TC Trade ban appeal
Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 9:50 pm
Byond account and character name: Theshroudedlord, Chloe Chatreuse
Banning admin: Kevinz000
Ban type (What are you banned from?): TC trade and prayer item ban
Ban reason and length: no reason placed on admin note, however the reason is because of my continuous requests of the demon heart item and becoming a slaughter demon, going so far as to capture an admin mid game and ransom him for a heart, length left ambiguous
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2018-04-22 06:55:18 EST
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Bagil
Your side of the story: I want to preface this by saying that I have a history, and am known for my overused gimmick as a Khornate chaplain, often doing human sacrifices of willing people, eating hearts etc. etc. all in the hopes of attaining the champion's hardsuit, blood jaunt, or a myriad of other things associated with the blood god, however my most coveted prize was "ascending to daemonhood" or becoming a slaughter demon. It was and still is an admittedly bland gimmick, however by this point, I've turned this gimmick into part of Chloe's character, now being a khorne worshipper regardless of job, and making reference to it in character frequently. As such though, I don't earn many favors among admins for being a very predictable trader. I'm rejected most every time, but hey, eventually I'll have to kill enough people to please the admins right? Well, it backfired and pissed of Kevin enough to ban me from both TC trades and prayer items. And this happened because, during a round in which the admins spawned in to try and work the gateway, i managed to capture...I don't even know which admin but I think his character was Tyber Riers? Not important, I had him cuffed, and, jokingly, I offered him a quick out, his freedom, for the heart of a daemon. I fully expected my ass to be gibbed or otherwise killed, but no, he gave it up, and I was incredibly thankful, immediately releasing him upon ingestion. The next round, I was lucky enough to roll antag, however I simply wanted to relive one of my favorite early moments, which was being gifted blood jaunt, and using it to steal someones drink right from the table in front of them in the bar, and then vanish as soon as I came, so I requested a demon heart, or just blood jaunt, agreeing to go full pacifist, wanting to just meme around and scare people. What I didn't expect to happen was kevin to get fed up with my repetitive requests for the heart and leave me banned from all tc trades and prayer items until he saw fit to make the note invisible.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I will 100% admit that many admins have every right to often distrust me with powerful trades, because of my history of bad escalation, due to me often getting caught up in the game and taking it far too seriously, a problem I am actively working to fix so as to become an overall better player. However, I feel as though this ban came almost out of nowhere, I was never really given prior warnings about repeatedly asking for the demon and heart, and often would agree to sacrifice willing crewmembers to earn it. At this point, I'd be extremely happy to have this ban completely removed, but I'd also just be glad to be given an actual time as to its end.
Banning admin: Kevinz000
Ban type (What are you banned from?): TC trade and prayer item ban
Ban reason and length: no reason placed on admin note, however the reason is because of my continuous requests of the demon heart item and becoming a slaughter demon, going so far as to capture an admin mid game and ransom him for a heart, length left ambiguous
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2018-04-22 06:55:18 EST
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Bagil
Your side of the story: I want to preface this by saying that I have a history, and am known for my overused gimmick as a Khornate chaplain, often doing human sacrifices of willing people, eating hearts etc. etc. all in the hopes of attaining the champion's hardsuit, blood jaunt, or a myriad of other things associated with the blood god, however my most coveted prize was "ascending to daemonhood" or becoming a slaughter demon. It was and still is an admittedly bland gimmick, however by this point, I've turned this gimmick into part of Chloe's character, now being a khorne worshipper regardless of job, and making reference to it in character frequently. As such though, I don't earn many favors among admins for being a very predictable trader. I'm rejected most every time, but hey, eventually I'll have to kill enough people to please the admins right? Well, it backfired and pissed of Kevin enough to ban me from both TC trades and prayer items. And this happened because, during a round in which the admins spawned in to try and work the gateway, i managed to capture...I don't even know which admin but I think his character was Tyber Riers? Not important, I had him cuffed, and, jokingly, I offered him a quick out, his freedom, for the heart of a daemon. I fully expected my ass to be gibbed or otherwise killed, but no, he gave it up, and I was incredibly thankful, immediately releasing him upon ingestion. The next round, I was lucky enough to roll antag, however I simply wanted to relive one of my favorite early moments, which was being gifted blood jaunt, and using it to steal someones drink right from the table in front of them in the bar, and then vanish as soon as I came, so I requested a demon heart, or just blood jaunt, agreeing to go full pacifist, wanting to just meme around and scare people. What I didn't expect to happen was kevin to get fed up with my repetitive requests for the heart and leave me banned from all tc trades and prayer items until he saw fit to make the note invisible.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I will 100% admit that many admins have every right to often distrust me with powerful trades, because of my history of bad escalation, due to me often getting caught up in the game and taking it far too seriously, a problem I am actively working to fix so as to become an overall better player. However, I feel as though this ban came almost out of nowhere, I was never really given prior warnings about repeatedly asking for the demon and heart, and often would agree to sacrifice willing crewmembers to earn it. At this point, I'd be extremely happy to have this ban completely removed, but I'd also just be glad to be given an actual time as to its end.