[ MrAlphonzo] PwntQ - Misleading Ban Reason
Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 1:32 am
BYOND account: PwntQ
Character name: Scrunnngy
Ban type: Server
Ban length: 1 day
Ban reason: Killing a non-hostile sentient Beepsky, long after they had been arrested by it and subsequently released by security. You can't remove someone from the round permanently, because you held a grudge over them doing their job, regardless of them being a simplemob or not
Time ban was placed: 2022-05-29 00:48:43
Server you were playing on when banned: Sybil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 183946
Your side of the story: Was hacking door to wardens office to steal mcgruff, round start sentient Beepsky wanders in brig and stuns/cuffs/bucklecuffs me to a chair. Ai ignores law 2 commands to turn beepsky off ( which is NOT a violation of silicon policy). Human officer wanders in and tosses me into a cell with a timer. IMMEDIATELY after being let out of brig, I begin to chase down Beepky. I see him but he outpaces me due to clown shoes. I then see a borg, which I law 2 into chasing beepsky for me and and turning him off. I then hit Beepsky with the clown dagger, which it turns out does actual damage and exploded him.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I am appealing not so much against the ban, because its a 1 day ban, but that the listed Ban reason is false. I did not go to kill Beepky long after I was arrested and let go, i went for him IMMEDIATELY after spending time in the can plotting revenge (honk!).
Character name: Scrunnngy
Ban type: Server
Ban length: 1 day
Ban reason: Killing a non-hostile sentient Beepsky, long after they had been arrested by it and subsequently released by security. You can't remove someone from the round permanently, because you held a grudge over them doing their job, regardless of them being a simplemob or not
Time ban was placed: 2022-05-29 00:48:43
Server you were playing on when banned: Sybil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 183946
Your side of the story: Was hacking door to wardens office to steal mcgruff, round start sentient Beepsky wanders in brig and stuns/cuffs/bucklecuffs me to a chair. Ai ignores law 2 commands to turn beepsky off ( which is NOT a violation of silicon policy). Human officer wanders in and tosses me into a cell with a timer. IMMEDIATELY after being let out of brig, I begin to chase down Beepky. I see him but he outpaces me due to clown shoes. I then see a borg, which I law 2 into chasing beepsky for me and and turning him off. I then hit Beepsky with the clown dagger, which it turns out does actual damage and exploded him.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I am appealing not so much against the ban, because its a 1 day ban, but that the listed Ban reason is false. I did not go to kill Beepky long after I was arrested and let go, i went for him IMMEDIATELY after spending time in the can plotting revenge (honk!).