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[an0n3] Shady Slim - selectively banned

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 3:03 am
by MeatShake
Post Content:
Byond account and character name: MeatShake, Shady Slim
Banning admin: an0n3
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Temporary Ban from ss13
Ban reason and length: 2 day ban, "Murdering two other HoPs during an "everyone is the HoP" event because he just assumed that was what he should do."
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 10PM EST
Your side of the story: Everyone was killing each other, since the start of the round.
Why you think you should be unbanned: Either punish everybody who offended or unban me- you can't selectively enforce rules.

Re: [an0n3] Shady Slim - selectively banned

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:53 am
by Timbrewolf
I did punish everyone who offended.
I even specifically looked into everyone who attacked you, or who you might have seen.

Nothing was announced as a special MURDER EVERYONE round, and just because you see other people going apeshit on eachother isn't a reason to turn and start murdering others. I think you figured you could get away with being awful because you saw some other people being bad.

Turns out you were actually one of the worst offenders of the round and stuck out like a sore thumb.

I ended up banning five people that round including you. You murdered two people FNR because you thought you could get away with it.