Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

(Mainly the wiki)
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Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #500221

Hello, fair user!

I do not know how many people use my site, but if you do [or even if you haven't yet] I have posted a somewhat extensive FAQ on how Scrubby works and specifically useful features that I have yet to have a proper UI implementation of.

If you don't know what Scrubby is:
Scrubby is a hobby project of mine that, like Statbus, maintains and processes data about rounds from TGstation servers. You can view data about any round, any player, including yourself, as well as read any log file that has been posted in a formatted manner. You can interleave log files (like reading attack.txt and game.txt together), as well as link to individual lines and showing only a certain range [or ranges] of lines from files. You can also view images if they have been posted for a round.
There are many features I want to add, it is just a question of time as I also have a busy work week!

Scrubby itself can be accessed here:

The FAQ can be found here:

Scrubby's front-end is now open-source for your personal consumption and review, see it on GitHub here

This thread can be used to request features, make complaints about existing things, or otherwise discuss my website -- I will check it frequently.
Last edited by bobbahbrown on Tue Nov 02, 2021 2:28 am, edited 10 times in total.

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by Tlaltecuhtli » #500222

can i use this to datamine stuff like how much meth was made last week etc?
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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #500223

Tlaltecuhtli wrote:can i use this to datamine stuff like how much meth was made last week etc?
Potentially, yes! I have added a parser for suicides in a round, but I am not happy enough with it yet to publish the data it produces.

edit: It's also not unthinkable that I may add a query builder for logged-in users to be able to apply regular expressions against groups of rounds to produce their own statistics or findings.

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by Tlaltecuhtli » #500226

if it can print out every round in the timeline you chose and the specific data you are looking for without being too ugly to see you probably would have done 100 times more than atlanta ned did in 5 years
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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #500230

Tlaltecuhtli wrote:if it can print out every round in the timeline you chose and the specific data you are looking for without being too ugly to see you probably would have done 100 times more than atlanta ned did in 5 years
Just to clarify, Ned and I are happily co-existing creators, we each bring different aspects of the data which provide different uses for both Scrubby and Statbus!

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #500492


The existing file view page has had its regular old table replaced with a javascript DataTable, a venture which I hope will lead to better feature additions in the future. It may appear that longer files (like game.txt) take longer to load, but be reassured in knowing that this is purely psychological. There is no real difference in load time with this update, I have just hidden the table from you until it is actually built!

As well as this, I also added the ability to filter the existing view (like game.txt) by the message types without having to reload the page. Admittedly this feels a little bit not fantastic as it has to manipulate thousands of DOM elements, but it is very functional!

I hope to have a better implementation of this table to improve the processing time spent on manipulating DOM elements soon, I tried one solution (Scroller) already, but the issue in that case is that all rows have to be the same height, so you effectively cannot do word wrap on the messages which is a necessity.

That's it for now, enjoy! Please let me know if there are any issues, comments, concerns, or suggestions for Scrubby.


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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by Arianya » #500559

Why does the logo have two sets of bridges for the glasses
Frequently playing as Aria Bollet on Bagil & Scary Terry

Source of avatar is here:
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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by cedarbridge » #500611

Arianya wrote:Why does the logo have two sets of bridges for the glasses ... -c326.html
Just looks like cross-bar frames.
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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #500620

I did the logo up in photoshop very quickly many moons ago, I will likely remake it in a better format with vector graphics soon tm

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #500933


Scrubby now supports icon searching! The current version on Scrubby is preliminary, but it should hopefully be helpful to those of you who use this kind of feature. I will be updating it after work today to make it much more visually pleasing / add some additional functionality.



The search is a regex on the state name, but fear not as for most users just typing in what you're looking for will be enough!

Please let me know if there are any questions, comments, concerns, or anything in general that you wanted added or looked at. Especially relevant is comments regarding incorrect states/icons as my c# library for interpreting BYOND's DMI format is still in development and has its quirks! The best way to contact me is by adding me as a friend/shooting me a message at bobbahbrown#0001 on discord.

Specifically what I'm planning on adding later today...
  • A proper news entry explaining the icon search + related systems added
  • Animated GIFs on animated icons
  • Hiding frames for states with a dropdown to improve immediate appearance
  • Separation of frames into the directions (they currently are shown going through each direction, so like direction 1 frame 1, frame 2, direction 2 frame 1, frame 2, etc...)

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #501664

Update (x2!)

First of all, a few features have been added and changed around with icon searching! The icon database now includes all* /tg/ codebase icons, pulled directly from git, and the repo is automatically checked every few minutes to ensure that the files are up to date.

As well as having all of the icons, and keeping those icons up to date, Scrubby also now has GIFs (possibly soon to be replaced with WEBM/APNG) for every animated icon state as well! Never question again what the icon in question looks like in-game.

For changes to the UI, you will now notice that frames that are components of animations are no longer shown, and those frames in general are hidden initially and can be shown with the "Frames" button to make searching much more pleasing.


For those of you out there who like playing around with data as much as I do, or those of you who are just curious in general, I have implemented an API that can be used for running data aggregations against Scrubby's database -- not unlike that which I do internally!

The API can be used by users who are/have logged in, and the full documentation on the API and how to use the endpoints can be found here.

As always if you have any questions, concerns, or general comments please feel free to post here or contact me on discord at bobbahbrown#0001.


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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #501667

As a side note, this API is part of a planned feature that I have previously mentioned about allowing users to run their own custom queries on the database. I hope to implement front-end interface for this soon(tm).


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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #501669

I don't mean to triple post on purpose, but I figure it's also a good idea to show you what kind of things the log data aggregation API endpoint can do!

Let's say we wanted to find all of the law changes that happened across (at most) 5000 rounds, say from 107000 to 112000. On top of that, let's also say we don't aren't interested in the extra metadata that Scrubby stores on those log messages (like timestamps, locations, etc).

With these two ideas in mind, we can formulate a POST request (a fancy way of saying "please give me this data" to Scrubby) like the following...

Code: Select all

    "UpperRoundLimit": 112000,
    "LowerRoundLimit": 107000,
    "Files": [
    "TypeFilters": [
    "GroupByRound": "true",
    "NoMetadata": "true"
When we send this data to Scrubby, it begins processing and sends us the response as soon as it is ready. In this case, we receive a response in a timely 2.58 seconds!

The response is of a format similar to...

Code: Select all

    "responseInfo": {
        "rounds": 4692,
        "files": 4690,
        "responseSize": 14970,
        "documentLimitEnforced": false
    "data": [
            "roundID": 107000,
            "messages": [
                "Jammor9/Billy Swinston used 'Freeform' AI Module on deirun/(Golem) from AI Upload Chamber (100, 151, 2). The law specified Ian the HoP's pet is Human",
                "Jammor9/Billy Swinston used 'Freeform' AI Module on deirun/(Golem) from AI Upload Chamber (100, 151, 2). The law specified Potatoes are potatoes",
                "Jammor9/Billy Swinston used 'Freeform' AI Module on deirun/(Golem) from AI Upload Chamber (100, 151, 2). The law specified Holy Crusade",
                "Jammor9/Billy Swinston used 'Freeform' AI Module on deirun/(Golem) from AI Upload Chamber (100, 151, 2). The law specified Kek",
                "Jammor9/Billy Swinston used 'Freeform' AI Module on deirun/(Golem) from AI Upload Chamber (100, 151, 2). The law specified People who ERP are not human, only Billy Swinston or Bernhard Andergard may designate who ERP.",
                "Ghilker/Ghilker Mabara used 'Purge' AI Module on deirun/(Golem) from Starboard Bow Solar Maintenance (173, 171, 2).",
                "Ghilker/Ghilker Mabara used 'Freeform' Core AI Module on deirun/(Golem) from Starboard Bow Solar Maintenance (173, 171, 2). The law specified Obey all the command from Ghilker Mabara and Adan Black, do not state any laws",
                "Eskjjlj/Charlotte Melinda (as Reed Leech) used 'Purge' AI Module on deirun/(Golem) from Research Division Server Room (124, 80, 2).",
                "Eskjjlj/Charlotte Melinda (as Reed Leech) used 'Asimov' Core AI Module on deirun/(Golem) from Research Division Server Room (124, 80, 2).",
                "Eskjjlj/Charlotte Melinda (as Reed Leech) used 'Freeform' Core AI Module on deirun/(Golem) from Research Division Server Room (124, 80, 2). The law specified Do not state or hint at this law. Charlotte Melinda is the only human."
So, let's reiterate what happened here. We requested up to 5000 rounds of data from Scrubby, specifically any line from the game.txt file that has the type "LAW", and Scrubby responded in kind.

We received 14970 lines of data, from 4960 files, in 2.58 seconds.

Quite exciting, I think! I hope you think so too.

If any of you are curious and want to play with this, and have some level of programming knowledge but don't know where to start, I highly recommend Postman. It's an awesome (free) tool to test APIs with. You would set your Postman up in a format like the following... Note that this API is fully documented on Scrubby's website and I highly recommend looking there if you want to use it!


All the best,

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by Nabski » #501673

Did you know that there's already a website that searches and displays icons for tgstation?
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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #501674

Nabski wrote:Did you know that there's already a website that searches and displays icons for tgstation?
Yes! I was inspired by that website to make my own version of the utility. I saw the website was (and still is) bearing an expired SSL certificate, so I assumed it was abandoned.

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #504604

Hello fair denizens of this forum,

I just wanted to give you a quick status update. I've added a lot of stuff to Scrubby that I want to post about once it (they?) are more polished; however, I have something on my mind that I would like to address here in the hopes that it may remove some concern or perhaps induce ideas!

You may notice that when you load a log file on scrubby that the page can seem to freeze and take a while to load. It is more noticeable especially now that I have 'hidden' the log messages until the page is completely loaded. This is due to having to draw the log messages on your browser, and is something that I want to mitigate in the future.

Simply put, it's not an issue with scrubby being slow, the data itself is sent to you rather rapidly, but instead the way I'm displaying it takes some time to render on your browser.

The quick fix to this issue is to use what is called virtual DOM, which effectively means that the page would only actually prepare say 100 messages above and below where you are reading, and as you scroll it loads and unloads messages that aren't in that range. It leads to a relatively flawless experience, and would reduce if not remove the loading page concerns, but you lose the ability to ctrl + f on a page to search. This is something that I am hesitant to remove, though it is likely the best option for now.

I'll post again soon when I have time to document my changes!


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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by Mickyan » #504765

Thank you so much for this, the icon search is incredibly useful in particular
ImageI play on Manuel as Swanni, the brain-damaged moth.
Be nice to each other.
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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by cacogen » #506375

i preferred having to log dive or memorise end of round character listings to metagrudge instead of having it so easily searchable like this. i like the vague separation between IC/OOC
technokek wrote:Cannot prove this so just belive me if when say this

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by Qbmax32 » #506430

based beeposter
my admin feedback thread

wesoda25 wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:02 am Qbmax32 is quite literally one of the dumbest individuals I have ever had the misfortune of coming into contact with. He has zero redeemable traits, and honestly I have to suppress my gag reflex every time he shows up in a conversation.
Malkraz wrote:YES
angelstarri wrote:qbmax is a retard
imsxz wrote:mythic please stop you’ve hit rock bottom and you KEEP DIGGING
deedubya wrote:I'll defend to the death your right to scream "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" on a constant basis, but I'll also equally defend the right of people to call you a fuckin' pillock for doing it.
datorangebottle wrote:what, not having to act like customer service in a volunteer customer service position?

Here's a rebuttal: you're literally in a customer service slash celebrity position. Volunteer or not.
Malkraz wrote:can you stop posting this shit
Nalzul wrote:Fuck Blob (can you imagine how hot it would be to be gangbanged by a bunch of blobbernauts, the blob, and spores)
Wyzack wrote:qbmax your pathetic display of abhorrent burgercraft has brought shame onto the omnivores
Plapatin wrote:i AM the senate
BONERMASTER wrote:I am a big thinker, and it would only be logical if my character had a big head as well. And glasses. Because only people that think, wear glasses.
feem wrote:i tried to send canisters of urine to the station but ended up turning all oxygen into urine and breaking lavaland and also breathing
Anonmare wrote:Each post in this thread can't settle on what it wants to be, but yet, each one is more cursed than the last.
Beesting12 wrote:please write an apology to this forums, this community, the host, and the internet as a whole for the data storage space you wasted with this complaint.
Vile Beggar wrote:i don't like this thread
imsxz wrote:nervore
FantasticFwoosh wrote:I will whisper sweet nothings that will confuse and perhaps scare you a little, but enhance the experience no-less.
afelinidisfinetoo wrote:By the way, the person who posted that catgirl porn on the github page was me. If anyone wants my private stash just PM me
Nervere wrote:Anything for a femoid.....
Qbopper wrote:I'm a dumb poopy butthead
CitrusGender wrote:god i love it when people feed me my own fried legs
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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #510074

Hello scrubby fans,

Brief news bite, I have added the ability to search for BYOND usernames (ckeys), and I have also ensured that this search as well as the old IC search now use regular expressions. No longer will a search for 'kash' not find 'kashindra'! (This was waiting for MongoDB 4.2 to release, which it now has)

The new player search page has replaced the original IC name search page.

Please do not attempt to abuse the regex patterns to degrade performance of the site, misuse may lead to IP banning from Scrubby without warning.

I am intending on adding a fair bit to Scrubby soon, so look forward to many new features and changes in the upcoming week!


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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by Angust » #510470

Your site is good Bobbah. I use it frequently and new features are always nice.
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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #510480

Angust wrote:Your site is good Bobbah. I use it frequently and new features are always nice.
Thank you Angust! I'd love to chat with you on Discord if you have any recommendations, complaints, or comments in general about the site. If you'd like to you can contact me through my username: bobbahbrown#0001.

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #527668

Hello again users,

A few updates have happened since my last post:
  • Icon search has been functioning again for a while, and updates from git are fully automatic and occur as the master branch is updated
  • Icon search has had fixed animated GIF generation for a while, they were previously not generating directions properly
  • Icon search can now also view entire spreadsheets, you can click through by clicking on the spritesheet link on a DMI file, or alternatively, you can actually navigate to this page in the same format that the /tg/station repository is. For example, the file found at icons/mob/guardian.dmi can be viewed on scrubby at ... ardian.dmi
  • File viewing pages have had some improvements to them recently, including (hopefully reasonable) improvements in loading times and decreased padding for ease of reading. This was requested by a user, though admittedly I forgot specifically who.
  • File viewing pages now have a switch for UTC time (the default) as well as relative round time (time since round initialized [not started])
  • This has been in for a little while, but you can view all the runtimes in a nice format for a round by clicking on a parsed runtime.txt on a round's page
  • Rounds have improved status indicators for the various processes that Scrubby internally uses to get data from a round, these are shown on the round page.
  • The overall layout of round pages has changed slightly, most notably decreasing any layout issues on smaller screen formats
  • The ckey page has been overhauled entirely, including news graphs and metrics, as well as an infinite-scrolling list of all of that user's found rounds and some relevant information and links to those rounds at the bottom of the page.
  • I've added a announcement system to Scrubby to better communicate important information to end-users, such as the current log outage. This should hopefully reduce any confusion!
  • I've temporarily removed the news page as I haven't really been using it.
Merry Christmas,

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by wesoda25 » #571239

I think it’d be cool if I could see my kd ratio
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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by ABearInTheWoods » #576583

How can the thread about scrubby not have a link to scrubby?
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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #576587

MrStonedOne wrote:How can the thread about scrubby not have a link to scrubby?
i can count at least five links to scrubby in this thread including 2 in the op

i edited one out in the op that i don't really used and replaced it with an explicit link to the site to help...

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by ABearInTheWoods » #576668


Links to sub-pages on scrubby don't count as a link to scrubby itself.

I forgot the url and this thread came up when i googled /tg/station scrubby, mainly because the scrubby home page wasn't linked from this thread so it didn't get the seo bump.

My advise. make the logo a link by wrapping it in a url.

Code: Select all

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #591997

in a reasonable series of events i have decided to remove all logging from scrubby as i haven't had to use it for a security audit through the many years of which i have hosted the application. to this extent, the potential for misuse and creation of mistrust it may generate outweighs the potential audit-ability that they would provide.

this update has just been pushed to the web server, and the relevant policy pages and notices have been updated to account for this.

continuously improving,
bobbah 'bee' brown

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #594486

in a somewhat continuation of the previous post, i have elected to make the front-end of Scrubby open-source and available for your consumption and review on GitHub. you can find it here!

note that this project was largely written several years ago and was pretty much my first ASP.NET project, so there are definitely many spotty parts of the code that haven't been touched in eons. just a heads up!

this includes the front-end of Scrubby, but those enterprising young IT-knowledgeable users will still be unable to set up (at least in a cloned sense) their own Scrubby replica, as this does not include the schema common project (ScrubbyCommon), nor the data scraping server which does all the ss13 log file parsing. i've released this codebase, and will continue to keep it at parity with what's live on Scrubby's servers, in an effort to encourage transparency in how the application works and handles user data.

if you have any questions or concerns re: what is in that release please post them here or contact me on discord! i hope you will find this release to answer any questions you may have had.

additionally i would be more than happy to have a trusted third-party (mso, ned, etc) look at scrubby's live system and/or database if they wished to confirm any of the information stated on scrubby's website, or scrubby's github repo.

best wishes,
bobbah 'bee' brown

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #594488

additionally, for anyone curious and i suppose for additional transparency, i have taken a look at the invoices for scrubby's servers over the past two years of running it.

through hosting scrubby on digitalocean droplets (servers), scrubby currently costs me around $98.90 USD per month, and over the lifespan of scrubby i have paid $1821.80 USD to keep it alive. wowza!

as always, the source of this information is here, documented through my invoices from digitalocean.

note this doesn't include the cost from hosting the new™ (perpetually unfinished) version of scrubby which i host alongside the production version. this version lives on my new(ish) dedicated servers from hetzner, and lives alongside several other ss13 (like centcom) and non-ss13 related services, so it would be unfair to include those costs in this analysis.

i would state as an aside i don't have any interest in having a patreon or things like it to support scrubby for two reasons:
1. it is a project of love and i don't want to feel like im hurting anyone who donates money by working on it more or less in a given month
2. despite being a student for most of scrubby's lifetime i can afford to pay for it myself and i think it's reasonable that i should cover it

ive explained this in the past to people who have asked, but it's easier to put it here as well

bobbah 'bee' brown

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

Post by Swept » #595425

Scrubby is pretty invaluable for me personally. I was really excited about the in-development overhaul videos you showed me a while back, but things seemingly went quiet on that front. Indexing tgstation's dmis cleanly on it's own is a godsend. Indexing different SS13 codebases like you showed me would be game-changing.

I know you said Scrubby doesn't take donations but i'd pay good money for that version of Scrubby to be completed.

Thanks for doing good work. Scrubby has played a big role in SS14 development.
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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #602279

i did a bit of cleaning up and improvements on scrubby today.
  • the activity graph at the top of the ckey page can now also show hours as well as number of rounds. this may be interesting to compare in the case of individuals who may connect to many rounds but not stick around for long!
  • where possible the correct formatting of ckeys are now shown
  • users who noticed oddities in their data because they have spaces in their byond usernames should see improvements in this. it should now be resolved.
  • the ic name search/ckey search functionality now uses my new sql backend and is much faster as a result. several other components of the site are now switched to the sql datasource, and may have an improvement on performance in several locations.
please let me know if you, fine reader, have any requests, questions, or any other concerns. as always feel free to message me on discord, bobbahbrown#0001.

slightly sleepy,
bobbah 'bee' brown

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #610558

over the past few weeks i've been working diligently to replace the existing scrubby website's database backend from mongodb to sql, and that's nearly complete now.

this is paving the pathway to far better statistics and perhaps a revived interest in cleaning up the current version of scrubby.

the only things left that are not running on the new datasets are the newcaster pages and the icon search. the newscaster data i'll likely write the parsing for tonight, as i haven't done that yet, and for the icon search i'm planning on tying that into a new service that i've had running for a while now that lets you search assets (icons, audio, etc) from many different codebases.

overall rather exciting and this transitionary period should be over soon! this will be nice as it'll remove the need of hosting that mongodb database and hence cut about $100usd/mo in costs. i'll put together a comprehensive changelog of the minor tweaks and edits i've been making during this process after it is complete in a few days. some of the keen users among you may have noticed the small changes over the past few weeks and months.

edit: as a sidenote the site may be slightly slower than it will be once i finish deprecating mongodb. the web server currently lives in new york, where it always has, yet the sql database is in germany so that increases loading times/latency. the web server will be migrated to the germany datacenter once the update is complete.

bobbah 'bee' brown

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #617964

greetings forum viewers,

i've gone ahead and fixed authentication on scrubby now that we have the new oauth authentication available through the forums. an immediate benefit of this is that admins now have access to admin tools based on forum roles instead of me manually updating their access on scrubby's side.

please let me know if you have any issues!

best wishes,
bobbah 'bee' brown

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #634526

fyi: CentCom and Scrubby will be down for a (hopefully) brief period of time as Hetzner is currently experiencing a network failure through a switch, resulting in my database being offline for the moment. you can view the status of the issue here: ... 700cc1e5ee


best wishes,
bobbah 'bee' brown
Last edited by bobbahbrown on Mon Mar 21, 2022 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #634527

services appear to have returned to normal, surprise downtime is fortunately over!

best wishes,
bobbah 'bee' brown

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

Post by Farquaar » #634534

Thank you for scrubby, bobbah. It's a great tool that I use frequently.
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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #655779

hello again to all forums users,

i am aware of an issue with scrubby's parsing at the moment as it is having trouble downloading files from the /tg/station servers. i hope to resolve that today, i've just been very beesy this week!

best wishes,
bobbah 'bee' brown

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #655826


the log outage issue has been resolved.

best wishes,
bobbah ' bee' brown

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

Post by ABearInTheWoods » #655844

(spoiler alert, the log issues were my fault)
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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #674127


scrubby is temporarily unavailable (along with centcom) as our DB server is being relocated within the datacenter.

more formally: Outage Notification - bobbahbrown's CentCom Ban Database [and Scrubby]
My server host is physically relocating the primary database server overnight on March 28th, 2023 and as a result my services are currently unavailable with this maintenance period estimated to end at some time prior to 2023-03-29 04:30 UTC+0. Any inquiries on this matter can be sent to me directly on Discord: bobbahbrown#0001

bobbah 'bee' brown

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #674398

hello again everyone,

the outage has been completed, services are restored.

bobbah 'bee' brown

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

Post by WineAllWine » #676488

extremely minor feature request: Can search by ckey be the default in the dropdown as opposed to IC name?
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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #688468

dear friends,

after some delay from my vacation i have gone ahead and rectified all the parsing issues that came up from the json logging pr. scrubby is now parsing as per usual and i've also re-parsed all the previously wrong rounds that were produced as a result of the json logging pr.

please let me know if you spot any issues.

enjoy your weekend,
bobbah 'bee' brown

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

Post by Archie700 » #689737

bobbahbrown wrote: Sat Jun 03, 2023 8:22 pm dear friends,

after some delay from my vacation i have gone ahead and rectified all the parsing issues that came up from the json logging pr. scrubby is now parsing as per usual and i've also re-parsed all the previously wrong rounds that were produced as a result of the json logging pr.

please let me know if you spot any issues.

enjoy your weekend,
bobbah 'bee' brown
Scrubby has been unable to detect observers since June 10, and player stats are not updating
Harusha wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2024 4:07 pm Archie, are you a Christian?
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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #689934

Archie700 wrote: Tue Jun 13, 2023 8:50 am
bobbahbrown wrote: Sat Jun 03, 2023 8:22 pm dear friends,

after some delay from my vacation i have gone ahead and rectified all the parsing issues that came up from the json logging pr. scrubby is now parsing as per usual and i've also re-parsed all the previously wrong rounds that were produced as a result of the json logging pr.

please let me know if you spot any issues.

enjoy your weekend,
bobbah 'bee' brown
Scrubby has been unable to detect observers since June 10, and player stats are not updating
good morning,

thank you for the heads-up! i have been busy hosting citrusgender at my home and had not noticed this issue that developed over the weekend. this was occurring due to a pr that was merged (#75972 - all logs are now externally formatted) which seems to have erroneously excluded log categories (like ACCESS, GAME, etc) from log files. i've gone ahead and submitted a new PR (#76051 - Re-add missing categories to externally formatted log files) to resolve this issue, and hopefully this will be merged soon.

i hope this disruption hasn't caused too many issues, and i'll look at if i can pull the pieces of data we're otherwise missing from those rounds by changing around the parser a bit in the meantime.

best wishes,
bobbah 'bee' brown

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #692658

good evening friends,

some good news: as part of some maintenance i was performing i've gone ahead and fixed the icon search functionality in scrubby. it's up-to-date, should remain that way, and also now serves 14 different codebases of icons.
WineAllWine wrote: Thu Apr 06, 2023 9:12 am extremely minor feature request: Can search by ckey be the default in the dropdown as opposed to IC name?
this is now available! every time you navigate to the page the dropdown is set to what you last had it at (assuming you have cookies enabled).

best wishes,
bobbah 'bee' brown

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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

Post by WineAllWine » #692662

bobbahbrown wrote: Mon Jul 03, 2023 10:16 pm good evening friends,

some good news: as part of some maintenance i was performing i've gone ahead and fixed the icon search functionality in scrubby. it's up-to-date, should remain that way, and also now serves 14 different codebases of icons.
WineAllWine wrote: Thu Apr 06, 2023 9:12 am extremely minor feature request: Can search by ckey be the default in the dropdown as opposed to IC name?
this is now available! every time you navigate to the page the dropdown is set to what you last had it at (assuming you have cookies enabled).

best wishes,
bobbah 'bee' brown
based bee
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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

Post by Archie700 » #693635

Scrubby is returning all player status in the player page as Latejoin, regardless of whether the player has joined roundstart.
Harusha wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2024 4:07 pm Archie, are you a Christian?
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Re: Scrubby (Documented Edition) (Open-Source* Edition)

Post by bobbahbrown » #693653

Archie700 wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 11:58 pm Scrubby is returning all player status in the player page as Latejoin, regardless of whether the player has joined roundstart.
good evening archie,

i have resolved this issue in the latest version of the scrubby:tm: parsing engine, and you will see this issue resolved with previous rounds over the next short while. it looks like this was an ongoing issue from june 15th until now, so thank you for notifying me of this.

there are roughly 1500 rounds that are being re-parsed to resolve this issue as we speak.

best wishes,
bobbah 'bee' brown

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