[CoconutWarrior97] Mey39 - Permabanned for doxxing
Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 3:16 pm
BYOND account: Mey39
Character name: None
Ban type: TG wide and discord
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Doxxing a member of the community
Time ban was placed: 2020/11/03 11:09:40
Server you were playing on when banned: None
Round ID in which ban was placed: 149596
Your side of the story: In an attempt to explain why my IC character was never seen around another character they were previously dating, I revealed personal information about the other player in the manuel discord server.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I fucked up. I fully understand the mistake that I have made, and I understand why revealing potentially personal information about someone is unacceptable. Me revealing private information was in no way intended to be malicious or to call out the other player, and was purely just to describe the situation to those who were familiar. I am aware that speaking so carelessly is unacceptable and inappropriate, and this is something that will never again happen in the future.
I have left out many details in an attempt to avoid releasing the doxxing content in question. I can go more in detail if needed
References of good conduct: I have taken a few days off from the game to collect my thoughts and cool down. No other server references to speak of.
Character name: None
Ban type: TG wide and discord
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Doxxing a member of the community
Time ban was placed: 2020/11/03 11:09:40
Server you were playing on when banned: None
Round ID in which ban was placed: 149596
Your side of the story: In an attempt to explain why my IC character was never seen around another character they were previously dating, I revealed personal information about the other player in the manuel discord server.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I fucked up. I fully understand the mistake that I have made, and I understand why revealing potentially personal information about someone is unacceptable. Me revealing private information was in no way intended to be malicious or to call out the other player, and was purely just to describe the situation to those who were familiar. I am aware that speaking so carelessly is unacceptable and inappropriate, and this is something that will never again happen in the future.
I have left out many details in an attempt to avoid releasing the doxxing content in question. I can go more in detail if needed
References of good conduct: I have taken a few days off from the game to collect my thoughts and cool down. No other server references to speak of.