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Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 7:10 pm
by MMMiracles

Bottom post of the previous page:

As an update, I've made progress on the service wing. I've finished mapping tool storage, bar, kitchen, and the holodeck. Hydroponics, library, fitness, and chapel still need work. Pipes and wires are done for everything on the service wing. Screenshot of progress later once I finish the remaining service departments.
cocothegogo wrote:make the bridges retractable like goon!
The airbridges on goon are cool but I'm using the bridges as catwalks for wiring/pipes as well. The distances also feel too far-apart for an airbridge to make much sense, at least with how goon utilizes them.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 7:26 pm
by Copybass
I didnt even see that prison wing before, that is a work of art. I'm excited to see the finished product on this.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 9:19 pm
by Iatots
MMMiracles wrote:
cocothegogo wrote:make the bridges retractable like goon!
The airbridges on goon are cool but I'm using the bridges as catwalks for wiring/pipes as well. The distances also feel too far-apart for an airbridge to make much sense, at least with how goon utilizes them.
Hold up, we can actually make retractable bridges?

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 9:48 pm
by MMMiracles
Side-tracked, Okand37 kindly gave me a more compact version of my current Atmospheric setup. I've managed to implement it into the setup with some minor modifications. Floor design isn't final but at least the pipes don't like some jumbled mess anymore. I've had to shuffle the SMES storage and grav-gen a bit to fit in the new design but I like it.
Iatots wrote:
MMMiracles wrote:
cocothegogo wrote:make the bridges retractable like goon!
The airbridges on goon are cool but I'm using the bridges as catwalks for wiring/pipes as well. The distances also feel too far-apart for an airbridge to make much sense, at least with how goon utilizes them.
Hold up, we can actually make retractable bridges?
Air-bridges aren't a TG feature, which is another reason I won't be using it because that would require me to actually code it.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 7:27 am
by DemonFiren
MMMiracles wrote:Side-tracked, Okand37 kindly gave me a more compact version of my current Atmospheric setup. I've managed to implement it into the setup with some minor modifications. Floor design isn't final but at least the pipes don't like some jumbled mess anymore. I've had to shuffle the SMES storage and grav-gen a bit to fit in the new design but I like it.
Iatots wrote:
MMMiracles wrote:
cocothegogo wrote:make the bridges retractable like goon!
The airbridges on goon are cool but I'm using the bridges as catwalks for wiring/pipes as well. The distances also feel too far-apart for an airbridge to make much sense, at least with how goon utilizes them.
Hold up, we can actually make retractable bridges?
Air-bridges aren't a TG feature, which is another reason I won't be using it because that would require me to actually code it.
>mix to port zig-zagging instead of linking to the bottom connector
muh aesthetics

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 2:51 am
by Luke Cox
All I want for Christmas is for this to enter rotation

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 3:39 am
by MMMiracles
Luke Cox wrote:All I want for Christmas is for this to enter rotation
Christmas? Eh.

Give me till New Years and I might have something playable for testing.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 1:11 am
by Dagdammit
I fucking love maint being dug-out tunnels with basic lighting. The more neglected sections of maint could have lanterns or just a flashlight on a table.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 3:36 am
by MMMiracles
OP updated with a quick checklist to show department progress.

Now, for progress pictures:

(the disabled scrubbers in the upper-section of the bridge are fixed)

Service Sector
(The off-shoot in the maintenance section is for the disposal system I've yet to start on, to give myself a general idea where the pipes will come/go.)

If things look a bit barebones in terms of miscellaneous content, that's because I'm leaving clutter till I'm done with absolutely everything. Everything job/round-essential is placed and you could play as the jobs in these departments without much hinder.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 5:27 pm
by DemonFiren
Chaplain could use a morgue tray in the crematorium area, and I'd move the ignition switch opposite the oven itself.
It would also be good to move the confession booth so the Chaplain can access his half.
Kitchen backroom might need a uniform crate for waiters/etc, the sink could be closer to the table because many recipes require water.
Wood furniture might look better in the bar, and the tables seem a little large (the 1-tile gap to the bar door is doubleplusunpretty).
Fitness area needs gear lockers and racks, plus water coolers, to look less empty. As it stands a room filled with nothing but unusable lifting machines is a bit meh.
One-tile wide aisles between bookshelves and double rows of shelves are okay, however.
Hydroponics could use sinks on the far walls between the tray rows.

For the comm sector, replace the metal chairs with swivel ones and give the Captain's chair on the bridge a prettier colour.
Also, why does the Captain have two beds?
Dorms may need a ClothesMate.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 1:10 am
by MMMiracles
Got around to starting and finishing the security wing.
I'll probably re-arrange the armory when I do my final edits to all departments but I'm more or less content with the the current security wing setup. Perma has been replaced with a long-term cell to fit the cell-block style I've tried to go for. Instead of an execution chamber disguised as a prisoner transfer area, you get a hastily-dug room with a ditch disguised as a prisoner transfer area.

As a note, the warden sits snugly in the middle of all the cells with a panic lock-down button in-case prisoners break free. Please note that this only prevents them from escaping the cell-block, but doesn't actually block off the armory windows or individual cells. Why? Because the visual of a prison-wide break ending with the prisoners stealing the armory and having a stand-off in the cell-block against officers sounds really fucking cool.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 12:39 pm
by DemonFiren
Warden's office needs a trash bin.
Every office needs a trash bin.

That aside, it seems a little large, and if the room to the left of the armoury is supposed to be perma it could use a stronger door.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 4:57 pm
by Atlanta-Ned
DemonFiren wrote: That aside, it seems a little large, and if the room to the left of the armoury is supposed to be perma it could use a stronger door.
Everything feels a little over-sized to me, tbh.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 5:37 pm
by MMMiracles
Eh, only things that I might squish down a bit are the equipment room and the armory, I like everything else for the most part.

EDIT: Slowly but surely, I'll finish the map. Medbay is complete.
I also squished down the equipment room and armory a bit, I probably won't fuss with anything else till I do final changes.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 8:43 am
by Luke Cox
Nations rounds could be pretty amazing on this map

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 1:00 pm
by Okand37
MMMiracles wrote:Eh, only things that I might squish down a bit are the equipment room and the armory, I like everything else for the most part.

EDIT: Slowly but surely, I'll finish the map. Medbay is complete.
I also squished down the equipment room and armory a bit, I probably won't fuss with anything else till I do final changes.
I'd suggest moving the chemistry fridge where the glass window is, most people like to have the convenience of being able to put stuff in the fridge from their seat. Might be a byproduct of laziness, but some measure of convenience can be nice! Medical looks pretty solid otherwise, though you might want to look into updating to include the whole cloning access pr if that was merged.

Security looks solid as ever. I'd personally suggest swapping the flashers and tables positions up top, as where the reflector vest is its blocking that entire way to get around, which could easily trap people in the top left corner or atleast make it a little more finicky to gear up!

Keep up the good work buddy, you're doing great!

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 3:49 pm
Having all APCs in space will make the powergrid event really really annoying.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 4:02 pm
by MMMiracles
XDTM wrote:Having all APCs in space will make the powergrid event really really annoying.
Not sure what you mean, the maintenance tunnels are properly marked with their associated maintenance area, there isn't any 'space' area excluding the bridges.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 2:44 pm
I'm sorry, thought the external asteroid-floored areas would be atmosless

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 10:24 pm
by Deitus
Looks good overall, I'd love to give it a try

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 11:39 pm
by Luke Cox
Any word on when this will be ready for a trial run?

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 1:36 pm
by MMMiracles
I got lazy before new years, still need to finish science, disposals, and a camera network before I'll consider putting up a test-run.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 2:32 am
by Luke Cox
Anything new to show on this?

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 2:50 am
by MMMiracles
I got distracted by things like video games and various real-life activities, such as work. I'll put some time aside this weekend to start working on it again.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 6:07 pm
by MMMiracles
I sat down for a bit and actually made progress. I haven't given up yet, I swear!

The empty room in the upper-section is going to be the delivery office once I start on disposals fully. Someone tell me how to properly set-up navbeacons because even after looking at boxstation for an example and the code, this shit still seems confusing.

Disposal Example
(yes i noticed the middle disposal is off and i didn't want to recompile to retake a picture of it being fixed)
The basic idea is that each department has one of these rooms latched on to the exterior of their asteroid, each junction represents a department. If nothing is marked for that asteroid's departments, it passes through and get launched to the next stop, otherwise it goes into the inter-department disposals and sorts itself out to whatever department its marked for. Disposal bins inside a department all link to the start of the sorter so departments can send eachother stuff. I'll be giving each department a package tracker and some wrapping paper as well to take advantage of this. Escaping via disposals is probably a lot deadlier considering as soon as you leave inter-department disposals you'll be launched into space, so pack some coffee.

In terms of progress, I still need to finish disposals, Research, AI Sat, and the camera network before I consider this up for playtesting. If I stay consistent with working on it now, I might have something by Friday, but don't quote me on that.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 8:35 pm
by MMMiracles
I've more or less completed Research, still need to touch up a few things.
I've combined the testing room and the larger containment pen into a single area. Xenobiology has 8 cells instead of 6, allows for more space to have a variety of slimes or splitting the room for 2 separate scientists who want to prioritize different sets of slimes.

A lack of bomb site is due to size limitations, as the map edges are starting to get somewhat close to the z-level edges. Ask mining to test out your mixes if you really need to see the devastation, also gives the mad scientist a potential excuse if they're caught outside science with some transfer valves.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:42 am
by Luke Cox
Looking good

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 4:28 am
by Dagdammit
What if you had a hall from northern doors of warden's command center that linked directly into the armory, and gave both that hall and the warden's command center standard walls instead of r-walls? Hallway could also have sec doors on sides to keep the circular cell patrol route.Probably wouldn't want the prisoner gear lockers to still be part of hall to armory, but idk.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 1:51 am
by Luke Cox
Something I just realized, does the prison wing have a perma?

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 7:55 pm
by MMMiracles
Dagdammit wrote:What if you had a hall from northern doors of warden's command center that linked directly into the armory, and gave both that hall and the warden's command center standard walls instead of r-walls? Hallway could also have sec doors on sides to keep the circular cell patrol route.Probably wouldn't want the prisoner gear lockers to still be part of hall to armory, but idk.
Eh, I have it open like that intentionally. I have it set up so prisoners can potentially stage a break-out and get into the armory, but the warden has a lockdown option that seals him inside the command center and the exterior of the cellblock. Probably a bad idea but it sounds fun in my head so.
Luke Cox wrote:Something I just realized, does the prison wing have a perma?
Prison wing has a long-term cell that is slightly larger than a regular 3x3 cell. The transfer facility is always an option for those who don't like the long-term cell.

EDIT: Finished arrivals.
Arrivals/departures is squished together on the same asteroid as sort of docking port. I initially wanted to squeeze cargo somewhere in there for the idea of it being a general docking area for ships but I couldn't think of a space-efficient way of doing that. Centcomm ferry parks below departures, distance should be large enough to prevent issues with the emergency shuttle accidentally crushing it/vice versa.

Disposals is almost done. Majority of it is essentially external launch pads that occasionally sort stuff into departments, so you could intercept a package mid-flight if you knew it was being shipped. Steal the crate of minerals mining shipped to science mid-transport or shove the clown into one of the external spots and mail him into the bridge the possibilities truly are endless. The only exception is the docking asteroid, as I'd rather not have the shuttles block the disposals.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 9:43 pm
by MMMiracles
Disposals is more or less finished, just need to finish up the section for cargo. I decided to record to see how long it'd take to do a full circle around the station in the disposal loop.


The telecomms part of the AI satellite is done, looks more or less the same as boxstation's, except a bit more compact. Just need to do some stuff like camera networks and throwing some fluff into the departments/maintenance before I consider it ready for testing, as everything else is set and should be capable of a full round with no real issues.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 2:26 am
by Luke Cox
Interesting disposal setup. People are going to shit themselves when they're flushed down disposals, I guarantee it.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 2:43 am
by MMMiracles
Camera network done, also dotted bits of maintenance with fluff and various misc loot spawns. Majority of the map markers (shuttle markers, event spawners, ect) have been placed. I'd say I can start bugging for a testmerge on Friday after I do some more polish.

I've added some emergency space suits to some of the external airlock rooms, which are essentially worse than an EVA suit in every way and have a 50% chance to rip when attacked, voiding their protection against pressure. They exist solely as a method to cross the station if the bridges are otherwise compromised, but are pretty much useless everywhere else. I'd compare them to goonstation's emergency suits in that they aren't meant for much past quick space walks.

As a side-note, space parallax makes crossing the bridges 10x more visually pleasing.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 7:38 am
Don't forget AI Holopads and teleport beacons!

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:12 am
by Gun Hog
Where are the department head offices, and their respective space suits?

For Arrivals, please do not forget to have a base construction console (/obj/machinery/computer/camera_advanced/base_construction) to complete your Aux Base. Btw, it does not have to be the same size as the rest, just match the docking port to the dimensions of the base. Ditto for the public mining shuttle dock. There is no requirement that it be installed in Arrivals, either.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 12:57 pm
by MMMiracles
XDTM wrote:Don't forget AI Holopads and teleport beacons!
Both are already taken care of.
Gun Hog wrote:Where are the department head offices, and their respective space suits?

For Arrivals, please do not forget to have a base construction console (/obj/machinery/computer/camera_advanced/base_construction) to complete your Aux Base. Btw, it does not have to be the same size as the rest, just match the docking port to the dimensions of the base. Ditto for the public mining shuttle dock. There is no requirement that it be installed in Arrivals, either.
Heads don't have offices in their departments, as the private quarters each head has on the bridge seems to fill the role of a place to store stuff and have a secure place for heads to spawn. If a head has an associated space suit, then its stationed in their departments in an access-restricted cubby, which is essentially a indent in the wall with the SSU protected by a reinforced windoor.

I understand shuttles aren't restricted in size but I don't see a reason to fix what isn't broken, considering I've never seen someone complain about their size/set-up.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 1:13 pm
by Gun Hog
Fair enough!

To review, the suit storage units for heads are:
/obj/machinery/suit_storage_unit/cmo (Chief Medical Officer)
/obj/machinery/suit_storage_unit/ce (Chief Engineer)
/obj/machinery/suit_storage_unit/rd (Research Director)
/obj/machinery/suit_storage_unit/hos (Head of Security)
/obj/machinery/suit_storage_unit/captain (Captain)

All-in-all, it is an interesting station. I would like to try it out.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 11:06 pm
by BeeSting12
I haven't looked at this much but I have to say that the disposals is supercool

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 2:51 am
by MMMiracles
There should really be a tool for stitching a map together automatically because damn if it isn't tedious.
Ignoring the partially-incomplete disposals in cargo, it's done. Things of interest to note:
  • Engineering, Atmospherics, and Nuke Ops get spare compact pickaxes to work around the asteroid. Emergency pickaxes can be found scattered throughout maintenance.
  • Disposals for the most part is entirely external and consists of launch pads that fling stuff to one pad to another through space. Inter-department disposals allows for departments to send packages to eachother quickly without the need of going to cargo first.
  • Every other external airlock room next to the bridges has 1-2 emergency space suits, which are essentially sub-par EVA suits that tear if you look at them in the wrong way, keeping their existence solely for 'quickly crossing space gaps without dying of space as quickly'.
  • Only two escape pods! Why? Because Nanotrasen is cheaper than usual and I always found the sardine-packing of escape pods to be hilarious.
  • Every department has an independent SMES room that all of those asteroid's departments run power off of. The SMES' themselves connect to Engineering's power supply.
  • Every head of staff has a personal quarters stationed on the bridge instead of a department office, including the QM. Get to know the other heads of staff a little bit before dying to cult/revs/admin 'events'.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 11:31 am
by Iatots
Surely, while stitching this map together, you must have noticed that space dust 1 hit KO'ing the bridge between science and arrivals?
You need a lot more grilles, maybe even girders.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 11:43 am
by Steelpoint
The station looks really, really, big by any standard.

I'll be interested to see it in action, but I wonder how long it'll take to get from one area of the station to another.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 3:35 pm
by MMMiracles
OP updated with changes.
  • Armory has been given an extra set of r-walls and its APC moved inside to prevent easy power sabotage.
  • Gulag shuttle added to side of Security. Buttons are present to allow people to exit the shuttle into the hallway via maintenance.
  • Tech storage added above Research.
  • Bridges were beefed up a bit to include some external grilles, exterior bridges were given an extra layer of grilles as they'll be getting hit more often than internal bridges.
  • Medbay storage walls next to maintenance have been turned into r-walls to make breaking in slightly more difficult.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 8:25 pm
by ShizCalev
MMMiracles wrote:
map is a jpg, that quality loss hng

Also need a little more lighting in these areas;


Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 8:27 pm
by leibniz
--- Atmosphere alarm detected in Arrival Shuttle Hallway! (<A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (EAST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 14 | <A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (NORTHWEST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 12 | <A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (EAST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 10 | <A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (NORTHWEST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 8 | <A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (NORTHWEST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 13 | <A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (EAST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 11 | <A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (NORTHWEST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 9 | <A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (EAST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 7 | <A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (SOUTHEAST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 2 | <A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (SOUTHEAST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 3 | <A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (SOUTHEAST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 4 | <A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (SOUTHEAST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 1)
--- Atmosphere alarm in Arrival Shuttle Hallway has been cleared.
--- Atmosphere alarm detected in Arrival Shuttle Hallway! (<A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (EAST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 14 | <A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (NORTHWEST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 12 | <A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (EAST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 10 | <A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (NORTHWEST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 8 | <A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (NORTHWEST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 13 | <A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (EAST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 11 | <A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (NORTHWEST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 9 | <A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (EAST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 7 | <A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (SOUTHEAST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 2 | <A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (SOUTHEAST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 3 | <A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (SOUTHEAST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 4 | <A HREF=?src=[mob_473];switchcamera=[icon-camera (SOUTHEAST)]>Docking Asteroid Hall 1)

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 8:29 pm
by anonymous13ify
Xenobiology is missing doors for the slimes and slimes.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 8:35 pm
by ShizCalev
Also hallways need more atmos alarms for alerts and such.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 8:38 pm
by Bombadil
Nuke ops is such a clusterfuck on this map.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 8:39 pm
by Whypop
How to fix the "its too spread out problem!"

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 8:42 pm
by Gun Hog
Feature request: Move the Aux Base to the Science Hallway next to Tech Storage or something. There is no requirement that it be in arrivals!

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 10:07 pm
by rumblystubble
Atmos needs a spacegap between the holding tanks and atmos proper. One busted window and there's a lethal amount of pressure.

As an aside, I like the option you added for routing waste directly into mix. Very useful for freon.

Re: Station Concept: Progress

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 2:08 am
by MMMiracles
Whypop wrote:-TUUUUBES-
You mean like this?
It goes from evac > engineering > science > evac. I have another one set up that goes between medbay and command, as well.