[Ivanissaccs] Mooshimi - Not super critical metacomms

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[Ivanissaccs] Mooshimi - Not super critical metacomms

Post by Mooshimi » #472731

Byond account and character name: Mooshimi, Lyra Corsan
Banning admin: Ivanissaccs
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Permaban, all servers
Ban reason and length: Metacomms group with Kittenplays and Naloac
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 4:55 PM EST
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Terry
Your side of the story: We have a group chat on discord and during some rounds we talk about things happening, but never about who's an antag or things super critical to the round. I know this doesn't make it okay, but I hope it makes this slightly less damning. And we've all agreed not to talk on discord during rounds anymore. I'm actually glad we were caught when we were before it became anything more rule-breaking.
Why you think you should be unbanned: The during-round chatter on discord will not happen anymore, and we're all very regretful. Apologies for not following the rules in the first place.
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Re: [Ivanissaccs] Mooshimi - Not super critical metacomms

Post by Shardj » #472744

Hi, I'm probably posting early here but I have some input I think is valuable here. I've played a lot with the players in question and they've very clearly metafriends which is demonstrated on nearly every round I've played with them. However I've had fun playing with all of them and I've never had a problem apart from one particular instance which comes to mind. Most of you on Terry will know me as Bill Burns (normally), to give a little context. The incident was a couple of days ago, which at the time I ignored even though it was pretty blatant, I ran into an issue of clear metacomms between lepi and lyra.

https://tgstation13.org/parsed-logs/ter ... attack.txt
https://tgstation13.org/parsed-logs/ter ... /game.html

Lepi had been causing trouble throughout the round and I knew she had a tazer and was highly wanted due to comms chatter and what I'd seen. We'd exchanged shots earlier in the round. It all eventually came to a close when I confronted her in science and asked her to pass her bag and she fired at me with the tazer, I then shot back immediately taking her down before dragging her off and killing her.

[2019-01-26 00:28:11.883] SAY: 00:28:11.883] SAY: Shardj/(Bill Burns) "pass bag lepi" (Xenobiology Lab (125, 66, 2))

[2019-01-26 00:28:16.979] ATTACK: Naloac/(Lepi Mewtera) has fired at [sink] with [electrode] from Xenobiology Lab (Xenobiology Lab (127, 65, 2))
[2019-01-26 00:28:17.934] ATTACK: Shardj/(Bill Burns) has fired at [Xenobiology Lab Internal Airlock] with [rubbershot pellet] from Xenobiology Lab (Xenobiology Lab (125, 66, 2))
Shooting on my part continues for a while, I kill lepi and also fire shots back at lyra who I knew had been helping her throughout the round and was in the room with us when this went down. I had a revolver as well as the beanbag firing shotgun.

I drag off the dying/dead lepi running away from lyra who I didn't particularly want to kill (and didn't) as I hadn't seen her directly involved with any of lepis crimes. However lyra was injured enough that she was slow and couldn't follow me, while I was unhurt. I ran straight to virology and bolted myself into the airlock just so I could be sure I wasn't going to get jumped. I then stripped lepi.

[2019-01-26 00:28:58.219] ATTACK: Shardj/(Bill Burns) has stripped the science backpack off Naloac/(Lepi Mewtera) (NEWHP: -108.8) (Virology (81, 83, 2))

I found her traitor items so took her next door to be cremated.

[2019-01-26 00:29:55.532] ATTACK: Shardj/(Bill Burns) has cremated *no key*/(Lepi Mewtera) (NEWHP: -108.8) (Chapel Office (79, 74, 2))

Immediately after exiting the chapel backroom I see lyra, there is no way she could've known that I was there. Freaked I run off and don't engage with her, hoping she would bear no grudge after I killed her metafriend. Lyra then spoke in comms which thankfully logs her location as evidence for this.

[2019-01-26 00:30:26.941] SAY: 00:30:26.941] SAY: Mooshimi/(Lyra Corsan) "Bill just cremated my friend" (Chapel Office (80, 73, 2))

It seems very obvious to me that lyra and lepi metacommed here with lepi giving lyra our location so she could try to save her. This seems to me like a case of "super critical metacomms" which is claimed to have never happened in the post description which is why I've posted this. But I will also add once again that I've enjoyed playing with all three players and I hope after a period they return to terry as they've had a very positive impact overall at least with me.
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Re: [Ivanissaccs] Mooshimi - Not super critical metacomms

Post by Mooshimi » #472748

To address the above. No, We were not actively talking at the time. I found you at the crematory due to knowing the direction you ran. Also, I had not been helping her throughout the round. I was afk for a while doing dishes while she was dragging me around. I wiped my hands and did things occasionally, and I remember you coming into xenobio and picking on how I was doing it and I repeatedly told you I had been SSD.

Edit: Added logs to help.

[2019-01-26 00:01:35.027] SAY: 00:01:35.027] SAY: Shardj/(Bill Burns) "no reproductive grey, or industrial grey" (Xenobiology Lab (132, 55, 2))
[2019-01-26 00:01:42.169] SAY: 00:01:42.169] SAY: Mooshimi/(Lyra Corsan) "I was ssd" (Xenobiology Lab (130, 59, 2))

[2019-01-26 00:07:42.660] SAY: 00:07:42.660] SAY: Shardj/(Bill Burns) "you shouldve focused on breeding your metal slime" (Xenobiology Lab (132, 60, 2))
[2019-01-26 00:07:49.585] SAY: 00:07:49.585] SAY: Mooshimi/(Lyra Corsan) "I WASSSD" (Xenobiology Lab (135, 64, 2))

I go SSD, and I got sick while SSD so Lepi brought me around to medical.

[2019-01-26 00:24:53.393] SAY: 00:24:53.393] SAY: Naloac/(Lepi Mewtera) "hey" (Medbay Central (98, 105, 2))
[2019-01-26 00:24:57.998] SAY: 00:24:57.998] SAY: Naloac/(Lepi Mewtera) "she sick" (Medbay Central (98, 105, 2))
[2019-01-26 00:25:00.144] SAY: 00:25:00.144] SAY: Naloac/(Lepi Mewtera) "can you fix?" (Medbay Central (98, 105, 2))

She went to take me back to xenobio where I was SSD and you come into the airlock with us. The whole Lepi has bad aim with tazer thing went down and I disarmed you once, so you lethaled both of us, almost killing me and dragging Lepi away to cremate. Then after cremating her you go back to sec and tell your buddies I'm in on it with no proof besides following you because you shot me and my friend.

[2019-01-26 00:31:03.574] SAY: 00:31:03.574] SAY: Shardj/(Bill Burns) "because they tried to stun me and emagged most of the station?" (Brig (105, 166, 2))

Then you valid me, and I'm suddenly turned into a traitor by I think Edit: Booktower. (I assumed it was Ivanissaccs, because I adminwho'd right after and only saw him online. It seems to have been Booktower however.)

Also, stopping to strip Lepi is probably why I found you. I was slow, yes. But I walked in the direction you went and there was likely a blood trail as you shot us with lethals. : )
Last edited by Mooshimi on Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Ivanissaccs] Mooshimi - Not super critical metacomms

Post by Shardj » #472755

Hi Mooshimi,

You're right there. Looking through the logs, I was mistaken to think you had been working with her throughout the round as you'd been ssd. After the lira incident accusations against you came in from the CE who had been a weird sec emagged door fixing hybrid role, and some comms chatter, I had no involvement with bringing you down.

[2019-01-26 00:50:02.465] SAY: 00:50:02.465] SAY: Nwd72/(Vadim Dmitriev) "find and search Lyra." (Brig (114, 166, 2))
[2019-01-26 00:51:11.583] SAY: 00:51:11.583] SAY: Nwd72/(Vadim Dmitriev) "lyra is a traitor." (Detective's Office (123, 161, 2))
[2019-01-26 01:07:34.752] ATTACK: Nwd72/(Vadim Dmitriev) has fired at Mooshimi/(Lyra Corsan) with [disabler beam] from Captain's Quarters (NEWHP: 100) (Captain's Quarters (121, 137, 2))
[2019-01-26 01:07:36.130] ATTACK: Digresskew/(Bronte Koster) has shot Mooshimi/(Lyra Corsan) with [disabler beam] (NEWHP: 100) (Captain's Quarters (117, 132, 2))

In retrospect it's impossible for me to say if there was a blood trail. Or whether or not you came from medbay like I did and followed the bloodtrail down to viro and then the chapel backroom. But it sounds plausible unless someone knows how to work the logs better than I do and finds something to the contrary. In which case I have nothing further to add to this thread other than I hope I see you three back on Terry. Ivanissaccs please delete my comments if they have no valuable substance.
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Re: [Ivanissaccs] Mooshimi - Not super critical metacomms

Post by Naloac » #472762

Just to add, That round I was looking for people who recognized me and would try and help me. Due to being spotted trying to steal the captains spare ID so I could mess around with stuff. Lyra was the first I knew of/ found I dont fully remember how I found her. I was hoping I could convince her to let me augment her, So I could sleepy pen and brainwash her so I could begin my Lepi cult as I've done before. I banked on the fact lyra knew and recognized me to stay alive which no harm to lyra failed me.
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Re: [Ivanissaccs] Mooshimi - Not super critical metacomms

Post by subject217 » #472772

Your phrasing of this is interesting. You call it "Not super critical metacomms". Metacomming is one of our most serious rules, simply because it causes a ton of trouble and it's quite hard to catch. There are hundreds of players who readily understand this and as such actively avoid doing this sort of thing. It's quite obvious why this rule exists and why it's not okay even if you're not shouting out help antag killing me or something of the like.

How is this anything other than an "I'm sorry we got caught" appeal? Why should you be given a second chance when you've plainly shown that you don't care whatsoever about the rules or the integrity of the game beyond how it affects your own personal experience?
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Re: [Ivanissaccs] Mooshimi - Not super critical metacomms

Post by Mooshimi » #472778

subject217 wrote:How is this anything other than an "I'm sorry we got caught" appeal?
Couldn't you say this about any other appeal? On another note, I believe it is different because I've learned how easy it is to slip into doing it. And, like other players, I will actively avoid doing this in the future since I have learned this.
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Re: [Ivanissaccs] Mooshimi - Not super critical metacomms

Post by subject217 » #472805

Mooshimi wrote:Couldn't you say this about any other appeal? On another note, I believe it is different because I've learned how easy it is to slip into doing it. And, like other players, I will actively avoid doing this in the future since I have learned this.
Yes, I can, quite easily. A number of people don't realize their behavior is over the line, you knew this from the start. Why should we give you a second chance and just believe that you definitely won't metacomm again?
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Re: [Ivanissaccs] Mooshimi - Not super critical metacomms

Post by D&B » #472806

Can you really pretend like this rule even matters when even Haku got unbanned lmfao

All of you acting like these rules are absolute when others have done the same and by your actions have set bad precedents that give leniency for stuff like this
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Re: [Ivanissaccs] Mooshimi - Not super critical metacomms

Post by Mooshimi » #472808

subject217 wrote:Why should we give you a second chance and just believe that you definitely won't metacomm again?

Because I really enjoy being on the server, and it means a lot to me to be able to play on /tg/. It might not be a good reason in your opinion, but that's my motivation to not break the rules again.
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Re: [Ivanissaccs] Mooshimi - Not super critical metacomms

Post by Dax Dupont » #472882

D&B wrote:Can you really pretend like this rule even matters when even Haku got unbanned lmfao

All of you acting like these rules are absolute when others have done the same and by your actions have set bad precedents that give leniency for stuff like this
There's always exceptions but generally not.

I'd guess there would be a good chance of a successful appeal after time has passed but since this is a perma they only get an appeal a year.
Ivan Issaccs
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Re: [Ivanissaccs] Mooshimi - Not super critical metacomms

Post by Ivan Issaccs » #473398

Ive had some time to think on this.
What you did is shitty and dealt with harshly.
There is no non critical amount of metacomms. Any amount is terrible as it devolves into further compromising of the rounds you are playing.
I'm going to set the ban length at one month. Note that this is relatively short and based on you and Naloac in the past having not been overt shitters and helping me catch the odd issue on Terry.
You should note that it also means the admin team are going to be breathing down your neck on any issues of metafriending or suspected metacomms.
When you return, do not fuck up and make me regret it as any more issues on this will be dealt with all sympathy being spent.

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