Removes Roundstart Cloning + Increases Cloning Research Amou

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Cloning Removal?

Other (post your reasoning in the PR or something)
Total votes: 37

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Re: Removes Roundstart Cloning + Increases Cloning Research

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #155528

Bottom post of the previous page:

Atlanta-Ned wrote:I'm curious to see how this plays out. It's not like we can't undo it if it doesn't work.
yeah just like newcult, goofchem, carnesprites, and countless other bad decisions we are no longer saddled with the burden of :^^^^^^^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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Re: Removes Roundstart Cloning + Increases Cloning Research

Post by onleavedontatme » #155538

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Re: Removes Roundstart Cloning + Increases Cloning Research

Post by MMMiracles » #155581

Super Aggro Crag wrote:
Atlanta-Ned wrote:I'm curious to see how this plays out. It's not like we can't undo it if it doesn't work.
yeah just like newcult, goofchem, carnesprites, and countless other bad decisions we are no longer saddled with the burden of :^^^^^^^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Good thing /tg/ is an opensource, where literally anyone who can download github and follow the simple instructions on the wiki are capable of adding their own pull requests that can add, change, or even revert features. Not to mention the fact you can obtain older revisions of the branch to before a feature was added for even easier removal.

EVEN BETTER considering the idea being proposed is fixed by doing something as simple as changing a number and reverting the map change made.

Submitted by: sandstorm

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Re: Removes Roundstart Cloning + Increases Cloning Research

Post by DemonFiren » #155584

Super Aggro Crag wrote:
Atlanta-Ned wrote:I'm curious to see how this plays out. It's not like we can't undo it if it doesn't work.
yeah just like newcult, goofchem, carnesprites, and countless other bad decisions we are no longer saddled with the burden of :^^^^^^^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
What are carnesprites, again?

non-lizard things:
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Re: Removes Roundstart Cloning + Increases Cloning Research

Post by PKPenguin321 » #155589

MMMiracles wrote:
Super Aggro Crag wrote:
Atlanta-Ned wrote:I'm curious to see how this plays out. It's not like we can't undo it if it doesn't work.
yeah just like newcult, goofchem, carnesprites, and countless other bad decisions we are no longer saddled with the burden of :^^^^^^^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Good thing /tg/ is an opensource, where literally anyone who can download github and follow the simple instructions on the wiki are capable of adding their own pull requests that can add, change, or even revert features. Not to mention the fact you can obtain older revisions of the branch to before a feature was added for even easier removal.

EVEN BETTER considering the idea being proposed is fixed by doing something as simple as changing a number and reverting the map change made.

>your face when you try to revert goofchem and the maintainers kill you in your sleep
"/tg/ is opensource you can do whatever you want!"
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
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Re: Removes Roundstart Cloning + Increases Cloning Research

Post by MMMiracles » #155591

This is literally a 3-file change that can be reverted with as simple as a number and map change how can you compare this to something that changed an entire department and how it functioned.
Submitted by: sandstorm

The best way to get a girl/boy friend is to click on them say "hi" then push enter
then say "your cute" then push enter,wait until they say somthing back if they
don't go for another.
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Re: Removes Roundstart Cloning + Increases Cloning Research

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #155599

DemonFiren wrote:
Super Aggro Crag wrote:
Atlanta-Ned wrote:I'm curious to see how this plays out. It's not like we can't undo it if it doesn't work.
yeah just like newcult, goofchem, carnesprites, and countless other bad decisions we are no longer saddled with the burden of :^^^^^^^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
What are carnesprites, again?
carne wiped out our old body sprite system for the ugliest fucking skin tones possible. When questioned about it, carne said they were colorblind. We still don't have fatsprites back. Who let a fucking colorblind person sprite the fucking spacemen? We had people walking around looking shrek green. The old bodysprite system wasn't even broken, it was all part of carnes "genetics fix" that never materialized.
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Re: Removes Roundstart Cloning + Increases Cloning Research

Post by J_Madison » #155605

Wyzack if the heart stops then patient can be technically counted as dead, but it's possible to die more than several times and still be revived. Being defilibrated more than twice is possible and has been done.

Regarding biomass. I'll consider seeing what can be done with that. Biomass from botany and human enzymes recovered from a body disposal machine should play a part.
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Re: Removes Roundstart Cloning + Increases Cloning Research

Post by Steelpoint » #155632

Defibs are in reality meant to stabilize a heart that is """out of sync""". We don't have the abilities of Frankenstein, if your heart stops beating then your more or less dead unless you get lucky with CPR (good luck) or some chemicals.
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Re: Removes Roundstart Cloning + Increases Cloning Research

Post by kevinz000 » #155637

Shaps wrote:Get better at hiding bodies or just kick someone who's already dead until they're past 180 you whiny fucks, removing cloning/defibs won't do anything to prevent random greyshits from rushing antags because random greyshits don't value their lives at all and will just suicide with an oxygen tank if they go long enough without validing something anyway
Also if be get cloned you'll likely lose atleast some things because of looters and SOME equipment will be gone and the killer will probably take your valueable shit and at that point you're basiclly set back to roundstart without roundstart items for you to take.
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Re: Removes Roundstart Cloning + Increases Cloning Research

Post by Cheimon » #155732

I like the reddit suggestion of adding a significant biomass cost to each cloning. Human bodies cost an awful lot to make normally, pouring lots in (like, not even 1-1, you couldn't just feed a monkeyhuman in, need the equivalent of several) might be a great way to make it less effective.
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Re: Removes Roundstart Cloning + Increases Cloning Research

Post by Jazaen » #155768

Wyzack wrote:Zilean my dude please do even a basic level of reaearch before you go off spouting total bullshit abut real life. In real life if your heart is stopped entirely you are more or less dead. A defibrillator can bring you out of atrial fibrillation, where your heart is kinda flip flopping but not pumping. Not to mention this is a game, and realism is more or less irrelevant
Quoting from an older post I made:
We already have what either is a naked singularity or a few-meter wide black hole that doesn't pull entire station into itself, we have FTL, we have our abomination of a chemistry system, we have actual souls and gods from other dimensions paying visit each sunday to either clash which colour, red or blue, is better or convert/eat/replace us all, we have ultra-fast growing plants, our humans are stupidly robust, we have ancient beings of shade that can transcend and convert with just a gaze, we have a goddarn flying balls of energy in forms of anomalies and tesla, genetic superpowers, each spessman can operate every piece of equipment onboard, NT makes new research stations that research equipment ages below what centcom already has, we have talking animals and spessmagic slimes, vending machines that can rise and kill us all, we LAUGH at conservation of energy on a daily basis, we have lizards that mechanically are indistinguishable from humans and are biologically compatible (as in, medicine works the same way on them, they can eat the same food, you can transplant body parts from one into another). Speaking of transplantation, there are no such things as organ incompatibility, you can take a brain from one human, stick it into other one, apply electrical pulse that can RESSURECT THE DEAD WHO HAD THEIR ENTAILS RIPPED OUT and have the neurons magically reconnect. We have self-replicating blob (speaking of conservation of energy...), gods from beyond other gods that can do ANYTHING to us, beings who force spessmens to suffer and sometimes act retarded for fun, AND WATER IN WATER FOUNTAINS WITHOUT CANALIZATION.
I play:
SMAI-Reactivation (SybilAI)
SMAI-Revolutions (BagilAI)
: Endorsed by Poly, the Parrot! ... 7588301825
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Also, I'm a Game Admin or something right now. You can tell me how I'm doing here
I seriously hope you don't make the same mistakes I have
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