Byond account and character name OR Discord name: Byond "MatrixOne" character name "Selena Rohrmann"
Admin: Thedragmeme
Detailed summary:
I want to complain about a bwoink that should have been left as an IC issue, and that was instead very inexplicably hostile on the admin's side. The bwoink did not result in a note (it was "left open"), but it caused me a great deal of stress to the point where I wasn't comfortable playing as my static or as CMO for a while. I'd like the admin to at least see why it caused me to feel so bad, so they may potentially soften their approach a bit in the future. I'll summarize what led up to the bwoink and then post a log of the bwoink itself. First the summary of events:
I was the CMO and a toxic chemist took my plumbing tool and welded off the factory. I'll hide their name. It began like this:
I arrived in medbay and after a brief positive interaction with a paramed, I asked if the chemist was making formaldehyde, to which they replied in the negative right away, but I kept up a silly tone none the less:
07:50:31 SAY MatrixOne/(Selena Rohrmann) (mob_3434) "anyone making forma?"
07:50:44 SAY (CHEMIST) (mob_3284) "of course not, that takes silver"
07:50:48 SAY (CHEMIST) (mob_3284) "who would make that"
07:51:00 SAY MatrixOne/(Selena Rohrmann) (mob_3434) "true, sounds boring"
Afterwards, I went to the chem factory to make my compact 8x4 tile sali/oxa setup. The chemist was working there, but far in the right side of the tramstation factory which is also the largest factory space in the game. It was so large that I could barely see them at the edge of my screen. I thought by their forma reply that they'd want to just be left alone, so I started to build my compact factory and was immediately shouted at by the chemist:
07:51:02 SAY (CHEMIST) (mob_3284) "oi"
07:51:05 SAY (CHEMIST) (mob_3284) "my factory!!!"
07:51:08 SAY (CHEMIST) (mob_3284) "fuck off"
07:51:12 SAY MatrixOne/(Selena Rohrmann) (mob_3434) "what?"
07:51:16 SAY (CHEMIST) (mob_3284) "You heard me"
07:51:18 SAY (CHEMIST) (mob_3284) "fuck offf"
07:51:23 SAY MatrixOne/(Selena Rohrmann) (mob_3434) "nope"
07:51:25 SAY (CHEMIST) (mob_3284) "ure taking all my space"
07:51:33 SAY (CHEMIST) (mob_3284) "shoo"
07:51:37 SAY MatrixOne/(Selena Rohrmann) (mob_3434) "nnnope"
07:51:45 SAY MatrixOne/(Selena Rohrmann) (mob_3434) "Should ahve made something useful"
07:51:47 SAY MatrixOne/(Selena Rohrmann) (mob_3434) "as it stands we need meds"
07:52:05 SAY (CHEMIST) (mob_3284) "ith what fucking time, I had to build the fucking cave myself'"
At this point, the chemist picked up the plumbing tool I had set down and bagged it, leaving me unable to continue. I left to print one at the lathe, and the chemist immediately welded down the airlock:
07:52:22 GAME (CHEMIST) (mob_3284) welded airlock Chemistry with the welding tool.
That by itself seemed very strangely out of line, for the chemist to weld a CMO out of the lab, but I assumed it'd just be an IC issue and went to print a welder to open up the airlock. I also conferred with the captain about the whole situation, saying I might need to demote the chemist for welding me out. However, everything was put on hold when I was bwoinked by Thedragmeme with a very sudden and hostile tone.
Please note how suddenly hostile it was, how the admin used strangely toxic phrases like "you're swinging your dick around, it's an asshole move and I'm not gonna tolerate it," and see it in light of the situation described above - a CMO being told to "fuck off" and welded out of their own factory!
The chemist also said I'm taking "all their space" when my factory setup is very small: 36 tiles, which is less than 1/7th of a massive tramstation cave that's at least 220 tiles large and can be excavated even further. I can only guess they must have said something terrible about me and mentioned I took "all" their space in their ahelp, and the admin must have not investigated and simply started off with hostility, as follows:
From Ticket #5 during round 228815 on Manuel:
---- Log Begins ----
2024-05-13 19:54:35: Ticket Opened by thedragmeme: Hey, dont be a dick to your staff. You need to let people have an oppertunity to engage with their job content before you take over their entire space. Just because you're the CMO it dosent mean you can be an ass.
2024-05-13 19:55:20: Reply from matrixone: I need to make a factory and it's my right as CMO, the first thing they told me was to Fuck off. I don't mean to be rude to them but I have a job to do as well, and the cave is huge enough for us both. It was uncalled for them to immediately say to fuck off and to weld down the chem lab when I'm their boss!
2024-05-13 19:56:07: Reply from thedragmeme: You were told to fuck off because with zero communication you got in the way of your chemist who is already in the process of setting up a factory. If you need chemicals quick and in a timely manner you also have access to the pharmacy
2024-05-13 19:56:50: Reply from matrixone: We can work together on the factory, I dont mean to step on their toes I just came in to quickly set up something for the medbay in this huge space that we have shared that we can both use
2024-05-13 19:58:24: Reply from thedragmeme: Then you need to communicate that intent instead of swining your dick around "just because you can", its an asshole move and Im not going to tolerate it. This game relies on communication.
2024-05-13 19:58:59: Reply from matrixone: fair enough, I'll be more communicative next time but please also consider their behavior, I'd like you to fairly assess this and notice the way they spoke to me and how they welded down the pharmacy against me
2024-05-13 20:01:06: Reply from thedragmeme: I am in fact considering their behavior, however this entire thing started because you acted as an instagator. Just remember to communicate with your staff next time. Tram is hell to do factories on because you need to mine out the entire space you need, so when someone just runs up and takes it youve nullified all of that effort.<br />
<br />
While harsh I dont think their reaction is entirely unreasonable.
2024-05-13 20:02:14: SubtleMessage: <a>Thedragmeme</a>/(Vex Petunia-Licht) -> <a>MatrixOne</a>/(Selena Rohrmann) : You feel like you're in danger
2024-05-13 20:04:03: Reply from matrixone: Okay, I'll communicate more in the future. I don't feel like I was the instigator - I simply came in to make a factory and the first thing I heard was to fuck off. Tram's factory is also the largest. I'd say the blame is at least equal on both sides, or I'd hope it to be the case. Anyway, I understand your point and will try to be more communicative, the truth is as CMO I want to do the setup very fast and efficiently so that we have a flow of meds and I can run the medbay. Hope that explains why I kinda ran in fast
2024-05-13 20:05:34: Reply from thedragmeme: Don't feel like this is entirely one sided, Im also speaking to the chemist as well. As a CMO/Command main its really important to talk to people, especially because this is the MRP server
2024-05-13 20:06:52: Reply from matrixone: Understood, and you're right. I honestly didn't even see they were working the factory because they were far on the right side so I just started to put down my setup and then saw they had excavated the tiles to the right side. But in retrospect it's polite to ask if they're using the space and so on
2024-05-13 20:07:13: Reply from thedragmeme: Yep yep, just use this as a learning experience for next time
2024-05-13 20:08:12: Reply from matrixone: Got it. Strangely enough, moments after that incident, I was morphined and teleported out of the station by someone else - I hope that's a case of shared antagging and not metafriending of some kind, just letting you know in any case
2024-05-13 20:08:33: Reply from thedragmeme: That instance was completely unrelated to this conversation, good luck!
2024-05-13 20:09:53: Reply from matrixone: okay sweet. and thank you for not treating it as a one sided thing, I would have felt really bad (I'm a bit new to the CMO role and I do want to do the best I can)
2024-05-13 20:11:35: Reply from thedragmeme: Yeye, if you ever feel unsure dont be afraid to ahelp and ask us for input
2024-05-13 20:12:08: Reply from matrixone: normally I'm worried if I'm being a bother, especially asking about game related things
2024-05-13 20:12:22: Reply from thedragmeme: We are here willingly I promise!
---- No Further Messages ----
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The ticket ended positively because I tried very hard to be as polite as I could, but it left me feeling very stressed and like I was treated badly. I have multiple issues with this, so I'll list them:
1. The immediate hostility.
The admin called me a dick instantly in the bwoink's initial post. And they called me an "ass." Right away I was put on the back foot and treated as the villain instigator, especially when the chemist began insulting me and taking my tools.
2. Factually incorrect things taken as true, their opinion clearly based on the ahelping chemist rather than a simple look at the space.
The first bwoink says I need to let people "engage with their job content before you take over their entire space." As mentioned, my factory setup is less than 1/7th of the unexcavated space of the tramstation factory, so there's no way I could take over their entire space. I would never want to do that to a chemist, they were a screen away! And I felt like the chemist was uninterested in helping me, since when I asked for forma they shut down the request, so I just wanted to quickly make my small setup and go.
3. Admin's hostility and strange swearing continues when my response was as soft as I could make it:
me: "We can work together on the factory, I dont mean to step on their toes I just came in to quickly set up something for the medbay in this huge space that we have shared that we can both use"
admin: "Then you need to communicate that intent instead of swining your dick around "just because you can", its an asshole move and Im not going to tolerate it. This game relies on communication."
The above was what really made me feel terrible. The admin has painted me as a complete intolerable monster and instigator, painting a picture of me "swinging my dick just because I can." The contrast of what has transpired, where I felt like a chemist completely overstepped, swore at me, took my stuff and disrespected me, yet the admin seeing it as me being the complete monster, made me afraid of playing command roles or generally being in the spotlight for a good long time. I haven't played CMO since, and I felt so stressed that I had to switch statics for a while because I was worried of being further targeted by people with no way for me to resolve this IC because of admin reactions like this. It made me feel completely defenseless and targeted, like no one would care to look at the facts of the matter.
It was honestly a terrible feeling, and receiving messages like this from an admin means you can do nothing further IC. If I tried to demote that chemist, I can't even imagine the ire I would draw. Possibly a note or ban. I was pretty much shut down by this admin then and there.
4. Through my responses I managed to make the admin mellow down from "you're swinging your dick you asshole" to "it's not ENTIRELY one sided."
This was a small victory but it doesn't really nullify the horrible tone of the bwoink and the effect it had on me. I'm glad that the admin was able to put the brakes on and recognize that maybe it wasn't completely my fault, but I felt like they just said it to appease me, as they kept making arguments for the toxic chemist's behavior. Speaking of that:
5. Making arguments for the toxic behavior of others.
I found it very strange when the admin began justifying the chemist's language and actions in the bwoink, justifying why I was told to fuck off especially. Once again it was a one sided attack and I felt like there was zero care for me as a player, or for how this affected me at all. It was all about the chemist, and how I felt didn't matter.
And I agreed that more communication would have been good, which I do believe. Since I felt like the admin hated me, I didn't continue the conversation, but the appendix to that should be that I tried to start out by communicating with the chemist with the forma request, but immediately their response was negative, and once our disagreement started the chemist was shouting swear words at me - it's very difficult to communicate in such an environment, and it doesn't feel like they're interested in communication when they get to a point of welding doors and flinging swear words.
6. And finally - this should have been an IC issue all along!
After all this, I'm just left baffled as to why this situation required admin intervention at all. There have been far worse command players than I doing actual "dick swinging" as part of their regular repertoire and it's tolerated or seen as a gimmick, but when I had an argument with a worker and was handling it IC, I was also maliciously ahelped and bwoinked and attacked by the admin, swore at, and painted as the villain. It felt so hostile. So... unnecessary.
So why make this complaint, and what do I hope to achieve here?
Most of all, I wanted Thedragmeme to see my side of the story and to really look at what happened in the shift rather than base it on the chemist's words alone. I've seen thedragmeme play a great CMO, and I believe they care about the medbay gameplay loop, and I'd like to believe that the reason they came down on me so hard was because they imagined a monster that wasn't there, some kind of terrible CMO that just does and takes as she pleases with no care for the crew, and them being an admin who cares for the medbay they came down on me hard to protect that. So my HOPE is that it comes from the right place, even if I disagree with the way it was handled. If Thedragmeme is acting in good faith then perhaps this post will help them mellow down a bit and consider how an admin's words can make someone feel or impact someone in the longer term. As it stands, I felt like I didn't matter at all to them. It doesn't help that on another occasion when I asked to be reassigned from blood brother (and the blood brother agreed), Thedragmeme did the bare minimum to search for another player, then gave up, shrugged and forced me to play it out anyway (ticket #4 in round 227212). So the CMO incident was not the first time I felt like the admin didn't care, it was just the one that affected me the most. But both events undermined my faith in whether my experience matters to admins at all.
So what would I like to be done here?
I'm mostly afraid that Thedragmeme will just come out guns blazing in a reply to this and aggressively double down, as they have in their other admin complaints. What I'd like is some sincere reassurance that they're really here to see the entire story and that they're here to help people out and resolve issues without making the players feel bad. I'd like Thedragmeme to investigate the issues beyond just reading the ahelp, but by going through the logs and seeing how an interaction really played out, because a player who hates me has no reason to be charitable in their ahelp and thus might say things like me taking their "entire" space, etc, and it was very discouraging that the admin just accept that as truth. And finally I'd like Thedragmeme to understand that an interaction like this, even if it doesn't result in a note, can really influence someone. It can be stressful and very negatively impact their enjoyment of the game or the willingness to play a department that we both care about.
Though, as I look at it, the ticket is still "left open" so I guess the funniest ending to this would be if they gave me a huge red note now that I drew attention to that... but I'll try to stay hopeful for a good ending instead!