Bottom post of the previous page:
TL;DR1. Remove the rule on banning players for "creepy behavior" unless an admin can make a good example as to why creepy behavior is being hastefully generalized. Either make woody got wood a bannable offense, or make posting stories like woody got wood in general, no matter how creepy it is, not bannable. You guys bring these creeps upon yourselves with that woody got wood copy pasta.
2. Make headmins power exclusive to specific servers and open up room for more headmins to have one headmin per server
3. Remove formatting requirements that get normal humans dismissed for posting messages Simon didn't say to post
4. Increase the number of strikes trial admins can receive to three strikes while decreasing the number of strikes other administrative positions can receive to one strike (proper training and higher standards)
5. Completely remove political discussion based rules across all channels and remove the political discussion channels. There's no reason a healthy community would need special snowflake echo chambers
6. Have a new administrative role specifically for doing bulk unbans and processing the bulk of the community for retroactive new rules, without giving them banning powers, but letting them overrule previous admin rulings with lesser sentences
Why TG Station is doomed
I believe this server is going to the shitters and it's now only a matter of time. As a predictable reply from some admemes or their metagamey buddies, I'm sure I will have little things cherry picked off me in reply, but in vein do you reply when I'm sounding an alarm. My observation started on an old ban pattern I saw on Manuel server, a server I never play on for obvious reasons. Manuel server is a server you go to if you want to get permanently banned from all servers and not just Manuel for accidentally calling someone a gamer in a game with a master cape you can get in character for being a gamer of the arcade machine that is also in character, of which the admins in Manuel state that it's out of character to do. This isn't a decision the admins make because it breaks a rule, but the decision admins make because it breaks their ideas of what is acceptable.
As someone who has previous experience in other communities being admin, moderator, and even server host a time or two, I can say with confidence that this is what happens when the admins have their own goals that they're putting above the server goals. The server goals are more important than the rules, and thus the method of rule enforcement has to be considered in order to keep it that way or else you get undesirable results in the long run. One of the largest factors of rule enforcement being made right now on EVERY SERVER including the discord is the internet version of Voltaire Quotes, "If you act stupid, you will attract real stupid people who think they're at home". If you dig through lots of the bans most recently, you'll see that a higher concentration of semantic bans are being made in which the banned player merely got banned for being non-disruptive, but instead, behaving in a way the admin merely didn't desire. This is obviously from my point of view a ban on people who the admin dislike personally for whatever reason that may be, as there's no other reason in the list of reasons I can deduce as to why someone gets banned for doing the same exact thing someone else does, but in some situations it doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure a large part of this new admin trend that's been happening on /TG/ station since a few months before the Trump versus Biden election largely has political ties to it, being that admins really tested the waters to see what they can get away with using the political discussion chat room on the discord.
Because you guys have made so many red tape rules against normal players, merely bringing this up risks all sorts of back lash against me by admins that know they can get away with deleting this, archived or not, because I merely "wasn't good for the community", of which I find myself a part of. The community in the admins mind being the admins personal opinions and not the general population, of which I'm sure admins banned more people or scared off more people combined than players who actually play on /TG/, so which portion of "the community" was made up by those who got banned from speaking merely because not following the rules on how to properly format a post wasn't met?
What can be done to stop server depopulation
Stop banning people for encouraged behavior. If you guys are going around saying the n-word and suddenly tomorrow you change the rules, you can't really expect to make an example by "PERMANENTLY BANNING" the player you're making an example of, instead of giving them a rational slap on the wrist. You guys are holding double standards way too much while yourself doing the same exact things as many of the people, if not worse thangs than, the people you're banning permanently from the server for personal behavior. Woody got wood is in fact a rule violation and needs to be enforced, but that doesn't mean you need to permanently remove someone from the server when the rule is being enforced. Just because you're admin with the power and temporary authority to do so, doesn't mean you can depopulate the community and rid it of people you dislike against the very health of the community that you yourself sit there and reposted woody got wood in. This isn't your local city ordinance law making meeting, this is something that involves people from all over the world, including influencers like Sseth and Onione. If it wasn't for them, you guys wouldn't even be as big as you are today.
Stop giving game masters admin powers throughout every /TG/ server and force headmins to specialize in specific server problems instead of all servers. THIS IS LITERALLY AGAINST MODERN PRACTICE IN INFORMATION SECURITY!!! You guys are asking for someone to completely exodia obliterate the entire community all at once. Separate powers is legit standard practice in corporate and information security. If you're a headmin that's against the idea, remember that it's not current headmins you have to worry about, it's future headmins. You guys probably have ticking time bombs right now trying to apply for role of headmin. Why are shitty admins still around? Why does it take them permanently removing three members of the community, maybe more, but at the very least three members of the community PERMANENTLY who literally didn't do shit against the rules, before you guys consider removing admins from their position, while some trial admins who literally copy and paste the same choices other admins made with rule enforcement consistency in their decisions ends up with a one strike and you're out?
Remove the freaking political discussions from the discord and ban political discussions in general until the admins learn to stop banning people over their opinions they have and purposely making political enemies with "completely normal people who have real world problems that create their political opinions" on a space game that doesn't have anything to do with how politics get influenced in real life. You guys clearly can't handle real world problems beyond the internet and it's literally causing very subtle server depopulation, no new players that actually stick around a long time are sticking around anymore to make new rememberable experiences, and lots of people likely feel like they're being cheated of the rules, which they are because admins are cherry picking.
Rant Time
This is a game with a feature called "Hosting your own server". There's zero reason you guys have been unable to accommodate large numbers of new players joining the server when things like Sseth wave occur, except for the fact that you don't want to admin a shit load of people at once to see how well they would do because you make vendettas with people you don't even know in real life and never even let them have a chance to admin unless they host a completely different server, which they won't do because the first impression of the community is shitty because you made it shitty by entrapping people into thinking they could act stupid like you guys who aren't acting. Are some of you literally getting paid to divide people or do you just do it because you literally think that it's a good idea make other peoples problems your own? So someone disagrees with you about their favorite ice cream. Does that means you need to go to an ice cream company known for making your favorite flavor and turning them on your side politically to make ice cream a political issue now? This is what you admins enforcing your own defacto rules are doing against the community. There's no benefit to it for you other than literally making people dislike you and less reasonable with you when they themselves get into the same position of authority. It's community suicide. Why the fuck is the word "ur" banned on all servers? You're and your are two forms of spelling that are semantically valid, but ur conveys the same exact message. Most of you admins make the same exact personal attacks on others that community members you ban make as well, even harassing people passive aggressively while being condescending and contemptuous despite you yourself being more repulsive as an individual. Even a psychopath wouldn't make half the choices I've seen made in this community because they want to fulfill an agenda or benefit themselves, but this is just making chaos. Perhaps for now everything seems nice and calm, but you guys are on the road to terrible things happening in such concentration that you guys are setting yourselves up for a community that will eventually die with a population of like three people left. I know because I've bare witnessed this happen in other communities I've been a part of, not that being admin, mod, or anything matters to YOU in terms of my experiences which other admins should note about your personality when you criticize me for what I'm saying.
Here's how it will happen. Someone will be made headmin that's currently an admin and they will end up mass banning everybody and probably removing service of all the servers while shredding backups until the community is no longer salvageable.
Merged rule 7 with rule 1 since they where the same concept.
Changed the word "game master" to "other administrative positions" since people intentionally want to feign ignorance about this message.