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Re: [Korphareon]Buggy123 - stating ss13 is powergaming: the
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 4:08 am
by Yakumo_Chen
Bottom post of the previous page:
I honestly don't care if he's unbanned as long as this is a good example of trying to powergame against AIs that might not even be rogue (and ruining the rounds of the ones that are with seriously little or no provocation)
Seriously don't try to 'hunt' a rogue AI unless it gives a strong hint it might be rogue (blue APC, atmos tampering, etc), silicon players will hate you.
There's a reason us silicons are massively defensive over people trying to 'hunt the rogue'. Players have way too itchy of a trigger finger on the 'blow borgs' button as is, any way to force people to tone it the fuck down is a good thing. It's not fun playing knowing my borgs could be desync'd or blow or locked at any given minute for absolutely no reason.
Re: [Korphareon]Buggy123 - stating ss13 is powergaming: the
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 5:39 am
by onleavedontatme
Go free I guess. If you continue to be unpleasant towards "team mates" in dead chat or metagaming as hard as possible you'll probably catch another ban though.
At least try the bare minimum of roleplay this time instead of doing stuff like shouting telecrystal costs and game mode names on the radio please.
Re: [Korphareon]Buggy123 - stating ss13 is powergaming: the
Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:26 pm
by WarbossLincoln
Buggy wrote:Most antags have permission to, the ability to, and often try to end the round or kill everyone, and in the process stop everyone from having fun or any sort of "quirky adventure".
Dude, trying not to die in a metal death box with autistic clowns and lizards
IS the "quirky adventure". The journey is more important than the destination.
This ban was more about you acting like an asshole than the way you played. If you hadn't full on raged and talked shit about a new player for 25-30 minutes solid it probably never would have happened. While deadchat is full of people venting, there's a big difference between showing a little salt for 5 minutes and talking shit about someone for half an hour.
Re: [Korphareon]Buggy123 - stating ss13 is powergaming: the
Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 3:44 pm
by lzimann
Resolving this in 24 hours.