WarbossLincoln wrote:It would definitely be cool to get headmins in here because this has gone so far off the tracks. At this point in the thread I don't even remember what his stated ban reason is.
Was is based on violating a specific rule or a rule 0 ban because he didn't want to answer Nabski?
I of course don't have the power but wouldn't it make sense to lock the thread at this point and let headmins weigh in and Oldman/Nabski rebuttal? So much "I would have banned you for X, Y and Z" "I wouldn't have banned him at all".
MOSTLY rule 6 for refusing to give an honest answer to a question. There was some amount of rule 0 I don't want to deal with your crap anymore, and it would have been much more rule zero if I had gone with a week length as I originally considered (I realized that the week length was my ego, and if was appealed would 100% end up lifted). I felt like severity-wise this was about as bad as intentional IC in OOC.
Here's my thoughts in general on ban lengths.
5-10 minutes. Take a short break and read the rules, we've likely linked them to you and this is your first offense on something. Typically IC in OOC. This is really just to send a message that "hey you're messing up and bans exist here".
60 minutes. Go sit out a round. You're doing something stupid but it isn't worth not getting to play this evening/today.
6-12 hours. I pretty much only will apply a ban of this length on the weekends in the morning so that people can still play later in the day. Typically used when someone has messed up, but they're realizing their mistakes and are stating so in the ahelp, it's like a downgraded dayban.
Day ban. Default length, typically applied for murder or things people have previously been warned on.
2-4 days. You've done something to cause mass murder.
Week ban. You've screwed up, ruined a bunch of people rounds, and have been warned for it before.
1 Month ban. I'm hoping that at the end of this you'll either come back a changed person, or won't come back.
6 Month ban. I've handed a few of these out. Typically used where it would be a perma, but as long as enough time has passed that you saying "hey I'm sorry I want to play again" would get you unbanned.
Jobbans: Job bans are almost always longer than a serverban, but used when you're having issues with a particular job. They are much more rarely handed out.
Typically handed out in week to month intervals. Only perma's I've done have been for ghostroles. I've done shorter duration job bans every now and then when I felt like it was worth more than a note, but less than a server ban.
Ghostroles: Getting revenge for your past life, griefing your teammates, leaving designated areas
Engineering: Intentionally fucking up the engine or repeated incompetence at it in a way that ruins peoples rounds. Especially for walking into it and having it delaminate. Maybe for if people refuse to stop roundstart blocking the AI in atmos.
Chemistry: Making mystery death pills, maybe some grenade fuckers, maybe chem powergaming. Pretty rare.
Science: too many bad bombs or bad xenobiology spawns, Typically from repeated behavior.
Assistant: 24/7 Greytide. I've never handed one of these out.
Security: Random searches, excessive timers, abuse of power. Rare to get this without having MANY MANY warnings on the topic.
Command: Going braindead roundstart and not saying anything. There's other reasons but I've never had to do it.
His actions weren't tied in any way to a job, so those are all out. His actions, for a first warning that this is not a tolerated behavior, which he is going to stand behind, didn't really ruin anyone's round. That put it in the somewhere between 5 minutes to a day range. Ultimately I felt like this wasn't a "minor" sure take a break then come back in five minutes kind of issue. If it was we would have resolved it in the first round. I also didn't feel like it was important enough to make someone sit out their entire play session. With those reasons I picked an hour.