[DISCORD] itsviro

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[DISCORD] itsviro

Post by axietheaxolotl » #772135

Discord username: itsviro

Commonly used names: Viro, AxieTheAxolotl

Banning admin: gwyn01

Ban reason: Quote from audit log, "Showed severe toxicity in spritebus, and made a veiled doxxing threat - there is 0 tolerance for this level of vitriol on this server."

Time ban was placed: According to the discord bot: 13/11/2023, 3:09:51 AM (AEDT)

Your side of the story: I'm not quite sure, this was more than a year ago now. But, if I recall correctly, it was a general ban on toxicity and the supposed threat of doxxing a user I had argued with earlier in the day. I'm not sure how much detail I need to go into, but I think a more in-depth explanation of my story can be found in my previous ban appeal a year ago. If asked I can go into more detail about other things, or maybe just retell the circumstances again.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I have changed quite significantly within the year, well, as much as is realistic. I've gone through some stuff both in real life and within friends online that have made me... reconsider. The way that being abrasive and caustic can be detrimental to my goals. In truth, I was quite an asshole before and still may be to an extent, but nowhere near what I was before. I cannot discuss the "doxxing threat" in as much reflective detail, but I can say that I haven't even thought about doxxing as a concept since that post, and the inclination to do it hasn't even been anywhere close to an actual thing I'd do. I believe a vouch from a different community was required for me to return? So I would like to point to Imaginos, I've still been active in the spriting community over there both before and after my ban from /tg/, and I believe he'll provide a good reference as to my behaviour in SS13 circles.

I'm unsure what I can earnestly do to convince that I am a necessarily good fit to be back in the server, in truth I think I'd just like to be in there to see what's happening and to talk to some of the friends I haven't been able to talk to in a while now. But I understand mere chatting does not provide any inherent "value" to a community. I can say that, I have still been spriting since my ban, and have never slowed on that, so I can still contribute by both providing—now actually helpful—criticism and maybe some sprites of my own, but as I've never actually been gitbanned, nothing was stopping me from doing that before, besides maybe internalised spite.

I suppose the essence of this appeal is a big "I promise to be a good boy...!", but I mean; I don't actually know what I can do to necessarily show that I am a less toxic person then I was then, besides the vouch and my own word, though the latter of which probably doesn't mean much to anyone.
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Re: [DISCORD] itsviro

Post by Omega_DarkPotato » #772306

Hi! Gwyn's no longer an admin so I'm taking over.
I was able to reach out to Imaginos this morning re: your vouch, to which they responded with:
With my interactions w/ him on the shiptest discord's spriting channel, he knows how to keep his mouth shut and be respectful.
I think his main issue is that he just falls for ragebait extremely often.
Since in Shiptest we don't have that issue if at all, he's fine.
Idk about here though, that would be a decision you have to make.
And by ragebait I mean the occasional worm showing up and saying something unproductive on purpose.
Just like
Tell him if he can tune it out he'll be good or something.
But yeah I vouch for his good behavior, guy was nothing but cordial lately on Shiptest.
(Imaginos also OK'd me quoting him directly and said "Sure, I'd tell him to his face and honestly I think he'd agree." about this commentary)

I trust imaginos pretty heavily as someone I adminned with way back when and I fully trust his judgement on whether you're well-behaved enough, so that part's out of the way.

However, as this is unfortunately a community with ragebait (worms showing up and saying unproductive things on purpose) I want to ask you specifically if you're happy re-entering a community where that will be something you'll have to deal with occasionally.
Since you've been gone, we've added Ninjanomnom to the discord janny team and since they're a headcoder they've got full power to involve themselves in DJ stuff re: code issues. Spritetainers can also dev ban shitheads from the discord dev channels, and regular DJs can stick their heads in for when things violate more global community rules, but even with all of this there are still people who will be unproductive, rude, and unhelpfully critical to you and your work. (And we still allow it, to some degree.)

This has turned off developers in the past (Imaginos is sadly one of them!) and I won't fault you if you decide that TGstation is just a shitty contribution environment and you're not interested, but it's my responsibility to check in with you first and make sure that you feel like you'll be fine in this sort of environment without lashing out in ways similar to how you acted prior to your ban, and especially not in the ways that got you banned.

If you think you're good to go, I'll unban you. If you've got second thoughts, no issues, you've already cleared the first bar and you'll be let in whenever you'd like. If you'd like to just lurk and judge for yourself after, that's good too!
Take care.
Super Aggro Crag wrote:This is what u get when u let people into your community
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Re: [DISCORD] itsviro

Post by axietheaxolotl » #772328

Yes, I should be more than fine with that, ragebait doesn't really affect me as much as it once did so I shouldn't have any real faults with it. I'm not sure how much elaboration you'd like but, in general, yeah, I'm fine with it. I was a channer for most of my teen years I'm used to ragebait, I'm just only now really used to just ignoring it instead of flaming.
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Re: [DISCORD] itsviro

Post by Omega_DarkPotato » #772395

Good to hear! You're unbanned now, take care!
Super Aggro Crag wrote:This is what u get when u let people into your community
play opus: echo of starsong
I'm an admin, typically on /tg/station Sybil. If you've got anything you'd like to say about me, my adminning, or my decisions, please comment in my admin feedback thread!

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