Watch Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

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Watch Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

Post by Agux909 » #701632

It's really good, I highly encourage you to go watch it if you haven't yet. With friends or family if possible, regardless of how you feel about MCU and Disney (kind of a diamond in the rough situation here). It had me in tears at some parts and I think it hit the mark pretty well in most other aspects (acting, characters, scenography+cgi, plot, etc.)

No need to watch any previous movie (unless you wanna get some context and/or understand references), its a pretty good self-contained one.

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Re: Watch Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

Post by CoffeeDragon16 » #701650

i watched it a couple weeks, i liked guardians 1 and was really bored w guardians 2. i thought it was ok, i liked nathan fillion, adam warlock, rocket's family, they also have hatsune miku in it.
i thought the chris pratt fakeout death at the end sucked, it kinda took out all the emotional impact of the movie for me. it also felt extremely weird that they open it trying to be a serious movie abt starlord's alcoholism & romantic issues and then they drop it two scenes later. i liked that they didn't force starlord and gamora back together, because starlord felt creepy.
i thought it was an alright marvel movie but i don't see why it's a high mark, why do you say that?
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Re: Watch Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

Post by Agux909 » #701653

As I say I feel it hit the mark on most things. Lately Marvel movies have strayed to the same nauseating forced humor and convoluted, nonsensical plots which end up taking unsatisfying paths, or just spend a lot of time doing pointless bullshit which is nothing but fluff. This one seemed to me it was produced in a more serious and professional manner. It looked beautiful without needing to bombard me with CGI every single second, it got gruesome and heart-wrenching when it needed to. The plot made sense and it spent most of its time moving towards the goal, with just a few tangents, and humor well distributed here and there. The charactes felt very human, and most of them got their moment to shine, aside from straight up just being really well-written and doing things that made sense (even secondary or tertiary ones). It's far from perfect but I feel like it was incredibly memorable.

Something about the overall atmosphere made me feel almost instantly a care to the details of the world and character building that I hadn't seen for long in a Marvel movie. A good example which future ones could benefit from.

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Re: Watch Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

Post by Lacran » #701761

Man guardians 3 really left me FLOORED
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