Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 5:28 am
Bottom post of the previous page:
DemonFiren wrote:It's literally Basil.
I'm not telling what z-level it happens on or how to get there, though.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 11:43 am
by InsaneHyena
> Lowpop murderboners in no-sec rounds, who don't call the shuttle
Fuck you.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 11:49 am
by DemonFiren
InsaneHyena wrote:> Lowpop murderboners in no-sec rounds, who don't call the shuttle
Fuck you.
Lowpop murderboners in general tbh.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 12:00 pm
by InsaneHyena
Lowpop murderboners are fine, if anyone at all is there to even oppose them. They're also fine, if the murderboner calls the shuttle - at least it will be brief and funny.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 12:10 pm
by DemonFiren
Ain't much fun in a round that lasts all of thirty minutes with twenty-five of those spent dead.
Mind you, I'm talking about lowpop by Basil's standards.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 12:40 pm
by Reece
Murderbone in general is terrible.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 2:57 pm
by Anonmare
I'd complain about them too but then again I'm guilty of stealthmalf AI and putting people in harm's way constantly so who am I to judge?
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 4:55 pm
by DemonFiren
That's got slightly more class than just ordering your borgs to bone and flooding.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 9:09 pm
InsaneHyena wrote:Lowpop murderboners are fine,
can we ban this guy from the game and forums.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 10:06 pm
by DemonFiren
Mackerel wrote:
InsaneHyena wrote:Lowpop murderboners are fine,
can we ban this guy from the game and forums.
Reminder that this is the same guy who said /tg/ is a no-RP server.
He also refuses to acknowledge reptilian superiority.
A few of his points have merit, however.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 10:35 pm
by PKPenguin321
Reece wrote:Murderbone in general is terrible.
get good?
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 11:05 pm
DemonFiren wrote:
Mackerel wrote:
InsaneHyena wrote:Lowpop murderboners are fine,
can we ban this guy from the game and forums.
Reminder that this is the same guy who said /tg/ is a no-RP server.
He also refuses to acknowledge reptilian superiority.
A few of his points have merit, however.
Are you talking about me because whoever plays a lizard I'll space if I can get away with it, but I don't know what you're going on about the RP shit.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 12:42 am
by Wyzack
No i am fairly certain he is talking about hyena
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 6:46 am
by InsaneHyena
A few of his points have merit, however.
I'm amazed you give me any credit at all. Which points would that be?
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 12:14 pm
by DemonFiren
InsaneHyena wrote:
A few of his points have merit, however.
I'm amazed you give me any credit at all. Which points would that be?
Your taste in shitters is pretty good.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 12:57 pm
by Reece
PKPenguin321 wrote:
Reece wrote:Murderbone in general is terrible.
get good?
I try to RP too much. The ebow cares not for my RP
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 1:07 am
I just had a cook call me an edgy autist cuck because I didn't run away from the singularity.
Later on he welder bombed my botany tray on the escape shuttle because I pushed him down for not letting me on the same shuttle.
What's wrong with mid-day players? Does anyone who have less than two hours need to be banned until the evening or what?
This is why I prefer to get on after nine pm, so I don't have to incur the wrath of shitters.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 11:52 pm
by Cherrypone
Incoming salty rant.
Cheimon wrote:When people get mad that you missed some radio message because you were in the middle of some other task. While it might be fun to RP that I'm clearly deaf, in this game radio messages are a matter of reading, which means that if I'm focused on a different task (like, say, arresting someone) then I'm not going to be focused on the chat lines until I know I can do that safely. Particularly if I'm needing to examine people, I'm not going to scroll up and go through what I missed until I know I can do it without being killed. Stop being mad I didn't respond instantly to some other people going "he dindu nuffin" on the radio.
Once I was a traitor detective and I was shot by a traitor assistant who had just engaged into maintenance from medbay... While I was murdering the clown. Then later in deadchat I was complaining and people (Except, ironically, the clown I had been murdering) blamed me for it because I hadn't seen the radio chatter that he was a traitor and then PDA'd him, and laughed at me for being unrobust and told me to git gud. Even though I had been busy, you know, murdering someone as it happened (And even then people can see PDA messages through the console, and if he was caught and his PDA messages looked at I would be fucked) So, yeah. I kind of agree with you.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 9:30 am
by InsaneHyena
> It's "1 security officer on the station, assistants immediately overwhelm him and loot the armory" round
> It's "Viro/geneticist is breaking into chemistry instead of asking for chems" round
> It's "Zoey Webb greytides the bridge, steals the spare and declares herself captain" round
> It's "Security is gulagging people without giving them prisoner IDs" round
> It's "CE is hiding from revolutionaries in space" round
> It's "1 hour of nothing but friendly wizard" round
> It's "A cultist tries to stun talisman the chaplain and reveals the cult 5 minutes into the shift" round
> It's "Autists overreact to Birdboat" round
> It's "My converts refuse to do anything to help gang/cult, admins say it's okay" round
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 10:15 am
by Malkevin
> It's "Security is gulagging people without giving them prisoner IDs" round
Nothing wrong with using gulag as perma 2.0
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 11:03 am
by Davidchan
Mackerel wrote:I just had a cook call me an edgy autist cuck because I didn't run away from the singularity.
Later on he welder bombed my botany tray on the escape shuttle because I pushed him down for not letting me on the same shuttle.
What's wrong with mid-day players? Does anyone who have less than two hours need to be banned until the evening or what?
This is why I prefer to get on after nine pm, so I don't have to incur the wrath of shitters.
From Mid-May to Mid/Late-August is generally summer vacation. We have the 10-18 year old cunts running about who no longer have to sit in school and their moms probably stopped giving them their medication for what ever mental condition they have since they are just gonna lock themselves in their rooms all day anyways.
Come around September time the server will 'normal' itself out again, but the midday pop will take a hit.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 4:06 pm
by Aloraydrel
Officers who close the blast doors on perma prisoners.
Why not just kill them at that poin- oh right the greentext
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 4:37 pm
by InsaneHyena
Officers who close the blast doors on perma prisoners.
Fucking this, why do those doors even exist.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 4:43 pm
by Steelpoint
Sometimes in Cult rounds I do that so the suspected cultist is in a secure cell that is not bordering the outside, or I suspect they may be a Changeling and want to minimize their chances of escaping without outright decapitating them.
My main pet peeve are people who commit a crime, from breaking into a secure area to stealing a high level item, who are not only not antagonists, but get uppity and pissy about being arrested both in a IC and OOC sense.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 5:38 pm
by Aloraydrel
Steelpoint wrote:Sometimes in Cult rounds I do that so the suspected cultist is in a secure cell that is not bordering the outside, or I suspect they may be a Changeling and want to minimize their chances of escaping without outright decapitating them.
My main pet peeve are people who commit a crime, from breaking into a secure area to stealing a high level item, who are not only not antagonists, but get uppity and pissy about being arrested both in a IC and OOC sense.
Bonus points if they ahelp
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 6:15 pm
by InsaneHyena
I've already posted this, but I want to emphasize it further.
> It's "Zoey Webb greytides into captain's office, loots it, pretends to be the captain and tries to give orders to sec, gets tased by me and sent to permabrig, whines, complains and calls me shitsec all the way to her cell" round.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 10:14 pm
by Malkevin
Reminder that stealing all access got made a capital crime for a reason.
Impersonating the captain is even worse.
Don't ever feel bad about throwing shitheads like Firecage in the magma.
(unless they're the hop/some other head when there is no hop)
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 11:21 pm
by onleavedontatme
People whining about "grey tide" when windows get smashed or someone gets shoved.
Should bring back actual grey tide for a week (or let Uhangi or Burer play against security) so people understand what actual griff is.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 11:30 pm
by Zilenan91
It's mostly J_Madison whining about that
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 12:18 am
by Super Aggro Crag
Kor wrote:People whining about "grey tide" when windows get smashed or someone gets shoved.
Should bring back actual grey tide for a week (or let Uhangi or Burer play against security) so people understand what actual griff is.
uhangi griffing security isn't impressive at all considering he'd just var-edit his gear like a shithead
burer was atleast robust
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 9:14 am
by DemonFiren
We need Luck back. Luck was fun.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 1:59 pm
by Jacough
Super Aggro Crag wrote:
Kor wrote:People whining about "grey tide" when windows get smashed or someone gets shoved.
Should bring back actual grey tide for a week (or let Uhangi or Burer play against security) so people understand what actual griff is.
uhangi griffing security isn't impressive at all considering he'd just var-edit his gear like a shithead
burer was atleast robust
Burer was a pretty cool guy whenever I played with him, even when he was being a greyshit. I remember one round where I late joined as an engineer when he broke into engineering to steal some gloves. Know what else he did while was stealing gloves though? Set up the engine because there were no engineers to set it up at the time. I let him keep the gloves for his help.
Uhangi on the other hand though. It seemed like every time he played there'd be a fresh ban request for him pulling some total bullshit. He was a walking shit storm.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 2:19 pm
by Falamazeer
I never did find out who fucked the beepsky startup point to allow this, nor why it was allowed to continue despite my numerous complaints, but uhangay used to sec dive at every fucking round start as the lawyer, exploiting beepsky opening the front doors in the first six seconds of the round.
it got so excessive that I decided fuck it, ahelp and bug report has done fuck all so far, so when I finished getting my gear, I locked all the lockers, opened the door and immediately shot him before he could rush in, grab whatever he could off the ground and/or disarm spam and run off with.
Was it meta? yes it was, And I'd feel pretty bad about it, but enough rounds of the same exploit and I'm all out of patience.
Burer on the otherhand varied from week to week, sometimes he was a bro, and the rest, he'd lightly antagonize security looking for good justification when he was retaliated against, and then he'd use that to counter retaliate the whole department to death.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 2:53 pm
by Malkevin
I remember Uhangi once broke into security and killed the warden (who was Brotemis).
Warden gets cloned, sees Uhangi in a perma cell (RIP donut brig) and kills Uhangi.
Brotemis gets banned, Uhangi doesn't.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:22 am
by InsaneHyena
> It's "Geneticist distributes x-ray, hulk and tk to the entire crew" round
Doesn't happen often, but when it does, it fucking sucks.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:34 am
by DemonFiren
InsaneHyena wrote:> It's "Geneticist distributes x-ray, hulk and tk to the entire crew" round
Doesn't happen often, but when it does, it fucking sucks.
Almost as bad as DNAids, innit.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:39 am
by InsaneHyena
Don't fucking remind me, DNAids was cancer and should never have been implemented. Who thought it was a good idea?
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 9:03 am
by Cik
InsaneHyena wrote:> It's "Geneticist distributes x-ray, hulk and tk to the entire crew" round
Doesn't happen often, but when it does, it fucking sucks.
oh god this is the worst
i really don't like genetics in general. at least if they are powered up by gear you can negate the advantage by stripping it or targeting it's weaknesses
>look at me i'm a supersanic unstunnable wall-punching monster with no blind spots that can toolbox you through a wall
>there's 50 of me
>good luck
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 9:11 am
by DemonFiren
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 9:58 am
by Reece
I wonder if Mutadone foam or gas grenades would be any use.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 2:51 pm
by DemonFiren
Any decent hulkshitters are going to be packing masks.
Maybe try syringes, unless they somehow got suits, too.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 2:54 pm
by Jacough
Malkevin wrote:I remember Uhangi once broke into security and killed the warden (who was Brotemis).
Warden gets cloned, sees Uhangi in a perma cell (RIP donut brig) and kills Uhangi.
Brotemis gets banned, Uhangi doesn't.
Uhangi's fuck boys couldn't handle John Wayne in Space.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:56 pm
by Reece
DemonFiren wrote:Any decent hulkshitters are going to be packing masks.
Maybe try syringes, unless they somehow got suits, too.
Can you fire lethal injections from syringe guns?
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 9:03 pm
by IrishWristWatch0
Reece wrote:
DemonFiren wrote:Any decent hulkshitters are going to be packing masks.
Maybe try syringes, unless they somehow got suits, too.
Can you fire lethal injections from syringe guns?
If you can stick it in a syringe you can shoot it from a syringe gun.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 10:08 pm
by InsaneHyena
Not DNA injectors, though, those are not syringes.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 6:05 am
by DemonFiren
You don't need DNA injectors to unhulk someone.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 8:25 am
can you inject chems from shrapnel explosions
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 8:07 pm
by InsaneHyena
> It's "Admins are abusing their buttons to change OOC colour to unreadable/spam tips of the round/play shitty midis non-stop for 30 minutes" round
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 9:06 pm
blame kor and his shitty chiptunes or whoever that is
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 9:54 pm
by TheWulfe
People who start to panic-juke on every tiny interaction with another crewmember just to screw any potential conversion antag of them. I don't mean that someone was announced as dangerous over the radio and to keep wary of them. I'm saying that if something as minor as, 'Hey', and you immediately break out into leftrightrightlupupright-upupdowndownleftrightleftrightBAstart-dash-away, you're definitely a faggot.
It's already near impossible to touch anyone panic-jukeing in a melee scenario as a decent player, now imagine some poor newbie who just wants to try his chances at a team game mode get ruined because some powergamer treats a potential to interact and play with other people as being 'outrobusted' if they get a conversion on you. Even worse if they're the same people who suspiciously seem to gravitate towards the big names of the server whenever they happen to be converting. And then we wonder why newbies can't get a foothold in some game modes.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 9:58 pm
by Screemonster
Ah, the robustdance. Someone's in the same room? BETTER BUST OUT THE OL' DASHING WHITE SARGEANT