach a certain threshold, the toxin triggers a capstone effect, quickly killing the victim in a dramatic way, similar to a suicide-act.

Ex: A player with a weak liver from drinking eats a burger spiked with carpotoxin. The chem racks up toxin damage in their system like normal, damaging their liver like normal. When their liver fails, the carpotoxin runs a 1 in 100 every proccess, while giving ominous messages, if the 1 in 100 hits, the target foams up at the mouth, maybe vomits blood on the floor, and gets their toxin damage set to 200 and force dies, the remaining carpotoxin purged from their system.
Different chems might have different effects, a toxin that does heart damage could give you a heart attack, nonlethal toxins could instead be given an enhanced effect, like chloral hydrate providing an instant and extended sleep, or bone hurting juice breaking every bone on your body.
These sort of highly detrimental consequences can only be achieved if the target is rocking around with a dysfunctional liver.

Alternative solution: Just make toxins process in biological bodies without livers.
- Sincerely itseasytosee
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Re: Capstone toxin effect

Post by mrmelbert » #772408

I read a suggestion somewhere that said chems should still metabolize without a liver, but medicines work at reduced / nigh zero effectiveness and you no longer shrug <3u toxins. Maybe we can work with that.

The capstone idea is fun though. We could make Initropidril less RNG-instakill and more consistent (just off the top of my head).
Though I wouldn't make all poisons have a "dramatic" effect. I think most should just gut punch you - like, cause serious damage to another organ, cause a spike of toxin damage, knock you unconscious, etc. - Leave the dramatics for rarer and more outstanding chemicals (Like Initropidril).
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