[gigapuddi420] CrazyClown12 - 1 week Captain Ban because I Executed shitter for various crimes
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 7:42 pm
This is an appeal to the headmins as Gigapuddi has stated in discord she will not reconsider the ban.
Byond account and character name: CrazyClown12 - Rodrigo Williamson
Banning admin: Gigapuddi420
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Captain, Head of Security for 1 week
Ban reason and length: Executed an assistant for pushing him over while securing some evidence from a traitor. You have the tools and the authority to arrest people who cause you trouble, executions are usually reserved for people who are highly dangerous or confirmed traitors. Take a break from Captain for a while and be more rational next time.
(I dispute the accuracy of this note - It is deliberately reductionist to the point of complete inaccuracy, especially as I was not there to "secure evidence". I was waiting by disposals as the AI had told me that the Mime, who had purchased an esword, obtained a taser from the HoS and had been murdering people, was disposaling himself. Further, I did not execute because I got Pushed over. This note does not accurately portray the situation at all.
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 01/03/2018 18:51 UK
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Terry
Your side of the story: I was playing Captain, which on Terry is normally a relatively chill job. However, this round there was a lot going on. There were multiple traitors, some of which seemed to be going on murder sprees. There was a xeno egg in xenobio. The HoS was incompetent to the point that multiple people were calling for him to be demoted.
The mime had attacked the HoS with an esword, who then dropped a taser. I wasn't sure if this was a case of a very robust mime or an unrobust HoS (I suspected a combination of both) but I didn't like the idea of someone running around the station with an instant stun + esword combo, so I armed up and went after him. AI told me he was in theater but about to disposal himself, so I went to disposals and waited. A cargo tech entered and told me he found syndie stuff, so gave it to me. He was followed in by an assistant who was trespassing. The assistant starts running around the disposals line, so I tell him that the mime (who has been called out as a murderer multiple times) is about to go there and he should go. His response to this is just to fucking disarm me. I ignore him doing this and tell him to stop, but he does it multiple times.
He stops and starts running circles again, so I start having a look at the syndie box a cargo tech bought me. I found a holoparasite injector, I assume its used so pick it out to have a look and the shitter assistant attacks me again. He rips it out of my hands, then before I can arrest him he runs away via the disposals line (which he turned on after I turned off). At this point I'm starting to doubt what the AI had told me about the mime going down disposals (The AI was subverted that round but I didnt look into that because it's largely irrelevant as I didn't realise).
So this assistant broke in, attacked me when as far as we were aware a stun+ esword wielding murderer was inbound, then stole my only lead on a different traitor before making his escape.
I have had no prior interaction with this guy, he just enters a space he has no access to, attacks me when a murderer is inbound in a seeming attempt to leave me vulnerable and then steals my only evidence lead and escapes. He had no reason to attack me, so I assume he is a threat and go to arrest him in disposals, as I don't want him attacking me when I am in a vulnerable situation.
As all of this is going, there is a xeno threat in xenobio. I had allowed science to raise the xeno egg (This always gets out of hand, but I figured I would allow them to do it as its more fun for everyone). I can only do one thing at a time, but as I was sorting out the shitter assistant the xeno became a queen and the reports on radio were asking for help from Security, as apparently the measures taken by science were ineffective and we had the start of an outbreak (imagine my shock).
I took him to the execution chamber and accused him of his crimes. He responded by claiming that he hadn't stolen anything, which is a shockingly retarded thing to claim given that I was a first hand witness. This established him as a liar, making it clear that no discussions would be in any way productive. This guy had basically attacked me when I was vulnerable (all information I had at the time led me to believe that the mime was inbound, although from logs I think he was actually being killed in atmos at the time), multiple times despite no IC reason. As I had warned him that a murderer was coming yet he still decided to attack me, then disposed of the only traitor item I had for another lead that I was going to scan, it seemed likely that he was a syndicate agent (Most likely from an IC perspective), or from an OOC perspective that he was some shitter who didn't roll antag so was going to help those that did. He was an assistant and no reason to be in that same room as me, let alone attack me and steal the traitor item.
Escalation policy states that because security (which as Captain I effectively was) has non-lethals they shouldn't kill people unless they are also eligible for execution. No definition of eligible for execution is given, except for a list of Capital crimes on the space law page. 3 of these were relevant;
Mutiny - To act individually, or as a group, to overthrow or subvert the established Chain of Command without lawful and legitimate cause. There was a clear and immediate danger and he immediately decided to assault me, multiple times. It was not just a one off, he did it repeatedly. I had also told him that a known murderer was going to appear. Disarm spam can leave people on the ground and vulnerable, which is probably what would have happened to me if it wasn't for the secway + riot shield blocking most of his attempts.
Grand Theft - To steal items of high value or sensitive nature. Someone on station had a holopara, by stealing the injector he knowingly got rid of the only lead that security had.
Enemy of the Corporation To act as, or knowingly aid, an enemy of Nanotrasen. A known traitor is reported to be on his way through disposals. I tell this guy that and his immediate response is to attack me. Further to this, he then goes onto dispose of the only lead of a seperate traitor.
Having read the logs, I have now got access to exactly what Assistant McShitter was doing all round. He joined late and his only interactions seemed to be to attack people. (Maybe I'm missing a lot, because I only checked Game logs) but it seems as though he pretty much wordlessly ran around griefing and attacking people with no provocation. He contribution to the round seemed to be nothing positive. During the round I had no idea that this was the case, however it really makes it clear that by removing this guy from the round, nothing of value was lost. I also took the time to explain exactly what he did wrong and why he was eligible for execution, giving him plenty of opportunity to develop and grow as a player.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I did nothing wrong. An IC issue came up which I handled IC both fully to the letter and spirit. Perhaps I could change my play style to be more inclusive of people who treat the game like Grief Simulator 13, but I have received 0 warnings about this in the past and generally play in a way that allows other people to enjoy the game. Despite the ban description, I have acted in good faith and rationally. I do find myself clearly questioning the (lack of logic) in the banning decision.
One final point. Don't let this drop, LoliMilkAparatus needs to be punished for ban baiting.
Byond account and character name: CrazyClown12 - Rodrigo Williamson
Banning admin: Gigapuddi420
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Captain, Head of Security for 1 week
Ban reason and length: Executed an assistant for pushing him over while securing some evidence from a traitor. You have the tools and the authority to arrest people who cause you trouble, executions are usually reserved for people who are highly dangerous or confirmed traitors. Take a break from Captain for a while and be more rational next time.
(I dispute the accuracy of this note - It is deliberately reductionist to the point of complete inaccuracy, especially as I was not there to "secure evidence". I was waiting by disposals as the AI had told me that the Mime, who had purchased an esword, obtained a taser from the HoS and had been murdering people, was disposaling himself. Further, I did not execute because I got Pushed over. This note does not accurately portray the situation at all.
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 01/03/2018 18:51 UK
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Terry
Your side of the story: I was playing Captain, which on Terry is normally a relatively chill job. However, this round there was a lot going on. There were multiple traitors, some of which seemed to be going on murder sprees. There was a xeno egg in xenobio. The HoS was incompetent to the point that multiple people were calling for him to be demoted.
The mime had attacked the HoS with an esword, who then dropped a taser. I wasn't sure if this was a case of a very robust mime or an unrobust HoS (I suspected a combination of both) but I didn't like the idea of someone running around the station with an instant stun + esword combo, so I armed up and went after him. AI told me he was in theater but about to disposal himself, so I went to disposals and waited. A cargo tech entered and told me he found syndie stuff, so gave it to me. He was followed in by an assistant who was trespassing. The assistant starts running around the disposals line, so I tell him that the mime (who has been called out as a murderer multiple times) is about to go there and he should go. His response to this is just to fucking disarm me. I ignore him doing this and tell him to stop, but he does it multiple times.
He stops and starts running circles again, so I start having a look at the syndie box a cargo tech bought me. I found a holoparasite injector, I assume its used so pick it out to have a look and the shitter assistant attacks me again. He rips it out of my hands, then before I can arrest him he runs away via the disposals line (which he turned on after I turned off). At this point I'm starting to doubt what the AI had told me about the mime going down disposals (The AI was subverted that round but I didnt look into that because it's largely irrelevant as I didn't realise).
So this assistant broke in, attacked me when as far as we were aware a stun+ esword wielding murderer was inbound, then stole my only lead on a different traitor before making his escape.
I have had no prior interaction with this guy, he just enters a space he has no access to, attacks me when a murderer is inbound in a seeming attempt to leave me vulnerable and then steals my only evidence lead and escapes. He had no reason to attack me, so I assume he is a threat and go to arrest him in disposals, as I don't want him attacking me when I am in a vulnerable situation.
As all of this is going, there is a xeno threat in xenobio. I had allowed science to raise the xeno egg (This always gets out of hand, but I figured I would allow them to do it as its more fun for everyone). I can only do one thing at a time, but as I was sorting out the shitter assistant the xeno became a queen and the reports on radio were asking for help from Security, as apparently the measures taken by science were ineffective and we had the start of an outbreak (imagine my shock).
I took him to the execution chamber and accused him of his crimes. He responded by claiming that he hadn't stolen anything, which is a shockingly retarded thing to claim given that I was a first hand witness. This established him as a liar, making it clear that no discussions would be in any way productive. This guy had basically attacked me when I was vulnerable (all information I had at the time led me to believe that the mime was inbound, although from logs I think he was actually being killed in atmos at the time), multiple times despite no IC reason. As I had warned him that a murderer was coming yet he still decided to attack me, then disposed of the only traitor item I had for another lead that I was going to scan, it seemed likely that he was a syndicate agent (Most likely from an IC perspective), or from an OOC perspective that he was some shitter who didn't roll antag so was going to help those that did. He was an assistant and no reason to be in that same room as me, let alone attack me and steal the traitor item.
Escalation policy states that because security (which as Captain I effectively was) has non-lethals they shouldn't kill people unless they are also eligible for execution. No definition of eligible for execution is given, except for a list of Capital crimes on the space law page. 3 of these were relevant;
Mutiny - To act individually, or as a group, to overthrow or subvert the established Chain of Command without lawful and legitimate cause. There was a clear and immediate danger and he immediately decided to assault me, multiple times. It was not just a one off, he did it repeatedly. I had also told him that a known murderer was going to appear. Disarm spam can leave people on the ground and vulnerable, which is probably what would have happened to me if it wasn't for the secway + riot shield blocking most of his attempts.
Grand Theft - To steal items of high value or sensitive nature. Someone on station had a holopara, by stealing the injector he knowingly got rid of the only lead that security had.
Enemy of the Corporation To act as, or knowingly aid, an enemy of Nanotrasen. A known traitor is reported to be on his way through disposals. I tell this guy that and his immediate response is to attack me. Further to this, he then goes onto dispose of the only lead of a seperate traitor.
Having read the logs, I have now got access to exactly what Assistant McShitter was doing all round. He joined late and his only interactions seemed to be to attack people. (Maybe I'm missing a lot, because I only checked Game logs) but it seems as though he pretty much wordlessly ran around griefing and attacking people with no provocation. He contribution to the round seemed to be nothing positive. During the round I had no idea that this was the case, however it really makes it clear that by removing this guy from the round, nothing of value was lost. I also took the time to explain exactly what he did wrong and why he was eligible for execution, giving him plenty of opportunity to develop and grow as a player.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I did nothing wrong. An IC issue came up which I handled IC both fully to the letter and spirit. Perhaps I could change my play style to be more inclusive of people who treat the game like Grief Simulator 13, but I have received 0 warnings about this in the past and generally play in a way that allows other people to enjoy the game. Despite the ban description, I have acted in good faith and rationally. I do find myself clearly questioning the (lack of logic) in the banning decision.
One final point. Don't let this drop, LoliMilkAparatus needs to be punished for ban baiting.