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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 2:59 pm
by Malkevin

Bottom post of the previous page:

Space Law says lawyer is not to be trusted and certainly not to be respected, and that annoying lawyers should be thrown out the nearest airlock the brig.
Space Law is Law.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 3:31 pm
by Xhuis
I've got a new one. Atmos techs who go up to a plasma cloud that got out somehow and set it on fire because "IT'S FASTER/SAFER TO BURN THAN CLEAN OUT". Yeah, it's faster to clean, but it takes twenty or so minutes to clean up the mess you made, especially because you're too busy making autism disposals loops to do your job and actually fix the fire you made. Oh, and it also overpressurizes the shit out of the room, meaning that the people who actually can be bothered to do their jobs can't do so unless they grab magboots or are engineering cyborgs.

Here's a handy diagram if you can't be bothered.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 3:58 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
heads of staff that don't agree during a crisis situation and end up spending more energy trash talking each other over station announcements than fucking working

had a blob round where the HOS, Captain, and CMO were all fucking feuding. cmo kept yelling at me also saying i was a bad doctor when I was a chemist trying to do triage as the rest of the medical staff went braindead and get people cloned and he kept bringing me husked braindeads and demanding i use my defib on them. i swear to christ he was pulling braindeads out of the morgue to waste my time.

also i don't like when you can't get any vegetables from botany because they're too busy memeing with 12 trays of ambrosia. "lol man...its really high in video games......."

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:40 pm
by Malkevin
Worse thing about the 'dank' meme is that ambrosia is a fucking fern, and even worse than that is that there's actual drug shrooms in game already which no one ever grows.

Also the controlled plasma burn isn't as bad as you think, especially when you considor that some fuck tard will come and set fire to it anyway.
Just make sure you toss an oxygen canister in there too or the fire won't get hot enough to burn through the floor - venting the gas is important.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:04 pm
by Xhuis
Malkevin wrote:Also the controlled plasma burn isn't as bad as you think, especially when you considor that some fuck tard will come and set fire to it anyway.
Just make sure you toss an oxygen canister in there too or the fire won't get hot enough to burn through the floor - venting the gas is important.
Yeah, it is that fucking bad. Earlier today I was a drone and plasma got released in atmos (MAY HAVE INVOLVED ME TRYING TO REFILL A CANISTER BUT WE DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT). I set the scrubbers to the correct settings and started waiting around when an atmos tech comes and sets it on fire. If he had waited five minutes the scrubbers would have sucked out all the plasma but instead he got an engineer killed and I had to spend half an hour fixing Atmospherics because it got burned to shit. The atmos tech, of course, was nowhere to be found, and turned out to be a nonantag anyway.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:19 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
Xhuis wrote:
Malkevin wrote:Also the controlled plasma burn isn't as bad as you think, especially when you considor that some fuck tard will come and set fire to it anyway.
Just make sure you toss an oxygen canister in there too or the fire won't get hot enough to burn through the floor - venting the gas is important.
Yeah, it is that fucking bad. Earlier today I was a drone and plasma got released in atmos (MAY HAVE INVOLVED ME TRYING TO REFILL A CANISTER BUT WE DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT). I set the scrubbers to the correct settings and started waiting around when an atmos tech comes and sets it on fire. If he had waited five minutes the scrubbers would have sucked out all the plasma but instead he got an engineer killed and I had to spend half an hour fixing Atmospherics because it got burned to shit. The atmos tech, of course, was nowhere to be found, and turned out to be a nonantag anyway.
It's fine to set a one-room plasma spill on fire, as long as you stand by with a nanofrost launcher and a watertank and freeze each area as soon as it catches. Get it right, plasma has no time to burn fully

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:32 am
by tuypo1
Malkevin wrote:Worse thing about the 'dank' meme is that ambrosia is a fucking fern, and even worse than that is that there's actual drug shrooms in game already which no one ever grows.

Also the controlled plasma burn isn't as bad as you think, especially when you considor that some fuck tard will come and set fire to it anyway.
Just make sure you toss an oxygen canister in there too or the fire won't get hot enough to burn through the floor - venting the gas is important.
the leftover gas will be mostly co2 which the scrubers are extremely good at scrubing it will be to hot to scrub properly so let out some extra n2 just be sure you leave 16 kpa of oxygen in the air
(and of course dont make the air to presurised)

of course you shouldent do it anyway BECAUSE ITS A WASTE OF PERFECTLY FUCKING GOOD PLASMA and as ce i would demote your arse.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:31 am
by InsaneHyena
There is literally nothing worse than dickheads scientists that grab all the resources from cargo, hoard them in RnD and never, ever share them with anyone - especially robotics. Double asshole points if they use hoarded resources to build a stompy mech of their own.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 10:11 am
by Raven776
Scientists that build the entire station inside the science lab to never, ever leave after sucking in every resource and AI board on the station to get there.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 12:22 pm
by Xhagi
InsaneHyena wrote:There is literally nothing worse than dickheads scientists that grab all the resources from cargo, hoard them in RnD and never, ever share them with anyone - especially robotics. Double asshole points if they use hoarded resources to build a stompy mech of their own.
This is why when I run robotics I like to be the one who runs out once the message comes in that minerals are available. I'll give RnD what they need and take what robotics needs or can get afterwards. muh durand durand

And people who take minerals to make statues when science has not recieved any are literally Space Lizard Hitler.

Anyway, when being a doctor or CMO, chemists who don't make healing patches and drugs and instead just make shit like meth, space drugs, etc.. Or chemists who fuck off and make nothing at all. At the least make some useful shit first before going and making your narcotics goddamn. There are times as an assistant I have to be the one to make the stuff because no one else does.

I'd say that assistants who don't help with anything is a peeve but it's expected and part of being an assistant. I know when I play one I'll just do what I can, be it be a doctor, setup the engine, fix breaches and so forth. But that's just how I play and get that others don't want to do that and want to fuck around.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 12:52 pm
by bandit
AIs that don't communicate over binary radio and then get assblasted twenty minutes later when I didn't pick the module they never told me to pick, usually security.

Lizard clowns and mimes.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 2:46 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
roboticists/scientists that make mechs that have no actual use to help them do their job, they just want them so they can stomp around and crush people and block the escape pods.

which is all of them because i've never seen anyone in a mech that wasn't a science wing crewman or a hop/captain that took over and made themselves one so they can act like king bigdick

i fucking hate mechs

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 3:19 pm
by Anonmare
People who build an upload console and put it in science/their office "in case the AI gets subverted".

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 3:37 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
Anonmare wrote:People who build an upload console and put it in science/their office "in case the AI gets subverted".
If they're not the RD, that's Grand Theft and can even be construed as "Grand Sabotage" if they're dicks about it when security arrest them.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:17 pm
by Anonmare
It's usually scientists printing the upload board. Worse, one time they printed a freeform but no reset and left it RIGHT. NEXT. TO. THE. CONSOLE.
Absolutely no one noticed or cared, I'm amazed I didn't get subverted

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:36 pm
by EndgamerAzari
People using the word "meme" as each and every part of speech, up to the point of it basically being a wildcard word that doesn't mean anything. Doubly so for using it IC.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 5:05 pm
by Miauw
people who fight the janitor after they slip on the ridiculously obvious water tiles
security who is too fucking incompetent to do anything about these shitlords

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 5:19 pm
by Wyzack
Use the soap brah

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 5:36 pm
by Miauw

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 7:36 pm
by Saegrimr

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 10:18 pm
by AnonymousNow
Miauw wrote:why
Because it's efficient and gets the same result without risk of slippage?

Now's Pet Peeve of the Day: fellow antagonists who have the subtlety of a rodeo clown. Had an instance the other day where I was a mining cyborg for a traitor AI, sent to kill a miner. I specifically told the AI not to hack me, as it meant I wouldn't be able to get any sort of upgrades without rumbling it - it went ahead and hacked me anyway, because fuck borgs, amirite? 7.5k battery that entire round. And as I was shadowing the miner, waiting for his return to the mining station, a security cyborg thought it'd be a good idea to stalk him from two, three tiles away in an open area, whereapon the miner got suspicious, flashed him and left, now on alert against cyborgs and the AI.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 10:26 pm
by DaemonBomb
I was the engineering borg that round, which reminds me; The station was out of power, and no one had started the singularity. I was trying to start the singularity so Now could... y'know, charge in the bathrooms or something, but I of course could not fill the radiation collectors. I begged and begged engineers to fill those collectors. All of them ignored me. I gave up. I later found out that an engineer decided to activate the singularity without the rad collectors filled, which of course led to a singuloose when the emitters ran out of power and the field shut off. Thankfully it fucked off into space, but still...

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 10:27 pm
by Xhuis
AnonymousNow wrote:
Miauw wrote:why
Because it's efficient and gets the same result without risk of slippage?

Now's Pet Peeve of the Day: fellow antagonists who have the subtlety of a rodeo clown. Had an instance the other day where I was a mining cyborg for a traitor AI, sent to kill a miner. I specifically told the AI not to hack me, as it meant I wouldn't be able to get any sort of upgrades without rumbling it - it went ahead and hacked me anyway, because fuck borgs, amirite? 7.5k battery that entire round. And as I was shadowing the miner, waiting for his return to the mining station, a security cyborg thought it'd be a good idea to stalk him from two, three tiles away in an open area, whereapon the miner got suspicious, flashed him and left, now on alert against cyborgs and the AI.
I think I might have been the miner. The main reason I knew from the start that you were all rogue is because the AI was on the Syndicate radio channel after we determined it was double agent. The secborg kept telling me to guide it to the recharger in Mining but when I told it where it was it just kept asking. Eventually I just tagged next to someone in the hall so the borg wouldn't attack me, snipped the flash from the HoP line, flashed the secborg, and saxed away. I knew for sure you were rogue when the AI made a vague-as-fuck announcement about me assaulting someone. I knew you'd probably be waiting at mining, so I waited for a bit. You guys greentexted anyway because I got bored, snagged some gibtonite, and suicide-bombed the shuttle.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 10:28 pm
by AnonymousNow
Jesus, was that why we had a massive blackout? I thought it was a powersink. That's some next-level engineering incompetence right there.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 4:14 pm
by Miauw
AnonymousNow wrote:
Miauw wrote:why
Because it's efficient and gets the same result without risk of slippage?
1. the soap runs out you mong
2. do you really think i play janitor to clean the station?

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 4:31 pm
by TheNightingale
I don't think soap runs out. At least, it hasn't any of the times I've used it. New feature?

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 4:32 pm
by Saegrimr
Miauw wrote:1. the soap runs out you mong

Who the fuck NERFS SOAP?
oh right

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 4:39 pm
by tuypo1
if soap has been nerfed we need to have a way to make more

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 4:46 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
>soap runs out

good now i have an excuse to use my mop. people always gO UGH DON'T SLIP ME well fuck you i put up signs walk retardo

also: i hate it when people call lizardfolk "liggers". it's a stupid slur, i think calling them draggers or skinks is better

also i hate lizardmen with argonian names, thats dumb.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:21 pm
by jaxy15
Super Aggro Crag wrote:also i hate lizardmen with argonian names, thats dumb.
That's pretty much become the norm at this point.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:31 pm
by AnonymousNow
Xhuis wrote: I think I might have been the miner.
Dammit. Just... dammit.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:47 pm
by captain sawrge

Code: Select all

one Thing that Really Bothers me is Beardbeard Godslayer still being Banned from /tg/station13 servers and forums:

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 8:08 pm
by Qbopper
Ling rounds.

Chemists fucking off to do something (I honestly have no idea where chemists go or what they do).
Chemists not responding to medbay radio.
Chemists who will only do one request for medbay and then do their own thing (I had one straight up tell me he would do one thing and then nothing else).
Chemists who refuse to do something as simple as stick mannitol into cryo (sure, I can grab the pills and do it myself, but chem related shit seems like it should be the chemist's job and it's not exactly an unreasonable request)
Chemists who do nothing but play a Walter White gimmick/etc. and just shit out drugs.
The majority of chemists. (some of you are great and I love having you in chem, but fuck the majority of chemists are awful people)

Doctors that stutterwhore. I threatened to demote a doctor multiple times one shift because they wouldn't stop. (doesn't cause me serious anger or anything but I think it's annoying and I think it gives me a little bit of character to be a hardass CMO who hates stuttering like that)
Doctors that know how to use cryo/sleepers yet take all the first aid kits. (doing it out of ignorance is okay, because you can teach people not to do it, but knowing what you're doing makes me hate you)
Doctors that take a defib at round start and fuck off somewhere and die.
Doctors that take the defib at the cryo table.

Virologists that release diseases without even telling me that they're in viro that round.
To be completely honest, beneficial viruses. The chat box is spammy enough, it always irks me a little bit to see sneeze/etc. spam, and I always freak out for a second when I see people have a disease on the mediHUD.

Patients fucking off when I try to sleeper them.
Patients fucking off when I try to sleeper them because they want to use cryo.
Patients who try to use fucking cryo.
Stop fucking trying to use cryo holy fuck you people are awful.
Patients who want healing, but refuse to let me heal them.
People who instantly disconnect when they die even if they die in a place where their body will be found in a matter of seconds.

People not turning on suit sensors (never made sense to me - as an antag ofc, but if I can save your life where the crew would otherwise never find you, why would you not want to turn on your suit sensors?)
People wordlessly breaking into medbay to take a medkit when there are multiple doctors ready to help. (I'm going to start using the baton on them if this keeps up)
People crying that they're dying and not specifying where, even vaguely.
People who run around stealing shit and breaking things without even putting it to good use.
People who are just shitters in general.

People shitting on sec for no reason.
People who committed an obvious crime and get caught red handed crying on the radio about how sec is murdering them.
Officers who arrest first, ask questions never.
Officers who don't arrest anyone ever.

HoPs that hand out access to sensitive areas like EVA because "lol idk".
HoSs that ignore the other heads.
HoSs that try to subvert the AI and take over the station.
HoSs that don't tell their officers to stop fucking arresting my virologist giving them stims, after I make an announcement saying viro is giving stims.

People shitting on assistants because they're assistants.
That one guy who only plays assistant and seems to make some boring as shit remarks on the radio about "GREY TIDE RISE UP" at the start of the round, every round.
People who make fake insulated gloves (you are all awful people).
Engineers that lock the welding/electrical lockers.
As an engineer, people that don't lock the welding/electrical lockers.
People that use budget insulated gloves. (Latex gloves are like, 70% less shock damage - iirc no chance to completely stop the shock, but also no chance to triple the fucking damage)
EDIT: oh shit so I read the post about budget insulted gloves and while I still think it's a better idea to just use latex that's cool as fuck
People who escalate shit out of nowhere. (not necessarily fights, but people who get mad and start to insult you because ???)

OOC clogging up the chat mid round. I'm incredibly grateful there's a mute.
Deadchat being an unintelligible mess between OOC, ghotsts, radios, and local chat.

Ling rounds.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 8:19 pm
by onleavedontatme
Knowing that someone is gonna muck up stands/parasites trying to "balance" them because they're new and different and people are using them often/dont know how to play against them yet.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 8:58 pm
by Raven776
Inverse to the previous medical rant:

CMOs that respond with 'why?' when I ask them if they want to check out my diseased blood to make sure that the stuff I'm handing out is beneficial.
Officers that refuse to slow down or respond when I try to explain what the diseases do or why they'll want them before every fucking shitler of an assistant drains the bloodbag monkey in medbay for their own super juices.
Chemists that mass produce a cure to my beneficial diseases instead of 'just holding on to it to give to greyshits that security has troubles with.'
When the greytide starts to lie to security about what my disease does to try and get me lynched as viro.
When a viro who is antag does the same shit with the same diseases each round. Basically I knew he was a shitler the moment he went looking for a toolbox because then I knew he was stealing the viro board from tech storage early off. As a note, I always went to science to get a spare one for the lulz.

When I'm stealing something as a greyshirt and security decides to take it away from me. I want those yellow gloves and now I'll just have to find a more inconvenient way to get them for everyone.
When I random a job and get the same thing twice in a row. I should definitely redo my system to just put everything at low except the things I absolutely don't want like genetics.
When I go to the HoP and tell him that I'm probably going to airlock myself so he should open up another jobslot, and he proceeds to try to feed Ian peanut butter or whatever the fuck it is HoPs do when they close their shutters.
When an AI takes time out of its day to fuck with me. That is a quick way to get told to start setting scrubbers to scrub plasma out of the air. I know you won't do it, but I know random rooms in this station by name and will make you search through your camera list to fulfill my unreasonable demands if you keep playing with the fucking lights in my room.

When I've got Hulk and I've gotta listen to security ponder every time about how to take down a hulk. They always try disablers. Always. I usually come out of it with a few spare guns in my backpack that I can't use but had to take off of their bodies and give back alter, but it's a hassle.
When I'm the geneticist and unlock a few super powers and NO ONE ACTUALLY WANTS THEM. This is especially prevalent on Bagil for whatever reason when there's actually people there, but I've had it happen on Sybil too. I get not wanting Hulk, but cold resist is pretty sweet.
The fact that drills don't gib bodies anymore. I was trying to exterminate some xenod monkey bodies but couldn't just drill them to non-existence.
Change in general. I leave for a while and some of my old fun things to do aren't robust anymore.
Whenever people do awful/near antag things like spreading the alium but bitch when they get dunked and killed.
Whenever someone is obviously a changeling but a few rubberneckers who arrive late to the show try to save them in case they're not.
When the clown tries to slip me, fails, and loses his PDA and banana peel as a result. You should be better than this.
When he goes to bawl to security about losing his PDA and or banana peel. He should fight me and win like a man if he wants it back.
When I escalate things a bit and my opponent takes out a taser and then starts to kick me as if going unarmed after using a taser is somehow better than just toolboxing my head in. No, I didn't actually want your crayons clown, I just figured spending some time punching a clown in the hallway could be fun.
When I mess with security in harmless ways, do some crime, but ultimately give back all the dangerous guns and weapons I steal but they still come after me.
When I give back all the guns and weapons I steal, when I cuff people but leave them to uncuff themselves, and in the end security decides to space/brain/murder me or put me in perma brig.
When they gloat about 'winning' when I stun and cuffed them five times before they managed to get me. I didn't want to arbitrarily take you out of the round. You don't suddenly win after losing 5 times because you took me out of the round.
When I hide an all access ID or a hardsuit in perma jail but don't ever get the chance to use it.
When I hide an all access ID or hardsuit in the gulag but I don't ever get the chance to use it.
When some security officer checks the perma jail bathroom because he remembers me between rounds. It's the only time I've ever felt they've won over my silly antics.

When I get bwoinked and hadn't killed or seriously inconvenienced anyone that round. I understand an admin bwoinking me when there was some escalation that the other person might have misrepresented, but if the most I'd done was tabled someone at the bar and chucked them away when they stole my drink, I should be left to hack maintenance doors in peace.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 8:59 pm
by Gun Hog
Qbopper wrote:*snip*
So many contradictions. If I put you in a room with your exact clone, I bet one of you would be dead the next day!

My list:
- Clowns and mimes that break into my department as RD, or just follow someone else in, then start taking things.
- Departmental in-fighting while I am RD. Science is the best department, the man-children need to get in line, and act like it!
- Security members that refuse weapons even when I offer to deliver them myself. What? Do Sec players not like having superior weapons or something?
- HoS/Warden that refuse to share the firing pins or give me a loyalty implant.
- When cargo refuses to give me a Combat Shotguns crate, asking for a stamp from the HoS.
- Persistant clowns that slip and steal from me after removing them from my department once.
- When no one answers roundstart roll-call when I am RD and trying to note what staff I have.
- Scientists that deconstruct the station's teleporter to get Bluespace tech up faster. (Use the Abandoned or AI's teleporter for this!)
- People who try to use the R&D console to make something while I am busy with it, without even bothering to tell me what they want.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:04 pm
by InsaneHyena
- Security members that refuse weapons even when I offer to deliver them myself. What? Do Sec players not like having superior weapons or something?
Guns are weapons of traitors, superstitious and cowardly lot. A true security officer only uses his taser and stun baton.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:07 pm
by EndgamerAzari
Subordinates who are outright hostile to their department head when they do something as simple as stopping by to check on how things are going.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:13 pm
by Xhuis
Misconceptions. It's unreasonable, but when I see the same urban legends spread around rampantly by people who claim to have "proof" of them, it really grinds my gears. For instance: budget insuls. Budget insulated gloves, contrary to popular belief, do not have random shock protection at every shock. Basically, the way shock protection is calculated is by the Siemens coefficient, which is actually a formula in electrical conductivity. For now, it's just a simple variable on gloves - siemens_coefficient. By default, all gloves have this set to 1 - this means that shock damage will be multiplied by 1, which is, in effect, normal shocks. Normal insulated gloves have this variable set to 0, meaning they will protect from all shocks.

Whenever budget insulated gloves are created on the map, the siemens_coefficient variable picks from a set of possible values: 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, and 2. This means that there is a 60% chance to have a Siemens coefficient of 50%, which will halve all shock damage, which is in itself good. This also means that there is a 20% chance to have a Siemens coefficient of 200%, meaning that it will double all shock damage. If you take a huge amount of shock damage while wearing budget insuls, you will always take that same huge amount and the gloves will never protect you at all. However, there is a final 20% chance to have a Siemens coefficient of 0%, meaning that the gloves function identically to normal insulated gloves, protecting against all shocks!

tl;dr Misconceptions about stuff, i.e. people thinking that budget insuls have random protection on each shock but really having either half protection, no protection, or full protection determined when they're spawned.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:14 pm
by Wyzack
Wow that is actually very informative

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:44 pm
by ThanatosRa
This is actually really selfish, but I hate when I start a round as a roboticist alone, and get a snowball of hate because I'm working too slow when Three dudes asking to be borged show up, the sec ask for a ED, THEN the RD Stomps in calling me incompetent because the first thing I did that round WASN'T making your god damned syringe guns FUCK OFF, WE'RE NOT EVEN 3 MINUTES IN AND I'M IN HERE ALONE HAVE SOME FUCKING PATIENCE OR USE THE MACHINE YOURSELF WHILE I ASSEMBLE THIS BORG AND GET YELLED AT BY THE STATION FOR NOT BEING A GOD DAMNED DJINN FULFILLING YOUR EVERY WISH.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 10:18 pm
by InsaneHyena
This is actually really selfish, but I hate when I start a round as a roboticist alone, and get a snowball of hate because I'm working too slow when Three dudes asking to be borged show up, the sec ask for a ED, THEN the RD Stomps in calling me incompetent because the first thing I did that round WASN'T making your god damned syringe guns FUCK OFF, WE'RE NOT EVEN 3 MINUTES IN AND I'M IN HERE ALONE HAVE SOME FUCKING PATIENCE OR USE THE MACHINE YOURSELF WHILE I ASSEMBLE THIS BORG AND GET YELLED AT BY THE STATION FOR NOT BEING A GOD DAMNED DJINN FULFILLING YOUR EVERY WISH.
I know your pain, had this happen to me more than once.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 10:19 pm
by ThanatosRa
InsaneHyena wrote:
This is actually really selfish, but I hate when I start a round as a roboticist alone, and get a snowball of hate because I'm working too slow when Three dudes asking to be borged show up, the sec ask for a ED, THEN the RD Stomps in calling me incompetent because the first thing I did that round WASN'T making your god damned syringe guns FUCK OFF, WE'RE NOT EVEN 3 MINUTES IN AND I'M IN HERE ALONE HAVE SOME FUCKING PATIENCE OR USE THE MACHINE YOURSELF WHILE I ASSEMBLE THIS BORG AND GET YELLED AT BY THE STATION FOR NOT BEING A GOD DAMNED DJINN FULFILLING YOUR EVERY WISH.
I know your pain, had this happen to me more than once.
I get it fairly often. Mainly because when I do actually play(Which is a bit more lately, a couple rounds a couple days a week when I feel like it), I try to do Robotics. It's my favourite job.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 10:54 pm
by AnonymousNow
The roboticist thing has happened to most of us.

EDIT: Also, as probably the most frequent/longest-running CMO player on the server, my god, I encounter so many of those ones about medbay staff. And impatients. And powertripping Heads of Security.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:02 pm
by Qbopper
Gun Hog wrote: So many contradictions. If I put you in a room with your exact clone, I bet one of you would be dead the next day!
It says "things that annoy you", not "explain things that annoy you with perfectly reasonable and logical explanations". I never said I wasn't easily annoyed.

Also, I thought the bit where I literally said "As an engineer, people who don't lock the lockers" directly after "People who lock the lockers" was enough to make it obvious that I'm being tongue in cheek...

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:40 pm
by Cheimon
Neat explanation of budget gloves. I'll have to try using them.

Anyway, what annoys me are doctors that get mad when I use cryo. It's not hard to keep the tubes stocked, if they're not in use I might as well jump in, and it's a hell of a lot faster than just having you lot stare at me for three minutes until I pass out from boredom. Cryo heals everything automatically and I can just hop inside, it's great. Much better than waiting way longer and then getting overdosed or whatever. But really it's just the ballache of persuading someone to help you. Seriously, I have asked people at sleepers so many times "can you just press these buttons when I'm in the sleeper?" and they just look at me blankly, cryo is so much better than that.

Additionally, people that get stupid mad when you've arrested them and have them bang to rights. I don't mean OOC salt, like ghosting (no skin off my nose), but stupid IC backchat. Let's say I've arrested you masked and covered in blood in maintenance, and, oh look, you have an energy sword and an emag. If you then complain "You can't search randomly, it's a code blue! I demand a lawyer! AI, help!", I'll seriously consider beating you to death on the spot. Having said that, a good interrogation where you give me funny and/or plausible excuses is great. It's not "don't talk", it's "don't be a salty arsehole".

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:49 pm
by PKPenguin321
tuypo1 wrote:if soap has been nerfed we need to have a way to make more
you can buy some with mining vendors
i always do that whenever the shuttle is called right as i finish my first delivery so i can throw 10,000 soaps on the shuttle in spite

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:53 pm
by Qbopper
Cheimon wrote:Anyway, what annoys me are doctors that get mad when I use cryo. It's not hard to keep the tubes stocked, if they're not in use I might as well jump in, and it's a hell of a lot faster than just having you lot stare at me for three minutes until I pass out from boredom. Cryo heals everything automatically and I can just hop inside, it's great. Much better than waiting way longer and then getting overdosed or whatever. But really it's just the ballache of persuading someone to help you. Seriously, I have asked people at sleepers so many times "can you just press these buttons when I'm in the sleeper?" and they just look at me blankly, cryo is so much better than that.
You're dealing with fuckwit doctors, then. I don't think it's unreasonable to get annoyed with people using cryo if I'm fucking dragging them to the sleeper. If no one is helping you, yeah, feel free - I'm talking about people who ACTIVELY WALK AWAY FROM THE DOCTOR HELPING THEM TO USE CRYO, shit drives me nuts.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 8:06 am
by tuypo1
when somebody prefixes/suphixes (is that a word afixes? apends maybe) with law 2 i know what my fucking laws are damit and if i did not respond at first its not because you dident say its an order its because im dead/braindead/laging/busy.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 10:46 am
by Erbbu
When a colleague runs around my workplace suspiciously, looking for an opportunity to kill me. I can't just dunk them if they haven't done anything because that would be meta. But abandoning the thing I have been working on to not be around them would suck as well. Yet when they do attack me with the element of surprise I am already dead since that is the way stuns work.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:30 pm
by Malkevin
ThanatosRa wrote:This is actually really selfish, but I hate when I start a round as a roboticist alone, and get a snowball of hate because I'm working too slow when Three dudes asking to be borged show up, the sec ask for a ED, THEN the RD Stomps in calling me incompetent because the first thing I did that round WASN'T making your god damned syringe guns FUCK OFF, WE'RE NOT EVEN 3 MINUTES IN AND I'M IN HERE ALONE HAVE SOME FUCKING PATIENCE OR USE THE MACHINE YOURSELF WHILE I ASSEMBLE THIS BORG AND GET YELLED AT BY THE STATION FOR NOT BEING A GOD DAMNED DJINN FULFILLING YOUR EVERY WISH.
Set a borg going then debrain your entire queue.
If they start bitching at you being slow threaten to shove their brain back inside their lifeless body which you'll then toss down the trash chute.
Make sure you borg the quiet patient brain first.

Squeaky wheel does not get the grease.