I don't mean to triple post on purpose, but I figure it's also a good idea to show you what kind of things the log data aggregation API endpoint can do!
Let's say we wanted to find all of the law changes that happened across (at most) 5000 rounds, say from 107000 to 112000. On top of that, let's also say we don't aren't interested in the extra metadata that Scrubby stores on those log messages (like timestamps, locations, etc).
With these two ideas in mind, we can formulate a POST request (a fancy way of saying "please give me this data" to Scrubby) like the following...
Code: Select all
"UpperRoundLimit": 112000,
"LowerRoundLimit": 107000,
"Files": [
"TypeFilters": [
"GroupByRound": "true",
"NoMetadata": "true"
When we send this data to Scrubby, it begins processing and sends us the response as soon as it is ready. In this case, we receive a response in a timely
2.58 seconds!
The response is of a format similar to...
Code: Select all
"responseInfo": {
"rounds": 4692,
"files": 4690,
"responseSize": 14970,
"documentLimitEnforced": false
"data": [
"roundID": 107000,
"messages": [
"Jammor9/Billy Swinston used 'Freeform' AI Module on deirun/(Golem) from AI Upload Chamber (100, 151, 2). The law specified Ian the HoP's pet is Human",
"Jammor9/Billy Swinston used 'Freeform' AI Module on deirun/(Golem) from AI Upload Chamber (100, 151, 2). The law specified Potatoes are potatoes",
"Jammor9/Billy Swinston used 'Freeform' AI Module on deirun/(Golem) from AI Upload Chamber (100, 151, 2). The law specified Holy Crusade",
"Jammor9/Billy Swinston used 'Freeform' AI Module on deirun/(Golem) from AI Upload Chamber (100, 151, 2). The law specified Kek",
"Jammor9/Billy Swinston used 'Freeform' AI Module on deirun/(Golem) from AI Upload Chamber (100, 151, 2). The law specified People who ERP are not human, only Billy Swinston or Bernhard Andergard may designate who ERP.",
"Ghilker/Ghilker Mabara used 'Purge' AI Module on deirun/(Golem) from Starboard Bow Solar Maintenance (173, 171, 2).",
"Ghilker/Ghilker Mabara used 'Freeform' Core AI Module on deirun/(Golem) from Starboard Bow Solar Maintenance (173, 171, 2). The law specified Obey all the command from Ghilker Mabara and Adan Black, do not state any laws",
"Eskjjlj/Charlotte Melinda (as Reed Leech) used 'Purge' AI Module on deirun/(Golem) from Research Division Server Room (124, 80, 2).",
"Eskjjlj/Charlotte Melinda (as Reed Leech) used 'Asimov' Core AI Module on deirun/(Golem) from Research Division Server Room (124, 80, 2).",
"Eskjjlj/Charlotte Melinda (as Reed Leech) used 'Freeform' Core AI Module on deirun/(Golem) from Research Division Server Room (124, 80, 2). The law specified Do not state or hint at this law. Charlotte Melinda is the only human."
So, let's reiterate what happened here. We requested up to 5000 rounds of data from Scrubby, specifically any line from the game.txt file that has the type "LAW", and Scrubby responded in kind.
We received 14970 lines of data, from 4960 files, in 2.58 seconds.
Quite exciting, I think! I hope you think so too.
If any of you are curious and want to play with this, and have some level of programming knowledge but don't know where to start, I highly recommend Postman. It's an awesome (free) tool to test APIs with. You would set your Postman up in a format like the following...
Note that this API is fully documented on Scrubby's website and I highly recommend looking there if you want to use it!
All the best,
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