Hard Light Hologram
Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:58 am
Something I have been thinking of. From the job selection list you can choose hologram. You spawn in a computer in the AI chamber. Clicking the computer brings up a list of all holo-emitters around the station of which you choose one (say surgery) then you appear in surgery. You are now locked to that holo-emitter unless a button in the captains office is pressed to download you back to the computer or if the AI uses the computer to recall you.
You will look completely human unless people examine you and it will say "they seem to shimmer in the light". You will have pre programed clothes (so you cannot wear any new clothes). You interact with the environment as a human does (no cyborg bolting of doors with a door interface or wireless with anything) and you can pickup tools in your hands, wear a backpack and belt if they are around.
The holo-emitter can be a re sprite of a normal camera. If you ever lose sight of your holo-emitter (unless there is another holo-emitter that you can see and click on to link yourself into) you will return to the emitters tile, vanishing and dropping all items and re-appearing.
You will have standard laws like the AI and cyborgs have. Holo-emitter parts can be printed out at an auto-lathe (just like cameras) and are setup in the same way so that some enterprising engineers can allow you more freedom around the station.
Also in the Research Directors office, there will be a suitcase that is actually a mobile holo-emitter. When holding it in one of your hands you can move freely. If you drop it, you can move one tile from it and that's it. Any more and you vanish and re-appear to your locked in emitter. The suitcase will have a charge meter and the battery can be replaced by using a screwdriver. If you try to do that yourself you will vanish unless you can see a wall mounted holo-emitter to be linked to.
If your computer is accessed by a human, they have the option to recall you, an option to allow yourself to do the recalling (only in emergency situations should a hologram be given free choice of its emitter download locations), change your lawset and "delete hologram matrix" which needs captains authorization.
When you are recalled to the computer, you can talk to people in the area through the computers speakers as you are just a program running on that computer at the time.
If the computer is emagged, you get the syndicate lawset, free choice of your appearance (including selecting from all of the crew as an option to frame them for crimes you commit) and free use of your re-call and download functions so you can zap between any active holo-emitters on the station.
http://www.reddit.com/r/SS13/comments/2 ... _hologram/
You will look completely human unless people examine you and it will say "they seem to shimmer in the light". You will have pre programed clothes (so you cannot wear any new clothes). You interact with the environment as a human does (no cyborg bolting of doors with a door interface or wireless with anything) and you can pickup tools in your hands, wear a backpack and belt if they are around.
The holo-emitter can be a re sprite of a normal camera. If you ever lose sight of your holo-emitter (unless there is another holo-emitter that you can see and click on to link yourself into) you will return to the emitters tile, vanishing and dropping all items and re-appearing.
You will have standard laws like the AI and cyborgs have. Holo-emitter parts can be printed out at an auto-lathe (just like cameras) and are setup in the same way so that some enterprising engineers can allow you more freedom around the station.
Also in the Research Directors office, there will be a suitcase that is actually a mobile holo-emitter. When holding it in one of your hands you can move freely. If you drop it, you can move one tile from it and that's it. Any more and you vanish and re-appear to your locked in emitter. The suitcase will have a charge meter and the battery can be replaced by using a screwdriver. If you try to do that yourself you will vanish unless you can see a wall mounted holo-emitter to be linked to.
If your computer is accessed by a human, they have the option to recall you, an option to allow yourself to do the recalling (only in emergency situations should a hologram be given free choice of its emitter download locations), change your lawset and "delete hologram matrix" which needs captains authorization.
When you are recalled to the computer, you can talk to people in the area through the computers speakers as you are just a program running on that computer at the time.
If the computer is emagged, you get the syndicate lawset, free choice of your appearance (including selecting from all of the crew as an option to frame them for crimes you commit) and free use of your re-call and download functions so you can zap between any active holo-emitters on the station.
http://www.reddit.com/r/SS13/comments/2 ... _hologram/