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What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 5:59 pm
by Helios
What job do you personally find boring?
I'm curious as to what people find tedious and unrewarding.
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 6:21 pm
by Farquaar
Cargo tech, but that’s just me because I hate doing bounties.
I prefer open-ended service jobs like chef, clown, curator etc, but I’m probably in the minority there.
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 11:56 pm
by Jonathan Gupta
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 1:18 am
by Critawakets
Virologist. Not open-ended at all, and the content they have for themselves sucks. So all they do is make a super op imba pls nerf virus in 20 minutes and then they're just a medical doctor with green clothes. And because of the virus, you get way less patients so you're even more pointless. Not fun.
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:23 am
by Pandarsenic
90% of the Geneticist endgame seems to be Hulk griefing shittery or actually being useful and giving out a pile of Space Adaptation injectors.
Sec Officer is thankless and unpleasant, but I don't think that's at a code level.
Cargo Bounties are kind of "meh"
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:51 am
by Shadowflame909
Any job without content like curator.
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:55 am
by Fishimun
Gene and Viro. YOU PRESS BUTTON ALL GAME then the payoff is just regen coma nanites virus every game or hulk.
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:17 am
by Farquaar
Shadowflame909 wrote:Any job without content like curator.
No content? Try infinite content, my lad
If you embraced the creative jobs you wouldn't suffer so much burnout, Shadowman
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 4:07 pm
by Naloac
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 4:35 pm
by Agux909
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 5:01 pm
by Misdoubtful
Agux909 wrote:Atmos
Atmos is/used to be the most interesting for me. It was limitless in that you could create logic systems to do just about anything if you had the space.
The most boring jobs are the most shoehorned ones like the state of genetics and viro.
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 5:40 pm
by Agux909
Misdoubtful wrote:Agux909 wrote:Atmos
Atmos is/used to be the most interesting for me. It was limitless in that you could create logic systems to do just about anything if you had the space.
The most boring jobs are the most shoehorned ones like the state of genetics and viro.
Yeah maybe it's a good singleplayer job and people enjoying that sorta gameplay will find it entertaining.
For me personally it's always been the least appealing to fully learn. At least for engies, the SM/solars have a really low floor difficulty, you're helping the whole station and not just yourself.
As long as the station has breathable air what other value do atmos techs bring to the station as a whole? You might argue HFR is a thing now but eh, to me it looks more like a thing put together in the confines of atmos to artificially make the job more interesting.
Also, 9/10 times I'll see engies fixing the air on screwed areas instead of techs. I see techs usually running around doing nothing because there's nothing to do, sometimes shitting around harder than your usual assistant.
I even learnt viro and found it more rewarding. Because at the end of the day, the time you spend there secluded is paid off by giving cool stuff you choose to yourself and everyone else, then you can spend the rest of the shift boasting about how noone needs their lungs to breathe anymore, or replacing tiles with glass for free heals so there is less corpses and more vertical people when fighting a blob.
I would hold the same opinion than atmos for toxins/genetics but those are at least a sub-depts in science which are supposed to be isolated and filled with mad, autistic scientists.
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 9:43 am
by sinfulbliss
Some people would say viro/genetics/xenobio since the job itself is very boring but it's all about the reward at the end.
Chemistry is the exact same except it doesn't take 30 minutes (or 15 min for a gamer scientist that did it the last 30 shifts) to end up with cool stuff you can enjoy.
I guess in my experience curator is the most boring, but I also haven't gone space exploring as curator which is supposed to be a big part of its appeal. It's definitely a matter of preference, I don't think any job is inherently "boring" since they are what you make them.
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 10:12 am
by Mothblocks
genetics and virologist are the worst because you finish what you need to do in 10 minutes *tops*, and then you have absolutely nothing else to do but bum around
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 6:47 pm
by Rohen_Tahir
Genetics. You sit in a room. You interact with noone. You repeteadly do a mind-numbing task. Why.
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 11:39 pm
by Noodlecat
Atmos used to be fun until the thermomachine change, no more experimenting for you said the coders. I get thermomachine was to op for sm setup, but a better option would to just make it active (think active ability vs passive ability) rather then making setting them up a pain and nothing else.
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 11:52 pm
by Rohen_Tahir
Noodlecat wrote:Atmos used to be fun until the thermomachine change, no more experimenting for you said the coders. I get thermomachine was to op for sm setup, but a better option would to just make it active (think active ability vs passive ability) rather then making setting them up a pain and nothing else.
Probably going to change soon since the way they currently work allows people to access
the unmatched power or the sun.
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 2:32 am
by Noodlecat
Rohen_Tahir wrote:Noodlecat wrote:Atmos used to be fun until the thermomachine change, no more experimenting for you said the coders. I get thermomachine was to op for sm setup, but a better option would to just make it active (think active ability vs passive ability) rather then making setting them up a pain and nothing else.
Probably going to change soon since the way they currently work allows people to access
the unmatched power or the sun.
Oh god what the fuck, why, and how do I do this, the power of the sun must be in the hands of every atmosian
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 7:21 pm
by Cobby
Jaredfogle wrote:genetics and virologist are the worst because you finish what you need to do in 10 minutes *tops*, and then you have absolutely nothing else to do but bum around
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 7:32 pm
by Pandarsenic
Cobby wrote:Jaredfogle wrote:genetics and virologist are the worst because you finish what you need to do in 10 minutes *tops*, and then you have absolutely nothing else to do but bum around
Kinda off-topic to defend that, but Virologist isn't bad if you act like a normal doctor after that? You just made your Cool Healing Virus and THEN you get to be a doctor but everything medical is EASIER because you spend the rest of the round doing surgery on people who can't take oxyloss damage and installing glass floors under people.
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 8:19 pm
by Farquaar
Cobby wrote:Jaredfogle wrote:genetics and virologist are the worst because you finish what you need to do in 10 minutes *tops*, and then you have absolutely nothing else to do but bum around
Previously, geneticist was at least nominally responsible for the cloner. They don't really have another ancillary role any more.
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 12:33 am
by Armhulen
Farquaar wrote:Cobby wrote:Jaredfogle wrote:genetics and virologist are the worst because you finish what you need to do in 10 minutes *tops*, and then you have absolutely nothing else to do but bum around
Previously, geneticist was at least nominally responsible for the cloner. They don't really have another ancillary role any more.
okay but this was 3 buttons and waiting, there really wasn't much depth to cloning. most i'll say is a few times i had to let people in and a few times i had to point out clothing
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 5:05 am
by PKPenguin321
Armhulen wrote:Farquaar wrote:Cobby wrote:Jaredfogle wrote:genetics and virologist are the worst because you finish what you need to do in 10 minutes *tops*, and then you have absolutely nothing else to do but bum around
Previously, geneticist was at least nominally responsible for the cloner. They don't really have another ancillary role any more.
okay but this was 3 buttons and waiting, there really wasn't much depth to cloning. most i'll say is a few times i had to let people in and a few times i had to point out clothing
even more before that it was clonexadone and cryo and speedcloning with the ID so a good geneticist actually made a notable difference, but then speedcloning was deemed OP and then cloning was deemed OP when it was the next best thing, so way way back they had a real role and a good geneticist made a big difference
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 9:08 am
by NecromancerAnne
PKPenguin321 wrote:Armhulen wrote:Farquaar wrote:Cobby wrote:Jaredfogle wrote:genetics and virologist are the worst because you finish what you need to do in 10 minutes *tops*, and then you have absolutely nothing else to do but bum around
Previously, geneticist was at least nominally responsible for the cloner. They don't really have another ancillary role any more.
okay but this was 3 buttons and waiting, there really wasn't much depth to cloning. most i'll say is a few times i had to let people in and a few times i had to point out clothing
even more before that it was clonexadone and cryo and speedcloning with the ID so a good geneticist actually made a notable difference, but then speedcloning was deemed OP and then cloning was deemed OP when it was the next best thing, so way way back they had a real role and a good geneticist made a big difference
I think I started playing post/during speedcloning nerfs but wasnt it literally just throwing the rooms APC on and off and stitching the corpse back together or telling them to suck shit and fuck off?
Didn't seem like what I would call skill based over just significantly more convenient in a game with very little alternatives.
Also, on the topic of the thread, besides also echoing viro, gene and xenobio, I'm going to make an argument that security is immensely boring depending on successful it is and how unsuccessful station threats are. A capable security force can quickly remove anything to do from a round, which is a really weird consequence of the role being the dedicated validhunters and proportionate to the skill of those taking the role. If they have a significant threat to take down that isn't able to be cheesed, they seem to do okay for round long interaction, but if not, they can quickly find the round being very quiet and them without anything to really do. They need more menial jobs to bide their time with.
I'm not including greyshittery in this assessment. I think any seccie worth their shit knows not to harass harmless greyshirts and generally speaking those kinds of problems don't happen very often or aren't simply handled by the crew/heads.
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 2:11 pm
by Armhulen
It was basically just a trick. You wrench a shower and unlock APC roundstart, and anyone can do it past that point. It's not hard, you just need to know it exists. Also showers doing better than cryopods was always stupid
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 3:15 pm
by Fikou
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 4:34 pm
by NamelessFairy
For me it'd probably be cook
Naloac wrote:xenobio
*insert image of a very sad cat*
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 8:19 pm
by Lewdcifer
i'd say genetics, since once you're done finding all of the mutations you have nothing else to do
it's sad
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:49 pm
by TheFinalPotato
NamelessFairy wrote:For me it'd probably be cook
Naloac wrote:xenobio
*insert image of a very sad cat*
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 9:55 am
by Flatulent
Ultimately what i’ve gathered from this thread is that people mostly dislike omnidirecrional, repetitive jobs with not much to do except one singular thing. Amount of content doesn’t matter (see: xenobio), and ultimately it really just depends on how engaged you are with the process of doing the job. And Viro, xenobiology, genetics all have this in common and one more thing as well: they are just tools for gaining overpowered equipment that can be used to hunt down antags.
Nerfing powers will (mostly - see hulk nerf) solve nothing as the only reason people do genetics is for powergaming, really. Making gaining them slower by itself will solve nothing. Perhaps, reworking those jobs must entail some gathering/experimentation techweb/minigame additions.
As for the job I hate, it has to probably be bartrender. Most drinks are completely useless and crew never requests them. Before the cargo bounty rework, you usually had cargo techs come over to ask for drinks. Now you have robots for it. Are robots fun to work with? Definetly not.
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 4:52 pm
by EuSouAFazenda
Flatulent wrote:Ultimately what i’ve gathered from this thread is that people mostly dislike omnidirecrional, repetitive jobs with not much to do except one singular thing.
I don't think it's about repetitiveness but more so about if the job is geared towards the end result of doing something vs being focused on the doing it. For example, Sec is just pummel bad guys but it's not seen as a boring role.
Genetics, Xeno, Viro, etc are all focused on the end result, getting gamer loot or effects. Meanwhile, Sec, Cargo, all of Service etc are much more focused on the process; the main appeal isn't to get loot after doing X, it's to do X. Security is just "beat down bad guys", but because it's focused on doing that rather than "do it to gain loot" it's fun.
Also, about bartender, imo Bartender is a lot more of a Make-Your-Own-Fun role like Chaplain or Clown; if you just stand there waiting for stuff to happen it's pretty boring, but if you go out of your way to make some of the more exotic drinks or even just throw a hawaiian party or w/e with exotic drinks it can be pretty fun.
Oh - and on Manuel, a lot of statics have favorite drinks that aren't so run-of-the-mill so you do endup doing more of the ones that are mechanically the same.
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 1:40 pm
by Waltermeldron
Flatulent wrote:Ultimately what i’ve gathered from this thread is that people mostly dislike omnidirecrional, repetitive jobs with not much to do except one singular thing. Amount of content doesn’t matter (see: xenobio), and ultimately it really just depends on how engaged you are with the process of doing the job. And Viro, xenobiology, genetics all have this in common and one more thing as well: they are just tools for gaining overpowered equipment that can be used to hunt down antags.
Nerfing powers will (mostly - see hulk nerf) solve nothing as the only reason people do genetics is for powergaming, really. Making gaining them slower by itself will solve nothing. Perhaps, reworking those jobs must entail some gathering/experimentation techweb/minigame additions.
As for the job I hate, it has to probably be bartrender. Most drinks are completely useless and crew never requests them. Before the cargo bounty rework, you usually had cargo techs come over to ask for drinks. Now you have robots for it. Are robots fun to work with? Definetly not.
Roles like xenobio are boring because SS13 is a game of interactions, so when you have a role or a job that doesn't really interact with others, it gets stale fast if there's no replayability value. Xenobiology, for example, is just a waiting game where you are isolated from the rest of the crew until you've got what you wanted to get from xenobio, which can take a while.
For me, I hate virologist the most because the gameplay is really clunky and most of your time is spent isolated in a lab.
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 3:15 pm
by cocothegogo
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 7:16 pm
by Flatulent
Waltermeldron wrote:Roles like xenobio are boring because SS13 is a game of interactions, so when you have a role or a job that doesn't really interact with others, it gets stale fast if there's no replayability value. Xenobiology, for example, is just a waiting game where you are isolated from the rest of the crew until you've got what you wanted to get from xenobio.
Player interactions arent nessesarily needed for some people. The issue is that systems in this game require depth. Xenobio has a lot of crap to do but is ultimately very shallow.
The issue with sleeper medbay wasn’t the lack of player interaction, but doctors having quite literally almost no job to do. Replayability doesn’t matter here. Doctors still do the exact same shit every round, but specifics changed. You’re more engaged with the process. Before, you still had people come to medbay for treatment, but the md job devolved into just pressing buttons on the sleeper, cloning people in bolted open cloner room and shoving people into cryo pods to heal them from cellular damage.
You interacted with people all the fucking time but nobody liked playing medical doctor before everything i mentioned about medbay got completely shitcanned.
Re: What job do you find most boring?
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 4:05 am
by Pandarsenic
Flatulent wrote:And Viro, xenobiology, genetics all have this in common and one more thing as well: they are just tools for gaining overpowered equipment that can be used to hunt down antags.
Nerfing powers will (mostly - see hulk nerf) solve nothing as the only reason people do genetics is for powergaming, really. Making gaining them slower by itself will solve nothing. Perhaps, reworking those jobs must entail some gathering/experimentation techweb/minigame additions.
The tricky bit for me, with Viro/Geneticist, is that...
1) Viro has basically been solved. I don't know about other virologists, but I have a specific strategy that I can speed through in ten minutes.
2) Geneticist is just slamming the RNG button over and over until you find the three mutations that matter.
I like getting the Gaming Goodies from those, not for myself (well, also for myself) but because once Self-Resp + Space Adaptation is globally available, everyone can ignore hull breaches, pressure, etc., entirely. I find it satisfying to eliminate a source of danger to the other players. The goal is not powergaming as validhunting, but powergaming as making it incredibly fucking difficult for antags to complete kill objectives because the target can literally run out the nearest airlock and be safe.