[No longer admin] NecromancerAnne

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Re: NecromancerAnne

Post by NecromancerAnne » #519781

Bottom post of the previous page:

Actually wasn't me! That was TheMidnightRose! https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 37&t=20509
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Re: NecromancerAnne

Post by Domitius » #526883

They have no fear addressing issues and ahelps professionally and has been a huge source of knowledge to help myself learn not only the game but also as a trialmin.

I really respect you! Thank you!
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Re: NecromancerAnne

Post by Coconutwarrior97 » #565712

NecromancerAnne has retired, they are welcome back anytime.
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Post by Misdoubtful » #689444

NecromancerAnne has returned.
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Re: NecromancerAnne

Post by Timonk » #689447

Timonk wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2019 7:17 pm Good person, but I don't think they are good admin
Actually based, helped an ex headmin admin better

Anne for headmin 2023
Armhulen wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:42 pm Thank you timonk sometimes you just need a timonk to jolt your CNS
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

The hut has perished at my hands.

The pink arrow is always right.
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Re: NecromancerAnne

Post by Vekter » #689714

WEW LAD. Between this and Ned we're so fucking back
Vekter wrote:You should be reporting problems because you're wanting to keep the game fair/server healthy, not because you want to see the people who wronged you punished.
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Re: NecromancerAnne

Post by mstachife » #690121

One of the most pleasant admins to interact with back when I was new, glad to see them back.
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Re: NecromancerAnne

Post by kieth4 » #690182

I've had some fantastic discussions with them in the admin channels. I enjoy their thoughtful long posts.
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Re: NecromancerAnne

Post by t3hSurge » #698737

Just using this as a place to say some of the best feedback in an ahelp I've had.
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Re: NecromancerAnne

Post by RedBaronFlyer » #706878

They had an event during a peaceful shift (round ID: 216019) where they had a wizard invoking squatters rights in the captain's quarters and used any means necessary in the Captain's quarters to fend on the swarm of crew members and a Minuteman ERT who tried to stop them. Eventually the wizard made the crew capitulate and recognize the wizard's squatters rights for the captain's quarters. It was a lot of fun, and it was a slaughter with several people dead, but it was a super fun event that helped the crew relive (for lack of a better word) their desire for slaughter in an otherwise peaceful shift outside of some rather bad kudzu infestations.

(Do want to clarify that the wizard didn't go around just killing everyone and they did stay in the Captain's quarters only attacking those who trespassed)
WARNING, Prolonged exposure to my opinions can be mentally scarring or in some cases, FATAL
Cleaner of floors, eater of beef jerky, and long time coward.
I play Eugine Adrian Hynes on Manuel, I'm very uncool.
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Fri Mar 03, 2023 5:11 pm I assume he did it elsewhere because it's fucking goofball and he never half-asses his shitty ideas, he full asses them so both cheeks are absolutely slathered in shit
lorwp wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 8:56 am
Sacko wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 8:32 am yes it it like the meatball faggot thing that was changed due to forces higher than ours
i am feeling so gay today! I am going to smoke some fags outside while i wait for my faggots to cook in the oven.

Has anyone seen my car? I think it got raped.
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Re: NecromancerAnne

Post by Bmon » #706896

Ran an event last night in which they spawned a legionnaire with timestop and a sword in my office(captains). After killing the first legionnaire they decided to spawn another, this time with force wall, hulk, timestop and a high block chance sword. A nigh unstoppable combo without some form of anti-magic.

My chaplain, probably the only person who could have stopped this, was busy trying to steal the NAD from me the whole shift and my HoS killed a borg with a 357 var edited to look like a cap gun(something in which I believe you had a part in) and was busy running away from me resisting a demotion.

After dying twice to this and having a good chunk of the crew dead I decided to call the shuttle. In turn, you decided to force recall the shuttle two minutes before ETA and send two minutemen ERT who died almost immediately, even after telling you in a centcom message that we didn't want an ERT and were shuttling.

While this might have been fun for you and the ghosts it wasn't for me. The lack of communication or roleplay on your part for this event was also a letdown, more so considering this happened on Manuel.
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Re: NecromancerAnne

Post by NecromancerAnne » #706905

Since we have two differing opinions on the same event, I'll try and address my reasoning and decision making for the round.

To start; the cap gun was just the cap gun in the Metatstation showroom, replaced with a real revolver, varedited to look like the cap gun. My reasoning for this is simple. It was a prank. There is no depth to that decision, I just thought it would be funny if someone accidentally got shot by it and introduce a bit of silliness to the round. The HoS was the one to find it, and opted to experiment with it on a borg. I was monitoring the situation to see if the borg at least was revived, it was. Whatever came from that situation was an intended outcome; probably a much messier round. And it worked. Just a small variable tweak, and look how much it changed things. Started a whole conflict just on that alone.

I had no part in the chaplain's doings. That was entirely their behaviour. They did pray a lot that round but I wasn't paying attention to them.

As for the squatters. The first one was more lightly equipped, mostly just the legion stuff, the access abductor heart (it didn't work for windoors I just wanted to let him walk around the room so this was apparently useless), thats kind of it. But he had the instructions to A) stay in the captain's office, B) repel anyone who tried to remove them and, C) yell about being in the room to attract people to him D) survive.

The moment his presence was known, you came in and dealt with him quite readily. You literally slapped him into stamcrit as soon as you saw him. You didn't even take the offer of a sword fight. I felt bad for the guy because I felt like I hadn't really given him much of a chance to do anything, since he was taken out almost as quickly as he was acknowledged and wasn't even engaged at all. So, while he was in the brig, I gave him one last hail mary opportunity for some chaos and granted him time stop and a freedom implant. He had no weapons, so frankly this ended fairly quickly as well with his death because there was a borg, warden and you to stop him. At which point, Bmon, you kept his brain in your bag for the rest of the round.

So, since the first guy died almost as quickly as he was spawned in, I wanted to send someone who would be much harder to simply remove from the room. I sent the Ultra-Squatter. He had the same objectives. He also had;
Knock, Forcewall and Timestop
Hulk and Insulated (he stole some spare gloves anyway)
Tenacity trauma (this doesn't stop hulk removal) but actually, there was a mind restoration virus going around that so that disappeared instantly so wasn't relevant in the end.
A predosage of 500 units of regen jelly (he had no supplies at all and could not leave the office)
The Necrostone Roman Legionnaire equipment which is just a sword and shield. But a really, really good sword and shield. The rest he stole from your locker.
Radio implant so he could scream over the radio.

And boy did he do a good job. I was watching the entire time and considered telling him to let the dead be taken, but he did that entirely on his own initiative. He kept to the room, as instructed. He roleplayed a good deal as he slaughtered trespassers, letting the dead be taken regularly or tossing them into the hall.. And while he was a formidable force, he was only located squarely in your office and there was no chance he was ever leaving to the rest of the station. He even let a janitor in to clean up the bloody mess he was making largely unmolested until the janitor tried his chance at him. Orion did an absolutely stellar job that round.

When the fighting died down considerably from most of the attacking crew being dismembered, disemboweled or ensanguinated, I created a militia ERT. When I saw you messaged via the console that you didn't need help, I had already spawned the ERT and they were en route. I wasn't going to be particularly harsh about it and keep blocking every shuttle call, but I did want to at least give the ERT an opportunity to do something. 10 extra minutes with an ERT on the station isn't the worst scenario. I just wanted to keep this going a little longer, because I knew there was no existential threat posed by the squatter; everyone who died to him did so because they chose violence and went to him directly. The minutemen didn't do too bad in the end, honestly. They were largely just fresh bodies and actually both survived in the end. Only one of them got particularly brutalized and the other negotiated their body back.

That's the beauty of the situation. He was only ever going to be a problem if people made him their problem. And so many people rallied in to try and stop him, using all kinds of tricks, tactics and methods, it was genuinely quite impressive. The silicons were especially crafty, since his nonhuman status (this was intended) let them participate as well as violently as they liked.

You want to argue that there was no roleplay on my part. Bmon, it was your office. He is in there. He has taken it over. And he refused to leave and made you his problem. That is quite literally the definition of a conflict of interest and a scenario you need to now engage with. And any means by which you approached him was up to you, because the scenario was only going to start the moment people started to enter the office. I don't want you to get the impression that I was targeting you directly or maliciously. Rather, you were always going to be the focal point of this conflict as the person most directly affected. There was no right or wrong answer, but there was always going to be a hard scenario to navigate. And unsurprisingly, taking him down through direct violence was just always going to be the hardest way to do it. If there was any roleplay to be had, Bmon, I feel like you just didn't want to engage with it in any other way other than direct violence. And when that proved ineffective, you've placed the blame on me for adjusting the dials to keep things going. I'm sorry it wasn't to your taste, but I have to assume that if people were still attempting to stop him, that people were still somewhat interested. If anything, it kept medbay busy on a very quiet round up to that point.

As we always tell our players; sometimes you lose. And the odds can be entirely stacked against you. This is one of those scenarios. Was there an intended solution? Not really, but I trust the players to figure it out in ways that I hadn't considered (I would have mutadone/tear gas gassed him personally, since he had no mask).
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Re: NecromancerAnne

Post by Bmon » #707047

NecromancerAnne wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 1:53 am The moment his presence was known, you came in and dealt with him quite readily. You literally slapped him into stamcrit as soon as you saw him. You didn't even take the offer of a sword fight. I felt bad for the guy because I felt like I hadn't really given him much of a chance to do anything, since he was taken out almost as quickly as he was acknowledged and wasn't even engaged at all. So, while he was in the brig, I gave him one last hail mary opportunity for some chaos and granted him time stop and a freedom implant. He had no weapons, so frankly this ended fairly quickly as well with his death because there was a borg, warden and you to stop him. At which point, Bmon, you kept his brain in your bag for the rest of the round.
I do not understand why you are framing this as if I walked into my room and immediately started attacking them, quite literally the opposite happened. I was told by the AI that there was a person in my office with a sword, since I was in brig at the time dealing with the HoS I checked a camera console and saw a person in my office with a sword breaking my windows. I hauled my ass over to my office and as soon I walked into my room they attacked me with a claymore splitting my head open causing a weeping avulsion, I met this attack with a telebaton. They called me a coward and told me to fight them like a man but at the time I was under the impression that they were a random tider with a claymore they got from lavaland loot, it was only until after I saw them cast timestop on the warden and tried to kill them that I realised they were either an event or a wizard or both. The borg offered to debrain them for me and I agreed, I am not going to revive someone with magic who is openly hostile and has tried to kill me and the warden.

Attack logs from my first interaction with Anne's event character:
NecromancerAnne wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 1:53 am So, since the first guy died almost as quickly as he was spawned in, I wanted to send someone who would be much harder to simply remove from the room. I sent the Ultra-Squatter. He had the same objectives. He also had;
Knock, Forcewall and Timestop
Hulk and Insulated (he stole some spare gloves anyway)
Tenacity trauma (this doesn't stop hulk removal) but actually, there was a mind restoration virus going around that so that disappeared instantly so wasn't relevant in the end.
A predosage of 500 units of regen jelly (he had no supplies at all and could not leave the office)
The Necrostone Roman Legionnaire equipment which is just a sword and shield. But a really, really good sword and shield. The rest he stole from your locker.
Radio implant so he could scream over the radio.
Let me get this straight, I have no problem with you spawning someone in to replace the first guy but the loadout here is somewhat unfair. The only way I can see anyone having any chance of beating this person in direct combat is if you had anti-magic, which is why I attempted to get botany to grow holy melons(they never did). Even if we had somehow removed hulk from them they had force wall and timestop meaning they could endlessly hide behind a force wall until their timestop cooldown resets, which is exactly what they did even with hulk.
NecromancerAnne wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 1:53 amAnd boy did he do a good job. I was watching the entire time and considered telling him to let the dead be taken, but he did that entirely on his own initiative. He kept to the room, as instructed. He roleplayed a good deal as he slaughtered trespassers, letting the dead be taken regularly or tossing them into the hall.. And while he was a formidable force, he was only located squarely in your office and there was no chance he was ever leaving to the rest of the station. He even let a janitor in to clean up the bloody mess he was making largely unmolested until the janitor tried his chance at him. Orion did an absolutely stellar job that round.
I have no issues with how this person roleplayed, this has nothing to do with them. I said in my original post that I only had an issue with how you roleplayed this event out and your lack of communication. We'll get into that later.
NecromancerAnne wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 1:53 am When the fighting died down considerably from most of the attacking crew being dismembered, disemboweled or ensanguinated, I created a militia ERT. When I saw you messaged via the console that you didn't need help, I had already spawned the ERT and they were en route. I wasn't going to be particularly harsh about it and keep blocking every shuttle call, but I did want to at least give the ERT an opportunity to do something. 10 extra minutes with an ERT on the station isn't the worst scenario. I just wanted to keep this going a little longer, because I knew there was no existential threat posed by the squatter; everyone who died to him did so because they chose violence and went to him directly. The minutemen didn't do too bad in the end, honestly. They were largely just fresh bodies and actually both survived in the end. Only one of them got particularly brutalized and the other negotiated their body back.
Here's a nice timeline of events, maybe this can shed some light as to why this is particularly a pain point for me. I called the shuttle because a good chunk of the crew was dead from your event, you send a comms message(your first comms message this whole event) saying that you are sending an ERT, I responded with a CC relay message saying I do not want an ERT and that I am shuttling, you recall the shuttle and send another comms message basically mocking me for not wanting your help. This was 2 minutes before shuttle ETA, no one ever asked for an ERT, you just decided to send one for your entertainment I guess.
NecromancerAnne wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 1:53 amThat's the beauty of the situation. He was only ever going to be a problem if people made him their problem. And so many people rallied in to try and stop him, using all kinds of tricks, tactics and methods, it was genuinely quite impressive. The silicons were especially crafty, since his nonhuman status (this was intended) let them participate as well as violently as they liked.
He was my problem from the very beginning, you decided to set this whole event in my office. Can you not see how you've by default made this a problem for me? You have a whole station and build mode to use, you could have set this up anywhere but you chose my office, a decision which doesn't really click with me.
NecromancerAnne wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 1:53 amYou want to argue that there was no roleplay on my part. Bmon, it was your office. He is in there. He has taken it over. And he refused to leave and made you his problem. That is quite literally the definition of a conflict of interest and a scenario you need to now engage with. And any means by which you approached him was up to you, because the scenario was only going to start the moment people started to enter the office. I don't want you to get the impression that I was targeting you directly or maliciously. Rather, you were always going to be the focal point of this conflict as the person most directly affected. There was no right or wrong answer, but there was always going to be a hard scenario to navigate. And unsurprisingly, taking him down through direct violence was just always going to be the hardest way to do it. If there was any roleplay to be had, Bmon, I feel like you just didn't want to engage with it in any other way other than direct violence.

There was no roleplay on your part, you suddenly dropped a random man with a claymore into my office with no announcement or any communication from you, no comms messages, nothing. The AI tells me someone is in my office with a sword and I see them through cameras breaking my windows, when I get there I am met with a claymore to the head, I obviously don't stand for this so I telebatoned him and tossed him to sec. By the time I figured he was an event character it was too late and he was dead, I had no choice but direct violence because it started with direct violence from the event character and ended with direct violence from the event character. You telling me that I didn't want to engage with your event with anything but direct violence is a slap to the face, I didn't instigate the violence.

There was no interaction and there was no roleplay because you never set it up, this is your job to do when you run an event as an admin. We should be champions of roleplay and try to formulate events which add to it. Focusing on combat isn't always the best of ideas, especially when there's no build up.
NecromancerAnne wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 1:53 am And when that proved ineffective, you've placed the blame on me for adjusting the dials to keep things going. I'm sorry it wasn't to your taste, but I have to assume that if people were still attempting to stop him, that people were still somewhat interested. If anything, it kept medbay busy on a very quiet round up to that point.
If you honestly think that I don't care about how you conducted this event and that the only reason I am leaving you feedback right now is solely because you respawned them as a powerful wizard you'd be very wrong. While I do think you might have made them a little too strong this was not a major point of mine, this should have been evident enough to you when I ahelped asking who was running the event not after dying but when you recalled the shuttle. I have outlined a number of points above that I took issue with during your event, you can argue my points all you want but do not paint me as some sort of malicious person who's only doing this to try to get back at you.
NecromancerAnne wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 1:53 amAs we always tell our players; sometimes you lose. And the odds can be entirely stacked against you. This is one of those scenarios. Was there an intended solution? Not really, but I trust the players to figure it out in ways that I hadn't considered (I would have mutadone/tear gas gassed him personally, since he had no mask).
After six and a half years of consistently playing this game losing doesn't phase me in the slightest anymore. That wasn't my main point and I am very disappointed you're coming away from this with that as your takeaway.

I am going to be blunt with you Anne, seeing your response post and having to argue my points with you has left me with a rather bad taste in my mouth, especially since it seems you are calling me out in parts of the post. I genuinely hope you can see the points I am trying to raise with you here and take my feedback as it is, just feedback.
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Re: NecromancerAnne

Post by NecromancerAnne » #707064

I apologize. Let me wind it back, because my response was too directed towards you and that's not in good form by me.

Much of my event method is spontaneous and abrupt, as well as adaptive. I don't have much lead up, it's more of a matter of someone discovering the event, or the event making itself known. Even I'm going by feel a lot of the time.

I consider it a series of improvised scenarios. And the flow is dictated by a moment to moment change. I don't think this scenario would have worked with any forewarning. Rather, I had the squatter do that for me by having him loudly proclaim the room his own, and granting him a radio to do so with. I wanted no preparation. The threat is isolated, so I wanted the players to discover what they were up against and formulate a solution. And they were trying and it was good. It is what I wanted. And I wanted it unfair. Because when something is difficult to overcome, that is when players get clever, and they certainly did. They thought outside of the box and approached the problem in interesting ways.

I also believe I am allowed to tweak the dials to keep the event somewhat going within reasonable and interesting bounds. If there was anything I took from it, it was seeing the amount of engagement with the situation was enjoyable. But I understand if I can't please everyone.
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Byond Username: Higgin

Re: NecromancerAnne

Post by Higgin » #722382

Straightforward, composed, and incredibly thoughtful in everything they do with the game - an even advocate to players who uses neutral, fair communication that doesn't lack for a sense of care.
feedback appreciated here <3
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Byond Username: Dalmationer

Re: NecromancerAnne

Post by Dalmationer » #723363

Very lovely admin. In 225104, when there was an AI called 'streamer', let deadchat send in donations over the announcements. Funny as hell.
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Re: [No longer admin] NecromancerAnne

Post by kieth4 » #745277

NecromancerAnne Has retired.

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