Syndicate Sleeper, but for an AI in a mod suit

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Joined: Thu Dec 28, 2023 6:22 am
Byond Username: Tostah

Syndicate Sleeper, but for an AI in a mod suit

Post by tostah » #760561

Hear me out,

An AI with control over which drugs get injected into the users' body. Either a drop-down or a few buttons which inject that substance into the user.

The AI can also have a full screen showing the current health of the wearer and what's in their stomach/blood.

I think it would be pretty cool. Maybe just a traitor item though
Joined: Mon Jul 29, 2019 5:56 pm
Byond Username: Carlarc

Re: Syndicate Sleeper, but for an AI in a mod suit

Post by carlarc » #761405

cortical borer... TWO!
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