Security Mask Preference

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Which Security mask would you prefer?

Total votes: 34

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Security Mask Preference

Post by Scones » #94289 ... -110180391

Running this for 24 hours, speak now or forever hold your peace
plplplplp WOOOOooo hahahhaha
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by lumipharon » #94293

Faceless shitcurity masks with shitcurity catchphrases is not something I enjoyed nor want back.

If you really want to be a faceless mook, get a normal gas mask.

Leave that to the deathsquad.
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by Steelpoint » #94367

I would like it back, if only to spite Paprika for him just removing the masks from the game without actually conferring with the community.
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by MisterPerson » #94429

Steelpoint wrote:I would like it back, if only to spite Paprika for him just removing the masks from the game without actually conferring with the community.
That's stupid.
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by Steelpoint » #94431

So what? I personally like the masks and I would enjoy them being put back.

Also don't forget that if you really wanted to get rid of 'faceless security' you forgot to get rid of breath masks and any form of headware.
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by Incomptinence » #94433

Good idea putting them back in security lockers. They aren't even in the armoury now they are in the wardens office making him what the mask lord? As warden I tend to give them back to the gear room but people are usually too busy by the time I do it to put them on a real shame
I am neutral on the actual sprite. Full SWAT mask conceals identity papmask can fold down now so that is cool. Pro cons kimda neutral

I like having a way to tell people to stop so I can talk to them quickly.

Also a quick way to warn people.
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by MisterPerson » #94434

I didn't say there wasn't merit to wanting the mask back, I just said that adding it back to spite Paprika is really, really stupid.
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by Mongke » #94436

The current masks should stay but if security wants to look edgy maybe put some in the armoury with the riot gear
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by Steelpoint » #94442

In the grand scheme of things there's very little, if any, difference between the SWAT Security Gas Mask and the scaled down Security Gas Mask. They both have nearly a identical appearance when someone is wearing a helmet. The only time their differences are notable is when the wearer is using a Beret or is not wearing headware.

Ultimantly I would prefer if the masks were put back inside the sec lockers, what the actual mask looks like is secondary to that.
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by CPTANT » #94458

Security maks should shout simply stop commands on the lower settings instead of cheesy one-liners. The only actual USE of the function is to let someone stop when you are chasing someone and have no time to type HALT or something similar. People don't really stop when you shout "GOD MADE ME TODAY, FOR THE CROOKS HE COULD NOT CATCH YESTERDAY"/ "SHUT UP CRIME" or "DEAD OR ALIVE, YOU ARE COMING WITH ME"

I just want to say:


or better give the mask a setting menu where I can determine/store the sentence that it will shout.

And no, changing the preference on the mask does not help with that now.
Last edited by CPTANT on Tue Jun 09, 2015 12:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Timberpoes wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 3:21 pm The rules exist to create the biggest possible chance of a cool shift of SS13. They don't exist to allow admins to create the most boring interpretation of SS13.
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by Loonikus » #94460

Put the full face ones with the riot gear in the armory and give officers the half face ones in their lockers. I kinda like the more subtle half face masks but its really not a massive deal.

Also, everything CPTANT said. Make three settings on the mask, by default it will just say the basic lines like "Stop right there!" and shit, second setting is what we have now, and third setting is the same as our last setting now. I think there are times for cheesy one liners but sometimes I just want people to stop.
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #94474

I really want to be able to alt-click or something with secmasks to make it shout "GET ON THE GROUND, [person clicked on]" for tactical arresting
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by Ikarrus » #94475

I just find them really annoying and spammable. I don't care what memes they spout.
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by DemonFiren » #94520

They already have a cooldown.

Of course, the most horrible alternative to suggest is that officers who constantly spam their masks are valid for having these masks removed by every and any player up to and including greyshits and clowns, with no right to retaliate.

non-lizard things:
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #94574

Hate em. They're annoying and contribute nothing positive to how security is perceived.
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by oranges » #94579

My god it's exactly 50:50
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by MisterPerson » #94591

The poll really should have a "don't want any mask" option
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by Scones » #94593

MisterPerson wrote:The poll really should have a "don't want any mask" option
but that's not what i'm asking :^)
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Re: Security Mask Preference


Why can't we have both? Or make one of them researchable or some junk?
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by Saltycut » #94597

Bring them back to lockers to give everyone a choice.
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by Lumbermancer » #94678

Which is which? SWAT is the the large covering whole face, and regular is the one covering mouth only?

I like the normal gas mask more, because It looks more badass.
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by TheNightingale » #94701

I prefer the regular (mouth-only) mask, honestly, because I go nicecurity and the SWAT mask clashes with my beret. You can fold the regular mask down too, and still use HALT!, so that's even better.

Maybe the regular type in Security lockers, and the SWAT type in the Warden's Office and HoS's locker? The best of both 'curities.
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by Steelpoint » #94705

Just put both of them in a locker, or make it a preference option in the Setup Screen and put the mask in Officers backpacks.
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by Steelpoint » #94714

There are two other varients of the SWAT gas mask meant for the HoS and Warden respectively, I think the HoS got a golden stripped mask while the Warden got a more blue stripped one.

Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by Malkevin » #94725

MisterPerson wrote:I didn't say there wasn't merit to wanting the mask back, I just said that adding it back to spite Paprika is really, really stupid.
Well to be fair he did 'remove' them to spite me.

I want the original goofy looking full head mask back, just better sprited.
The swat one is a bit too l33t 360noscope tryhard for my liking, I chose the design of the massively oversized ruskie gas masks specifically because it looked comical.



Edit: Managed to find on old screenshot of the old sprites, like I said they weren't the best.
Last edited by Malkevin on Wed Jun 10, 2015 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by Malkevin » #94727

Loonikus wrote:Put the full face ones with the riot gear in the armory and give officers the half face ones in their lockers. I kinda like the more subtle half face masks but its really not a massive deal.

Also, everything CPTANT said. Make three settings on the mask, by default it will just say the basic lines like "Stop right there!" and shit, second setting is what we have now, and third setting is the same as our last setting now. I think there are times for cheesy one liners but sometimes I just want people to stop.
They already have three settings, they are adjustable with a screwdriver:

Code: Select all

/obj/item/clothing/mask/gas/sechailer/attackby(obj/item/weapon/W as obj, mob/user as mob, params)
	if(istype(W, /obj/item/weapon/screwdriver))
				user << "<span class='notice'>You set the restrictor to the middle position.</span>"
				aggressiveness = 2
				user << "<span class='notice'>You set the restrictor to the last position.</span>"
				aggressiveness = 3
				user << "<span class='notice'>You set the restrictor to the first position.</span>"
				aggressiveness = 1
				user << "<span class='danger'>You adjust the restrictor but nothing happens, probably because its broken.</span>"
	else if(istype(W, /obj/item/weapon/wirecutters))
		if(aggressiveness != 4)
			user << "<span class='danger'>You broke it!</span>"
			aggressiveness = 4

	set category = "Object"
	set name = "Adjust Mask"


	set category = "Object"
	set name = "HALT"
	set src in usr
	if(!istype(usr, /mob/living))

	var/phrase = 0	//selects which phrase to use
	var/phrase_text = null
	var/phrase_sound = null

	if(cooldown < world.time - 35) // A cooldown, to stop people being jerks
		switch(aggressiveness)		// checks if the user has unlocked the restricted phrases
				phrase = rand(1,5)	// set the upper limit as the phrase above the first 'bad cop' phrase, the mask will only play 'nice' phrases
				phrase = rand(1,11)	// default setting, set upper limit to last 'bad cop' phrase. Mask will play good cop and bad cop phrases
				phrase = rand(1,18)	// user has unlocked all phrases, set upper limit to last phrase. The mask will play all phrases
				phrase = rand(12,18)	// user has broke the restrictor, it will now only play shitcurity phrases

		switch(phrase)	//sets the properties of the chosen phrase
			if(1)				// good cop
				phrase_text = "HALT! HALT! HALT!"
				phrase_sound = "halt"
				phrase_text = "Stop in the name of the Law."
				phrase_sound = "bobby"
				phrase_text = "Compliance is in your best interest."
				phrase_sound = "compliance"
				phrase_text = "Prepare for justice!"
				phrase_sound = "justice"
				phrase_text = "Running will only increase your sentence."
				phrase_sound = "running"
			if(6)				// bad cop
				phrase_text = "Don't move, Creep!"
				phrase_sound = "dontmove"
				phrase_text = "Down on the floor, Creep!"
				phrase_sound = "floor"
				phrase_text = "Dead or alive you're coming with me."
				phrase_sound = "robocop"
				phrase_text = "God made today for the crooks we could not catch yesterday."
				phrase_sound = "god"
				phrase_text = "Freeze, Scum Bag!"
				phrase_sound = "freeze"
				phrase_text = "Stop right there, criminal scum!"
				phrase_sound = "imperial"
			if(12)				// LA-PD
				phrase_text = "Stop or I'll bash you."
				phrase_sound = "bash"
				phrase_text = "Go ahead, make my day."
				phrase_sound = "harry"
				phrase_text = "Stop breaking the law, ass hole."
				phrase_sound = "asshole"
				phrase_text = "You have the right to shut the fuck up."
				phrase_sound = "stfu"
				phrase_text = "Shut up crime!"
				phrase_sound = "shutup"
				phrase_text = "Face the wrath of the golden bolt."
				phrase_sound = "super"
				phrase_text = "I am, the LAW!"
				phrase_sound = "dredd"

		usr.visible_message("[usr]'s Compli-o-Nator: <font color='red' size='4'><b>[phrase_text]</b></font>")
		playsound(src.loc, "sound/voice/complionator/[phrase_sound].ogg", 100, 0, 4)
		cooldown = world.time
You can also lock it to only the shitcurrity phrases by cutting it with wirecutters, the HoS's swat mask though is already locked to this because Paprika changed it
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #94737

Secmasks should start on setting 1, instead of setting 2, in my opinion
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by CPTANT » #94748

Malkevin wrote:
Loonikus wrote:Put the full face ones with the riot gear in the armory and give officers the half face ones in their lockers. I kinda like the more subtle half face masks but its really not a massive deal.

Also, everything CPTANT said. Make three settings on the mask, by default it will just say the basic lines like "Stop right there!" and shit, second setting is what we have now, and third setting is the same as our last setting now. I think there are times for cheesy one liners but sometimes I just want people to stop.
They already have three settings, they are adjustable with a screwdriver:

Code: Select all

/obj/item/clothing/mask/gas/sechailer/attackby(obj/item/weapon/W as obj, mob/user as mob, params)
	if(istype(W, /obj/item/weapon/screwdriver))
				user << "<span class='notice'>You set the restrictor to the middle position.</span>"
				aggressiveness = 2
				user << "<span class='notice'>You set the restrictor to the last position.</span>"
				aggressiveness = 3
				user << "<span class='notice'>You set the restrictor to the first position.</span>"
				aggressiveness = 1
				user << "<span class='danger'>You adjust the restrictor but nothing happens, probably because its broken.</span>"
	else if(istype(W, /obj/item/weapon/wirecutters))
		if(aggressiveness != 4)
			user << "<span class='danger'>You broke it!</span>"
			aggressiveness = 4

	set category = "Object"
	set name = "Adjust Mask"


	set category = "Object"
	set name = "HALT"
	set src in usr
	if(!istype(usr, /mob/living))

	var/phrase = 0	//selects which phrase to use
	var/phrase_text = null
	var/phrase_sound = null

	if(cooldown < world.time - 35) // A cooldown, to stop people being jerks
		switch(aggressiveness)		// checks if the user has unlocked the restricted phrases
				phrase = rand(1,5)	// set the upper limit as the phrase above the first 'bad cop' phrase, the mask will only play 'nice' phrases
				phrase = rand(1,11)	// default setting, set upper limit to last 'bad cop' phrase. Mask will play good cop and bad cop phrases
				phrase = rand(1,18)	// user has unlocked all phrases, set upper limit to last phrase. The mask will play all phrases
				phrase = rand(12,18)	// user has broke the restrictor, it will now only play shitcurity phrases

		switch(phrase)	//sets the properties of the chosen phrase
			if(1)				// good cop
				phrase_text = "HALT! HALT! HALT!"
				phrase_sound = "halt"
				phrase_text = "Stop in the name of the Law."
				phrase_sound = "bobby"
				phrase_text = "Compliance is in your best interest."
				phrase_sound = "compliance"
				phrase_text = "Prepare for justice!"
				phrase_sound = "justice"
				phrase_text = "Running will only increase your sentence."
				phrase_sound = "running"
			if(6)				// bad cop
				phrase_text = "Don't move, Creep!"
				phrase_sound = "dontmove"
				phrase_text = "Down on the floor, Creep!"
				phrase_sound = "floor"
				phrase_text = "Dead or alive you're coming with me."
				phrase_sound = "robocop"
				phrase_text = "God made today for the crooks we could not catch yesterday."
				phrase_sound = "god"
				phrase_text = "Freeze, Scum Bag!"
				phrase_sound = "freeze"
				phrase_text = "Stop right there, criminal scum!"
				phrase_sound = "imperial"
			if(12)				// LA-PD
				phrase_text = "Stop or I'll bash you."
				phrase_sound = "bash"
				phrase_text = "Go ahead, make my day."
				phrase_sound = "harry"
				phrase_text = "Stop breaking the law, ass hole."
				phrase_sound = "asshole"
				phrase_text = "You have the right to shut the fuck up."
				phrase_sound = "stfu"
				phrase_text = "Shut up crime!"
				phrase_sound = "shutup"
				phrase_text = "Face the wrath of the golden bolt."
				phrase_sound = "super"
				phrase_text = "I am, the LAW!"
				phrase_sound = "dredd"

		usr.visible_message("[usr]'s Compli-o-Nator: <font color='red' size='4'><b>[phrase_text]</b></font>")
		playsound(src.loc, "sound/voice/complionator/[phrase_sound].ogg", 100, 0, 4)
		cooldown = world.time
You can also lock it to only the shitcurrity phrases by cutting it with wirecutters, the HoS's swat mask though is already locked to this because Paprika changed it
Yes and like you can see the lowest option does not always shout actual commands to stop.

"HALT! HALT! HALT!" and "Stop in the name of the Law." are actual commands to stop

"Prepare for justice!" ,"Compliance is in your best interest." and "Running will only increase your sentence." are not commands to stop

The choice should been between "polite" commands to stop "rude" commands to stop (such as the FREEZE SCUMBAG etc) and cheesy oneliners.
Timberpoes wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 3:21 pm The rules exist to create the biggest possible chance of a cool shift of SS13. They don't exist to allow admins to create the most boring interpretation of SS13.
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Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by Scones » #94750

Those look terrible, Malk, no offense

Pushing for this to be merged, we'll sort it out later if it proves to be an issue. I'll look into tweaking hailers themselves based on the feedback here.
plplplplp WOOOOooo hahahhaha

Re: Security Mask Preference

Post by Malkevin » #94775

None taken, I didn't draw them

I'd still like someone to remake the goofy mask sprites
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