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DemonFiren wrote:Getting rid of the concept of nations would be healthier.XSI wrote:Patriotism is a healthy thing
Pretty much this. Nations are a must-have because as much as we may wish otherwise, without solid and strictly defined borders between different groups of people the only thing that will happen is a sliding scale from tensions, to societal breakdown, to finally ethnic cleansings as the entirety of Africa shows, and former Yuguslav in the balkans.ShadowDimentio wrote:Until the entire world is equally wonderful (never going to happen) nations will always exist and be the best way to ensure the people in an areas needs are met.
Nationalism is extremely healthy if only because it gives people a reason to raise up arms to defend their country, because the only other reason anybody would do that is because you were paying them to as mercs. Having a merc army is a terrible idea because if the enemy can offer your army more you're utterly defenseless.
Globalism looks nice on paper until you look at Europe which is a case study in how it goes apocalyptically bad.
As nice as a world without borders must sound to some, there is a very good reason why we have them. Aside from historical reasons they are absolutely vital to keeping stability, and any project that tries to eliminate borders has led to instability and tensions, like the EU.
Nations, nationalism and borders are a good thing because different cultures under the same country never works out. Especially in democracies, as whichever culture is more numerous will be able to force the others to change through laws and the political system. Coincidentally, this is why so many people are upset and worried about the mass immigration into Europe
As for the mercs. Italy tried that in its city state phase. And that is pretty much exactly how it went, they just hired eachothers mercs and that was the war.
Other way around. You may return to the 17th century where the capitalists learned that they could set up plantations in these far off nations that they forcibly removed the borders from. That certainly worked out well for those nationsDemonFiren wrote:As German it is my duty to banish you to the 19th century.ShadowDimentio wrote:Nationalism is extremely healthy