[antonkr]omnitricks-up to perma?

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[antonkr]omnitricks-up to perma?

Post by omnitricks » #55520

Byond account and character name: omnitricks
Banning admin: Cedarbridge (initial ban), Antonkr (perma)
Ban type (e.g. Engineering jobban): permaban
Ban reason and length: Sabotaging sec, 1000000 minutes
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2014-12-25
Your side of the story:
I've been harassed by security this whole shift for no reason and even the warden knew it because he had to keep releasing me early when none of the "reasons" for arrest were proper or even given by the officers. I've probably lost out half of this round (30 or more minutes) because of shitcurity shenanigans of dragging me around, putting on high brig timers and lost some of my items which were left out on the corridor after a search on purpose (because I asked for them back and the officer refused) These abuses were not done by any lone officer (or I would have went after him personally instead) but by multiple officers. Nearly all of security save the warden and another officer were responsible.

At one point I got fed up and ahelped so that security would stop ruining my round. Admins refused to do anything because: security. Frankly if admins are not going to do anything about players being griefed by security because protection then there is something wrong. I tried to continue manning cargonia before another fnr arrest out of the blue. Got pissed that if security is going to keep arresting me for non space law crimes, I was going to give them legit space law crimes to arrest me with which I did. In the end they arrested me and I served a "proper time" which pretty much became afk time before I was fed up.

I lubed those floors in a way that any potential victims would be security leaving the brig. Those times with the lube to the grill were a fail because there were gaps in between the lines of space lube (which I knew of so I can have safe passage past the space lube if I needed to) so it would have been impossible for anyone to get lubed to the shocked grills unless they intentionally went up to touch it.

Why you think you should be unbanned: Saw the 2 day ban on xmas after I answered all the "investigations" and came back from lunch, told myself fine since I would be busy up to new years. Decided to play today and found someone completely unrelated decided to up the ban fnr. Considering that no one ended up dying this is completely uncalled for. Also this should be considered as IC escalation since the admins refused to do anything to help me when I ahelped despite my round being intentionally ruined by shitcurity grief.
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Re: [antonkr]omnitricks-up to perma?

Post by cedarbridge » #55539

I set the initial ban and did so because I found no "grief" from sec. You were arrested for reasons that were explained to you at the time. You were released. Some idiot forgot to reset the arrest status so you got nabbed again and the warden let you out because they were doing their job. The third time was, I believe, related to harassing sec over your other two arrests. You then proceeded to boobytrap the hallways into a shocked grille which, by design (it would appear) or not (your statement here) was responsible for shocking severely at least two different people. I applied the two-day ban on the hopes it would help you realize why taking your personal grievances with security out on random passerby on the station (as a non-antag) is wrong and why you should avoid doing such antisocial things in the future. This apparently has failed to penetrate.

The perma wasn't my doing so I'll leave that to Antonkr to sort out.
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Re: [antonkr]omnitricks-up to perma?

Post by Vekter » #55543

Omni, you've been given more chances than anyone I've seen on this server in quite a while. You toe the line constantly, you get arrested for doing stupid shit, and you get angry when sec does their job, then you get angry at us when we won't back you up for being a little jerk. And then, even AFTER ALL OF THAT, you go on FNR, appeal the ban, and act like a rude little shit about it.

I fully stand behind this ban. I was on during the entire incident. Last I checked I wanna say you have the longest notes page so far, and despite being banned more times than I can count and having this explained to you time and time again, you still don't get it.

I think it's time you went somewhere else, man.
Vekter wrote:You should be reporting problems because you're wanting to keep the game fair/server healthy, not because you want to see the people who wronged you punished.
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Re: [antonkr]omnitricks-up to perma?

Post by Antonkr » #55544

<scaredofshadows>tell him this is his second strike for this
<scaredofshadows>and reduce it to a monthban

Ban will be set to expire the month from when the original was placed. Keep in mind that your notes are still rather heavily stacked. I expect nothing further from you, and I will personally make any ban regardless of length perma if I see anything like this again.

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