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[Imsxz] Yankowitz - Slippery Details
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 5:48 pm
by Th3rapist
Byond account and character name: Yankowitz, Gubu Gristlegums
Banning admin: Imsxz
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Server
Ban reason and length: 1 day, The ban reason is: Killed an officer for what I can only gather is a very shaky reason (5 minute brig timer and let out early for having a shotgun if I'm correct), logged off before I got the chance to message them. Feel free to get this cleared up on the forums if there's vital information missing from this note.
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2018-10-25 00:04:27 CST during round ID 96000.
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Bagil
Your side of the story: As an assistant I found the old maint bar and decided to run it, so I put on a trenchcoat and crafted a makeshift shotgun, sort of as a way to be like the hobo-bartender in the hobo-bar. Eventually, I went to cargo to print some shells, and I got caught with the gun, and I was arrested by Tessa Blue. I was searched, and the shotgun and ammo was confiscated, along with my soap, and I stripped and locked away for 6 minutes, but let out after five minutes and thirty seconds by a separate officer. I gathered my things from the locker and demanded Tessa return my soap, as it was not with my things. I made several demands to return the soap, but I was thrown out of security. I had assumed Tessa had taken the soap, and so I plotted to take my revenge. After a few verbal exchanges, along with more demands for the return of the soap, and getting the other bartenders help, I captured Tessa, and murdered her, only to find she didn't have the soap. Then having to go, I spaced myself and her body.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I feel it was just to seek revenge, not just for the soap, but generally the arguments and long brig sentence, though I wouldn't have taken such measures if she had told me she just didn't take the soap, I do not know what happened to said soap, but it must've been taken my some other passing officer. Though being that I believed she did have my soap, I captured and killed her, not just for the soap or gun. but all the factors combined.
Re: [Imsxz] Yankowitz - Slippery Details
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 7:00 pm
by Farquaar
tinodrima7020 wrote:You literally killed someone, a sec officer, for a bar of soap and only got a day ban. You were blessed.
And spaced their body, no less. Even by his own admission he took someone out of the round as a non-antag over a bar of soap.
Wiki Rules Page wrote:Random murders are not acceptable nor is the killing of other players for poor or little reasoning such as ‘My character is insane’. Each unjustified kill is normally met with one 24 ban.
Re: [Imsxz] Yankowitz - Slippery Details
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 7:16 pm
by Nilons
Escalation policy specifically says you can't kill sec for just doing their job iirc, would quote but I'm phone posting
Re: [Imsxz] Yankowitz - Slippery Details
Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:35 am
by Karp
You can't kill officers for doing their job, nilons is right
Though I dunno if confiscating non-contraband would be considered your job
It's incredibly obnoxious when you get brigged over a fight someone else started and you won only to have security steal your toolbelt and insulated gloves for personal use
Re: [Imsxz] Yankowitz - Slippery Details
Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:59 am
by Shezza
>officer steals soap to be a dick to a person who didn't do anything illegal besides having a gun
clear escalation from the officer, he opens himself to retailation
>yankowitz asks for the soap around 7 times
He attempts to deescalate the conflict, the other side doesn't respond
[2018-10-24 23:26:26.412] SAY: 23:26:26.412] SAY: Yankowitz/(Gubu Gristlegums) "Put that soap back in my damn toolbox!" (Brig (115, 170, 2))
[2018-10-24 23:30:10.467] SAY: 23:30:10.467] SAY: Yankowitz/(Gubu Gristlegums) "Hey, give me back my damn soap." (Brig (108, 167, 2))
[2018-10-24 23:31:45.277] SAY: 23:31:45.277] SAY: Yankowitz/(Gubu Gristlegums) "Dick, where's my damn soap?" (Brig (108, 167, 2))
[2018-10-24 23:34:53.930] SAY: 23:34:53.930] SAY: Yankowitz/(Gubu Gristlegums) "Where's my fucking soap?" (Brig (117, 171, 2))
[2018-10-24 23:35:02.446] SAY: 23:35:02.446] SAY: Yankowitz/(Gubu Gristlegums) "You guys took my soap!" (Brig (118, 171, 2))
[2018-10-24 23:48:05.414] SAY: 23:48:05.414] SAY: Yankowitz/(Gubu Gristlegums) "Give me my soap back!" (Fore Primary Hallway (109, 163, 2))
[2018-10-24 23:54:45.387] SAY: 23:54:45.387] SAY: Yankowitz/(Gubu Gristlegums) "WHERE IS THE SOAP!?" (Fore Maintenance (135, 173, 2))
he is met with a shitty response
[2018-10-24 23:54:54.649] SAY: 23:54:54.649] SAY: BlueScope/(Tessa Blue) "I shoved it up the dead guy's ass." (Fore Maintenance (135, 173, 2))
they're killed shortly after, they get searched for the soap and its not there
happy to see that killbaiting/banbaiting as security by stealing shit from people for no reason is still alive and kicking ... /game.html
Re: [Imsxz] Yankowitz - Slippery Details
Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 3:15 am
by Nilons
Karp wrote:You can't kill officers for doing their job, nilons is right
Though I dunno if confiscating non-contraband would be considered your job
It's incredibly obnoxious when you get brigged over a fight someone else started and you won only to have security steal your toolbelt and insulated gloves for personal use
Soap is not vital job equipment nor is it irreplaceable
However, security should refrain from confiscating items not related to any crimes, especially important department-specific items like hard suits
If this isnt uphelp by headadmins I'd expect "should refrain from" to be changed to, "opens themselves up to removal from the round when".
Re: [Imsxz] Yankowitz - Slippery Details
Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 3:18 am
by Cobby
The current precedent, however dumb it may be, is that despite what escalation policy says you still have to abide by rule 1 (whatever that means).
Meaning you can't space someone over a bar of soap.
An admin got banned for something similar but good luck to you.
Re: [Imsxz] Yankowitz - Slippery Details
Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 3:36 am
by Karp
I argued that
that admin's ban was stupid but I wasnt around at the time
They were killed for assaulting someone with a flash over insulated gloves which is the roboticist violating rule 1 and being an asshole out of greed, and they also have an extensive history of repeatedly doing this. What happened to spyroshark was a shame and he should've never been punished.
Don't be an asshole who tries to ruin other people's rounds without justification and they wont kill you cobby it's simple how escalation policy works and the fact that people still get misbanned for this is silly
Bigger argument in this whole thread is security flat out stealing shit from another player being justification for retalliation, I say it's fine as security has more than enough leeway to kill half the station and be assholes as they wish especially with conversion gamemodes
I'm not a fan of defending security harder in while also giving them a lower standard of play than other roles
Re: [Imsxz] Yankowitz - Slippery Details
Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 3:41 am
by Karp
Forgot where kor said it but in a thread he had someone who was being hunted down by security over a misunderstanding and they kept trying to lethal him and he had to ahelp to get approval to retalliate as all he tried to do was stun them and run away, it's stupid how security can be assholes who freely fuck with people while we're all supposed to be surprised and hurt when they get punished for being shitty themselves
Security isn't some poor victimized role anymore it isn't the SoS era you can nearly act like an antagonist on most roundtypes nowadays without any punishment or retribution
Re: [Imsxz] Yankowitz - Slippery Details
Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 4:16 am
by Dax Dupont
But spacing anyone over stealing something minor would generally be unacceptable, the security part is irrelevant.
Re: [Imsxz] Yankowitz - Slippery Details
Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 4:34 am
by Karp
what response should he have, dax?
Should he slip the officer and cuff them to take the soap?
Security could permabrig/kill him for that. They could also re-brig him if they were nice and they could take his soap again over that.
Should he ask for it back?
He did. Repeatedly.
Short of trying to get the captain/hos in on it the only option they had was to bend over and take it from security.
You can't be that disingenuous/willfully ignorant of what happens to anyone who "attacks" security by stunning them and with good reason, a taser is one of the most dangerous weapons on station. A stunned officer gives you access to one and other dangerous tools.
Re: [Imsxz] Yankowitz - Slippery Details
Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 6:30 am
by subject217
soap is a dangerous weapon fam, totally valid to confiscate
Re: [Imsxz] Yankowitz - Slippery Details
Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 6:53 am
by imsxz
hi it's me the banning admin. this appeal is denied, generally you can't main security officers for doing their job, certainly not spacing them. i'd have been comfortable giving you a warning even if you spaced someone who wasn't a security officer that stole your soap just because he liked the color.
Re: [Imsxz] Yankowitz - Slippery Details
Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 7:42 am
by Karp
subject217 wrote:soap is a dangerous weapon fam, totally valid to confiscate
Karp wrote:Though I dunno if confiscating non-contraband would be considered your job
My point was around what could security steal from you before they can get punished for it though that's better saved for a policy thread
I've had too many rounds where sec officers flat out loot me for things related to my job to feel mercy for an officer that gets killed over confiscating soap
better for policy though