[CoffeeDragon16] OOC Ban
Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 1:13 am
BYOND account: Dootdoom
Character name: Badmi Entonch Ampion
Ban type: OOC
Ban length: 4 days
Ban reason: Banned from Roles: Deadchat, OOC for 4 days - With a prior ban for OOC spam, continued spamming OOC and deadchat with a copypasta. Promised not to do it again, ensure he keeps this promise.
Time ban was placed: 2021-02-05 00:50:45
Server you were playing on when banned: Bagil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 155698
Your side of the story: I thought it'd be funny if I posted a copypasta in OOC and deadchat
Why you think you should be unbanned: I completely understand this ban, I have a couple notes for OOC spam, with the most recent being 6 months ago. I acknowledge that and understand that this was a stupid thing for me to do. I don't really mind the ban since it could be much worse and I thank Coffee for that, but still I think that 4 days is a little long escpially considering I have friends I like to talk to. I would at the very least like to have it shortened, I understand if you think this is just and don't shorten/appeal it. Thanks.
References of good conduct: N/A.
Character name: Badmi Entonch Ampion
Ban type: OOC
Ban length: 4 days
Ban reason: Banned from Roles: Deadchat, OOC for 4 days - With a prior ban for OOC spam, continued spamming OOC and deadchat with a copypasta. Promised not to do it again, ensure he keeps this promise.
Time ban was placed: 2021-02-05 00:50:45
Server you were playing on when banned: Bagil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 155698
Your side of the story: I thought it'd be funny if I posted a copypasta in OOC and deadchat
Why you think you should be unbanned: I completely understand this ban, I have a couple notes for OOC spam, with the most recent being 6 months ago. I acknowledge that and understand that this was a stupid thing for me to do. I don't really mind the ban since it could be much worse and I thank Coffee for that, but still I think that 4 days is a little long escpially considering I have friends I like to talk to. I would at the very least like to have it shortened, I understand if you think this is just and don't shorten/appeal it. Thanks.
References of good conduct: N/A.