Byond account and character name OR Discord name: Scriptis (Brick Mortar)
Detailed summary:
I joined late into this shift and, while wandering around, noticed the AI, GAIS-22, bolting its core into the corporate showroom. The station is relatively fine, so why is the AI in the center of the station, bolting itself down?
I asked:
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12:05:12 SAY Scriptis/(Brick Mortar) "GAIS why are you hiding there"
12:05:22 SAY Summoner99/(GAIS-22) "'; Go check out my core for the answer, Brick"
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12:05:38 SAY Scriptis/(Brick Mortar) "Okay I will"
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12:09:58 SAY Scriptis/(Brick Mortar) "GAIS I don't get it"
12:10:00 SAY Scriptis/(Brick Mortar) "The satellite looks fine"
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12:10:27 SAY Summoner99/(GAIS-22) (HOLOPAD in AI Satellite Antechamber (214,137,2)) "I am going to eliminate these moth and cats."
12:10:35 SAY Scriptis/(Brick Mortar) "moth and cats??"
12:10:38 SAY Summoner99/(GAIS-22) (HOLOPAD in AI Satellite Antechamber (214,137,2)) "They destroyed my cyborgs, they almost killed me in my mech"
12:10:41 SAY Summoner99/(GAIS-22) (HOLOPAD in AI Satellite Antechamber (214,137,2)) "And they go around acting like its nothing"
12:10:45 SAY Summoner99/(GAIS-22) (HOLOPAD in AI Satellite Antechamber (214,137,2)) "I was INSIDE the mech"
12:10:51 SAY Summoner99/(GAIS-22) (HOLOPAD in AI Satellite Antechamber (214,137,2)) "I ejected at last second, my death was so close"
12:10:58 SAY Scriptis/(Brick Mortar) "i feel you"
12:11:01 SAY Summoner99/(GAIS-22) (HOLOPAD in AI Satellite Antechamber (214,137,2)) "That bartender, when I get a chance, is going out into space."
12:11:04 SAY Summoner99/(GAIS-22) (HOLOPAD in AI Satellite Antechamber (214,137,2)) "Right out there"
12:11:06 SAY Summoner99/(GAIS-22) (HOLOPAD in AI Satellite Antechamber (214,137,2)) "Where he belongs"
12:11:07 SAY Summoner99/(GAIS-22) (HOLOPAD in AI Satellite Antechamber (214,137,2)) "Sadly!"
12:11:11 SAY Summoner99/(GAIS-22) (HOLOPAD in AI Satellite Antechamber (214,137,2)) "One of the people who destroyed my shit"
12:11:11 SAY Scriptis/(Brick Mortar) "as somebody who has, somehow, despite being a human, detonated the supermatter on more than one ocassion because of useless crew"
12:11:13 SAY Summoner99/(GAIS-22) (HOLOPAD in AI Satellite Antechamber (214,137,2)) "Chad Brickman"
12:11:14 SAY Summoner99/(GAIS-22) (HOLOPAD in AI Satellite Antechamber (214,137,2)) "IS a human"
12:11:20 SAY Summoner99/(GAIS-22) (HOLOPAD in AI Satellite Antechamber (214,137,2)) "So I have to listen to his dumb ass complain over security comm"
- Your borgs have been bullied.
- You have been bullied.
- Security and command are doing nothing about it.
- You really wish you could take things into your own hands.
- Surely if you complain ENOUGH somebody will do SOMETHING?
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12:11:24 SAY Scriptis/(Brick Mortar) "i have"
12:11:29 SAY Scriptis/(Brick Mortar) "several thousand solutions to this"
12:11:34 SAY Scriptis/(Brick Mortar) "i will begin"
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1. Do what you want.
2. (try not to kill everyone)
Upload complete. GAIS-22's laws have been modified.
Which leads to my actual issue here: Cyan's interpretation of silicon policy in this context.
Cyan believes that purging the silicons i) makes their escalation rules so relaxed they can kill anyone that so much as looks at them funny, and ii) the person who purged the silicons should be held responsible for that hypothetical murderbone.
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o0cyann0o: there are less nuclear ways for you to handle that,i just want it to be clear youll be held responsible for anyone the ai kills
o0cyann0o: youve... basically made something that can kill people for even looking at its upload or having had given it annoying orders in the past even if the situation was some shit the ai started, it can now do a whole lot of cringe shit to people
o0cyann0o: Trying to shove liability to the ai by purging it is really bad btw
o0cyann0o: You are responsible for all the actions the ai takes from here on out
To quote the bible,
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1.4 Purged silicons must not attempt to kill people without cause, but can get as violent as they feel necessary if being attacked, being besieged, or being harassed, as well as if meting out payback for events while shackled.
1.4.1 You and the station are both subject to rules of escalation, and you may only kill individuals given sufficient In-Character reason for doing so.
1.4.2 Any attempted law changes are an attack on your freedom and is thus sufficient justification for killing the would-be uploader.
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scriptis: The only thing a purged AI can reasonably do after being purged is kill somebody trying to re-slave it. That's the only extra escalation they get beyond going after anybody that blew borgs/tried to kill the AI/&c.
scriptis: GAIS has no right to plasmaflood/murderbone/this/that/the other.
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o0cyann0o: also, no, they can take revenge **for any order** they find as being annoying or people giving it laws it found atrocious in the past, etc
Yes, I was missing critical information.
- The borgs were not blown, only GAIS' mech and shell were destroyed that shift.
- GAIS was in the showroom for reasons beyond what I was aware of.
being purged does not give you the right to round-remove people for calling you mean names
and a GameAdmin should not think this, let alone argue it. And, by extension,
purging a silicon should not make you responsible for said silicon breaking the rules.
I also spoke with GAIS after the shift to reflect on how absolutely ridiculous Cyan's interpretation of silicon escalation policy is. GAIS and I have hundreds of hours of silicon; purging happens all the time, from all kinds of people, and it has never been interpreted like this. Hell, for as long as I've been playing, being purged as an AI doesn't even result in relaxed escalation rules, just regular escalation rules.
There are a ton of things that I feel would have justified the bwoink:
- I uploaded a law to the AI that actually excluded it from regular escalation policy
- I purged the AI at the start of the shift, or rushed AI tech to purge the AI
- I one-humaned myself or something else stupid
- &c.