[nabski] tsuchigumo550 - ban for headrev
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 6:06 pm
Byond account and character name: tsuchigumo550 / Myriam Armitage
Banning admin: nabski
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Full ban
Ban reason and length: Banned for suiciding as headrev until the 23rd of this month
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2018-03-15 03:26:11 EST
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Sybil
Your side of the story: Admittedly there's no way to justify randomly suiciding as a headrev, even when you're on Omegastation and whip out your flash at the same moment that three assistants round the corner in tool storage. Nor is it justified by me forgetting that you can replace the rev flash, rather than requiring the one specific flashbulb you get at spawn. At the time I just sort of shrugged my shoulders, figured I was as good as dead now that everyone knew that I was a rev, lost my flash, and that things would be over pretty quickly anyway given the station and everyone knowing it was Rev before I managed to even convert anyone.
I don't believe I was bwoinked about it, and didn't even realize I was banned until trying to connect today. I'd have vastly preferred being able to discuss things directly with an admin, especially given the length of this ban. I absolutely get that there isn't a valid in-game reason for killing yourself as headrev over a bad start. I won't pretend like I wasn't partially motivated by selfish frustration. I definitely won't debate that I was wrong in doing it, especially given that I didn't inform an admin about it. I screwed up, and it's well within reason to eat a ban for this.
I'm just curious as to why the ban is so long, and why it's a full ban over, say, a job or antag ban. I won't pretend to know precedence or anything like that, for all I know this -is- a relatively standard-issue ban, it just seems mildly excessive to me. I'm not sure if prior behavior matters much in determining ban length, but this is the first ban I've had, I'm unaware of obtaining any notes or warnings, and I've been playing on Sybil for quite some time now (though not without the occasional lengthy hiatus; I've only started playing regularly again fairly recently), I'd say at least for a couple of years if not longer.
I'd love to be unbanned, but realistically I do in fact deserve it; I'd just like to have the ban shortened or get more clarification as to why it was applied the way it was.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I don't necessarily think I should be unbanned, I'm really only debating the length of the ban.
Banning admin: nabski
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Full ban
Ban reason and length: Banned for suiciding as headrev until the 23rd of this month
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2018-03-15 03:26:11 EST
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Sybil
Your side of the story: Admittedly there's no way to justify randomly suiciding as a headrev, even when you're on Omegastation and whip out your flash at the same moment that three assistants round the corner in tool storage. Nor is it justified by me forgetting that you can replace the rev flash, rather than requiring the one specific flashbulb you get at spawn. At the time I just sort of shrugged my shoulders, figured I was as good as dead now that everyone knew that I was a rev, lost my flash, and that things would be over pretty quickly anyway given the station and everyone knowing it was Rev before I managed to even convert anyone.
I don't believe I was bwoinked about it, and didn't even realize I was banned until trying to connect today. I'd have vastly preferred being able to discuss things directly with an admin, especially given the length of this ban. I absolutely get that there isn't a valid in-game reason for killing yourself as headrev over a bad start. I won't pretend like I wasn't partially motivated by selfish frustration. I definitely won't debate that I was wrong in doing it, especially given that I didn't inform an admin about it. I screwed up, and it's well within reason to eat a ban for this.
I'm just curious as to why the ban is so long, and why it's a full ban over, say, a job or antag ban. I won't pretend to know precedence or anything like that, for all I know this -is- a relatively standard-issue ban, it just seems mildly excessive to me. I'm not sure if prior behavior matters much in determining ban length, but this is the first ban I've had, I'm unaware of obtaining any notes or warnings, and I've been playing on Sybil for quite some time now (though not without the occasional lengthy hiatus; I've only started playing regularly again fairly recently), I'd say at least for a couple of years if not longer.
I'd love to be unbanned, but realistically I do in fact deserve it; I'd just like to have the ban shortened or get more clarification as to why it was applied the way it was.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I don't necessarily think I should be unbanned, I'm really only debating the length of the ban.