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Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 7:47 pm
by Man_Shroom
Bottom post of the previous page:
>They think Ratvar is a bad name
Type Ratvar in you shits
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 7:54 pm
by Anonmare
Man_Shroom wrote:>They think Ratvar is a bad name
Type Ratvar in you shits
I think it'd have been cooler for D E E P L O R E for Ratvar's name to be Ane'fvr
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 7:59 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
his name should be Kuhvf.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 10:14 pm
by PKPenguin321
Jung gur shpx qvq lbh whfg shpxvat fnl nobhg zr, lbh yvggyr ovgpu? V’yy unir lbh xabj V tenqhngrq gbc bs zl pynff va gur Anil Frnyf, naq V’ir orra vaibyirq va ahzrebhf frperg envqf ba Ny-Dhnrqn, naq V unir bire 300 pbasvezrq xvyyf. V nz genvarq va tbevyyn jnesner naq V’z gur gbc favcre va gur ragver HF nezrq sbeprf. Lbh ner abguvat gb zr ohg whfg nabgure gnetrg. V jvyy jvcr lbh gur shpx bhg jvgu cerpvfvba gur yvxrf bs juvpu unf arire orra frra orsber ba guvf Rnegu, znex zl shpxvat jbeqf. Lbh guvax lbh pna trg njnl jvgu fnlvat gung fuvg gb zr bire gur Vagrearg? Guvax ntnva, shpxre. Nf jr fcrnx V nz pbagnpgvat zl frperg argjbex bs fcvrf npebff gur HFN naq lbhe VC vf orvat genprq evtug abj fb lbh orggre cercner sbe gur fgbez, znttbg. Gur fgbez gung jvcrf bhg gur cngurgvp yvggyr guvat lbh pnyy lbhe yvsr. Lbh’er shpxvat qrnq, xvq. V pna or naljurer, nalgvzr, naq V pna xvyy lbh va bire frira uhaqerq jnlf, naq gung’f whfg jvgu zl oner unaqf. Abg bayl nz V rkgrafviryl genvarq va hanezrq pbzong, ohg V unir npprff gb gur ragver nefrany bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf Znevar Pbecf naq V jvyy hfr vg gb vgf shyy rkgrag gb jvcr lbhe zvfrenoyr nff bss gur snpr bs gur pbagvarag, lbh yvggyr fuvg. Vs bayl lbh pbhyq unir xabja jung haubyl ergevohgvba lbhe yvggyr “pyrire” pbzzrag jnf nobhg gb oevat qbja hcba lbh, znlor lbh jbhyq unir uryq lbhe shpxvat gbathr. Ohg lbh pbhyqa’g, lbh qvqa’g, naq abj lbh’er cnlvat gur cevpr, lbh tbqqnza vqvbg. V jvyy fuvg shel nyy bire lbh naq lbh jvyy qebja va vg. Lbh’er shpxvat qrnq, xvqqb.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 10:16 pm
by Xhuis
I have decided to replace Ratvar's name with the new name, "Ovyyl'znlf".
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 9:07 am
by Super Aggro Crag
PKPenguin321 wrote:Jung gur shpx qvq lbh whfg shpxvat fnl nobhg zr, lbh yvggyr ovgpu? V’yy unir lbh xabj V tenqhngrq gbc bs zl pynff va gur Anil Frnyf, naq V’ir orra vaibyirq va ahzrebhf frperg envqf ba Ny-Dhnrqn, naq V unir bire 300 pbasvezrq xvyyf. V nz genvarq va tbevyyn jnesner naq V’z gur gbc favcre va gur ragver HF nezrq sbeprf. Lbh ner abguvat gb zr ohg whfg nabgure gnetrg. V jvyy jvcr lbh gur shpx bhg jvgu cerpvfvba gur yvxrf bs juvpu unf arire orra frra orsber ba guvf Rnegu, znex zl shpxvat jbeqf. Lbh guvax lbh pna trg njnl jvgu fnlvat gung fuvg gb zr bire gur Vagrearg? Guvax ntnva, shpxre. Nf jr fcrnx V nz pbagnpgvat zl frperg argjbex bs fcvrf npebff gur HFN naq lbhe VC vf orvat genprq evtug abj fb lbh orggre cercner sbe gur fgbez, znttbg. Gur fgbez gung jvcrf bhg gur cngurgvp yvggyr guvat lbh pnyy lbhe yvsr. Lbh’er shpxvat qrnq, xvq. V pna or naljurer, nalgvzr, naq V pna xvyy lbh va bire frira uhaqerq jnlf, naq gung’f whfg jvgu zl oner unaqf. Abg bayl nz V rkgrafviryl genvarq va hanezrq pbzong, ohg V unir npprff gb gur ragver nefrany bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf Znevar Pbecf naq V jvyy hfr vg gb vgf shyy rkgrag gb jvcr lbhe zvfrenoyr nff bss gur snpr bs gur pbagvarag, lbh yvggyr fuvg. Vs bayl lbh pbhyq unir xabja jung haubyl ergevohgvba lbhe yvggyr “pyrire” pbzzrag jnf nobhg gb oevat qbja hcba lbh, znlor lbh jbhyq unir uryq lbhe shpxvat gbathr. Ohg lbh pbhyqa’g, lbh qvqa’g, naq abj lbh’er cnlvat gur cevpr, lbh tbqqnza vqvbg. V jvyy fuvg shel nyy bire lbh naq lbh jvyy qebja va vg. Lbh’er shpxvat qrnq, xvqqb.
somehow i knew what this was before i even translated it.
also Ubeal'tenaal is also a good name for the guy, considering he is no fun.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 1:30 pm
by Wyzack
This makes me want to run some kind of Delta Green event
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 6:20 pm
by bandit
Bar qnl juvyr Naql jnf znfgheongvat, Jbbql tbg jbbq. Ur pbhyq ab ybatre uryc uvzfrys! Ur jngpurq nf Naql fgebxrq uvf whvpl xnjnvv pbpx. Ur nccebnpurq Naql juvpu fgnegyrq uvz naq znxr uvz crr rireljurer ba gur sybbe naq ba Jbbql gbb. Orvat qerapurq va uvf hevar znqr uvz uneqre guna rire! Jbbql: "Naql Fracnv! V'z nyvir naq V jnag gb or VAFVQR BS LBH." Naql: "Bu Jbbql Puna! V nyjnlf xarj lbh jrer nyvir! V jnag gb fghss lbh hc zl xnjnvv nff!" Jbbql tenoorq n ohapu bs syniberq yhor naq ehoorq vg nyy bire uvf urnq Jbbql: "Bu zl! Vg'f pureel syniberq yhor! Pureel vf zl snibevgr! Jbbql gura fghssrq uvf urnq hc vagb Naql'f gvtug nff! Gur bgure gblf nebhaq gur ebbz jngpurq vagragyl nf Jbbql fubirq uvf urnq onpx naq sbegu vagb Naql'f avpr nff, pbagvahbhfyl znxvat n fdhvful jrg abvfr. Gur bgure gblf nyfb orpnzr nebhfrq naq gurl nyy tngurerq nebhaq Jbbql naq Naql naq fgnegrq gb hevangr nyy bire gurz, naq gura gurl fgnegrq gb znfgheongr. Naql: "Bu zl tbbqarff, Jbbql Puna! Lbh ner puheavat zl vafvqrf hc fb jryy! Lbhe abfr vf fgvzhyngvat zl cebfgngr! BU LRF! Nyy gur bgure gblf orpnzr fb nebhfrq ol guvf, gung gurl pbhyq abg uryc gurzfryirf nalzber! Gurl chfurq Jbbql pbzcyrgryl vafvqr, naq gurl nyy jrag vafvqr. Nyy bs gurz jnagrq gb or vafvqr Naql'f avpr ebhaq nff. Naql: "Ab jnvg thlf! Zl nff pnaabg ubyq guvf zhpu! V'z trggvat fb shyy! Nyy gur gblf jrag vafvqr bs cbbe fdhvezvat Naql naq cerggl zhpu, ur jnf orlbaq shyy, naq qvrq sebz univat uvf vafvqrf pbzcyrgryl qnzntrq. Gur zbgure pnzr vafvqr naq sbhaq Naql, qrnq jvgu n uhtr nff urzbeeuntr ba uvf nahf, jvgu n UHTR oryyl shyy bs gblf.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 8:44 am
by Anonmare
Had a round on Basil and man does it take forever to summon the big bad Justicar. Like, a ridiculously long time that I got ahelps asking if something was bugged. Maybe knock off a minute or two?
How hard would it be to make Ratvar a bit like Nar'sie and be able to spawn knock-off Harvesters? Cause at the minute the big guy is just... There. It was underwhelming for most of deadchat to watch until it got spiced up with a God fight.
Love the God fight stuff though, that shit's hot.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 9:14 pm
by Xhuis
Anonmare wrote:Had a round on Basil and man does it take forever to summon the big bad Justicar. Like, a ridiculously long time that I got ahelps asking if something was bugged. Maybe knock off a minute or two?
Yeah, it is intended to take five minutes but it would seem that BYOND is making it take longer. I'll change it down a bit.
Anonmare wrote:How hard would it be to make Ratvar a bit like Nar'sie and be able to spawn knock-off Harvesters? Cause at the minute the big guy is just... There. It was underwhelming for most of deadchat to watch until it got spiced up with a God fight.
I intend to add Reclaimers - clockwork harvesters. Ratvar converts nearby harvesters into reclaimers, and Nar-Sie converts nearby reclaimers into harvesters. They'll have similar abilities and exist for a similar purpose.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 10:45 pm
by Gun Hog
Does Ratvar harm his human followers like Nar'Sie does?
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 6:51 am
by Xhuis
Gun Hog wrote:Does Ratvar harm his human followers like Nar'Sie does?
Are you asking if he converts them into reclaimers? Nope, standard followers remain in the form they were om already, and valid targets are are simply converted to servants; reclaimers can only be made out of existing harvesters.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 6:42 pm
by onleavedontatme
I finally got a chance to look through the clockwork slab. The menu is a nightmare. You really need to find someone to help you do the UI because the learning curve will just be too steep as is (or people will ignore 90% of the options and use stun prods+conversion to get around it)
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 8:00 pm
by Xhuis
Kor wrote:I finally got a chance to look through the clockwork slab. The menu is a nightmare. You really need to find someone to help you do the UI because the learning curve will just be too steep as is (or people will ignore 90% of the options and use stun prods+conversion to get around it)
The one time I tried to do UI that wasn't just text, none of the branches on my local repo worked and I had to redownload the entire source code. The only advice I can offer you right now is to simply try to adjust to it and hope that someone who knows how to do UI gives it to the slab.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 8:06 am
by InsaneHyena
After playing two (or was it three) rounds of Ratvar and being the most effective, robust and humble cultist it all three, I have following criticisms and notes:
1) My tactic was always as following. Disable the comms (since Ratvar has a unique for conversion modes slow conversion without any obvious way to prevent their victims from screaming "AI, HELP, TOXINS"). Stun my victim with a stunprod to provide the initial stun. Immediately after equip the visor and do Ratvar area stun - since it only can stun if your target is immobile to beging with, otherwise it's only useful as an area denial tool. Ratvar stun is just long enough for me to navigate all the slab's menus and invoke guvax. The only ability I've ever used that is NOT guvax or visor were ratvarian positronics, because they're a simple, familiar and very effective tool.
2) Like Kor said, the slab is a fucking nightmare to navigate. I have to get through two or three submenus to invoke any incantation and then find the one I need. It's easy if the only hostiles around have been stunned by the method above, but in any other case incantations in combat are plain impossible. And don't say - but Hyena, cult has the very same problem, and you jerk off to cult. Well, no. First - all of cult's magic are either runes or talismans, all of which are intended to be created BEFORE the battle. Some of Ratvar's magic, meanwhile, is clearly intended for combat uses.
3) I'll probably get used to it in near future, but the names for many abilities are very unintuitive. What does this thing do? What does this thing do? I don't know - the only way to find out is to open a gigantic subfolder "How to play Ratvar" which has it's first 9000 symbols dedicated to Ratvar lore and read the description of an ability in question. And then read it again and again in future, because you can't remember what each of thirty oddly named Ratvar spells does. Compare talisman of stunning and juidical visor. Or, say, talisman of teleportation and obelisk of... Something.
Overall, however, I had fun. It's certainly better than the Hand of God and gangs. Sorry if the post was too negative.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 8:57 pm
by Xhuis
InsaneHyena wrote:-snip-
No offense taken. I appreciate brutally honest feedback that actually helps me out instead of mindlessly criticizing me. The UI can't be helped, but there's an easier and more concise description of all the scripture on
the wiki page if you need to refer to it in the future.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 10:16 pm
by InsaneHyena
My first suggestion would be moving Ratvar's radio from the slab to cultist HUD, just like bloodcult is functioning right now, because it will simplify the mode (and it's not a fucking bad thing). One of the main reasons for suggesting it is this - in the current code, when you convert a poor schmuck as bloodcult, a tome immediately spawns. In theory, it will allow the new convert to run off and help the cult. In practice, it will allow him to draw pretty runes on the White Ship and be generally useless, but that's not the point. Even before, when the tome didn't spawn, making a new tome for your converts was as easy as drawing a rune and clicking on it. Ratvar, meanwhile, requires you to expend resources on this shit - resources you might not even have. While I won't dispute this specific design choice, there were multiple cases when I simply couldn't affort to give my converts new slabs - so I've sent them off with promises to give them their shit later. Cue to us never meeting again, all the while they can't even communicate with their allies to demand a fucking slab.
tl; dr - Ratvar's radio should be made telepathy instead of talking through the slab.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 7:53 pm
by ChangelingRain
I'm making slabs free to make in due to the abuse case that required them to cost alloy being removed in that same pr, by the way.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 8:15 pm
by Anonmare
I think the slow-down chant (I can never remember the names of the chants) is better off as a fragile structure that breaks in one or two laser shots. It'd be better off as an area-of-denial base defense structure in all honesty.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 11:52 pm
by ChangelingRain
Belligerent, like a few other things, would be fine if the interface wasn't total shit.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 12:34 am
by confused rock
>be ratvar nerd
>shuttle is called by the time I have the components to make 1 cache
>everyone else has no idea what to do
>for some reason my proselityzer won't work with no explanation when it worked last time I had one
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 2:41 am
by TechnoAlchemist
Wiki descriptions for spells need to be less wordy
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 1:18 pm
by oranges
Xhuis == words
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 4:36 pm
by Xhuis
Yeah, sorry about that. I have a tendency to write extremely flowery and/or verbose descriptions for everything.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 6:12 pm
by ChangelingRain
The wiki descriptions are me; I tried to make them less flowery than the ingame desc but I don't know if it succeeded.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 8:19 pm
by Durkel
Here's a couple balance concerns I have.
1)Drones can be converted, a all access vent crawling ghost role can become a antag
2)The portal to ratvar has too much health, it should be lowered some.
3)People get cucked really easily by the ratvar no access doors, I know they could probably just rcd it down but it's really stressful to be stuck.
4) It's substantially easier to convert people in clockwork cult so much so that it can quickly explode like revolution, this is more noticeable on meta.
Slightly related but unrelated
5) The white shit is fucking cancer and needs to either be unusable by cults or have it's docking ability removed. Having cults spends 30 minutes looking for this is getting real old real fast.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 8:54 pm
by Anonmare
Drones really should not be able to gain a faction or be convertable. That said, I will ghostban any drone that "lets" themself be converted unless you can have can prove that you had no choice in the matter.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 8:55 pm
by InsaneHyena
After playing another round of Ratvar and being the star of the show again, naturally, I've had a sudden and horrifying realization of just how insanely broken this mode would be if secborgs still existed.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 12:23 am
by Super Aggro Crag
ratvar is fucking stupid
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 12:35 am
by Xhuis
Super Aggro Crag wrote:ratvar is fucking stupid
I appreciate the detailed and cohesive feedback. Thank you for your thoughtful explanation of how I can improve the gamemode.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 12:56 am
by Super Aggro Crag
i dont want you to improve the gamemode, i want you to remove it.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 2:32 pm
by InsaneHyena
Come on, give xhuis some respect. It's replacing shadowling, which is great.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 3:57 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
shadowling was more fun than Literally Just My OC Cult God is Better than Your OC Cult God because He's Steampunk
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 4:23 pm
by MMMiracles
Maybe you should make a third OC cult god that beats up ratvar, that'll show him.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 4:33 pm
by InsaneHyena
Super Aggro Crag wrote:shadowling was more fun than Literally Just My OC Cult God is Better than Your OC Cult God because He's Steampunk
And now you're just being unfair. Where did you get that vibe from?
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 4:56 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
cuz it's reskinned cult but blinged out with brass, if you examine rat'var it talks about how he's YOUR LORD AND MASTER SUPER ULTRA STRONGO SUPREMO in BIG BRASS LETTERS and he fights Nar-sie and wins all the time. It's fucking cheesier than my foreskin after fucking the dairy queen.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 5:11 pm
by MMMiracles
Super Aggro Crag wrote:cuz it's reskinned cult but blinged out with brass, if you examine rat'var it talks about how he's YOUR LORD AND MASTER SUPER ULTRA STRONGO SUPREMO in BIG BRASS LETTERS and he fights Nar-sie and wins all the time. It's fucking cheesier than my foreskin after fucking the dairy queen.
Actually the outcome for the fight's winner is based on how many cult members each god has, their odds of winning increased by 2% for every cult member.
maybe some people should actually bother looking into things before complaining.............
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 5:14 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
except ratvar always has more cultists because no one wants to be a fart-sie cultist
furthermore having two groups of antags with Licenses to Valid and an objective to kill each other is fucking stupid. Gang rounds inevitably devolve into trash, why do we need gang rounds with magic.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 5:22 pm
by InsaneHyena
First - cult and clockcult can't even exist on the same station without adminfuckery, at least for now. Second - Ratvar wins, because admins only spawn(ed) Nar'Sie in Ratvar rounds to look at the flashy god battles. Also, there was a bug in the code that converted harvesters to Ratvar, which is fixed now. Stop talking out of your ass, please.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 5:29 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
admin fuckery happens every clockcult round and you haven't addressed my point that ratvar is a fucking reskin and a symptom of the antagonist bloat we currently have affecting our codebase. Look at the fucking antag list. There's almost more antag types than there are job roles. Instead of wholesale creating "new" round types that are basically an excuse to show off some fancy sprites why don't the coders try making the stuff we already have more fun and give them more content?
But, no, you will plug beeswax into your ears like Odysseus's crew and scream "NO! STOP DISLIKING WHAT I LIKE!"
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 5:30 pm
by DemonFiren
Better than ending up getting fed to sirens tbh
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 5:36 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
haha nice one demonfiren
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 6:45 pm
by InsaneHyena
Instead of wholesale creating "new" round types that are basically an excuse to show off some fancy sprites why don't the coders try making the stuff we already have more fun and give them more content?
Uplink is already clogged with shit, how much more features do you want to shove into it?
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 8:22 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
fingerprint gloves, gloves that you wear over your hands and can copy someone elses fingerprints to frame them for a crime
thats about it for traitor stuff, they have enough things.
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 8:51 pm
by PKPenguin321
hey guys what's going on in this threa--
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:34 am
by Screemonster
Super Aggro Crag wrote:cuz it's reskinned cult but blinged out with brass, if you examine rat'var it talks about how he's YOUR LORD AND MASTER SUPER ULTRA STRONGO SUPREMO in BIG BRASS LETTERS and he fights Nar-sie and wins all the time. It's fucking cheesier than my foreskin after fucking the dairy queen.
hey guys undertale cult when
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 8:55 am
by Alipheese
Screemonster wrote:Super Aggro Crag wrote:cuz it's reskinned cult but blinged out with brass, if you examine rat'var it talks about how he's YOUR LORD AND MASTER SUPER ULTRA STRONGO SUPREMO in BIG BRASS LETTERS and he fights Nar-sie and wins all the time. It's fucking cheesier than my foreskin after fucking the dairy queen.
hey guys undertale cult when
there is, its called the shitty ass fanbase
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 9:02 am
by Xhuis
Say what you want about OC memepunk

steel, but the whole thing was based on a design doc and string of failed PRs that originally came from /vg/ and the two cults are dramatically different in gameplay. I'd say that blood cult and clock cult are only really alike in that they're conversion gamemodes that use a certain item for their power and have an end goal of summoning their god.
Now then! Can we get this back on topic, or do we need to lock another thread because people can't act more mature then preteens?
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 9:07 am
by Steelpoint
I hope that "steel" wasn't talking to me since I actually like the idea of Ratvar as a game mode.
So long as its done well that is...
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 9:12 am
by Xhuis
Steelpoint wrote:I hope that "steel" wasn't talking to me since I actually like the idea of Ratvar as a game mode.
So long as its done well that is...
Nah, I was referring to the trope of "do not steal" among bad OC and pronounced it 'donut steel".
Re: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 1:11 pm
by starmute
From what I have observed it needs to be "slimmed down"
Make it so easy a idiot can do it. One of the better things that has happened with "cult of narsie" rounds is that the book now provides everything that a cultist needs.
Work on balance as well.
It looks fine as a good stable foundation to build something great off of.
Think of it as CK 2 vanilla (without the dlc). It was a good game, but it needed a lot of re-work and now that its been reworked a million times its a even better game.