>mfw Captain "post your past notes anytime you voice your opinion to try to discredit you and show how bad you are" Sawrge destroys an entire station in a literal, unironic hissyfit over CATPEOPLE
i needed this. hot damn.
cedarbridge wrote:This thread sucks.
Administrative decisions are final. This also regards administrative decisions regarding parts of the administration by the headmins. You can be upset about this, but given that 1) the ruling has been made 2) you have literally no standing to make this complaint in the first place 3) the remaining content of this thread is devolving into an endless "but more" discussion that we got all too used to seeing in Ban Requests, its probably time to close this thread.
nigga what? i know you're a conceited child, cedar, but even you gotta realize that this is an incredibly assinine thing to say. administrative decisions are final? setting aside the HG "DIVISION IS ABSOLUTE"-tier argument, why would we have note appeals or policy discussions if this were true? its been said before many times, and the point stands: if a player had done this, it would be a month ban ABSOLUTE minimum, more than likely a perma. the fact that an admin did this yet only gets two days for it is LESS than a slap on the wrist, and just goes to show how admins tend to bend rules for other admins, or at the very least show choice behavior for them.
the sheer amount of arrogance in this single post is frankly pretty amazing, i gotta say.
Arianya wrote:While what sawrge did was wrong, it was by no means mean-spirited or malicious
>destroying the station and all the 60+ players in it in response to a joke
>not mean spirited
thats some olympic-tier mental gymnastics there. what oranges did was little more than a prank that was easily found false/revertible, but sawrge responding the way he did went way beyond acceptable retaliation. if you wanna talk about falling from high horses, talk about sawrge's generalized attitude vs this incident.
overall i firmly believe sawrge should get at LEAST a month vacation, if not deadminned outright. even if he apologized, which i admit was a good thing to do, does not erase the fact of what he did. this is absolutely unacceptable.