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Hydrogen gas feedback thread (Test Merge on Terry and Manuel)

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:18 am
by Ghilker
Please post feedbacks, suggestion and question about this PR (NOT YET MERGED)

Re: Hydrogen gas feedback thread (NOT YET MERGED)

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 9:21 pm
by Ghilker
Bump. The PR ( changed because of the git problems) is now Test Merged on Terry and Manuel. Please let me know what you think about it.

Re: Hydrogen gas feedback thread (Test Merge on Terry and Manuel)

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 3:03 am
by Timberpoes
I posted on the PR but I'll cross post here.

Toxins has been switched up a bit with this change. Tritium is a lot harder to come by and you'll almost certainly need more O2 to get what you need if you follow the existing Toxins steps of 3 can O2, 1 can trickle feed plasma. (Following this step I needed 6 cans to get just enough trit to complete the Trit/O2 bomb component)

Guess it needs more testing but - Was making the traditional Toxins setup harder/no longer possible an intended change?

Re: Hydrogen gas feedback thread (Test Merge on Terry and Manuel)

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 11:39 am
by Reeeee
the machine is derp and snowflake. Any other machine would include the battery in build cost, not operating cost.
Only machine that does it. See chem dispensors. Same idea, no silly additional battery you have to slot in that you pre-charged.
Really goes against the vein of machinery, especially as it has to be IN the gas to work, making it seem really fiddly for no other seen purpose but to be fiddly. Rad collectors at least stay out of the chamber.
Also it's only really used by cargo to make cash returns atm, making it out of tritium burning is ?????? for fusion purposes since you KNOW that can of water vapor will be stolen and opened long before it reaches atmos.
Still wanna try make SM run on it to see what it does to it tho.

Seems weird hydrogen would be so rare and be unable to be made from just plain old water tanks. I guess the whole gas is snowflake and not real but it's made like it's hydrogen but only if it's somehow bonded with o2 while free floating in air BUT ABSOLUTELY NOT FROM WATER which is absolutely insane concept to me and makes my neck twist to some impressive angles while trying to understand how this process goes.
SS13 periodic table is fucking WIERD. Water vapor has absolutely nothing to do with water in-game, and only way to make the most abundant resource IRL is to burn the rarest gas in existence in SS13 or buy snowflake cans of magic-not-water-but-water.
Make it connect to atmos pipes and make watertanks be wrenchable and just... make gas out of that instead?
It's such a mishmosh of real and magic.
I'd be more okay if it was made with electrolytic conversion of nitrogen since it is called H2 gas, not H.

Re: Hydrogen gas feedback thread (Test Merge on Terry and Manuel)

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 3:02 pm
by DarthGamer
As somebody who spends the vast majority of their rounds doing fusion (141h Atmos on Fulpstation), I feel like the requirement of hydrogen gas has greatly diminished any benefit gained from doing fusion. It used to take around 40 minutes to complete the setup - Now it's around an hour, provided the bluespace crystals are there when you need them, and that the janitor is nice enough to give up his water vapour can. It concerns me to think that fusion will be used in the future for other atmos creations, considering what a massive investment of time/effort it is.

Doing fusion was lonely enough before, now you have to spend the entire round attempting it, HOPING TO GOD that there isn't a meteor shower or literally anything else that someone would need atmos for. Nukies? Kiss your setup goodbye and start again. Did all the code-diving and experimentation mean nothing? I don't understand why there needed to be more barriers for a thing that most people avoided like voodoo magic. Can you grief easily with a fusion can? Yes, but you can grief with almost anything in atmos.

I like the inclusion of hydrogen gas and the way it's produced (can't wait to make some atmos golems), but IMO, removing H2 as a requirement in fusion would give atmos techs a lot more freedom to experiment with fusion mixes and making other higher tier gasses. Atmos techs could also make gasses to sell in a more reasonable time-frame, allowing for more interaction between departments with cargo's increased budget.

Re: Hydrogen gas feedback thread (Test Merge on Terry and Manuel)

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 3:38 pm
by Jack7D1
Making fusion harder has not only reduced fusion grief but also made my fellow Atmos techs not screw off to the incinerator roundstart and actually help manage air.

Re: Hydrogen gas feedback thread (Test Merge on Terry and Manuel)

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 5:20 pm
by DarthGamer
The inclusion of hydrogen gas has done nothing for fusion but increase the amount of time needed to perform it. If what you're saying is true, you can only assume that no one is doing fusion anymore. If they were, they would be spending even more time in the incinerator and setting up, now that they need a room to create hydrogen in and an electrolyzer. And this is all assuming they know what/how they want to do all things regarding fusion, like: tritium production, acquiring water vapour, hydrogen production, getting the right fusion mix, heating the mix to 10,000k, not dying to radiation.

Yes fusion is harder and so less people are doing it and focusing on other tasks, but I just don't see that being a good long-term attitude for atmos tech, especially when Ghilker says that fusion will "get more work in the future to add uses to it". I don't want fusion to be a part of future atmos tech creations if it's going to take an hour to get started and at the ire of the station/admins. Rounds usually end around an hour on Fulp, I can't speak for you guys over at /tg/ but I'd imagine it's the same if not shorter.

edit: Atmos tech's priority should be to maintain atmospherics on the ship, but I think it's now at a point where I now increasingly have to decide between one thing or the other instead of having the ability to do both.

Re: Hydrogen gas feedback thread (Test Merge on Terry and Manuel)

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:47 am
by oranges
edit: Atmos tech's priority should be to maintain atmospherics on the ship, but I think it's now at a point where I now increasingly have to decide between one thing or the other instead of having the ability to do both.
that's good, that's the kind of thing I want more of

Re: Hydrogen gas feedback thread (Test Merge on Terry and Manuel)

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 3:01 pm
by DarthGamer
I don't like the way botany works using mutagen; I'll make it so hard for botanists to get mutagen that they can either grow food for the station OR spend the entire round making mutagen.