Does anyone else hate the new UI on the Tesco ones?
It's just a boring blue monochrome and instead of the scan history being in the big box on the left hand side (like every other self serve interface) its down some tiny box on the right side.
So not only does its super minimalist design fail to highlight the important information it functions different to every other system.
First time I used one I scanned my apples twice and had... uhg... interact with a store person.
>I was a programmer on an online game for a few years
>I've been doing online courses to learn some mainstream languages
>I've been doing software design and development in VBA and SQL as a large part of my job for the past year
>I want to apply for your Junior Developer role
"Do you have a degree?"
"Have you done any work in C#"
"Fuck off then"
i heard some really sad news today that SZA (aka one of the best artists right now dont @ me fuckos) has permanently damaged her vocal chords and she's cancelling all her shit.
I honestly don't know if hypnosis would work on me, I've never tried it beyond the occasional audio meditation thing that did jack shit
physical stimuli can shut me the fuck down though, like if you get one of those gardening glove things with the plastic claws and just gently brush it over the top of my head it completely fucking disables me for as long as you keep it up and I don't know why or how
5 was where it really peaked for me, 6 was okay although switching to starbug was a bit of a toneshift (also no holly, boo) where it started turning less sitcom-in-space and more scifi-adventure-with-jokes and it went further that way with 7, then with 8 they kinda flipped way too hard in the other direction and just went wacky-zany.
edit: also boy oh boy has the CGI in 7 onwards not aged well compared to the model shots of the earlier seasons
CosmicScientist wrote:Here's a maths question for you.
There is a phone called the iPhone X
It costs £1,000
You can get it on contract for £75 a month
This contract is 3 years long
How much will my cousin regret his purchase by that point?
You can literally get a phone with better specs for around 450 pound, hell you can get a brand name phone with the same specs for around 750 pound. So nearly three grand well spent I would say who needs money when you have an IPHONE X
I can't remember if I mentioned it here but Godless is another good Western program if you like that stuff. I also need to catch up on the rest of S2 Expanse.
God I'm in a weird place right now.
Restless drowsy and uncomfortable. Thanks new medication for bipolar disorder.
Its new to me. I was untreated for years and now I've finally done something about it.
I feel weird.
my forum gimmick is that no one knows who i am
gender is irrelevant NO UR IRRELEVANT
u a bish
y u heff 2 b med
This. You list a couple bands you like and create a channel then just let it introduce new music to you.
Helps if you create a bunch of little channels by genre rather than just load every single band you can think of into one big one.
ThanatosRa wrote:God I'm in a weird place right now.
Restless drowsy and uncomfortable. Thanks new medication for bipolar disorder.
Its new to me. I was untreated for years and now I've finally done something about it.
I feel weird.
Yeah medication is a rollercoaster. It's not an exact science either since mood is subjective and it's not like anesthetic where you can just look at a person's weight and physiology to determine how much of something they need. I would offer to listen if you need anyone to talk to but I think history shows I'm no good at helping anyone and I try to stay out of things like this from now on.
I've suddenly remembered why I've avoided getting on a training course or going back to uni.
Saw some advert from one of the job sites I'm subscribed to for a Full Stack Python Web Developer course, apparently could be completed in 12 weeks. No mention of price so I'm already dubious, but I've been planning on going for Plan B anyway (because 'Plan A: do free stuff and try to get into a junior position' isn't working) so signed up for the 'get more information' hoping I'd just get a brochure.
Nope, phone call. Anyway, 500 hours (so to do it in that 12 weeks I'd have to commit 42 hrs per week, so I'd have to quit my job (not necessarily a bad thing)) and the price is £5,000.
Bloodee 'ell.
I suppose it is worth doing though, because even entry level coding roles pay five grand more than my seven year vet tech support job (because apparently the person responsible for keeping critical business functions running is only worth as much as a stock boy).
Still, big commitment though and I don't even know if I'd enjoy commercial coding.