[thedragmeme] Pieguy223 - hey, sorry

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[thedragmeme] Pieguy223 - hey, sorry

Post by pieguy » #768733

BYOND account: Pieguy223

Ban/note type (Server Ban/Discord Ban/Forum Ban/Note): Server Ban

Ban/note duration:Permanent

Ban/note reason: "Banned from the server permanently - As a lone op on a low pop round set the nuke timer to eight minutes only after being prompted to do their objectives by another admin and then proceeded to slowly murderbone their way through the station after claiming their intent to muderbone in dead chat. Quote "SAY: Pieguy223/(Jerry Notagan) (DEAD) "if I get lone op I'm not grabbing the disk until everyone on the station is dead" Due to ticket history, ticket accumulation, the fact your last perma ban was over a situation similar to this, and a seemingly lack of an ability to improve their conduct this will be a perma ban."

Time ban was placed: 18:09:47

Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel

Round ID in which ban was placed:185075

Why are you making this appeal? (Put an x in the boxes):
() - The ban/note is factually incorrect
() - The ban/note is not against the rules
() - The ban/note needs modification
() - The ban was unjustifiably harsh
(X) - I was permabanned and I want another chance

Why should this appeal be accepted?:

Hey king, merry christmas, it's me again, It's been nearly three years and I'm willing to swallow my pride. I was a shitter, tider, liar, and general tumor on the community. It's up to you to judge whether you think I can change.

I have a lot to explain here and most of it happened after my ban so let me itemize it:

Hacking/aimbotting: This accusation has absolutely dragged my name through the mud and if nothing else I need to address it in this appeal. It's completely untrue and I'm really not sure why you're so intent on pushing it. You can see me missing multiple clicks in the video. It LOOKED like I wasn't clicking where I was clicking because the cursor was offset to the right due to a known obs recording bug when you only record the ss13 window itself instead of full screen recording, it's the same reason tgui doesn't appear in some of my videos. It goes away in the second half of the video when I stopped and restarted recording. If you pay attention you'd notice that the cursor is a constant distance to the right of where I was clicking because the cursor layer was offset to the right. People have already pointed this out to you in the forums and on discord. I uploaded the full uncut recording and you weren't convinced. I tried to reach out to you in private to discuss this but you didn't respond to any of my messages (below). Tell me what you want me to do to prove that I wasn't hacking.
discord pm
discord pm

Personal Insults: I said some really uncalled for things to you and I regret that. Though, I never insulted you before you publicly labeled me a hacker. You had already permabanned me and then you show up on my channel to call me a hacker. You're a TG admin, your word means something, when you called me a hacker a lot of people just believed you. I had to delete comments on completely unrelated videos. That's why I never uploaded any long gameplay videos after that. Yes, I was an asshole to you after that and I pretended not to care. That was wrong and cringe, I won't try to justify that, but the worst thing I said was' throat my cock' and called you a loser, that's not disproportional to being slandered and labeled a hacker. You even went on OTHER server's forums to accuse me of hacking https://forum.fulp.gg/t/aimbot-use-caug ... era/6524/4 (yes I was already banned on fulp, mostly due to my tg history). This destroyed my reputation, being called a tider is completely different from being called a hacker. I was an asshole to you because this really did effect me despite my fake smug attitude.
youtube comment that started it all
youtube comment that started it all

Vulgar Comments: This went beyond normal insults and I regret it, it was very inappropriate. I said something like "unban me and I'll draw nsfw of your character" in the Manuel discord. I don't know how to draw, it was a bad joke and I regret making you feel uncomfortable, that was too far. I understand that 'it's a joke bro' isn't a valid excuse, there isn't an excuse for this, I'm just sorry and I won't make any comments like it again.

Ban evasion:I evaded a few times, racking up over a hundred hours of playtime on tg. Accounts that didn't get instabanned off the top of my head were Ferrolocus, NeoCiv42, and Freerangee. This was cringe. I really just wanted to play the game but I was disillusioned with the ban appeal process and saw evasion as the only way. I didn't BE out of spite or to grief, I just played like a normal player. That's all I wanted to do.

Lying: I directly lied about ban evading several times. I realize how this reflects on me as a person, there's nothing I can say to justify that.

The Pie Incident: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=32962&p=659815&hil ... us#p659815 Being the only real administrative 'trouble' I got into while ban evading, I can see how this could contradict my 'I just want to play the game' statement. I was right, though. Everyone (including the noting admin eventually) agreed that I was right. The note got removed because I was right. I ask you to not view this in the worst light possible given the context of ban evasion.

The Actual Ban : I stated my case for this in my original appeal but in hindsight it was completely irrelevant. I should have gotten banned earlier because of my consistent shitty tiding. I'm not going to waste your time trying to justify this further then saying it won't happen again and I really do just want to chill.

[b}Lying again:[/b] Lying about ook's vouch was genuinely fucked and probably the worst thing I've done in the ss13 community. I regret burning that bridge, it was a desperate, shitty move. I can't justify that.

The Note History/General Conduct: during my time playing I was a turboshitter. I didn't respect the rules and saw them as an obstacle rather then guidelines to facilitate a healthy environment. Not trying to downplay myself but I've seen far more morally reprehensible shit then me on these boards. I really can't say anything to prove that I've changed, it's not much but look at the standards of conduct I tried to uphold when evading. I want to return to this community honestly and through the proper channels, I've already had a lot of chances but I just ask you for this one more.
Last edited by pieguy on Tue Dec 31, 2024 5:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [thedragmeme] Pieguy223 - hey, sorry

Post by Isratosh » #769021

Hey gamer. Merry Christmas.

thedragmeme is no longer an admin here, so I can consider your ban appeal in their stead.

I appreciate your honesty and the level of detail you have included and owned up to here. It speaks to your integrity and I can find the difference between you and a generic evading griefer. I have not lumped you in to that pile, and I do trust that you have genuinely reflected on these matters.

What I cannot find is a genuine apology towards thedragmeme for your comments and actions towards them. Your attempt comes after long paragraphs of accusing them of lying, rationalizing your words, and placing blame for this situation on their shoulders. I'm not privy to the details and I don't care to be, but I can't imagine thedragmeme taking this in good faith.

From my own perspective, I see a seemingly regretful and honest spaceman with some shitty history across several servers and various identities. You consistently broke our rules while playing here, causing us headache. You evaded our bans multiple times and caused us headache. You came to our forums and lied about vouches, causing us more headache. Your original permanent ban was placed on 2022-06-17, but the more recent evasion alt accounts that I can find have been banned around mid-2023. The only way forward from here that I can see is amnesty based on time passed. You're on the right path so far but I personally want to see more time before I let you back in to our game server. There are still people around here that have been affected by your actions. I hope you can understand my perspective.

Appeal is denied.
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Re: [thedragmeme] Pieguy223 - hey, sorry

Post by pieguy » #769036

Can you at least acknowledge my perspective being falsely and publicly accused of hacking by a TG admin? And if it's at all an option for my case I do want to request a headmin review.

I don't harbor any hostility for drag anymore and I do legitimately regret how childish my reaction was, nothing he did could justify that and I'm not trying to downplay my behavior but the accusation that started it WAS false and it's not like I just went off on him for banning me. At least try to see my perspective after that. The accusation still stands, it was never retracted, I never got an apology for it. People still think I'm a hacker, and all this including the BE still happened over a year ago. I did apologize explicitly for the vulgar and really inappropriate comments I made. I don't want to be a headache, I just want to play like a normal player if you give me that chance.
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Re: [thedragmeme] Pieguy223 - hey, sorry

Post by RaveRadbury » #769042

pieguy wrote: Wed Dec 25, 2024 8:40 pm The Pie Incident: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=32962&p=659815&hil ... us#p659815 Being the only real administrative 'trouble' I got into while ban evading, I can see how this could contradict my 'I just want to play the game' statement. I was right, though. Everyone (including the noting admin eventually) agreed that I was right. The note got removed because I was right. I ask you to not view this in the worst light possible given the context of ban evasion.
Since a ruling I was a part of has been cited, I'd like to clarify, it was overturned with the assumption that you weren't an alt. The accusation was metagrudging. The ruling would be different given that as far as I can recall you were having conflict with those players under your original ckey. The ruling noted that there wasn't substantial evidence at the time. It was outed as your alt shortly afterward.

You went so far as to stoke the policy thread about it in what is now clearly bad faith.
Locust wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 1:58 am
SkeletalElite wrote: Thu Dec 15, 2022 3:25 am In order to meta grudge someone, you have to be griefing them in the first place.

To call pieing someone metagrudging, you first need to justify that hitting the person with the pie was actually grief.
Person from the note here - eloquently put.

It's an obscenity that pieing someone, under any context, could be regarded as something worth admin intervention.

It's an obscenity that I'm effectively being threatened with a ban if I ever throw a pie into the face of certain players ever again. It's blatant admin favoritism if not something more insidious.

I'm not 100% on the history of this group of players because I'm pretty new to /tg/, but apparently they're so hated by the general community that the admins have taken to heavily penalizing anybody who so much as, well, throws a pie at them (see attachments, and see my appeal for full context on the specific incident - I'm not a metagrudger, I played three minor pranks that amounted to less then a minute of inconvenience over the course of a dozen or so rounds.)
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Re: [thedragmeme] Pieguy223 - hey, sorry

Post by pieguy » #769051

RaveRadbury wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2024 1:44 am
pieguy wrote: Wed Dec 25, 2024 8:40 pm The Pie Incident: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=32962&p=659815&hil ... us#p659815 Being the only real administrative 'trouble' I got into while ban evading, I can see how this could contradict my 'I just want to play the game' statement. I was right, though. Everyone (including the noting admin eventually) agreed that I was right. The note got removed because I was right. I ask you to not view this in the worst light possible given the context of ban evasion.
Since a ruling I was a part of has been cited, I'd like to clarify, it was overturned with the assumption that you weren't an alt. The accusation was metagrudging. The ruling would be different given that as far as I can recall you were having conflict with those players under your original ckey. The ruling noted that there wasn't substantial evidence at the time. It was outed as your alt shortly afterward.

You went so far as to stoke the policy thread about it in what is now clearly bad faith.
Locust wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 1:58 am
SkeletalElite wrote: Thu Dec 15, 2022 3:25 am In order to meta grudge someone, you have to be griefing them in the first place.

To call pieing someone metagrudging, you first need to justify that hitting the person with the pie was actually grief.
Person from the note here - eloquently put.

It's an obscenity that pieing someone, under any context, could be regarded as something worth admin intervention.

It's an obscenity that I'm effectively being threatened with a ban if I ever throw a pie into the face of certain players ever again. It's blatant admin favoritism if not something more insidious.

I'm not 100% on the history of this group of players because I'm pretty new to /tg/, but apparently they're so hated by the general community that the admins have taken to heavily penalizing anybody who so much as, well, throws a pie at them (see attachments, and see my appeal for full context on the specific incident - I'm not a metagrudger, I played three minor pranks that amounted to less then a minute of inconvenience over the course of a dozen or so rounds.)
yeah that's pretty bad no defense here I legitimately forgot how much I lied on that account. It was about two years ago I promise I'm not a slug anymore?
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Re: [thedragmeme] Pieguy223 - hey, sorry

Post by Isratosh » #769390

pieguy wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2024 1:13 am Can you at least acknowledge my perspective being falsely and publicly accused of hacking by a TG admin? And if it's at all an option for my case I do want to request a headmin review.
I don't envy your position. I don't know the truth of that situation but it's not a factor in my decision.

I will let the head admins know. Good luck.
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Re: [thedragmeme] Pieguy223 - hey, sorry

Post by pieguy » #769396

Isratosh wrote: Mon Dec 30, 2024 9:35 pm
pieguy wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2024 1:13 am Can you at least acknowledge my perspective being falsely and publicly accused of hacking by a TG admin? And if it's at all an option for my case I do want to request a headmin review.
I don't envy your position. I don't know the truth of that situation but it's not a factor in my decision.

I will let the head admins know. Good luck.
Thanks, and I respect your choice not not consider that situation, but my behavior towards dragmeme IS a factor in this appeal and I think it's relevant to at least show why I acted the way I did.

Without context I'm a completely irrational actor, with context It doesn't make it ok or justified, but it shows that I wasn't just mindlessly feral in being an asshole to the admin who banned me. Whatever that's worth.
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Re: [thedragmeme] Pieguy223 - hey, sorry

Post by GamerAndYeahMick » #770710

Sorry for the delay, it was Christmas and then New Years and most of us have been away, we have decided to not overturn the ban.

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