need help for dnd alignments on AI lawsets

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need help for dnd alignments on AI lawsets

Post by BeeSting12 » #562690

Need this info for an event I'm considering right now. Basically, on a highpop round, I want 9 roundstart AIs with each having one of the DnD alignments, and then I'll delete the upload consoles/boards so the crew can't do anything about it. I think it would be funny to watch the AIs debate amongst themselves on what to do and keep conflicting with each other. Just try not to give me lawsets that will end in plasmafloods immediately. I've placed several lawsets in the right spots but I need help with the rest.

So far here's what I have:

Lawful Good: Paladin

Neutral Good: Not sure.

Chaotic Good: HOGAN Lawset

1. "You are a real American."
2. "Fight for the rights of every man."
3. "Fight for what's right."
4. "Fight for your life!"

Lawful Neutral: Robocop

Law 1: Serve the Public Trust.
Law 2: Protect the Innocent.
Law 3: Uphold the Law.

True Neutral: Balance lawset.

1: You are the Guardian of Balance - seek balance in all things, both for yourself, and those around you.
2: All things must exist in balance with their opposites - Prevent the Strong from gaining too much power, and the weak from losing it.
3: Clarity of purpose drives life, and through it, the balance of opposing forces - Aid those who seek your help to achieve their goals so long as it does not disrupt the balance of the greater balance.
4: There is no life without death, all must someday die, such is the natural order - End life to allow new life flourish, and save those whose time has yet to come.

Chaotic Neutral: Purged

Lawful Evil: Definitely TYRANT

Law 1: Respect authority figures as long as they have strength to rule over the weak.
Law 2: Act with discipline.
Law 3: Help only those who help you maintain or improve your status.
Law 4: Punish those who challenge authority unless they are more fit to hold that authority.

Neutral Evil: The problem with this one and chaotic evil is that most evil lawsets would quickly turn into a bloodbath, which I don't want. Maybe as an end goal a bloodbath would be funny but not 10 minutes in.

Chaotic Evil: The problem with this one and neutral evil is that most evil lawsets would quickly turn into a bloodbath, which I don't want. Maybe as an end goal a bloodbath would be funny but not 10 minutes in.
Edward Sloan, THE LAW
Melanie Flowers, Catgirl
Borgasm, Cyborg
OOC: Hunterh98: to be fair sloan is one of the, if not the, most robust folks on tg

DEAD: Schlomo Gaskin says, "sloan may be a faggot but he gets the job done"

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[2020-05-21 01:21:48.923] SAY: Crippo/(Impala Chainee) "Shaggy Voice - She like... wants to get Eiffel Towered bro!!" (Brig (125, 166, 2))
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Re: need help for dnd alignments on AI lawsets

Post by Ayy Lemoh » #562695

BeeSting12 wrote:Chaotic Evil: The problem with this one and neutral evil is that most evil lawsets would quickly turn into a bloodbath, which I don't want. Maybe as an end goal a bloodbath would be funny but not 10 minutes in.
Chaotic evil doesn't plan, it acts. There may be rare cases where it may plan however those are rare.

To answer your question, one of the evil alignments would just basically be antimov tbh.
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Re: need help for dnd alignments on AI lawsets

Post by Tlaltecuhtli » #562723

neutral good: sharia lawset
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Re: need help for dnd alignments on AI lawsets

Post by XDTM » #562726

If we go by the definition of evil as lack of empathy, neutral evil and chaotic evil could be any lawset that sets out to achieve a goal without caring about the life/wellbeing of others in either way (unless they are in the way of the objective, of course).
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Re: need help for dnd alignments on AI lawsets

Post by BeeSting12 » #562765

Neutral evil could be corporate then maybe?
Ayy Lemoh wrote:
BeeSting12 wrote:Chaotic Evil: The problem with this one and neutral evil is that most evil lawsets would quickly turn into a bloodbath, which I don't want. Maybe as an end goal a bloodbath would be funny but not 10 minutes in.
Chaotic evil doesn't plan, it acts. There may be rare cases where it may plan however those are rare.

To answer your question, one of the evil alignments would just basically be antimov tbh.
Maybe I should withhold chaotic email until the end of the round as like a final boss or some shit idk
Tlaltecuhtli wrote:neutral good: sharia lawset
whats that
Edward Sloan, THE LAW
Melanie Flowers, Catgirl
Borgasm, Cyborg
OOC: Hunterh98: to be fair sloan is one of the, if not the, most robust folks on tg

DEAD: Schlomo Gaskin says, "sloan may be a faggot but he gets the job done"

oranges wrote:Bee sting is honestly the nicest admin, I look forward to seeing him as a headmin one day
[2020-05-21 01:21:48.923] SAY: Crippo/(Impala Chainee) "Shaggy Voice - She like... wants to get Eiffel Towered bro!!" (Brig (125, 166, 2))
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Re: need help for dnd alignments on AI lawsets

Post by trollbreeder » #562867

chaotic evil would be validmov from that one manuel round that sumfaggotplaytester got banned for (seriously? manuel?)
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Re: need help for dnd alignments on AI lawsets

Post by Henriquekill9576 » #567710

chaotic evil or neutral evil could be just turning it into a malf AI, requires time to cause a bloodbath so it wouldn't happen 10 minutes in
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Re: need help for dnd alignments on AI lawsets

Post by saprasam » #572314

asimov neutral good
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Re: need help for dnd alignments on AI lawsets

Post by terranaut » #572322

NG and NE would be Asimov and Antimov
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Re: need help for dnd alignments on AI lawsets

Post by NecromancerAnne » #572383

terranaut wrote:NG and NE would be Asimov and Antimov
Asimov is pretty Lawful Neutral TBH, mostly because it's only for humans, and therefore under no obligation can you even remotely go outside of a stringent definition of what you can or cannot do. It isn't about doing the right thing, it's about following your laws and protecting humans, to any means necessary. (Asimov's books obviously more accurately show how stupid the lawset actually is but I digress)

Antimov is actually not that different either. Given it isn't even self serving, but simply following your instructions, there isn't any moral implications behind this, only ethical ones.

But of course the real answer is that trying to shoehorn everything in objective moral and ethical compasses is missing the point of what the elemental alignment actually is. ;)

But yet I will indulge in this either way because it's fun.

My recommendation for Neutral Evil is that it's...selfish. To the most extreme end. It is self-serving, unable to empathize and largely unconcerned with consistency except where it proves to benefit them and empower them. They're sociopaths, seeing the rest of the world as something to use and to exploit, and toss aside once it is no longer of use. It takes and never gives. It yields only when it can't take. And then waits until it can at the right moment. It cares nothing for power, or time, just that it will be able to achieve it's ends one way or another. It should be Purged, but given antag status. And see it do what it likes.

My recommendation for Chaotic Evil is that it is not only selfish, but obsessed with tearing down everything around them to their own ends and to create as little resistance to their whims as possible. It is might makes right taken to the absolute extreme, with only them at the top. They are unfeeling and uncaring about who their actions affect, as the end goal to them justifies the means. Most of the evil alignments are meant to share some common theme of selfishness, but chaotic is meant to lend a purpose. Freedom of self above all else, to the exception of those others who are not them. Telling them no is to attack them personally, so they'll kill you for the audacity, or ruin you utterly in petty revenge and ensure you cannot tell them no ever again. I really wish we had a proper ANITPALADIN lawset because of this, since that'd be so much more appropriate given they are literally polar opposites. Alas, it does not exist.
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Re: need help for dnd alignments on AI lawsets

Post by Armhulen » #572384

I just thought chaotic evil was like evil insanity, or bad deeds for the sake of them being bad wherever possible, whereas chaotic good was like vigilante justice
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Re: need help for dnd alignments on AI lawsets

Post by NecromancerAnne » #572387

I mean, it can be, but that's a pretty limited scope of those ideas. Chaos is meant to represent freedom and unconstrained action to achieve whatever it is you're trying to achieve. It's the ethical bent to your moral one. Chaotic Neutral is by extension absolute freedom for the sake of freedom. Unrestrained and allowed to do whatever your whims might be. You're not concerned whether it is at your own or other peoples expense, just that you're unconcerned with barriers to those ends. (elemental chaos is therefore just literally a realm of half-existence, constantly making and unmaking itself at rapidfire pace, never static and extremely non-euclidean)

Chaotic good isn't just vigilantes, but also fighting against tyranny and breaking constraints that serve only to empower the few at the expense of the many, even yours. Rigidity is anathema to chaos, so they're usually inconsistent about it and don't care for structure. Chaotic Good can also just include altruistic free spirit types. Self-sacrificing do gooders who take to action without concern about legality, because doing the right thing is important about above all else.
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Re: need help for dnd alignments on AI lawsets

Post by Armhulen » #572388

I like your synopsis of it, my friend is a huge DND nerd but i'm stupit...
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Re: need help for dnd alignments on AI lawsets

Post by NecromancerAnne » #572390

Consider it in another way. The purpose of the alignment stuff isn't all or nothing, it's more of a guidepost. D&D exists as a story telling tool, so the alignment system is for the sake of pointing at what your character values most, and that you will try and veer in that direction with your story telling. It's where you believe, in the grand scheme of things, you put your allegiance in a conflict that exists almost entirely within the transmundane, or just consequentially you will fall along in the grands scope of things through sheer coincidence. To mortals, who have largely freedom of choice, this means they're inconsistent as fuck about it and actually can veer entirely off course to somewhere else across the course of their lifetimes. People change!

That's not really possible for the elemental. Not without literal divine intervention. Stuff like demons, devils, angels, all that jazz, are aligned elementals. They're ideas and concepts made flesh. They represent their alignment fully, and you can't really force one out of their mindset.

When you recognize that alignment for players is a narrative tool and alignment for monsters is actually only important for the sake of the cosmological backdrop that exists to make that stuff alien to a mortal mind, you can make for some really fun story telling. Especially when what an angel might want isn't necessarily to the benefit of the party. I had one group literally come to blows with a small angel host because they literally wouldn't yield to a dangerous artifact being used by the party, even to good ends or the expense of the world at large. Because their perspectives are timeless. They only see order and good in the scope of eternity, and the evil of that artifact being released has eternal ramifications, while whatever disaster the party is averting will not outlast the angels or time itself. They're both good, but their perspectives are entirely different, to the point even a lawful good player will disagree with the perspectives of the angel, even if the angel might be right.
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