[Vekter] Yobihodazine - frivolous dchat mute

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Byond Username: Yobihodazine

[Vekter] Yobihodazine - frivolous dchat mute

Post by yobihodazine2 » #687636

When and where this incident occured (Game Server, forums, Discord): Game Server
Byond account and character name OR Discord name: Yobihodazine
Admin: Vekter
Detailed summary: banned me from dchat for "malding" after I made comparisons of my being banned for two weeks for putting a guy in red health to him talking about how he'd ban a guy who was telling people to kill themselves and being sexist for "twelve hours". Banned me from Dchat, and mocked me to all the ghosts after he did it.

So here's how this place works:
-put a guy in red health and then bring up a previous altercation(i was blaming the other person's behavior on that altercation) - two week ban
-insist that someone kills themselves and become sexist and misogynistic in chat - 12 hour ban

shows where your priorities are.
where can i get the logs? I'd like to publicize our conversation.
Last edited by yobihodazine2 on Sun May 28, 2023 7:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Vekter] Yobihodazine - frivolous dchat ban

Post by Vekter » #687637

This is the most baseless complaint anyone's ever levied against me.

I didn't ban you from deadchat. I muted you from it for the five or so minutes that round had left because you were bothering people complaining that I didn't ban someone long enough compared to a two week ban you got for metagrudging from almost a year ago that was placed by a completely different admin.

Code: Select all

[2023-05-28 05:47:13] Yobihodazine/(April Endsley) (Bridge (67,128,5)) (Event #0)
(DEAD) "shows where admin priorities are" 
[2023-05-28 05:47:17] Yobihodazine/(April Endsley) (Bridge (67,128,5)) (Event #1)
(DEAD) "feelings > facts"
[2023-05-28 05:48:50] Yobihodazine/(April Endsley) (Bridge (67,128,5)) (Event #2)
(DEAD) ">guy tells poeple to kill themselves, becmoes misogynistic in chat "banned for at least 12 hours" I put a guy in red health for trying to get me arresteed and got banned for two weeks"
[2023-05-28 05:48:55] Yobihodazine/(April Endsley) (Bridge (67,128,5)) (Event #3)
(DEAD) "shittty priorities"
[2023-05-28 05:49:08] Yobihodazine/(April Endsley) (Bridge (67,128,5)) (Event #4)
(DEAD) "no"
[2023-05-28 05:49:16] Yobihodazine/(April Endsley) (Bridge (67,128,5)) (Event #5)
(DEAD) "no"
[2023-05-28 05:49:19] Yobihodazine/(April Endsley) (Bridge (67,128,5)) (Event #6)
(DEAD) "but you're on the sam team bitch"
[2023-05-28 05:49:37] Yobihodazine/(April Endsley) (Bridge (67,128,5)) (Event #7)
(DEAD) "it kinda us"
[2023-05-28 05:49:46] Yobihodazine/(April Endsley) (Bridge (67,128,5)) (Event #8)
(DEAD) "inconsistency is a prblem that all admins should worry abouyt"
[2023-05-28 05:50:50] Yobihodazine/(April Endsley) (Bridge (67,128,5)) (Event #10)
(DEAD) "they're humans"
Admins are allowed to take actions to ensure a round stays fun and discussion stays civil. You brought up something completely unrelated to the matter at hand and I decided deadchat would be better without you until next round.

As for the ticket, I will GLADLY share that with the world.

okay , and why is that?
yobihodazine ➡ Admins
Okay, here's a good example of what I mean when I talk about "an issue of scale". I banned that guy, not because he was malding in OOc, but because he was being a massive cunt. I muted you because you were malding in deadchat.
vekter ➡ yobihodazine
and that' sagainst the rules?~?!?!??!
yobihodazine ➡ vekter
sorry for fuckikng with your reputation, dickface
yobihodazine ➡ vekter
I'm allowed to do what I feel is necessary for the server to keep the peace
vekter ➡ yobihodazine
You were very clearly disturbing everyone else
vekter ➡ yobihodazine
no i was disturbing Malk
yobihodazine ➡ vekter
wtf is your problem
yobihodazine ➡ vekter
power trip
yobihodazine ➡ vekter
Even so, you can take a break from deadchat for the round.
vekter ➡ yobihodazine
fuck you im banned from OOC alreaqdy
yobihodazine ➡ vekter
do ytou have your pant soff? yuou can cum now
yobihodazine ➡ vekter
Vekter wrote:You should be reporting problems because you're wanting to keep the game fair/server healthy, not because you want to see the people who wronged you punished.
Joined: Tue May 03, 2022 3:30 am
Byond Username: Yobihodazine

Re: [Vekter] Yobihodazine - frivolous dchat ban

Post by yobihodazine2 » #687638

"metagrudging" is dead wrong, just because I have a good memory and brought up the previous encounter I had with the guy to put the situation in a new light doesn't make me a metagrudger and that ban was fucking bullshit
Last edited by yobihodazine2 on Sun May 28, 2023 6:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Vekter] Yobihodazine - frivolous dchat ban

Post by Vekter » #687639

yobihodazine2 wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 6:12 am "metagrudging" is DEAD WRONG JUST BECAUSE I HAVE A GOOD MEMORY AND BROUGHT UP A PREVIOUS ALTERCATION DOESN'T MAKE ME A METAGRUDGER and that ban was fucking bullshit
Irrelevant to the complaint.
Vekter wrote:You should be reporting problems because you're wanting to keep the game fair/server healthy, not because you want to see the people who wronged you punished.
Joined: Tue May 03, 2022 3:30 am
Byond Username: Yobihodazine

Re: [Vekter] Yobihodazine - frivolous dchat ban

Post by yobihodazine2 » #687640

it's relevant because anyone who says I am a metagrudger with conviction is a fucking liar
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Re: [Vekter] Yobihodazine - frivolous dchat ban

Post by Vekter » #687641

yobihodazine2 wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 6:15 am it's relevant because anyone who says I am a metagrudger with conviction is a fucking liar
I'm not going to respond to discussion about your ban from a year ago because it's not relevant to the complaint in any way.

Your complaint is about me banning you from deadchat. I didn't ban you from deadchat, I muted you.
Vekter wrote:You should be reporting problems because you're wanting to keep the game fair/server healthy, not because you want to see the people who wronged you punished.
Joined: Tue May 03, 2022 3:30 am
Byond Username: Yobihodazine

Re: [Vekter] Yobihodazine - frivolous dchat ban

Post by yobihodazine2 » #687642

And you did it because you didn't like what I was saying. I'm starting to run out of energy to complain. Yall are like a hive mind anyway, there's no point.
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Byond Username: Yobihodazine

Re: [Vekter] Yobihodazine - frivolous dchat ban

Post by yobihodazine2 » #687643

"oh i only muted you for five minutes calm down" fuck you and your shitty power trip
Joined: Tue May 03, 2022 3:30 am
Byond Username: Yobihodazine

Re: [Vekter] Yobihodazine - frivolous dchat ban

Post by yobihodazine2 » #687644

vekter has an IRON GRIP on who says what!!!! Vekter knows what's appropriate after all! he'd ban a guy for twelve whole hours who insists that others kill themselves and directly calls a woman member of the community a whore multiple times!!
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Re: [Vekter] Yobihodazine - frivolous dchat ban

Post by Cheshify » #687646

Here's the rejected ban appeal for that two-week. Just for context.

Shout out to Riggle
Shout out to Dessysalta
Joined: Tue May 03, 2022 3:30 am
Byond Username: Yobihodazine

Re: [Vekter] Yobihodazine - frivolous dchat ban

Post by yobihodazine2 » #687647

yeah and in all that verbal abuse i at least never told you to fucking kill yourself(because 1: i insult people because im angry and not because i know them and 2: i dont wish death or harm upon anyone, as a personal philosophy) and then I actually DID quit for about nine months I will never let that shit go because you took what I said and ran with it just to fuck me over.
Last edited by yobihodazine2 on Sun May 28, 2023 7:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Vekter] Yobihodazine - frivolous dchat ban

Post by Archie700 » #687648

Per OOC and Deadchat logs


Before Vekter came in, there was Jarvis01 being a complete tool in OOC, so I'm censoring the logs for NSFW and removing anyone else named there.

Code: Select all

[2023-05-28 05:12:09.809] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "whoever chose North Star, go kill yourself" (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (99,111,2))
[2023-05-28 05:12:12.456] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "now" (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (99,111,2))
[2023-05-28 05:12:32.182] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "ok buddy" (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (99,118,2))
[2023-05-28 05:12:52.205] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "YEAH?" (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (98,118,2))
[2023-05-28 05:13:26.215] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "[REDACTED] you pay for the byond thing?" (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (98,118,2))
[2023-05-28 05:13:28.093] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "yikes" (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (98,118,2))
[2023-05-28 05:13:38.116] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "loyal patron" (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (98,118,2))
[2023-05-28 05:13:49.191] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "you must play very often" (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (95,118,2))
[2023-05-28 05:13:54.932] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "too often" (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (95,118,2))
[2023-05-28 05:14:22.187] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "you absolute basement dweller" (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (100,118,2))
[2023-05-28 05:14:34.750] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "you disgust me [REDACTED]" (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (104,117,2))
[2023-05-28 05:14:45.507] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "nasty pig bitch" (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (103,116,2))
[2023-05-28 05:15:24.149] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "no" (First Floor Fore Hallway (97,129,2))
[2023-05-28 05:15:28.334] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "I feel its not enough" (First Floor Fore Hallway (97,129,2))
[2023-05-28 05:15:34.131] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "its not sufficient" (First Floor Fore Hallway (99,129,2))
[2023-05-28 05:15:44.297] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "he must be destroyed" (First Floor Fore Hallway (103,129,2))
[2023-05-28 05:16:00.720] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "you're dont have permission to talk [REDACTED]" (First Floor Fore Hallway (99,129,2))
[2023-05-28 05:16:08.912] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "you" (First Floor Fore Hallway (103,129,2))
[2023-05-28 05:16:14.060] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "*" (First Floor Fore Hallway (97,129,2))
[2023-05-28 05:16:29.482] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "yeah ok, I made a mistake and now you're on my dick about it" (First Floor Fore Hallway (106,129,2))
[2023-05-28 05:16:39.856] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "grab what you can grab you nasty whore" (First Floor Fore Hallway (102,129,2))
[2023-05-28 05:17:02.017] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "yeah?" (First Floor Fore Hallway (111,129,2))
[2023-05-28 05:17:21.267] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "A whore?" (First Floor Fore Hallway (112,129,2))
[2023-05-28 05:17:28.803] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "ok, here's the dickriding crew" (First Floor Fore Hallway (115,128,2))
[2023-05-28 05:17:33.757] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "sand paper glazing" (First Floor Fore Hallway (113,128,2))
[2023-05-28 05:17:54.622] GAME-SAY: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "eh" (First Floor Fore Hallway (110,128,2))
[2023-05-28 05:17:58.081] GAME-SAY: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "im just pacinhg" (First Floor Fore Hallway (110,128,2))
[2023-05-28 05:18:23.567] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "feelings hurt?" (First Floor Fore Hallway (94,127,2))
[2023-05-28 05:18:32.900] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "are your feelings hurt [REDACTED]?" (First Floor Fore Hallway (94,127,2))
[2023-05-28 05:18:44.934] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "[REDACTED]" (First Floor Fore Hallway (94,127,2))
[2023-05-28 05:18:58.440] GAME-SAY: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "[REDACTED]" (First Floor Fore Hallway (94,127,2))
[2023-05-28 05:19:02.452] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "[REDACTED]" (First Floor Fore Hallway (96,126,2))
[2023-05-28 05:19:05.207] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "thats quite nasty" (First Floor Fore Hallway (96,126,2))
[2023-05-28 05:19:12.003] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "even worse than a whore" (First Floor Fore Hallway (96,126,2))
[2023-05-28 05:19:46.407] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "yeah, I didnt call you a whore" (First Floor Fore Hallway (117,126,2))
[2023-05-28 05:19:56.925] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "I made a comparison between [REDACTED] and being a whore" (First Floor Fore Hallway (117,126,2))
[2023-05-28 05:20:01.017] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "I did not call you a whore" (First Floor Fore Hallway (117,126,2))
[2023-05-28 05:21:00.209] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "yes" (First Floor Aft Hallway (151,135,2))
[2023-05-28 05:22:35.783] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "I like to acquire [REDACTED] tears in a small container, particularly glass, and take tiny sips of it. I like to enjoy EVERY bit." (First Floor Aft Hallway (151,135,2))
[2023-05-28 05:22:54.966] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "It's quite a special beverage" (First Floor Aft Hallway (123,129,2))
[2023-05-28 05:23:22.544] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "did you pull that out of your ass [REDACTED]?" (First Floor Aft Hallway (154,135,2))
[2023-05-28 05:23:32.011] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "what makes me twelve saying that?" (First Floor Aft Hallway (154,135,2))
[2023-05-28 05:23:44.778] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "why specifically twelve?" (First Floor Aft Hallway (151,135,2))
[2023-05-28 05:24:45.814] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "It took you a while to write that? Do you need to go to bed?" (First Floor Aft Hallway (151,135,2))
[2023-05-28 05:25:12.740] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "also, that would make your claim bad. You didn't explain why it makes me twelve." (First Floor Aft Hallway (151,135,2))
[2023-05-28 05:25:33.733] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "So, pipe down, and speak when spoken to." (First Floor Aft Hallway (151,135,2))
[2023-05-28 05:25:37.387] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "Bitch" (First Floor Aft Hallway (151,135,2))
[2023-05-28 05:26:31.466] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "Exactly" (First Floor Aft Hallway (151,135,2))
[2023-05-28 05:26:36.436] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "Good bitch" (First Floor Aft Hallway (151,135,2))
[2023-05-28 05:27:21.012] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "where the fuck did you come from [REDACTED]? You are literally out of the conversation." (First Floor Aft Hallway (142,129,2))
[2023-05-28 05:27:35.242] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "if you don't want your feelings hurt, then shut the fuck up." (Primary Tool Storage (146,133,2))
[2023-05-28 05:27:57.520] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "Go outside? are you fucking kidding? Look what you're playing." (Primary Tool Storage (146,136,2))
[2023-05-28 05:28:06.992] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "nobody here goes outside" (Primary Tool Storage (144,136,2))
[2023-05-28 05:28:47.243] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "I actually do shit with my life. This is just an activity that's fun to me that I do from time to time." (Primary Tool Storage (145,136,2))
[2023-05-28 05:29:03.231] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "ou on the other hand, use it to boost your ego and feel a sense of power." (Primary Tool Storage (145,136,2))
[2023-05-28 05:29:17.874] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "So [REDACTED], like I said, shut up." (Primary Tool Storage (145,136,2))
[2023-05-28 05:29:29.489] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "no [REDACTED]" (Primary Tool Storage (145,136,2))
[2023-05-28 05:29:37.489] GAME-EMOTE: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) n I just told you im not talking to you (Primary Tool Storage (144,136,2))
[2023-05-28 05:30:03.751] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "you butted in on a conversation you weren't even apart of" (Primary Tool Storage (144,136,2))
[2023-05-28 05:30:10.081] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "do you want to feel included?" (Primary Tool Storage (144,136,2))
[2023-05-28 05:30:13.148] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "we can chat" (Primary Tool Storage (144,136,2))
[2023-05-28 05:30:15.775] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "chat all day" (Primary Tool Storage (144,136,2))
[2023-05-28 05:30:35.601] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "then ignore the chat?" (First Floor Aft Hallway (150,128,2))
[2023-05-28 05:30:43.961] GAME-SAY: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "you silly bastard" (First Floor Aft Hallway (150,128,2))
[2023-05-28 05:31:17.649] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "who would have thought that if you mute the ooc chat you wouldnt get booty tickled?" (Primary Tool Storage (145,136,2))
[2023-05-28 05:31:27.536] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "that's crazy!" (First Floor Aft Hallway (144,128,2))
[2023-05-28 05:31:40.980] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "Well, it's obvious you didn't." (Primary Tool Storage (145,136,2))
[2023-05-28 05:31:55.081] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "Now I have to get the belt and beat your little ass for disobeying me." (Primary Tool Storage (145,136,2))
[2023-05-28 05:32:26.017] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "or a belt" (First Floor Aft Hallway (135,129,2))
[2023-05-28 05:32:53.265] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "Look, you are disobeying me." (First Floor Aft Hallway (123,128,2))
[2023-05-28 05:32:58.833] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "pretty much" (First Floor Aft Hallway (125,128,2))
[2023-05-28 05:33:06.071] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "yes" (First Floor Fore Hallway (118,128,2))
[2023-05-28 05:33:09.128] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "you're my bitch" (First Floor Fore Hallway (118,128,2))
[2023-05-28 05:33:27.123] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "can you?" (First Floor Fore Hallway (106,129,2))
[2023-05-28 05:33:34.259] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "Can you?" (First Floor Fore Hallway (106,129,2))
[2023-05-28 05:34:00.284] GAME-OOC: Jarvis01/(Monty Aleksleev) "Like I said [REDACTED], I will beat you" (First Floor Fore Hallway (83,127,2))

Vekter's words after he came in and banned Jarvis01

Code: Select all

[2023-05-28 05:44:42.903] GAME-OOC: Vekter/(Alastor Grissom) "okay he's gone for the night" (Bridge (67,126,5))
[2023-05-28 05:44:45.025] GAME-SAY: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) (DEAD) "reduced to atoms" (Cyborg Mothership (36,65,5))
[2023-05-28 05:44:51.540] GAME-OOC: Wubli/(Madeleine Siegrist) "wow" (Second Floor Fore Hallway (116,128,3))
[2023-05-28 05:44:55.910] GAME-OOC: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) "who?" (Cyborg Mothership (36,65,5))
[2023-05-28 05:44:57.416] GAME-OOC: Wubli/(Madeleine Siegrist) "did they double down" (Second Floor Fore Hallway (116,128,3))
[2023-05-28 05:45:00.711] GAME-OOC: Vekter/(Alastor Grissom) "BIG TIME" (Bridge (67,126,5))
[2023-05-28 05:45:05.586] GAME-OOC: Wubli/(Madeleine Siegrist) "thats amazing" (Second Floor Fore Hallway (116,128,3))
[2023-05-28 05:45:11.499] GAME-OOC: Game_And_Glitch3/(Le Froggo) "did you ban them" (Lower Science Division (119,137,3))
[2023-05-28 05:45:20.717] GAME-OOC: DOOMForever/(June Sandford) "i really think it should have been a ban, he was being very uncomfortable and just generally gross" (Cryogenics (138,117,3))
[2023-05-28 05:45:27.923] GAME-SAY: Xprtdrt/(Carl Gazz) (DEAD) "im so glad that two cultists walked by while i was trying to convert the mime" (Second Floor Fore Hallway (116,135,3))
[2023-05-28 05:45:29.906] GAME-SAY: Game_And_Glitch3/(Le Froggo) (DEAD) "sorry you got killed trying to save me D.E.R.P and i stilled died" (Genetics Lab (119,132,3))
[2023-05-28 05:45:34.071] GAME-OOC: Faustiansteal/(Cyrus Ledoux) "the power of ego driven idiocy is real" (Cyborg Mothership (36,65,5))
[2023-05-28 05:45:37.380] GAME-SAY: Xprtdrt/(Carl Gazz) (DEAD) "without helping" (Second Floor Fore Hallway (116,135,3))
[2023-05-28 05:45:37.931] GAME-OOC: Vekter/(Alastor Grissom) "Yes, if you tell people to kill themselves and then go full-on sexist bullshit in OOC I'm going to ban you for at least 12 hours" (Bridge (67,126,5))
[2023-05-28 05:45:41.272] GAME-SAY: Aoeeee/(Anth) (DEAD) "idk i just never have the will to do something evil" (2nd Floor Central Starboard Maint (132,149,3))
[2023-05-28 05:45:56.611] GAME-SAY: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) (DEAD) "its hard to get the will" (2nd Floor Central Starboard Maint (124,147,3))
[2023-05-28 05:45:57.619] GAME-OOC: Krealition/(Wes Forze) "a full on ban is dumb" (Virology (141,142,3))
[2023-05-28 05:46:00.075] GAME-OOC: Krealition/(Wes Forze) "we're not goon" (Virology (141,142,3))
[2023-05-28 05:46:01.251] GAME-OOC: DOOMForever/(June Sandford) "didnt tell anyone to kill themselves i dont think?" (Cryogenics (138,117,3))
[2023-05-28 05:46:02.195] GAME-SAY: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) (DEAD) "imagine there are 3 cargo techs and you" (2nd Floor Central Starboard Maint (115,153,3))
[2023-05-28 05:46:02.942] GAME-OOC: Aoeeee/(Anth) "haha yeah who would try to do the first part of that" (2nd Floor Central Starboard Maint (114,153,3))
[2023-05-28 05:46:03.195] GAME-OOC: Vekter/(Alastor Grissom) "Absolutely not" (Bridge (67,126,5))
[2023-05-28 05:46:08.796] GAME-SAY: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) (DEAD) "NONE of those techs will ever be on there own" (2nd Floor Fore Starboard Maint (111,152,3))
[2023-05-28 05:46:11.531] GAME-SAY: Rotax/(Ren Ataski) (DEAD) "Really" (2nd Floor Fore Starboard Maint (113,155,3))
[2023-05-28 05:46:11.974] GAME-OOC: Vekter/(Alastor Grissom) "There is no defending his behavior" (Bridge (67,126,5))
[2023-05-28 05:46:14.057] GAME-SAY: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) (DEAD) "order a mosin" (2nd Floor Fore Starboard Maint (111,152,3))
[2023-05-28 05:46:14.319] GAME-OOC: Wubli/(Madeleine Siegrist) "if someone asks you directly to stop calling them a whore and you keep going" (Fourth Floor Fore Hallway (104,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:46:16.194] GAME-SAY: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) (DEAD) "shoot them all dead" (2nd Floor Fore Starboard Maint (113,152,3))
[2023-05-28 05:46:21.711] GAME-OOC: Wubli/(Madeleine Siegrist) "and then tell someone else about how youre going to "hit them with a belt"" (Fourth Floor Fore Hallway (104,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:46:24.550] GAME-OOC: DOOMForever/(June Sandford) "goon is so strict i swear to god" (Cryogenics (138,117,3))
[2023-05-28 05:46:24.896] GAME-OOC: Wubli/(Madeleine Siegrist) "yeah, id' say youre pretty fucked up" (Fourth Floor Fore Hallway (104,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:46:25.818] GAME-SAY: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) (DEAD) "dont flinch" (2nd Floor Central Starboard Maint (116,153,3))
[2023-05-28 05:46:28.418] GAME-SAY: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) (DEAD) "go fast" (2nd Floor Central Starboard Maint (116,153,3))
[2023-05-28 05:46:29.565] GAME-SAY: BelgiumDoggo/(Melk Lantern) (DEAD) "Hahahahaha" (2nd Floor Central Starboard Maint (114,153,3))
Yobi's deadchat with the benefit of others

Code: Select all

[2023-05-28 05:47:13.890] GAME-SAY: Yobihodazine/(April Endsley) (DEAD) "shows where admin priorities are" (Bridge (67,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:47:16.528] GAME-OOC: Krealition/(Wes Forze) "goon just have horrid balancing too" (Genetics Lab (123,131,3))
[2023-05-28 05:47:16.584] GAME-OOC: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) "in retrospect it was just WAY to restrictive" (Medbay Lobby (148,119,3))
[2023-05-28 05:47:17.724] GAME-SAY: Yobihodazine/(April Endsley) (DEAD) "feelings > facts" (Bridge (67,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:47:18.675] GAME-OOC: Allcity/(Dolores Rose) "what happened who malded" (Third Floor Aft Hallway (151,127,4))
[2023-05-28 05:47:18.735] GAME-OOC: Krealition/(Wes Forze) "has" (Second Floor Fore Hallway (110,131,3))
[2023-05-28 05:47:22.753] GAME-SAY: Rotax/(Ren Ataski) (DEAD) "what were you then" (Medbay Storage (143,111,3))
[2023-05-28 05:47:23.096] GAME-OOC: Krealition/(Wes Forze) "imagine keeping tasers" (Research and Development (101,131,3))
[2023-05-28 05:47:25.288] GAME-OOC: DOOMForever/(June Sandford) "theyre opensource right? or closed?" (2nd Floor Aft Starboard Maint (171,144,3))
[2023-05-28 05:47:28.653] GAME-OOC: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) "closed" (Teleporter Room (91,117,5))
[2023-05-28 05:47:29.964] GAME-SAY: Rotax/(Ren Ataski) (DEAD) "if not cult" (Teleporter Room (93,119,5))
[2023-05-28 05:47:31.785] GAME-OOC: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) "right?" (Teleporter Room (93,119,5))
[2023-05-28 05:47:33.353] GAME-SAY: Rotax/(Ren Ataski) (DEAD) "because you bombed medbay." (Teleporter Room (93,119,5))
[2023-05-28 05:47:33.907] GAME-OOC: Game_And_Glitch3/(Cactus) "i used to play on goon only, i didnt know how to get to TG" (Unexplored Location (182,206,6))
[2023-05-28 05:47:37.317] GAME-SAY: BelgiumDoggo/(Melk Lantern) (DEAD) "Tator Tot" (Teleporter Room (93,119,5))
[2023-05-28 05:47:42.037] GAME-OOC: Krealition/(Wes Forze) "and their stun batons have no cooldown" (Auxiliary Lab (88,132,3))
[2023-05-28 05:47:43.018] GAME-OOC: Game_And_Glitch3/(Cactus) "now whenveer i type T into my browser im taken to join page" (Unexplored Location (182,206,6))
[2023-05-28 05:47:45.495] GAME-SAY: Rotax/(Ren Ataski) (DEAD) "Cult is a station wide threat" (Teleporter Room (93,119,5))
[2023-05-28 05:47:48.161] GAME-SAY: Rotax/(Ren Ataski) (DEAD) "You could have helped u" (Teleporter Room (93,119,5))
[2023-05-28 05:47:48.510] GAME-OOC: Game_And_Glitch3/(Cactus) "THEIR STUNBATONS HWAT?" (Unexplored Location (182,206,6))
[2023-05-28 05:47:50.208] GAME-SAY: Rotax/(Ren Ataski) (DEAD) "us" (Teleporter Room (93,119,5))
[2023-05-28 05:47:54.093] GAME-OOC: Krealition/(Wes Forze) "you heard me" (Second Floor Fore Hallway (98,129,3))
[2023-05-28 05:47:54.165] GAME-SAY: BelgiumDoggo/(Melk Lantern) (DEAD) "I was" (Teleporter Room (94,120,5))
[2023-05-28 05:47:56.818] GAME-OOC: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) "yeah its awful" (Fourth Floor Fore Hallway (96,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:47:57.453] GAME-SAY: BelgiumDoggo/(Melk Lantern) (DEAD) "I blew up their shit" (Fourth Floor Fore Hallway (96,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:47:57.785] GAME-OOC: Armodias/(Shade of Charley Quinn) "If your first few messages to the server are to kill themselves, then idk how you can improve from there." (Second Floor Fore Hallway (98,127,3))
[2023-05-28 05:47:59.747] GAME-OOC: Krealition/(Wes Forze) "stun batons on goon have no cd" (Second Floor Fore Hallway (98,129,3))
[2023-05-28 05:48:00.934] GAME-SAY: Aoeeee/(Anth) (DEAD) "the facts say i dunno what to do when im told to be impostor amogus" (2nd Floor Central Starboard Maint (127,152,3))
[2023-05-28 05:48:04.401] GAME-SAY: BelgiumDoggo/(Melk Lantern) (DEAD) "After killing a good lot of you" (Fourth Floor Fore Hallway (96,127,5))
[2023-05-28 05:48:04.751] GAME-OOC: DOOMForever/(June Sandford) "oh shit i remember that" (2nd Floor Aft Starboard Maint (157,149,3))
[2023-05-28 05:48:10.086] GAME-OOC: Vekter/(Alastor Grissom) "Krealition if you act like a complete ass in OOC, doing shit like telling people to kill themselves, calling a female member of the community a whore and telling them to "not speak unless spoken to" then I don't want you here" (Bridge (67,126,5))
[2023-05-28 05:48:13.420] GAME-OOC: Faustiansteal/(Cyrus Ledoux) "yeah there was never a stun nerf there" (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (92,117,2))
[2023-05-28 05:48:17.281] GAME-OOC: Krealition/(Wes Forze) "what???" (Second Floor Aft Hallway (129,129,3))
[2023-05-28 05:48:19.383] GAME-OOC: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) "i remember chairflipping and how horrifically unbalanced it was." (Third Floor Fore Hallway (118,133,4))
[2023-05-28 05:48:21.043] GAME-OOC: Qfmysteryman23/(revenant (562)) "what" (Second Floor Fore Hallway (118,127,3))
[2023-05-28 05:48:21.553] GAME-OOC: Rotax/(Ren Ataski) "damn" (Second Floor Fore Hallway (117,133,3))
[2023-05-28 05:48:22.109] GAME-OOC: Game_And_Glitch3/(Cactus) "goon has ONE good thing, ONE (aside from being goofy) the murderboxe" (Unexplored Location (182,206,6))
[2023-05-28 05:48:23.280] GAME-OOC: Vekter/(Alastor Grissom) "You said "a full on ban is dumb"" (Bridge (67,126,5))
[2023-05-28 05:48:23.845] GAME-OOC: Wubli/(Madeleine Siegrist) "i dont think he knew im a woman to be fair, it isnt so much about that" (Fourth Floor Fore Hallway (104,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:48:25.378] GAME-OOC: Krealition/(Wes Forze) "What the fuck did i do???" (Second Floor Aft Hallway (129,129,3))
[2023-05-28 05:48:25.385] GAME-SAY: BelgiumDoggo/(Melk Lantern) (DEAD) "Plus I didn't give 2 fucks about cult since they couldn't do anything to me." (Science Lobby (109,137,3))
[2023-05-28 05:48:27.230] GAME-OOC: Whotookgaming/(Dave Johnson) "Stuns on goon is absurdly strong" (2nd Floor Central Starboard Maint (116,152,3))
[2023-05-28 05:48:30.854] GAME-OOC: Rotax/(Ren Ataski) "WAIT" (Science Lobby (107,138,3))
[2023-05-28 05:48:30.901] GAME-OOC: Wubli/(Madeleine Siegrist) "i just was like "hey dude can you not call me tha tplease"" (Fourth Floor Fore Hallway (104,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:48:33.869] GAME-OOC: Rotax/(Ren Ataski) "WUBLI IS A WOMAN?" (Science Lobby (96,143,3))
[2023-05-28 05:48:34.556] GAME-OOC: DOOMForever/(June Sandford) "i was kicking sec ass to cause a riot as a flavor text objective and then got stunned like 8 times" (2nd Floor Aft Starboard Maint (157,149,3))
[2023-05-28 05:48:37.356] GAME-OOC: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) "one clown murders the entirety of sec because they had a chair" (Research and Development (103,134,3))
[2023-05-28 05:48:38.021] GAME-SAY: BelgiumDoggo/(Melk Lantern) (DEAD) "I already slaughtered almost everyone else anyways." (Research and Development (104,133,3))
[2023-05-28 05:48:38.268] GAME-OOC: Wubli/(Madeleine Siegrist) "correct rotax" (Fourth Floor Fore Hallway (104,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:48:42.929] GAME-OOC: Qfmysteryman23/(revenant (562)) "Don't call them bitches" (Second Floor Fore Hallway (118,127,3))
[2023-05-28 05:48:43.698] GAME-OOC: Vekter/(Alastor Grissom) "I could have banned him from just OOC but that wouldn't fix the issue" (Bridge (67,126,5))
[2023-05-28 05:48:45.756] GAME-OOC: Rotax/(Ren Ataski) ">_>" (Research and Development (104,133,3))
[2023-05-28 05:48:50.904] GAME-SAY: Yobihodazine/(April Endsley) (DEAD) ">guy tells poeple to kill themselves, becmoes misogynistic in chat "banned for at least 12 hours" I put a guy in red health for trying to get me arresteed and got banned for two weeks" (Bridge (67,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:48:51.429] GAME-SAY: Aoeeee/(Anth) (DEAD) "a true chaotic neutral force" (2nd Floor Central Starboard Maint (125,147,3))
[2023-05-28 05:48:52.384] GAME-OOC: Rotax/(Ren Ataski) "first time i'm hearing this" (Science Lobby (96,141,3))
[2023-05-28 05:48:52.836] GAME-OOC: Vekter/(Alastor Grissom) "so they get half a day to go cool down" (Bridge (67,126,5))
[2023-05-28 05:48:55.728] GAME-SAY: Yobihodazine/(April Endsley) (DEAD) "shittty priorities" (Bridge (67,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:49:01.934] GAME-SAY: GlorifiedChickenSandwich/(Got-The-Stuffs) (DEAD) "aww" (1st Floor Fore Starboard Maint (75,141,2))
[2023-05-28 05:49:02.346] GAME-SAY: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) (DEAD) "what are you talking about?" (Science Lobby (110,137,3))
[2023-05-28 05:49:03.671] GAME-SAY: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) (DEAD) "goon?" (Lower Science Division (117,137,3))
[2023-05-28 05:49:06.072] GAME-SAY: Xprtdrt/(Carl Gazz) (DEAD) "thats the cult gone" (1st Floor Fore Starboard Maint (75,141,2))
[2023-05-28 05:49:07.986] GAME-OOC: DOOMForever/(June Sandford) "i like their little vr game" (2nd Floor Aft Starboard Maint (157,149,3))
[2023-05-28 05:49:08.295] GAME-SAY: Yobihodazine/(April Endsley) (DEAD) "no" (Bridge (67,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:49:08.549] GAME-OOC: Game_And_Glitch3/(Cactus) "difference between gamemaster and gameadmin?" (Unexplored Location (179,208,6))
[2023-05-28 05:49:08.703] GAME-COMPAT: ADMIN: DSAY: Vekter/(Alastor Grissom) "oh I'm sorry I don't recall being the one who banned you for two weeks" (Bridge (67,126,5))
[2023-05-28 05:49:09.784] GAME-OOC: DOOMForever/(June Sandford) "its fun" (2nd Floor Aft Starboard Maint (157,149,3))
[2023-05-28 05:49:11.719] GAME-OOC: Wubli/(Madeleine Siegrist) "well rotax people dont normally say their gender" (Fourth Floor Fore Hallway (104,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:49:14.950] GAME-OOC: Krealition/(Wes Forze) "oh i thought you permabanned him" (Second Floor Fore Hallway (112,129,3))
[2023-05-28 05:49:15.959] GAME-OOC: Wubli/(Madeleine Siegrist) "gamemaster means i was once a head admin" (Fourth Floor Fore Hallway (104,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:49:16.685] GAME-SAY: Yobihodazine/(April Endsley) (DEAD) "no" (Bridge (67,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:49:18.165] GAME-OOC: Krealition/(Wes Forze) "which goon does" (Second Floor Fore Hallway (88,129,3))
[2023-05-28 05:49:19.918] GAME-SAY: Yobihodazine/(April Endsley) (DEAD) "but you're on the sam team bitch" (Bridge (67,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:49:20.415] GAME-OOC: Game_And_Glitch3/(Cactus) "ah" (Unexplored Location (178,218,6))
[2023-05-28 05:49:22.417] GAME-OOC: Vekter/(Alastor Grissom) "No, he didn't get that bad" (Bridge (67,126,5))
[2023-05-28 05:49:24.435] GAME-OOC: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) "goons killbox was fun" (Science Lobby (94,142,3))
[2023-05-28 05:49:31.013] GAME-OOC: Vekter/(Alastor Grissom) "I probably could've but I reckon he's probably drunk or something" (Bridge (67,126,5))
[2023-05-28 05:49:32.441] GAME-SAY: BelgiumDoggo/(Melk Lantern) (DEAD) "April that sounds a lot like NOT THEIR FUCKING PROBLEM" (Auxiliary Lab (88,132,3))
[2023-05-28 05:49:35.237] GAME-OOC: Qfmysteryman23/(revenant (562)) "Dont call them bitches man" (Second Floor Fore Hallway (112,128,3))
[2023-05-28 05:49:37.703] GAME-SAY: Yobihodazine/(April Endsley) (DEAD) "it kinda us" (Bridge (67,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:49:38.099] GAME-OOC: Vekter/(Alastor Grissom) "so he can cool off and come back tomorrow" (Bridge (67,126,5))
[2023-05-28 05:49:39.343] GAME-OOC: Aoeeee/(Anth) "what if he isnt drunk tho" (Abandoned Research Lab (122,143,3))
[2023-05-28 05:49:40.586] GAME-OOC: Qfmysteryman23/(revenant (562)) "Stop racism" (Second Floor Fore Hallway (116,127,3))
[2023-05-28 05:49:41.795] GAME-SAY: BelgiumDoggo/(Melk Lantern) (DEAD) "Isn't*" (Research and Development (98,136,3))
[2023-05-28 05:49:46.009] GAME-SAY: Yobihodazine/(April Endsley) (DEAD) "inconsistency is a prblem that all admins should worry abouyt" (Bridge (67,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:49:46.724] GAME-OOC: Wubli/(Madeleine Siegrist) "then he'll do it agian and ge banned for it" (Fourth Floor Fore Hallway (104,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:49:47.184] GAME-OOC: Rotax/(Ren Ataski) "Half of the people here play like they are drunk or on something" (Second Floor Fore Hallway (100,128,3))
[2023-05-28 05:49:57.014] GAME-OOC: Qfmysteryman23/(revenant (562)) "You aren't wrong" (Second Floor Aft Hallway (125,127,3))
[2023-05-28 05:49:57.931] GAME-OOC: Wubli/(Madeleine Siegrist) "people call eachother sluts and whores here all the time. issue is when they tell you not to and you keep going lol" (Fourth Floor Fore Hallway (104,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:50:02.247] GAME-OOC: DOOMForever/(June Sandford) "you play worse sober" (2nd Floor Central Starboard Maint (136,153,3))
[2023-05-28 05:50:03.367] GAME-OOC: Qfmysteryman23/(revenant (562)) "half the time Im on here, im high" (Second Floor Aft Hallway (125,127,3))
[2023-05-28 05:50:06.617] GAME-OOC: Krealition/(Wes Forze) "anyways yeah on goon stun batons dont have cooldown" (Science Break Room (97,144,3))
[2023-05-28 05:50:09.933] GAME-SAY: FREDTHE2ND/(Holoman) (DEAD) "fuck" (Second Floor Fore Hallway (82,128,3))
[2023-05-28 05:50:14.866] GAME-OOC: Krealition/(Wes Forze) "and still stun in two hits" (Science Lobby (102,141,3))
[2023-05-28 05:50:20.025] GAME-OOC: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) "wild" (Dorms Apartment 2 (144,121,4))
[2023-05-28 05:50:20.128] GAME-SAY: FREDTHE2ND/(Holoman) (DEAD) "where was it?" (Second Floor Fore Hallway (73,128,3))
[2023-05-28 05:50:20.179] GAME-SAY: BelgiumDoggo/(Melk Lantern) (DEAD) "Have you ever heard of the magical thing called ADMIN having their own opinions on things?" (Second Floor Aft Hallway (156,123,3))
[2023-05-28 05:50:28.220] GAME-OOC: Game_And_Glitch3/(Cactus) "oh and, whats the cooldown for stunbatons? 1 second? half second?" (Unexplored Location (179,209,6))
[2023-05-28 05:50:28.950] GAME-OOC: Rotax/(Ren Ataski) "tom foolery" (Second Floor Aft Hallway (163,125,3))
[2023-05-28 05:50:29.549] GAME-SAY: GlorifiedChickenSandwich/(Got-The-Stuffs) (DEAD) "oh PLEASE i'm clearly blue" (Departure Lounge (59,129,2))
[2023-05-28 05:50:31.432] GAME-SAY: GlorifiedChickenSandwich/(Got-The-Stuffs) (DEAD) "FUCK you" (Departure Lounge (59,129,2))
[2023-05-28 05:50:36.151] GAME-SAY: Rotax/(Ren Ataski) (DEAD) "RATS" (Third Floor Aft Hallway (164,125,4))
[2023-05-28 05:50:36.993] GAME-OOC: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) "sorta invalidated by the chairflipping though right?" (Art Supply Storage (172,131,4))
[2023-05-28 05:50:37.157] GAME-SAY: Rotax/(Ren Ataski) (DEAD) "LMAO" (Third Floor Aft Hallway (164,125,4))
[2023-05-28 05:50:38.902] GAME-SAY: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) (DEAD) "LMAO" (Auxiliary Tool Storage (167,127,4))
[2023-05-28 05:50:39.001] GAME-OOC: Vekter/(Alastor Grissom) "I'm going back to bed" (Bridge (67,126,5))
[2023-05-28 05:50:40.352] GAME-SAY: Afonamos/(Komidore Amigata) (DEAD) "lmao" (Third Floor Aft Hallway (164,125,4))
[2023-05-28 05:50:40.548] GAME-OOC: Whotookgaming/(Dave Johnson) "Like a second or so" (Space (163,155,3))
[2023-05-28 05:50:43.283] GAME-SAY: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) (DEAD) "CAPTAIN ONE TAPPED" (Third Floor Aft Hallway (166,127,4))
[2023-05-28 05:50:43.515] GAME-SAY: BelgiumDoggo/(Melk Lantern) (DEAD) "Rip Axle" (Third Floor Aft Hallway (164,125,4))
[2023-05-28 05:50:44.380] GAME-SAY: Yobihodazine/(April Endsley) (DEAD) "Yeah and their opinion is kinda shit sometimes" (Bridge (67,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:50:44.857] GAME-OOC: Wubli/(Madeleine Siegrist) "gn gn vekter" (Fourth Floor Fore Hallway (104,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:50:49.216] GAME-OOC: Krealition/(Wes Forze) "the cd for stun batons here is 2.5 seconds iirc" (Space (63,140,3))
[2023-05-28 05:50:49.326] GAME-SAY: Rotax/(Ren Ataski) (DEAD) "RATS LMAO" (Third Floor Aft Hallway (164,125,4))
[2023-05-28 05:50:50.517] GAME-SAY: Yobihodazine/(April Endsley) (DEAD) "they're humans" (Bridge (67,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:50:51.662] GAME-SAY: BelgiumDoggo/(Melk Lantern) (DEAD) "Killed me only for him to die." (Third Floor Aft Hallway (164,125,4))
[2023-05-28 05:50:52.111] GAME-OOC: Qfmysteryman23/(revenant (562)) "Wubli a gamer grill?" (Medbay Lobby (139,123,3))
[2023-05-28 05:50:52.628] GAME-SAY: Aoeeee/(Anth) (DEAD) "not much to do" (Research Director's Office (113,145,3))
[2023-05-28 05:50:53.123] GAME-COMPAT: ADMIN: Vekter/(Alastor Grissom) checked the player panel.
[2023-05-28 05:50:57.981] GAME-SAY: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) (DEAD) "there the RATS there the RATS" (Third Floor Aft Hallway (164,127,4))
[2023-05-28 05:51:00.350] GAME-COMPAT: ADMIN: DSAY: Vekter/(Alastor Grissom) "hang on let me do you guys a favor before I go back to bed" (Bridge (67,126,5))
[2023-05-28 05:51:00.871] GAME-SAY: K3ynan/(Leonard Brindle) (DEAD) "THERE THE RATS" (Third Floor Aft Hallway (164,127,4))
[2023-05-28 05:51:05.153] GAME-SAY: Rotax/(Ren Ataski) (DEAD) "local cap dies" (Third Floor Aft Hallway (164,125,4))
[2023-05-28 05:51:07.281] GAME-COMPAT: ADMIN: Vekter/(Alastor Grissom) checked the individual player panel for Yobihodazine/(April Endsley).
[2023-05-28 05:51:08.252] GAME-SAY: Rotax/(Ren Ataski) (DEAD) "due to rats" (Third Floor Aft Hallway (164,125,4))
[2023-05-28 05:51:09.406] GAME-COMPAT: ADMIN: Vekter/(Alastor Grissom) has muted yobihodazine/(April Endsley) from deadchat and DSAY
[2023-05-28 05:51:09.555] GAME-OOC: Wubli/(Madeleine Siegrist) "no im a grown ass woman" (Fourth Floor Fore Hallway (104,128,5))
[2023-05-28 05:51:10.921] GAME-SAY: BelgiumDoggo/(Melk Lantern) (DEAD) "Do it Vekter." (Third Floor Aft Hallway (164,125,4))
[2023-05-28 05:51:13.563] GAME-SAY: Rotax/(Ren Ataski) (DEAD) "whats the favor" (Third Floor Aft Hallway (164,125,4))
[2023-05-28 05:51:13.812] GAME-OOC: Krealition/(Wes Forze) "but yeah tasers still exist on goon too" (Science Lobby (100,138,3))
[2023-05-28 05:51:13.819] GAME-SAY: GamerGirl12/(Brenden Judge) (DEAD) "VEKTER revive me and give me antag :))))))))))))))99" (Departure Lounge (60,120,2))
[2023-05-28 05:51:16.388] GAME-SAY: BelgiumDoggo/(Melk Lantern) (DEAD) "Become ungovernable." (Third Floor Aft Hallway (164,125,4))
[2023-05-28 05:51:19.921] GAME-COMPAT: ADMIN: DSAY: Vekter/(Alastor Grissom) "I muted him from dsay" (Bridge (67,126,5))
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Byond Username: Yobihodazine

Re: [Vekter] Yobihodazine - frivolous dchat mute

Post by yobihodazine2 » #687651

I never saw any of that I just arrived on the tail end and got triggered by him talking about a twelve hour ban for this genius..
Last edited by yobihodazine2 on Sun May 28, 2023 8:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
Joined: Tue May 03, 2022 3:30 am
Byond Username: Yobihodazine

Re: [Vekter] Yobihodazine - frivolous dchat mute

Post by yobihodazine2 » #687652

I can see however that vekter's tolerance for players' hate and anger was already driven pretty low by the time i showed up.
Last edited by yobihodazine2 on Sun May 28, 2023 7:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Vekter] Yobihodazine - frivolous dchat mute

Post by Vekter » #687708

yobihodazine2 wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 7:37 am I never saw any of that I just arrived on the tail end and got triggered by him talking about a twelve hour ban for this genius..
To be blunt, that's not my problem and you shouldn't be taking it out on me.
Vekter wrote:You should be reporting problems because you're wanting to keep the game fair/server healthy, not because you want to see the people who wronged you punished.
Joined: Tue May 03, 2022 3:30 am
Byond Username: Yobihodazine

Re: [Vekter] Yobihodazine - frivolous dchat mute

Post by yobihodazine2 » #687709

It's funny because if I was there I might have clashed with this guy but instead I caused you more problems
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Re: [Vekter] Yobihodazine - frivolous dchat mute

Post by Timberpoes » #688044

Complaint rejected.

It's obvious this complaint has no real merit. I think everyone (even Yobi) knew that from the outset.

This was just a short-duration temp dead chat mute that only lasts as long as the current round. These mutes are temporary, leave no trace behind after the shift ends and are part of a suite of soft-moderation tools admins have in-game to keep the game fun and discussions civil without resorting to the administrative nuclear weapons.

So, we politely ask Yobi not to use complaints as a method of malding. People have complained over trivial things in the past and been successful, but this genuinely isn't it. Vekter has an admin feedback thread with 4 pages of posts dating back to 2014 and if you have any genuine feedback for them about this incident, put it there. But please don't post 6 billion times with 1/6 billionth of a thought in each post.

And as always we politely remind the admins to continue being cautious when muting people that are malding about our decisions. We don't censor dissent unless it's getting disruptive or breaking some other rules (and also be cautious when saying they're being a dick and applying rule 1 under this school of thought). And in those cases it's not the dissent that's the problem, it's more about the player's approach in being disruptive or breaking some other rules while communicating it.

A good compromise is to point the player in the direction of either appeals, complaints or feedback depending on the context so you can direct their malding into the appropriate location.

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