[Oklews] enderbran - ban for ghosting as sillycone banned MMI
Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 8:18 pm
BYOND account: enderbran
Character name: Connor Nehling
Ban type: antag ban
Ban length: 1 week
Ban reason: Banned from Roles: Abductor, Xenomorph, Blob, Blood Brother, Changeling, Cultist, Gangster, Heretic, Hivemind Host, Malf AI, Space Ninja, Operative, Syndicate Mutineer, Revolutionary, Revenant, Head Revolutionary, Sentient Disease, Spider, Syndicate, Traitor, Wizard for 1 week - Ghostd on being made an antagonist because Connor Nehling says, "I dont want to serve you im ghosting"". Please Appeal on fourms to explain your side.
Time ban was placed: 2022-02-20 21:26:40
Server you were playing on when banned: bagil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 178752
Your side of the story: I was working on a project as CE when an open traitor gave me his items via suicide and when U was sifting through them Johnny showed up. He was also a traitor and just stole the modsuit bag with the items so I said something along the lines of "we can share dont run off" so in response he just killed me in low pop over some items. I was pretty mad because I was working on a project and got randomly killed in lowpop. Some time later I get revived in an MMI and start telling the people in robo about what happened. Soon Johnny comes and takes me as im still an MMI and walks around for a few mins. Some time later I say "i dont want to serve you anymore im ghosting". I did this because I was perma job banned from ai and borg so the most I could have done to serve him was go in a mech or circuits and that clearly wasnt happening. All I could have done was just sit in his bag talking or being afk. I think i told him I was job banned from ai and borg but I dont remember. I would have explained my self in an ahelp but I disconnected right after ghosting because irl stuff.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I know what I did was a bit toxic but I didnt think I wasnt breaking any rules because I was job banned from ai and borg so I wasnt denying that and I didnt have to obey him or anything because I was just an MMI.
References of good conduct: I havent gotten any major notes in about 300 living hours and just 2 days after I got the ban I got a positive admin note.
Anything else we should know: got nothing for this.
Character name: Connor Nehling
Ban type: antag ban
Ban length: 1 week
Ban reason: Banned from Roles: Abductor, Xenomorph, Blob, Blood Brother, Changeling, Cultist, Gangster, Heretic, Hivemind Host, Malf AI, Space Ninja, Operative, Syndicate Mutineer, Revolutionary, Revenant, Head Revolutionary, Sentient Disease, Spider, Syndicate, Traitor, Wizard for 1 week - Ghostd on being made an antagonist because Connor Nehling says, "I dont want to serve you im ghosting"". Please Appeal on fourms to explain your side.
Time ban was placed: 2022-02-20 21:26:40
Server you were playing on when banned: bagil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 178752
Your side of the story: I was working on a project as CE when an open traitor gave me his items via suicide and when U was sifting through them Johnny showed up. He was also a traitor and just stole the modsuit bag with the items so I said something along the lines of "we can share dont run off" so in response he just killed me in low pop over some items. I was pretty mad because I was working on a project and got randomly killed in lowpop. Some time later I get revived in an MMI and start telling the people in robo about what happened. Soon Johnny comes and takes me as im still an MMI and walks around for a few mins. Some time later I say "i dont want to serve you anymore im ghosting". I did this because I was perma job banned from ai and borg so the most I could have done to serve him was go in a mech or circuits and that clearly wasnt happening. All I could have done was just sit in his bag talking or being afk. I think i told him I was job banned from ai and borg but I dont remember. I would have explained my self in an ahelp but I disconnected right after ghosting because irl stuff.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I know what I did was a bit toxic but I didnt think I wasnt breaking any rules because I was job banned from ai and borg so I wasnt denying that and I didnt have to obey him or anything because I was just an MMI.
References of good conduct: I havent gotten any major notes in about 300 living hours and just 2 days after I got the ban I got a positive admin note.
Anything else we should know: got nothing for this.