Re: Best code comments
Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 6:26 pm
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var/fuck_you_dir = get_dir(src, user) // Because fuck you...
fuck_you_dir = pick(GLOB.cardinals)
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//Shit fucking piece of crap that doesn't work god fuckin damn it
function linkify(text) {
var rex = /((?:<a|<iframe|<img)(?:.*?(?:src="|href=").*?))?(?:(?:https?:\/\/)|(?:www\.))+(?:[^ ]*?\.[^ ]*?)+[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|$!:,.;]+/ig;
return text.replace(rex, function ($0, $1) {
if(/^https?:\/\/.+/i.test($0)) {
return $1 ? $0: '<a href="'+$0+'">'+$0+'</a>';
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////////////// I don't know who made this header before I refactored alcohols but I'm going to fucking strangle them because it was so ugly, holy Christ
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var/list/all_circuits = SScircuit.all_circuits // It's free. Performance. We're giving you cpu time. It's free. We're giving you time. It's performance, free. It's free cpu time for you jim!
What can I say, I'm perfect.duncathan wrote:fuck_you_dir is an age old classic. remie's naming conventions are certainly easy to distinguish
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M.adjustFireLoss(current_cycle/10, 0) // I rode a tank, held a general's rank
. = 1 // When the blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank
..() // Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name
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new/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/pastatomato(get_turf(H)) //now that's what I call spaghetti code wrote:Code: Select all
// This should only be used by non components trying to listen to a signal // If you use this inside a component I will replace your eyes with lemons ~ninjanomnom
I'd rather have my ears replaced tbh but that aside I'm all for itCreationPro wrote:Code: Select all
// This should only be used by non components trying to listen to a signal // If you use this inside a component I will replace your eyes with lemons ~ninjanomnom, line 159 wrote:Code: Select all
/* * Library Computer * After 860 days, it's finally a buildable computer. */ // TODO: Make this an actual /obj/machinery/computer that can be crafted from circuit boards and such // It is August 22nd, 2012... This TODO has already been here for months.. I wonder how long it'll last before someone does something about it. // It's December 25th, 2014, and this is STILL here, and it's STILL relevant. Kill me
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description = "<span class='warning'>I feel a lot better, but wow that was disgusting.</span>\n" //when you read the latest felinid removal PR and realize you're really not that much of a degenerate
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stack_trace("Ok, Look, /tg/, I need you to find whatever fucker decided to call qdel on a fucking lighting corner, then tell him very nicely and politely that he is 100% retarded and needs his head checked. Thanks. Send them my regards by the way.")
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//I will need to recode parts of this but I am way too tired atm //I don't know who left this comment but they never did come back
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//Aiming for 1.5 hours to max R&D
//[88nodes * 5000points/node] / [1.5hr * 90min/hr * 60s/min]
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eatverb = pick("devour","nibble","gnaw","gobble","chomp") //who the fuck gnaws and devours on a salad
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if(!is_operational()) //you cant use broken machine you chumbis
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/obj/item/melee/touch_attack/fleshtostone/afterattack(atom/target, mob/living/carbon/user, proximity)
if(!proximity || target == user || !isliving(target) || !iscarbon(user)) //getting hard after touching yourself would also be bad