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[Pointlesswaste3] Ghilker/D.O.R.F. - Note Appeal

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 1:40 pm
by Ghilker
Byond account and character name: Ghilker / D.O.R.F. (AI)
Banning admin:Pointlesswaste3
Ban type (What are you banned from?):Note appeal
Ban reason and length:
2019-04-15 09:39:58 | Events | Pointlesswaste3

Banned from Roles: AI, Cyborg for 1 week - refused human orders as an asimov AI, with no immediate human harm consequences. cited roleplay reasons when asked why. did not seem to understand why this was a problem. job banned from AI and cyborg for a week. take some time and read the rules about asimov silicons: ... c_Policies [EDIT: discussed on forums, took the time to understand what the issue was and seems to now know why it was against server rules/silicon policy.]
Time ban was placed (including time zone):see reason
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil):can't remember
Your side of the story:This is a note appeal, i would like to have this note removed from my account. Is been a long time (four months) and i played a lot on the servers both as AI or engineerings jobs; i would like to remove this note not because i'm going deliberately broke the rules, but because shits can happen and i could face harsher punishments because of that note and i dont really want to have to deal with it anymore
Why you think you should be unbanned: is been four months, i know how to play AI now much better and that note is not representative of the AI player i am now

Re: [Pointlesswaste3] Ghilker/D.O.R.F. - Note Appeal

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 1:44 pm
by Jimmius
the note is factually accurate, as you say yourself, so there's no reason to remove it.

Re: [Pointlesswaste3] Ghilker/D.O.R.F. - Note Appeal

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 2:07 pm
by Ghilker
yes is factually accurate, but it can (and will) make a ban on the same topic harsher just because i have it

it happened four months ago and since then i got way better at playing AI, and if i get a fucked up round where everything goes down the sinkhole i could make a mistake and not letting someone enter a department because i think is dangerous when is not (shits happens and mistakes too) i will get a worse punishment because "you did it before you should have learned"

Re: [Pointlesswaste3] Ghilker/D.O.R.F. - Note Appeal

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 4:20 pm
by Gigapuddi420

Code: Select all

For those reasons, notes can be appealed if they match one of the following two cases:

1. The note is factually or materially incorrect.
There must be a difference between how an admin who knew all the facts would view you vs how an admin who only had the note to go on would view you. If you were being a shit but the note didn't correctly detail exactly how you were being a shit, an appeal nitpicking this detail is unlikely to be granted.

2.    The note's contents or existence is unjustifiably harsh to the player's standing in the eyes of admins reading the notes.
Notes that contain admin opinions that unfairly paint the player in a bad light are one example. Emphasis on the phrase "unfairly". If you're repeatedly a shitter and an admin calls you a shitter in a note just take the hint and improve on not being a shitter.
Old notes (over 6 months old) fade on the records requiring the admin to actually click a prompt to 'see old notes'. It's very rare they are used to increase severity of any action and admins are expected to understand that new/inexperienced players make mistakes.

If the note is both accurate and not unjustifiably harsh there is no reason to remove it. It will eventually fade away and even if you were to fuck up following laws in the future it's unlikely a admin will view a note from four months ago as recent enough to establish a bad pattern. Notes shouldn't be appealed just because they exist and could theoretically increase the severity of action in the future; the appeal process is for notes that are either incorrect or unfair in their portrayal of events. If the note was neither of these things then it's better just to move on and learn from it.

Re: [Pointlesswaste3] Ghilker/D.O.R.F. - Note Appeal

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 4:55 pm
by Ghilker
Ah i see, didn't know that old notes faded after 6 months

Welp feel free to close this then

Re: [Pointlesswaste3] Ghilker/D.O.R.F. - Note Appeal

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 10:50 pm
by Hulkamania
Feeling free to close this then.