Speaking of which, you should get one of those leather face masks so you can wipe down the vive if you're planning on showing it off at your party. Might get a bit gross otherwise.
I don't own one personally, but they use similar stuff at the microsoft store demos and I've been meaning to get one myself after my brother worked up a sweat trying it out.
You know you can fly through the cap ship shields and rape their hulls whilst being protected by their own shields?
I'm probably going to wait until the generation two headsets come out, hopefully they'll be a bit cheaper seeing as I'll need to get a whole new PC to run VR at a non-pukey frame rate.
my pistol game is on point vs kor.
we did zombies and got spooked because someone started humming One, Two, Freddy's Coming For You.
kor got a double/triple with the lmg too.
man wearing this set hurts my head. i swear this is gonna give me CTE when I'm older.
Kor wrote:That feeling when a noguns brit has better aim than you.
Was good times, we should try and actually get a full squad together soon. Failing that, try Raw Data co-op.
>texan loses to nogunz redcoat
it very much sounds like you need a voluntary banishment to the rooty tooty point and shooty practising grounds, old chap.
Honestly, I'm not rich enough to spend $25 on an early access shooter game. Also I'm pretty sure I never posted that on reddit so if it was on there somebody I linked it to posted it.
I have more hours in Onward than the rest of my VR library put together. Even marked as early access it feels like the most complete game so far. Should at least use the 2 hour refund window to try it out.
Kor wrote:I have more hours in Onward than the rest of my VR library put together. Even marked as early access it feels like the most complete game so far. Should at least use the 2 hour refund window to try it out.
I have a lot of time put into Quivr, though most of that is my brother playing since he'll play that shit for an hour at a time. Also A Chair In A Room is great as well, lot of time in that.
Pool Nation VR I'd play more of if I wasn't playing with randoms that keep picking shit up and putting it in front of my face so I can't see.
Another problem I have with that Onward game is it's ONLINE ONLY, meaning that the second there are no more players, the game is finished and it was a $25 waste of money.
Also I only have a GTX980 not even a Ti, so a lot of games only run at half the FPS they should be running at. I'm waiting for the 1080ti to come out before I upgrade, which involves me spending 0 money for the next 10 months to even be able to afford it. Kind of like how I actually bought the vive to begin with.
An0n3 wrote:I was actually considering buying some kind of throw rug or whatever. I don't think knee pads are a good idea since you'll just damage your floor.
Get builders knee pads, they're just foam pads without a hard shell
If you actually have a wooden floor in your basement you must be living in some kind of fucking shack.
It's likely you have concrete under that like a good foundation ought to and you're just completely ignorant.
I played some Rec Room tonight, for the first time. (Before that my brother was the only one that had played)
And holy shit, it's cancer. It's a bunch of children, and everybody is mic spamming.
Also I guess I was dressed like a girl and EVERYBODY kept trying to talk to me. I've never heard my steam name said out loud before, and I heard it a hundred times tonight. NEVER PLAYING THAT AGAIN.
Edit: I just bought Onward and played a few rounds. Everybody in this is short. I'm only 5'9 and people keep talking about how tall I am.
I was streaming Onward and had an amusing clip of two guys killing themselves with a grenade when they saw me, then Ramboing it with a knife to kill a third guy.
I think the only time I've ever seen a grenade used to kill an enemy was once on my first day playing, since then I've only see it just blows up the person trying to throw it.
I had a couple decently placed ones but they weren't quite close enough to get the kill.
Tossed one on a rooftop of the building I was next to at one point, ran out of time, but in post-game the guy said "Who tossed that grenade at the end? It almost killed me." He thought it was a team mate, lol.
Also have had 3/4 of my team wipe to a single grenade, in one of the first games I played.
Art of fight is kinda meh. The movement system is a neat idea but the rest of the game is just standard VR shooter stuff. Thr graphics are really minimalist and some of the stuff (grenades) doesnt work at all.
You can throw knives which is kinda cool but good luck hitting anything anywhere with them.
The guns feel pretty good and the hit response is really nice. Onward and H3 both suffer from a lack of feedback on your shot placement. Art of Fight outs a big bullet hole on whatever you hit so it's easy to see where you're hitting and adjust.
Yeah, I saw people shilling Art of Fight but when I looked it up.. it just looks kinda dumb. Like all the other arcadey spray and pray shooters that the vive already has a bunch of.
Honestly, the reason I didn't get Onward to start was that I just assumed it would be spray and pray run and gun stuff but it's pretty hard to hit things while moving.
Worst part about Art of Fight in my opinion? A lot of Onward's players switched to it for a less "sim" versus game.
Of the two I think Art of Fight is more "fun". The arm waggle to move is neat and I like how the guns feel/report. You can climb and crawl and jump over stuff. If they continue to develop it and add/refine what's there it'll be the better game of the two IMO.
I think Onward is more of a proof of concept for VR than a fully fledged game. It's the first to the market with a military VR shooter multiplayer thing so it deserves some credit for that but I don't think it is really worth talking about beyond that. It feels totally uninspired, it needs more objectives and things to interact with. Rip off the bones of CS harder and add a bomb you have to manually defuse with your hands while your teammates cover you. Cover me I need to figure out which wire kills us all and which one doesn't.
It doesn't take any risks it's just a game where you walk around with an inventory of military guns and shoot other people with the same. 4v4 teamplay. It's one step above the slew of games that have you standing in one spot and shooting at stuff that tries to move towards you. It's the second obvious step of VR.