[Arianya] Week ban without warning or a bwoink
Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 11:22 pm
BYOND account: Dootdoom
Character name: Andy Nyagsin
Ban type: Server ban
Ban length:a week
Ban reason: Rule 1-When you\'re going out of the way to cite suicide statistics at someone just because you don\'t like them, in a self admittedly targeted manor, perhaps you should re-evaluate yourself as a human being. Take a week to do so.
Time ban was placed: 9/27/19 ~4:50 PM
Server you were playing on when banned: Bagil
Round ID in which ban was placed:120219
Your side of the story: I saw that Cynic was on and decided to pull a funny and say, "Monkey stride, Monkey slide. 40% of all transgenders commit suicide." OOC was disabled admins talked shit, that was it.
Why you think you should be unbanned:To start, this ban was unjustified and nothing even indicated it was coming. Literally I could've been noted, I could've been warned actually anything but I get banned for a week without warning or even a bwoink. If I was seriously targeting Cynic and trying to get them mad or worse (I can't imagine what), I would've DM'd them on discord or some shit. Yes I admit this ban is /somewhat/ deserved, but I'd like to say I should've at least had some kind of warning or literally anything that could indicate a week ban was coming. This is a stupid ban and it might not even get appealed, in that case I'd like to at the very least appeal the note this is going to leave on my record/lower the ban time. All this ban is is just baby rage on the internet I didn't even do anything rule breaky IC.This was only my second time even saying it and OOC was disabled right after it. Hell I could've even been OOC banned or muted, why was OOC disabled in the first place? It's the internet, it's text on a screen why would you let this get on your nerves and even care about it.
Character name: Andy Nyagsin
Ban type: Server ban
Ban length:a week
Ban reason: Rule 1-When you\'re going out of the way to cite suicide statistics at someone just because you don\'t like them, in a self admittedly targeted manor, perhaps you should re-evaluate yourself as a human being. Take a week to do so.
Time ban was placed: 9/27/19 ~4:50 PM
Server you were playing on when banned: Bagil
Round ID in which ban was placed:120219
Your side of the story: I saw that Cynic was on and decided to pull a funny and say, "Monkey stride, Monkey slide. 40% of all transgenders commit suicide." OOC was disabled admins talked shit, that was it.
Why you think you should be unbanned:To start, this ban was unjustified and nothing even indicated it was coming. Literally I could've been noted, I could've been warned actually anything but I get banned for a week without warning or even a bwoink. If I was seriously targeting Cynic and trying to get them mad or worse (I can't imagine what), I would've DM'd them on discord or some shit. Yes I admit this ban is /somewhat/ deserved, but I'd like to say I should've at least had some kind of warning or literally anything that could indicate a week ban was coming. This is a stupid ban and it might not even get appealed, in that case I'd like to at the very least appeal the note this is going to leave on my record/lower the ban time. All this ban is is just baby rage on the internet I didn't even do anything rule breaky IC.This was only my second time even saying it and OOC was disabled right after it. Hell I could've even been OOC banned or muted, why was OOC disabled in the first place? It's the internet, it's text on a screen why would you let this get on your nerves and even care about it.