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Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:16 am
by Scones
Bottom post of the previous page:
Not a fan of the CentCom stuff.
The shuttle does not take well to a decent crowd on it.
Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:09 pm
by Ghende3
when you eject a beaker from the chemmaster the beaker goes under the machine instead of on top of it. ???????????????????????????
Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 12:32 am
by Scones
This is really unsuited for highpop until the lockers in sec get scaled
Also the Warden being unable to see the Armory is kind of shit, and the enclosed labyrinth of greater brig control just plays poorly.
Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 12:45 am
by Luke Cox
One tiny gripe, why is there no means to pump a burn mix directly into the turbine from the atmos mix chamber?
Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:36 pm
by Amelius
Reposting major problems with Meta:
Telecomms is on the AI satellite surrounded by rwalls or enterable through 5 sets of doors, half of which tend to be bolted by the AI, plus a transit tube. Telecomms monitoring and such are through only two less set of doors, still on the AI sat. Thus, telecomms is VERY difficult to sabotage on meta, scripting or otherwise for that reason, especially discreetly, and if the AI is rogue, then there's zero possibility of getting telecommunications up, since it's on the satellite. Shitty design. That leads into my next point.
The AI core is ridiculously unrobust. Once you're on the satellite and you hack your way through a bunch of the doors, open the last one in the AI core and bolt it open. You don't have to even confront the turrets in the AI core, because the AI faces the door, meaning you can laser it to death in seconds from outside the room. It's literally easier to kill the AI than it is to get into the AI upload and upload laws, or, hell, you even have to go through fewer doors and Rwalls to kill the AI than you have to to repair/sabotage fucking telecommunications. Wow, you may as well do both then. Easily meta-able for this same reason - AI dead and tcomms down with no/little warning? Ops. Tcomms down and the AI is alive? Rogue AI. No one, and I mean no one is going to sabotage easily-fixable tcomms with redundant parts everywhere located in a fortress. This also horrendously cripples shadowlings, malf, traitor AI, part of traitor and ling, who, especially for the first three, are almost entirely dependent on feasible access to telecommunications, and, in the shadowling's case, a moderately-sized maintenance as well.
The warden doesn't have view of the armory at all, which makes it ludicrously easy to C4 and steal everything with zero contention.
Maintenance consists mostly of 1-tile-wide tunnels with no cover or frequent sharp turns like Box, somewhat open areas, or even cover, meaning firefights in maintenance are suicide for the pursued, as flashbangs are instant wins with no sharp turns and there's nowhere to dodge taser fire. This also makes blobs ridiculously overpowered, ignoring cheese bombings, because, rather than having a 3~ tile wide minimum hallway that leads into relatively open maintenance with the blob, many hallways 1-2 tiles wide on metastation, and, as I said before, since maintenance is inexplicably more cramped than Box without many open areas, open portions of maintenance, it's utter suicide to fight one. God forbid you want to align an emitter with a core, or, hell, actually fight the blob. Then, at the same time, the rest of the station is inexplicably massive, with wide halls and massive departments. Also because of this, the station feels empty without anything less than 80 people.
Maintenance sucks. Has very few 'hiding spots' (for corpses, etc.) and sparse lockers to move corpses, with LOTS of access-based dead-ends (or just regular dead-ends that don't lead to other parts of maintenance across a hallway like box!) and relatively few general-access entrances. Poor design and not suitable for many mid-high pop game modes, or anyone killing someone stealthily. I can't emphasize enough how shitty the maintenace design is - it almost entirely consists of 1-tile wide straight halls, as if it were an afterthought and, for some reason, despite the massive station, no one could dedicate some more space to it.
No scarcity, as previously said. There's even a public autolathe, for christ sake. There's no competition for resources. This may be why people 'like it', on top of the novelty factor, even if it isn't healthy long-term. Antagonists can literally just walk around to gather many of their objectives, and since the station is so fucking big, it's really difficult to be seen or even for anyone to know you were there in the first place. Everyone has everything they really need, sans in very long rounds - heck, the armory comes with a backup boopsky even. This also means that crew don't need to interact as much to acquire items and so forth. Hardsuits? Every fucking one gets one.
Minor, but the sole SMES units are poorly protected behind glass in engineering, which are literally 2 hacked doors + glass or three away from deconstruction from the entrance of engineering, or two doors / 1 door and rglass from maintenance. Heck, the units are next to the goddamn entrance doors. There's only three too, and I do not think there are backup SMESes elsewhere. It's really, really fucking easy for anyone to release singuloth without anyone noticing for that reason and because the station is so very empty. Contrast to Box where the six SMESes (sans backup SMESes) are sitting around surrounded by space and rwalls, behind two doors and rglass/door, AND through the normal engineering doors or maintenance.
Minor, but the bar is miles away from the morgue, meaning cook's QoL takes a hefty hit.
Also minor, but no head-centric hardsuit area. RD is the only head to not get a hardsuit.
Minor, but the AI upload is somehow both too fortified and not fortified enough. The first two turrets next to the door are idiocy because people can easily bolt the door open and whack them to death (depending on if they can make that angle), but the other turrets are positioned so that the AI/cyborg upload will almost surely be partially destroyed if they are set to lethal. Turrets are also in markedly more difficult positions.
Minor, but the vault, nuke included, is in cargo rather than command (?).
I'm sure there's more.
Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:39 pm
by Steelpoint
I agree with Scones that the brig is not the best.
You should be able to see the armoury and most of the prison cells from the Warden's office.
Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 3:54 pm
by ABearInTheWoods
Outside of the tcoms argument, just about every concern Amelius has raised is how box was 1 or 2 years ago.
Edit: breakdown
The AI core is ridiculously unrobust.
The AI core used to be where upload on box is now, and upload used to be where grav gen is now. you used to have to go thru upload to get to the ai, no top bridge entrance
Maintenance consists mostly of 1-tile-wide tunnels with no cover or frequent sharp turns like Box,
When meta first started, box was mainly 1 tile wide tunnels, meta actually had much more 2 or 3 tile wide tunnels until people complained about there being too much maint.
Maintenance sucks. Has very few 'hiding spots' (for corpses, etc.)
Half or more of box's current maint didn't exist when meta got its last maint overhaul. Almost of above chapal wasn't there, most of the maint near science wasn't there, almost all of the maint to the west of engineering wasn't there. There was no hidden surgery room.
here is what boxstation's maint (and the rest of it) used to look like: ... _r5775.png
Also, it has ALOT of hiding spots. You just haven't found them. Its easier to hide bodies in meta's maint then boxes maint.
Minor, but the sole SMES units are poorly protected behind glass in engineering, ... There's only three too, and I do not think there are backup SMESes elsewhere. ... Contrast to Box where the six SMESes (sans backup SMESes) are sitting around surrounded by space and rwalls, behind two doors and rglass/door, AND through the normal engineering doors or maintenance.
Box used to only have 3, used to have them in the area with the o2 tank on other side of wall facing maint, that whole room they are in now used to not exist, and there was no backup smeses.
It's really, really fucking easy for anyone to release singuloth without anyone noticing for that reason
Releasing the singulo on box:
Hack engi maint door
Crowbar up tile directly south of engi maint door
Snip wire
Put tile back down.
Power is cut off from ALL OF the station, including the emitters.
Even better:
Push welding fuel tank near engi maint entrance into the flaps next to engi maint.
Arm firebomb, mini bomb, any kind of explosive, or use egun to explode fuel tank.
Fuel tank causes power wire going from smes to singulo to get cut, emtters (and the whole station) loses power.
It is stupidly easy to release the singulo on box compared to meta, your argument is invalid.
Minor, but the AI upload is somehow both too fortified and not fortified enough.
AI upload is a almost carbon copy of oldbox's ai upload when it was where gravgen is now, (accessible without going thru the bridge)
Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:15 pm
by Amelius
MrStonedOne wrote:Outside of the tcoms argument, just about every concern Amelius has raised is how box was 1 or 2 years ago.
So? Box was improved over that timeperiod. Why should we downgrade to an inferior map with the exact same problems we had in the past, just so that we can wait 2 years to fix all the problems when we already have a robust, functional, balanced map with none of those problems.
Mapping was one area at least I think has improved markedly over time. Meta just doesn't get as much love or balance changes because everyone plays on Sybil.
Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:56 pm
by ABearInTheWoods
You say improved, I say hugbox
Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:51 pm
by Tornadium
Amelius wrote:MrStonedOne wrote:Outside of the tcoms argument, just about every concern Amelius has raised is how box was 1 or 2 years ago.
So? Box was improved over that timeperiod. Why should we downgrade to an inferior map with the exact same problems we had in the past, just so that we can wait 2 years to fix all the problems when we already have a robust, functional, balanced map with none of those problems.
Mapping was one area at least I think has improved markedly over time. Meta just doesn't get as much love or balance changes because everyone plays on Sybil.
And yet a lot of people still want to play it.
Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 6:36 pm
by Scones
Scarcity is a pretty annoying issue because it's true that it allows for way too much shit to just be gathered by an antag. Got a revolver? Want to murderbone endlessly? Well I can tell you at least three glove spawn points that are NOT the U-Tool so steal that public lathe, hack it, and use the 91847y129491 stacks of metal.
Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 9:48 pm
by Luke Cox
Things seem much more secure on Meta. Antags being able to access more resources seems like a good balance.
Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 11:29 pm
by metacide
I've got a nice list of things to improve, and all this feedback helps, so thanks.
Won't be able to get it all done in a hurry, of course, but I'll be posting updates here as I go.
Should be plenty of quick-fixes and low hanging fruit done shortly, though.
Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:39 am
by lumipharon
Remove the public lathe and the xenobiochem shit. They have no reason to have it.
That said, meta has like, ONE extra set of ACTUAL insulated gloves (outside engineering) then box. As for stealing the public lathe for revolver ammo... you can do exactly the same on box. Fucking no one cares if you just take the spare board out of tech storage, and box has loads of machines in public areas that can be looted for parts.
Box has far, far more metal/rods/etc then meta. Box maint is stuffed full of random loot markers, which means shitloads of loot - and metal.
Meta should go random like box has, but the resource argument holds no water, unless you're talking about boxes of donk pockets.
Box AI sat you can completely ignore the core turrets as well, with either:
A: A gun (you can stand in the doorway and shoot turrets
B: An RCD (you can make a corridor straight to the core without turrets ever being able to hit you)
C: Some metal (to move girders and do the same as an RCD only slightly slower)
And by the same logic, on box you can kill the core without going past ANY turrets, by deconning 1-2 r-walls south of the core and shooting it/throwing floor tiles at it.
If anything, meta is harder since there are more turrets BEFORE the core.
Not being able to see into the armory from the warden's office is ideal, but it has the HUGE boon of having a camera outside the armory in space, so you can detect anyone trying to get in before they can even plant a bomb, if you were watching the cameras. I think it's even a motion sensor one, not sure.
Edit: Also the illegal exofab or whatever it's called in maint has been buggy as shit since normal exofabs had their ID restrictions removed - which was a long ass time ago. Just replace it with a normal fab and it's exactly the same minus the lag/bugs.
Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 1:08 am
by TheWiznard
after the new update where hitting solid things while moving doesn't bounce you off got added the mining disposal fast travel system took a hit. All the chutes have little windoors/glass around them and when you get launched out you hit the window and stop moving. This wasn't a problem until now because I would just open the doors manually first then shoot in and out willy nilly. Now however upon exiting the chute you stop moving right on top of it and take minor damage. I don't think hitting the door or window hurts but it's actually exiting the disposal chute that hurts you somehow.
Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:02 pm
by metacide
Next small update is coming along nicely.
I've fixed the sprite issues with the corporate showroom and added a few posters and some shutters. I also added a fuel pipe that you can output to from either the mix loop via the container ports, or directly from the pure loop. It goes straight to the incinerator vent and works great, generating ~110k power if you're willing to dedicate atmos' output to it. I also noticed that you seem to need to thinker with the turbine to get it working or the computer doesn't recognise it - is this the same on Box, and intentional, or something I need to fix? The incinerator room is also bigger and nicer. Chemistry's smart fridge is at the top of chemistry so you can access it from the lobby.
Various other things are also in progress, will post pictures when the next update's done in the next few days.
Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 9:44 pm
by Gun Hog
You forgot to move the newscaster and request consoles along with the AI. They now might be too far for the primary AI to hear. Putting them on either side of the air alarm should be optimal.
Re: MetaStation (v41E 24/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:20 am
by metacide
So a small update
(v41E) went out earlier.
- *Added a fuel output pipe to atmospherics that connects directly to the incinerator turbine
*Added a filtration set-up on one of the rows of canister ports in atmospherics
*Added heater/freezers connected to the distro, mix tank output, and pure gas output loops
*Added more walls and privacy shutters to the corporate showroom
*Added missing health HUDs back to medbay
*Added departmental management consoles for each head of staff
*Added more security lockers to the brig
*Added rubber buckshot to the ammunition locker in the armory
*Added stacks of warning cones to security and engineering
*Added a basketball and hoop to perma
*Added privacy shutters to chemistry and improved the ones in research and genetics
*Added an air vent to the chapel mass driver
*Added a wrench to the warden's office for setting up flashers
*Adjusted some tiles outside security for better symmetry
*Adjusted layout of the teleporter room to make it less crowded
*Adjusted layout of the HoP's office to make managing paperwork easier
*Adjusted layout of the warden's office so they can better view the three brig cells
*Enlarged the emergency shuttle - making the brig, medbay,and the bridge each 1 tile higher
*Enlarged and improved the incinerator room
*Fixed beakers outputting below chemical dispensers in various places
*Fixed SMES cells being designated part of the CE's office
*Fixed broken TV and nuke sprites in the corporate showroom
*Fixed Mopficcer Sweepsky's name
*Fixed comms console on the emergency shuttle counting as station-based for autocall checks
*Fixed (possibly) the central wall block at the toxins test site - it should now be indestructible again
*Moved chemistry smartfridge up so it can be accessed from the medical lobby
*Replaced the second securitron, Inspector Johnson, with a patrolling medibot version
*Replaced the secure lab chemical dispenser with a portable variant
*Switched the locations of the AI core SMES and primary AI to stop lasering the AI from the door
*Switched the directions of the cargo conveyor belts - the longer belt is now the input belt
Thanks Gun Hog, I'll fix those in the next small update soon.
Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:44 am
by ABearInTheWoods
*Switched the locations of the AI core SMES and primary AI to stop lasering the AI from the door

Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 1:07 am
by Nexendia
MrStonedOne wrote:*Switched the locations of the AI core SMES and primary AI to stop lasering the AI from the door

Best update since moving telecomms to sat..
now to find out how to get unbanned from AI/borg and Telecomms
Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 2:59 am
by Scones
>nexendia ever being allowed near telecomms again ever EVER
Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 4:10 am
by Nexendia
Scones wrote:>nexendia ever being allowed near telecomms again ever EVER
Oh if only you could put just a tiny little bit of faith in my abilities to NOT screw up.

Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 8:18 am
by lumipharon
Swapping the AI core makes it less secure, not more.
Now it's the same as box, where you can decon two r-walls and shoot the core without ever going near a turret.
Before, at the BARE MINIMUM you had to deal with atleast one pair of turrets.
Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 9:02 am
by Luke Cox
This is really nitpicky, but the blast doors on the toxins test site mass driver should be flush with the driver. If you have empty tiles between them, space wind can move the bomb off the launcher.
Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 1:31 pm
by Actionb
Why is the brig so fucking cramped when the security break room + HoS office is huge?
You can barely move in the armory/equipment part of the brig - there's one less cell and instead we get a dinky holding cell. For a map that is supposed to be more geared towards higher pop rounds, this doesn't really add up. The brig reception desk can only be accessed through that holding cell which is just retarded if the cell is actually used.
Same with cargo. When there's two CTs and a miner with his orebox in the office, it becomes a game of spessmens tetris.
That's the biggest problem I have with metastation. It's huge. But some parts of the station are inexplicably tiny. It all feels a bit off balance and some areas seem to be gigantic in size just for the sake of being gigantic.
Most of the department security posts are squeezed in wherever there was space left. Cargo sec office has ONE window. The medbay post needs to be accessed through medbay storage. You don't see jack shit while sitting in the engi post - on box, you have perfect vision over who enters the engi foyer.
Virology is a fortress if you do not have a space suit, and a joke to break in if you do have one. Xenobiology is fort knox.
And what is with all the connector ports hooked up to distro scattered across maintenance? It gives me strokes as an atmosian:
- toxins storage can be broken into from maint
- grab toxins canisters
- move down ~20 tiles towards the solars
- wrench in the canister
- enjoy
If you want to add auxiliary air supply, do it like box does: static air containers that can add to distro via a valve.
Re: MetaStation (v41D 17/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 7:43 pm
by ABearInTheWoods
During a gang round, I actually unwrenched all 3 distro pipes going to sec, and pumped plasma into a "o2" canister via turbine by repiping some things, and flooded just security with plasma using the connector port in dorms maint.
Re: MetaStation (v41F 24/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 9:16 pm
by metacide
Finished another small update - it's
on GitHub now.
MetaStation v41F (24/07/2015) (Download Files):
(Image of the station, click for full-size)
MetaStation v41F Changelog:
- *Added one roll of cable coil to the bartenders' backroom closet
*Added shutters to the detective's office, improved various other ones
*Adjusted layout of the MiniSat so that telecomms is easier to access and sabotage
*Adjusted layout of execution chamber
*Fixed missing window on the emergency shuttle
*Fixed ~260 tiles having active atmos interactions on roundstart
*Fixed RD RC and AI integrity restorer being inaccessible
*Fixed broken sprite under spare office door
*Fixed newscaster behind perma basketball hoop
*Fixed AI core cameras incorrectly being on SS13 and MiniSat camera networks
*Fixed output direction of counterfeit exosuit fabricator
*Granted theatre and bartender access to all maint doors on the top-right of the service area
*Moved disposals unit in virology so you can throw bottles into it from the desk
Re: MetaStation (v41F 24/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 9:30 pm
by Cik
have had a chance to play on quite a bit recently due to it being rotated on sybil and relatively highpop bagil rounds of late
i like the map it's pretty neat
i like how it does everything actually, i think it's a better map than box
everything is compact, well organized, logical
Re: MetaStation (v41F 24/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 9:35 pm
by Nexendia
The new AI sat is really well done Meta, Much better than the original.
Re: MetaStation (v41F 24/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 11:11 am
by Not-Dorsidarf
Quick question: Is metastation reserved for your editing or can anyone PR for it?
Re: MetaStation (v41F 24/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 12:17 pm
by metacide
Anyone's welcome to, but probably a good idea to say so here so we can avoid any nightmarish mapping conflicts.
I can leave off editing things for a while if you like, I don't think there are any issues begging to be fixed right now.
Re: MetaStation (v41F 24/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 5:54 am
by Tokiko2
I found 2 problems recently:
Space vines don't seem to spawn at all. Even if you hit the button as an admin. On that note, when the vines did spawn, their locations weren't that good, atleast in my opinion. The vines would often grow out into space, becoming impossible to contain if there was a breach(arrivals, escape) or simply couldn't expand at all(garden).
Another, big problem is the fact that many blob spawns on this map seem to be directly adjacent to welding fuel tanks, causing the blobs to instantly die from the resulting explosion when their core automatically expands onto the welding fuel tank. This has happened to every blob I've seen in the last 2 weeks.
Re: MetaStation (v41F 24/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 6:47 pm
by J_Madison
Concerns for the latest revision of metastation.
I'm not from Bagil so please take my concerns and opinions with a pinch of salt. I've especially got concerns regarding things that could enable powergaming.
Permabrig interior cell walls being normal walls, easier to false wall, especially if you have a drill/sonic jackhammer and a crowbar.
Public autolathe, instant access to 15 brute saws, very likely to become victim to a grand robbery by a pistol toting traitor (smokebomb, screwdriver, crowbar, grab and run).
AI sat set up is interesting, but the loss of two turrets is a concern. The AI is also extremely vulnerable to having two turrets disabled, a door hacked/RCD then killed by the splash damage of an ion rifle unless it's on positions B and C.
Aside from this, I love your work metacide. The maint shafts in metastation is something I can find nowhere else.
Re: MetaStation (v41F 24/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:44 pm
by metacide
Space vines and blob spawns are something I'll try to fix with the next update, thanks for the heads-up.
Having normal cell walls was done intentionally to allow shenanigans, but the lack of Sibyl play makes it hard to see whether this works well or is too much. The same with the public autolathe. More Sibyl testing would be great to get a feel for how things run and how best to adjust accordingly, but for now on Basil I think it works quite well.
Regarding the AI core - that'll get a little more secure with the next update too. I might up it to 3 rwalls in some places, will see. Will ask around to get a feel for how things are with ion rifles.
Thanks for the feedback and glad you like it, always motivating to hear.
Re: MetaStation (v41F 24/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 2:15 am
by Nexendia
Now that shuttles always have power and can be built on could you possibly add a Relay somewhere on z2?
Re: MetaStation (v41F 24/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 4:59 pm
by metacide
Will look into which zlevel that is and get back to you.
Can you build one of those on the shuttle itself?
Re: MetaStation (v41F 24/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 6:44 pm
by DemonFiren
Z2 is the Central level.
Re: MetaStation (v41F 24/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 9:03 pm
by Nexendia
metacide wrote:Will look into which zlevel that is and get back to you.
Can you build one of those on the shuttle itself?
If I were unbanned from touching tcomms I could easily check but you most likely can.
Re: MetaStation (v41F 24/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 6:19 am
by Shadowlight213
I mentioned it to metacide already, but posting here for records sake. Currently tcomms smes and tcomms itself is wired into the rest of the AI sat, and the main grid. This means that not setting up the engine can take comms out eventually. I'd prefer it if the smes stayed where it was, but connected only to telecomms. Keep the rest of the sat power based off the main grid, it means the AI has to care about station power.
Re: MetaStation (v41F 24/07) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 7:44 am
by lumipharon
You can build anything on a ship. The only thing that are a TAD DODGY are disposals,wiring and cameras (cameras break if you move BACK to a spot you've been previously).

Re: MetaStation (v41G 04/09) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 3:57 pm
by metacide
A new version's in the repo and should be on Basil with the next server update:
Metastation v41G (04/09/2015) (Download Files):
(Image of the station, click for full-size)
MetaStation v41G Changelog:
- *Altered the AI chamber so it is (hopefully) somewhat more secure
*Added AI liquid dispensers to the AI chamber foyer and two adjacent siderooms
*Added far more varied blob spawn locations
*Added (provisionally) a 2% chance roundstart xeno egg in the secure lab test chamber
*Added photocopier to security office and warden's office
*Added shutters to the armory for ease of arming security
*Adjusted club spawner to mostly spawn russian roulette revolvers, somtimes syndicards, rarely ninja stars
*Adjusted MiniSat powergrid - it is now independent of the station, but easy to hook up
*Fixed issue with z2 where part of the syndicate mothership wasn't designated properly causing depowered TC console
*Fixed invisible doors: starboard emergency storage, brig infirmary maint, both fore solar control room doors
*Fixed missing revenant spawners and Marauder entry points
*Fixed a few blob spawn locations being dangerously close to fueltanks
*Fixed duplicate CMO stamp on their desk
*Fixed a few access issues on maint. doors around research
*Fixed heat passing through toxins burn chamber glass doors
*Fixed missing Pugley IV sprite
*Moved north-west nuke op shuttle location further away from the station
*Moved routing manifold segment of disposals which routes to Captain's Office adjacent to the office, under a camera, so it can more easily be checked for tampering
*Replaced the walls connecting MiniSat walkway to the MiniSat proper with girders or lattices for better visibility
*Replaced now-destructible shuttle turf at the bombsite with indestructible centcom-style turf
*Switched general intercom outside AI chamber to the private AI channel
Re: MetaStation (v41G 04/09) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:47 pm
by Shadowlight213
Metastation is missing the arrival announcment computer
Re: MetaStation (v41G 04/09) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 11:12 am
by Tokiko2
The experimentor room R&D console should probably start out with read/write access to the R&D server.
Re: MetaStation (v41G 04/09) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 9:39 pm
by metacide
Just a quick note to say I've got a fair list of issues to fix, keep meaning to make a small update. Map rotation seems to be working a treat so that's a bit more motivation too. I may have time tomorrow or the day after, so any feedback or issues mentioned before then are much appreciated. Should be able to fix most of the stuff people have mentioned thus far.
Re: MetaStation (v41G 04/09) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 11:21 pm
by Gun Hog
Do not forget to add the Auto Rifles and tactical stuffs to the armory. A lot of people are against it, but it is currently standard Sec equipment, and thus should be included. See Steelpoint for exact specifications.
Some of the airlocks in Science are Medbay striped, as well as some other doors being incorrectly colored.
This is more of a request than a map issue: If the RD hardsuit is to be merged, please consider placing it on the map in the RD's office: Since there is a space suit at the bomb range, you might consider removing it in favor of the RD one.
Re: MetaStation (v41G 04/09) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 5:35 am
by tuypo1
yes add the autorifles but please dont put them behind shutters or anything like that treat them the same way as all the other weapons.
Re: MetaStation (v41G 04/09) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 12:14 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
tuypo1 wrote:yes add the autorifles but please dont put them behind shutters or anything like that treat them the same way as all the other weapons.
That includes there only being 3 of them, not 5
Re: MetaStation (v41G 04/09) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 2:57 pm
by tuypo1
i never considered that yes that to only 3
Re: MetaStation (v41H 04/10/2015) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 1:33 am
by metacide
Most Recent Version: v41H (04/10/2015) (Download Files):
(Image of the station, click for full-size)
MetaStation v41H Changelog:
- Added security auto rifles to the armory without spare magazines
Added the arrivals auto-announce system to telecomms
Added Ian's dog bed to the HoP office
Added greater pixel offset between robotics roundstart glass/metal sheets
Added bulb lights to each xenobiology slime pen
Added light-switch to crematorium
Added missing non-secure sec wardrobe at arrivals checkpoint
Added the new prototype RD hardsuit, replacing the one at the toxins launch bay
Added viewing areas to the MiniSat walkways
Changed SWAT helmets on the NSS Viva / whiteship to NT variants
Improved the Station-MiniSat access foyer and added command-accessible space airlock
Fixed missing wire in arrivals maint
Fixed research access airlocks having medical airlock sprites
Fixed secure lab maint. airlocks having command airlock sprites
Fixed old-style 4-pane window in disposals
Fixed unpowered waste outlet airpump in space by the secure lab
Fixed Secure Lab xeno pen camera not showing up on the monitor outside
Moved turbine control computer so it now recognises the turbine properly again
Moved windows in maint medbay so vent camera can't see in
Re: MetaStation (v41H 04/10/2015) and Mapping Guide
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 1:58 am
by tuypo1
metacide wrote:Added greater pixel offset between robotics roundstart glass/metal sheets
Re: MetaStation Thread (v41H 04/10/2015)
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 6:07 am
by Shadowlight213
The various randomized posters seem to add their title and description to the base rather than replace it.
That's a poster - Obey- Free Drone.
A large piece of space-resistant printed paper. A poster instructing the viewer to obey authority. This poster commemorates the bravery of the rogue drone banned by CentComm.