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Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:22 am
by PKPenguin321

Bottom post of the previous page:

DemonFiren wrote:
Xhuis wrote:Remove arm blade from botanist changelings. Give them a grass blade instead. While active, it replaces floor tiles below them with grass tiles, and when you hit someone, it injects 100 units of space drugs into them.
Only if the Cap gets to grow an arm-whip.
And the Warden gets an armchair.
and the detective gets a hand-gun

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 6:26 pm
by Loonikus
Hardcurity is a total security overhaul that seeks to make security a harder and more realistic job. Hardcurity is not for pussies or faggots, if you wanna make it in hardcurity you better MAN THE FUCK UP BECAUSE YOUR GONNA BE SHOOTING SHITHEADS IN THE FUCKING FACE. Now lets cover exactly what hardcurity changes.

Security Gear Changes
-Tasers go back to being instant stun weapons, and also inflict 100 stamina damage on hit. However, their ammunition capacity is reduced to 1. Getting shocked hurts motherfucker.

-All security officers start with a lethal semi-automatic handgun as well as their taser. They are functionally the same as the Stetchkin pistol but have a different sprite. You might actually not want to resist arrest because THEY WILL FUCKING SHOOT YOUR BITCH ASS.

-Security belts are renamed to Duty Belts. Using special snowflake coding, they can hold a taser and a handgun, but only one of each. They also have a few more slots for carrying your cuffs, flashes, spray, and ammo.

-Stun Batons have been replaced with extendable batons

-The brig comes with a Security Van (its really more of a golf cart but TACTICOOL) It can hold the driver and two people buckled in the two back seats, be they prisoners or more officers. Comes with a FUCKING SIREN TO LET FAGS KNOW THE PO-PO ARE COMIN'.

-Security Gas Masks now play voice commands ripped directly from SWAT 4.

-All security staff (and only security staff) start with new Security Implants. Security Implants do everything loyalty implants do but also make your Disarm Intent always knock people down. Also, disarming someone on the ground would make you dogpile on top of them, making them have to try and resist out of it. Multiple officers can dogpile on one perp for MAXIMUM JUSTICE!

Job Changes

-The lawyers have been removed for being useless fuck who are NOT HARD ENOUGH FOR HARDCURITY.

-The lawyers office has been replaced with a second Detectives office

-There is now a second detectives slot

-Detectives spawn in their own offices and have their own styles. The current detective is a Cole Phelps style noir detective who is just trying to do the right thing in a station full of wrongs. The other, new detective is a loose cannon cop who doesn't play by the rules but gets the results the department needs, fueled only by hard liquor and an even greater thirst for justice.

-The Warden has access to a new computer that acts similar to the AIs vox system. This one can only be heard by people with Security Headsets, has different word choices, and sounds like actual police dispatch SO THAT MAYBE SOMEONE WILL ACTUALLY RESPOND TO A CRIME IN PROGRESS WITHOUT 10,000 SHOUTS OF "WAIT, WHATS GOING ON?"

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 6:56 pm
by Saegrimr
Loonikus wrote:
This sounds like the right thread and the wrong thread at the same time.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 9:24 pm
by DemonFiren
Some of this is actually not shit.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 10:17 pm
by Screemonster
PKPenguin321 wrote:
DemonFiren wrote:
Xhuis wrote:Remove arm blade from botanist changelings. Give them a grass blade instead. While active, it replaces floor tiles below them with grass tiles, and when you hit someone, it injects 100 units of space drugs into them.
Only if the Cap gets to grow an arm-whip.
And the Warden gets an armchair.
and the detective gets a hand-gun
Long live the new flesh

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 2:20 am
by Jacough
Syndicate cyberpunk bundle: comes with everything seen here, including a wig to match the hair: Image

Warning: wearing the wig makes your character blurt out 80s and 90s slang and refer to the AI as "the mainframe"

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:08 am
by miggles
Saegrimr wrote:Salting a faggot then eating it lets you send a single line of text to deadchat.
but everything you say is already sent to deadchat

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 5:02 am
by Jacough
miggles wrote:
Saegrimr wrote:Salting a faggot then eating it lets you send a single line of text to deadchat.
but everything you say is already sent to deadchat
Make it that I'd you do it with a player faggot you can send one message to that player that shows up in HUGE letters and then they can send one message back. Perfect for making that filthy ling scum you just gibbed cry like the little girl he is

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 5:14 am
by Jacough
Violaceus wrote:
Jacough wrote: and then they can send one message back
And how that would work with multiple ghosts...
By not looking too much into a shitty idea in a thread for shitty ideas?

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 7:06 am
by Loonikus
Please add more gameplay videos, memes, fresh comedy gold, and Gmod.

Thank you.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 5:06 pm
by FredNodoor
Nanotrasen Vs Syndie Engine

A syndie ship figured out how to bluespace and can teleport various monsters in the ship! There will be many lings, traitors, golems, goliaths, xenos, and more headed your way.

Every round they will give you part of a escape shuttle (6 parts total)

Nanotrasen Wins if...

1. Escape (Complete all 6 rounds)
2. Find where this ship is and destroy the host (its very far out and very small, but with shittons of defense, so good luck)
3. Survive unti help arrives (Hardest, CentComm wont want anything with this, but if it goes long enough, help will arrive)

Syndie wins if...

1. Round fails from nuke blast
2. No survivors and nuke is still there
3. Malf AI round overtakes the station

This will test your robustness to the maximum, good luck crew.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 8:19 am
by Balut
Asteroid pirates as a random event spawn. Basically GHETTO NUKE OPS, whose goal is to steal plasma sheets, gold, tech, maybe air and food. Give them a couple of the regular spacesuits, an assortment of crap guns - lots of makeshift ones, a couple tasers, an e-gun or two, some unsilenced stetchkins, a double-barrel, etc - nades, and crappy melee weapons, with like maybe one fire axe or something. Give 'em several toolbelts+multitools for hacking open airlocks, make them have like 7-8 guys instead of the usual 5, and instead of making them EVA through space to attack the station, give them several tiny shuttles that they can dock at the various airlocks around the station - arrivals, escape, and the EVA airlocks, which requires a password to control, and can be called to the various landing zones via PDA.

No advanced gear like emags. No armor because fuck you I guess. SPEEDRAIDS ONLY. FINAL DESTINATION.

"Yar har, we'll kick your ass, rape your lass, asteroid pirates we"

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 9:29 am
by Screemonster
Add a button to the player panel that allows admins to transform a player into a pillar of salt.

e: make a wizard spell for it too

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:30 am
by DemonFiren
Balut wrote:Asteroid pirates as a random event spawn. Basically GHETTO NUKE OPS, whose goal is to steal plasma sheets, gold, tech, maybe air and food. Give them a couple of the regular spacesuits, an assortment of crap guns - lots of makeshift ones, a couple tasers, an e-gun or two, some unsilenced stetchkins, a double-barrel, etc - nades, and crappy melee weapons, with like maybe one fire axe or something. Give 'em several toolbelts+multitools for hacking open airlocks, make them have like 7-8 guys instead of the usual 5, and instead of making them EVA through space to attack the station, give them several tiny shuttles that they can dock at the various airlocks around the station - arrivals, escape, and the EVA airlocks, which requires a password to control, and can be called to the various landing zones via PDA.

No advanced gear like emags. No armor because fuck you I guess. SPEEDRAIDS ONLY. FINAL DESTINATION.

"Yar har, we'll kick your ass, rape your lass, asteroid pirates we"
So, like Bay's Vox, except with less bird?

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 5:54 pm
by Cheimon
Balut wrote:Asteroid pirates as a random event spawn. Basically GHETTO NUKE OPS, whose goal is to steal plasma sheets, gold, tech, maybe air and food. Give them a couple of the regular spacesuits, an assortment of crap guns - lots of makeshift ones, a couple tasers, an e-gun or two, some unsilenced stetchkins, a double-barrel, etc - nades, and crappy melee weapons, with like maybe one fire axe or something. Give 'em several toolbelts+multitools for hacking open airlocks, make them have like 7-8 guys instead of the usual 5, and instead of making them EVA through space to attack the station, give them several tiny shuttles that they can dock at the various airlocks around the station - arrivals, escape, and the EVA airlocks, which requires a password to control, and can be called to the various landing zones via PDA.

No advanced gear like emags. No armor because fuck you I guess. SPEEDRAIDS ONLY. FINAL DESTINATION.

"Yar har, we'll kick your ass, rape your lass, asteroid pirates we"
Wrong thread. Tone down the stunners a bit and you've got a fun set of new antags! So long as you can control them to actually raid and not just go murderbone.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 12:27 am
by Balut
Obv reward returning loot to their main shuttle via points to buy cooler guns/gear or something.

Could probably have it as a little cargo elevator dealie jury-rigging the Mining points system thing.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 3:49 am
by specyalic
putting a shotgun on ians back turns him into guncorgi and blasts anyone who insists that gun ownership is a crime

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 6:10 am
by PKPenguin321
Loonikus wrote:
Hardcurity is a total security overhaul that seeks to make security a harder and more realistic job. Hardcurity is not for pussies or faggots, if you wanna make it in hardcurity you better MAN THE FUCK UP BECAUSE YOUR GONNA BE SHOOTING SHITHEADS IN THE FUCKING FACE. Now lets cover exactly what hardcurity changes.

Security Gear Changes
-Tasers go back to being instant stun weapons, and also inflict 100 stamina damage on hit. However, their ammunition capacity is reduced to 1. Getting shocked hurts motherfucker.

-All security officers start with a lethal semi-automatic handgun as well as their taser. They are functionally the same as the Stetchkin pistol but have a different sprite. You might actually not want to resist arrest because THEY WILL FUCKING SHOOT YOUR BITCH ASS.

-Security belts are renamed to Duty Belts. Using special snowflake coding, they can hold a taser and a handgun, but only one of each. They also have a few more slots for carrying your cuffs, flashes, spray, and ammo.

-Stun Batons have been replaced with extendable batons

-The brig comes with a Security Van (its really more of a golf cart but TACTICOOL) It can hold the driver and two people buckled in the two back seats, be they prisoners or more officers. Comes with a FUCKING SIREN TO LET FAGS KNOW THE PO-PO ARE COMIN'.

-Security Gas Masks now play voice commands ripped directly from SWAT 4.

-All security staff (and only security staff) start with new Security Implants. Security Implants do everything loyalty implants do but also make your Disarm Intent always knock people down. Also, disarming someone on the ground would make you dogpile on top of them, making them have to try and resist out of it. Multiple officers can dogpile on one perp for MAXIMUM JUSTICE!

Job Changes

-The lawyers have been removed for being useless fuck who are NOT HARD ENOUGH FOR HARDCURITY.

-The lawyers office has been replaced with a second Detectives office

-There is now a second detectives slot

-Detectives spawn in their own offices and have their own styles. The current detective is a Cole Phelps style noir detective who is just trying to do the right thing in a station full of wrongs. The other, new detective is a loose cannon cop who doesn't play by the rules but gets the results the department needs, fueled only by hard liquor and an even greater thirst for justice.

-The Warden has access to a new computer that acts similar to the AIs vox system. This one can only be heard by people with Security Headsets, has different word choices, and sounds like actual police dispatch SO THAT MAYBE SOMEONE WILL ACTUALLY RESPOND TO A CRIME IN PROGRESS WITHOUT 10,000 SHOUTS OF "WAIT, WHATS GOING ON?"





Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 6:37 am
by Balut
Speaking of, can we get helmets with police lights on top?

And can we get hat slots for monkies.

And can we make an alt-reskin of rev that has antagmonkies.

And can that mode just be

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:09 pm
by Miauw
hat slots for monkeys really needs to happen tbh.
it works for drones so i dont see why it shouldnt work for monkeys.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 12:02 am
by PKPenguin321
Miauw wrote:hat slots for monkeys really needs to happen tbh.
it works for drones so i dont see why it shouldnt work for monkeys.
wrong thread you nerd
that is the best idea

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:01 am
by Balut
Y'all fuckers don't know how much I want top hat monkies.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:43 pm
by Miauw
PKPenguin321 wrote:
Miauw wrote:hat slots for monkeys really needs to happen tbh.
it works for drones so i dont see why it shouldnt work for monkeys.
wrong thread you nerd
that is the best idea
yeah i know

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 11:11 pm
by Cheimon
Forget Tajarans and Greys. Let's have Skaven as a roundstart race.

-Immune (ish) to a bunch of annoying disease effects, but still spread it really well

-Get slowed down a lot if you splash a bucket of water into their fur

-Have disgusting tails that drag along the floor behind them

-Communicate with other rats in squeaky language

-Good roleplay for your feral assistant pack in maintenance

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 11:25 pm
by Remie Richards
Balut wrote:Speaking of, can we get helmets with police lights on top?

And can we get hat slots for monkies.

And can we make an alt-reskin of rev that has antagmonkies.

And can that mode just be

Ape escape one is burned, literally burned into my core as a game I remember playing, loving, but ultimately never finishing.
I'd stay up till like 4 in the morning (As a really young child!) on my old PS1 just to play ape escape.

so why the hell was this not one of the first games I emulated? Thanks for the accidental reminder!

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 6:04 pm
by Miauw
everybody needs to play their youth classics every now and then.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 7:20 pm
by Balut

This area was my favorite. I spent like inordinate amounts of time just chilling out on the beach, man.


Hey, since I'm doing oldass vidya already, how about being able to build a mech with a shitload of pipes from Atmos, some carp fillets and gold coins to create Gigantic Robot "Impact"?


Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 4:16 pm
by Drynwyn
Cheimon wrote:Forget Tajarans and Greys. Let's have Skaven as a roundstart race.

-Immune (ish) to a bunch of annoying disease effects, but still spread it really well

-Get slowed down a lot if you splash a bucket of water into their fur

-Have disgusting tails that drag along the floor behind them

-Communicate with other rats in squeaky language

-Good roleplay for your feral assistant pack in maintenance
wrong thread
rat men are awesome

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 6:53 pm
by Shadowlight213
Robotocists who use a rename module on a borg without changing it from default name should immediately receive a large amount of brain damage.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 8:35 pm
by Loonikus

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 12:09 pm
by Miauw
palpatine213 wrote:Robotocists who use a rename module on a borg without changing it from default name should immediately receive a large amount of brain damage.
i was in that round yesterday.
i gave the roboticists a default trophy.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:12 am
by Balut
Clown should totally get Innocent and Trickster costumes.


Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:28 am
by Not-Dorsidarf
Miauw wrote:
palpatine213 wrote:Robotocists who use a rename module on a borg without changing it from default name should immediately receive a large amount of brain damage.
i was in that round yesterday.
i gave the roboticists a default trophy.
I felt so proud when I noticed you did that. :ai:

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:19 am
by Gun Hog
Add Creepers as a mining mob! Resprite and rename them as living gibtonite mobs, which drop full strength gibtonite upon death. Like Creepers, they silently approach miners, hiss, then EXPLODE!!! Miners must kill them at range or whack them dead before they explode. A miner can get a Creeper to cancel its timer by moving out of its explosion radius.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:19 am
by DemonFiren
The explosion radius of gibtonite is fuckhuge.


Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 1:42 am
by Riley
Chaplain should be able to destroy cult paraphernalia with his null rod - soul stones, shells, tomes, combat gear, runes, etc.

This 'charges' his null rod for an amount varying by the item's 'value' (runes having low value, with cult blades/robes and construct shells at the upper end).

After reaching a high enough charge, the null rod transforms into a sword - perhaps retractable? - basically a holy version of the cult blade that can only be wielded by the Chaplain, or maybe anyone sufficiently drunk on holy water without being a cultist.

I just want to be a paladin.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 2:05 am
by Saegrimr
Riley wrote:Image

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 12:50 pm
by DemonFiren
Then give the Chaplain a Smite Evil ability that works on every and any kind of antag.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 11:24 pm
by Balut
If we want paladin-chaplains, obviously we need to give Chaplains the ability to play a MIDI of Man of La Mancha. ... ixote.html

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 11:36 am
by DemonFiren
We need both ERP verbs and space-khajiit.

So that anyone sticking their hands down a tomcat's pants takes brute damage on the active arm.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:24 pm
by AnonymousNow
The clown needs a pie cannon and the librarian needs a book-stocking mech.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:26 pm
by DemonFiren
The Librarian needs origami knives doing esword damage.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 11:17 am
by 420weedscopes
well i made origami and papercraft but nobody coded it so

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 11:26 am
by Allohsnackbar
Riley wrote:Chaplain should be able to destroy cult paraphernalia with his null rod - soul stones, shells, tomes, combat gear, runes, etc.

This 'charges' his null rod for an amount varying by the item's 'value' (runes having low value, with cult blades/robes and construct shells at the upper end).

After reaching a high enough charge, the null rod transforms into a sword - perhaps retractable? - basically a holy version of the cult blade that can only be wielded by the Chaplain, or maybe anyone sufficiently drunk on holy water without being a cultist.

I just want to be a paladin.
Wrong thread, this is actually a good suggestion.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 5:30 am
by Jacough
Give the clown a new weapon for his arsenal of comic antics: glue bottle. The glue bottle has 30 uses and more can be ordered from cargo or found spawned randomly in maint lockers. When applied to an object it makes it sticky. If someone picks up a sticky object it gets stuck to their hand and if they try to drop it there's a 10 second delay while they try to get it off their hand. When mixed with napalm or whatever and applied to an object it fuses the object to a person's hand when picked up, inflicting burn damage to the affected limb and can only be removed with a sharp object like a knife or an axe, inflicting brute damage. Incendiary glue is a traitor objective because let's face it, why wouldn't the syndicate want to weaponize such a horrifying substance?

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 8:36 am
by Balut
Implement a portable minimoog keytar that is also a laser gun.

Also a 'horse' cyborg module.

Alsoalso a sheriff badge/medal.


Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 9:35 pm
by Xhuis
Jacough wrote:Give the clown a new weapon for his arsenal of comic antics: glue bottle. The glue bottle has 30 uses and more can be ordered from cargo or found spawned randomly in maint lockers. When applied to an object it makes it sticky. If someone picks up a sticky object it gets stuck to their hand and if they try to drop it there's a 10 second delay while they try to get it off their hand. When mixed with napalm or whatever and applied to an object it fuses the object to a person's hand when picked up, inflicting burn damage to the affected limb and can only be removed with a sharp object like a knife or an axe, inflicting brute damage. Incendiary glue is a traitor objective because let's face it, why wouldn't the syndicate want to weaponize such a horrifying substance?
I guess you could say that would cause

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 10:00 pm
by AnonymousNow
Given about 2 1/2 times the amount of uninterrupted strangletime as simple absorption, advanced absorption can allow a changeling to completely absorb a body, leaving no corpse and even assimilating things like loyalty implants and bionic limbs.
It does, however, fill your hunger meter to maximum, and there's a small chance of something the deceased says rattling around in the back of your mind every so often.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:57 am
by Tokiko2
Allow fire to spread from one person/monkey to others through physical contact. Hugging, pulling, bumping into, grabbing, disarming or even punching spreads the fire.

Expand 20 monkeycubes in the halls, set one monkey on fire and then watch the chaos unfold as people accidently bump into them. Or ignite yourself while wearing a firesuit so you can punch people to light them on fire.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 6:53 pm
by Drynwyn
Actually, at the very least, grabbing someone who is on fire should probably cause burn damage.


Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:39 pm
by Superneji
Putting on a spacesuit takes 20 minutes of real time, you can choose to put in on quickly in just 5 minutes, but with a 1% chance per tick of it becoming unsealed in space, killing you.
This will add to my emulsions