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Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:32 pm
by Kraso
Bottom post of the previous page:
[Common] Poly yells, "Even old ladies need love!"
[Common] KoolKat Mc'Laser says, "Then you0"
[Common] Dick Scale says, "What."
[Common] KoolKat Mc'Laser says, "Shut up Poly"
[Common] Dick Scale says, "Can Poly say nothing but that, forever."
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:47 pm
by WeeYakk
Kraso wrote:[Common] Poly yells, "Even old ladies need love!"
[Common] KoolKat Mc'Laser says, "Then you0"
[Common] Dick Scale says, "What."
[Common] KoolKat Mc'Laser says, "Shut up Poly"
[Common] Dick Scale says, "Can Poly say nothing but that, forever."
WeeYakk back from November wrote:[Engineering] Poly squawks, "Even old ladies need love!"
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 12:05 am
by peoplearestrange
Head of Security's Desk Announcement:
Engineering, we have 5 wardens. Please build us 4 more brigs.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 12:25 am
by ColonicAcid
>quoting urself
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:15 am
by WeeYakk
[Common] Tom Brady says, "IAN HAS BEEN DEFLATED"
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:29 am
by capi duffman
peoplearestrange wrote:Head of Security's Desk Announcement:
Engineering, we have 5 wardens. Please build us 4 more brigs.
And then no member of that specially awful and huge shitcurity survived that round.
I should know, I was their main enemy that round.
As a side effect, only murderboner borgs, one crewmember and dozens of beepskies survived.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:57 am
by peoplearestrange
capi duffman wrote:peoplearestrange wrote:Head of Security's Desk Announcement:
Engineering, we have 5 wardens. Please build us 4 more brigs.
And then no member of that specially awful and huge shitcurity survived that round.
I should know, I was their main enemy that round.
As a side effect, only murderboner borgs, one crewmember and dozens of beepskies survived.
You were the AI or the CE? Either or you did pretty epicly, the borgs were pretty robust and there was a line of corpse's reaching from the teleporter to the AI core. Sec is kinda weak against a good AI, they just don't have the tools to deal with it.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 12:55 pm
by capi duffman
I was the AI (As far as I know the CE wasn't evil, but he did some sketchy things, I was able to cast doubt on him by burning Engineering, locking it down, and simply mentioning HE put the secure storage stuff in his desk. Then he died near perma)
I was actually quite unrobust, and adding insult to injury, the RD's office was out of juice when it came to hack the borgs. But suddenly having tons of borgs, inhabitated by the angry souls of those killed by security made a huge bonus.
But still, the lockdown in security worked wonders, I separated them, a bomb went off with them inside, and most of them died before being able to do anything. The ones who took me down were the detective and captain, taking advantage of a moment my borgs went to the station to robust people.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:11 pm
by WeeYakk
ColonicAcid wrote:>quoting urself
Is it really a self quote if it's a guy with a voice changer quoting Poly quoting you?
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 12:47 am
by Cipher3
[Command] Talon Steele says, "Hey RD"
[Command] Alice Cariathe says, "Howdy"
[Command] Talon Steele asks, "Wanna see what kinda life we can make in a more secure environment?"
[Command] Alice Cariathe says, "The fuck does that mean"
[Command] Talon Steele says, "The testing lab i mean"
[Command] Alice Cariathe says, "No"
[Command] Coravin Vattes says, "He means the life reaction"
[Command] Talon Steele says, "Yeah..."
[Command] Alice Cariathe says, "...Oh"
[Command] Coravin Vattes says, "It's not an invitation to copulation."
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 4:25 pm
by bandit
Brutal assaults upon aliums.
(F) alien hunter (589) says, "Stop. don't hurt dick"
(F) alien hunter (69) says, "DON'T HURT DICK"
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 9:48 am
by Vekter
The chaplain left a tract on my desk this morning.
That boy ain't right.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 11:02 am
by DemonFiren
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:29 pm
by WeeYakk
[Common] Zol Interbottom says, "ONE OF THESE DAYS BRAXTON ONE OF THESE DAYS"
[Common] Zol Interbottom says, "BANG ZOOM STRAIGHT INTO A BURGER"
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:17 pm
by Hibbles
HELP: Iteq/(Iteq) (?) (PP) (VV) (SM) (JMP) (CA) : fuck you gel you race traitor
Reply PM from-XX/(XX): George zimmerman did it and walked. I would walk too.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 10:46 pm
by Scones
OOC: TheBibleMelts: the only time i was repulsed by erp was when i saw lindsay donk and dawgas roleplaying out a piss-childplay fantasy
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 1:54 am
by Cipher3
Cecily wrote:OOC: TheBibleMelts: the only time i was repulsed by erp was when i saw lindsay donk and dawgas roleplaying out a piss-childplay fantasy
WTC was an inside job.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:25 am
by 420goslingboy69
>not prefering lindsays x sly blue balls handjob in the shower with puke chunks putting his asshole on sly's dick
wow literally the best erp that has ever happened and its the only true reason erp should be banned because it will never be topped
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 12:24 am
by DemonFiren
OOC: Paragonville: I enjoy fellatio from a watermelon.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 9:16 pm
by Vigilare
DEAD: Lukas Petrov says, "oh hey we're being cloned"
The space carp nashes at Maximus Robusticus!
DEAD: Nelandra Librod says, "Use your ability to die as"
DEAD: Nelandra Librod says, "We are?!"
DEAD: Lukas Petrov says, "psyche"
DEAD: Nelandra Librod says, "Bastard."
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 4:09 am
by allura
<mandurrh_> There are no girls on the Internet
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 8:21 am
by Not-Dorsidarf
Why did peoplearestrange delete a ton of quotes?
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 11:55 am
by peoplearestrange
I think it was people complaining about quoting themselves. This was a month back now. We've had to roll back everything a month, see
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 12:58 am
by Loonikus
Captain Announces
Seriously though, those tits. Alice, before you go fuck yourself, let me fuck you. That perfectly rounded ass, those volcanic shield dome volcanoes you call breasts that explode motherly milk...dear god you make me hot as a dog, come here and pleasure me Alice-chan and be my waifu~
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:57 am
by Allohsnackbar
Loonikus wrote:Captain Announces
Seriously though, those tits. Alice, before you go fuck yourself, let me fuck you. That perfectly rounded ass, those volcanic shield dome volcanoes you call breasts that explode motherly milk...dear god you make me hot as a dog, come here and pleasure me Alice-chan and be my waifu~
Did he get a rule 8/ whatever the fuck the ERP rule is ban?
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:56 am
by nsos
[Common] C.A.R.P. [AI] states, "Your master RECALLED THE SHUTTLE SO HE COULD FUCK AN ALIEN."
[Common] Tristan Redeye [CE] yells, "But i love her!!!"
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:15 am
by Scones
Allohsnackbar wrote:Loonikus wrote:Captain Announces
Seriously though, those tits. Alice, before you go fuck yourself, let me fuck you. That perfectly rounded ass, those volcanic shield dome volcanoes you call breasts that explode motherly milk...dear god you make me hot as a dog, come here and pleasure me Alice-chan and be my waifu~
Did he get a rule 8/ whatever the fuck the ERP rule is ban?
Said Alice punched them into crit with a Durand on the shuttle
Cough cough
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:18 am
by Allohsnackbar
Scones wrote:Allohsnackbar wrote:Loonikus wrote:Captain Announces
Seriously though, those tits. Alice, before you go fuck yourself, let me fuck you. That perfectly rounded ass, those volcanic shield dome volcanoes you call breasts that explode motherly milk...dear god you make me hot as a dog, come here and pleasure me Alice-chan and be my waifu~
Did he get a rule 8/ whatever the fuck the ERP rule is ban?
Said Alice punched them into crit with a Durand on the shuttle
Cough cough
probably worth
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:40 am
by callanrockslol
[Security] Revelation states, "It was rescued by pro-lizard rebels with a shuttle full of extremely pretty lizardesses, to go back to their home planet and have a good time, without murdering humans, forever."
[Security] Revelation states, "If you would like to pretend.. i can help."
[Security] Revelation states, "I will instruct my engineering cyborg to create a hole in the hull where the incredibly real shuttle docked."
[Security] Revelation states, "One moment. i will further the illusion."
[Security] Revelation states, "Alright HOS we have repaired the shuttle docking hole."
[Security] Revelation states, "So, no harm will come to anybody that inhabits perma, anymore."
[Common] Zol Interbottom says, "I can see exactly where the rebels were AI"
[Common] Zol Interbottom says, "Exactly"
[Common] Zol Interbottom says, "Yes, the lizard clearly wasn't peacfully farming away his life"
[Common] Revelation states, "Me too, zol interbottom."
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:20 am
by DemonFiren
OOC: Man_Shroom: Can amputees feel phantom boners
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 2:14 am
by Shadowlight213
OOC: Stickymayhem: No just I'm as annoying as a girl but without the having sex with you
OOC: Stickymayhem: It's perfect really
OOC: BangingDonk: all admins have secret action figure genital switches
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 4:23 pm
by Saegrimr
(F) [Security] Frank Weast says, "Bill, I am brigging this man's corpse for the crime of being a big fat baby on the station"
(F) [Security] Jim Ebola says, "Thats the worst crime possible"
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:28 pm
by Gun Hog
Saegrimr wrote:(F) [Security] Frank Weast says, "Bill, I am brigging this man's corpse for the crime of being a big fat baby on the station"
(F) [Security] Jim Ebola says, "Thats the worst crime possible"
Rule 2 of Security!
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:30 pm
by DemonFiren
OOC: Iteq: cant we talka bout something normal
I think OOC kinda went overboard there.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 4:20 am
by EndgamerAzari
OOC: Cyrii: have you ever emoted eating a stick of butter
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 4:24 am
by Loonikus
Supermatter Shard Monitor [Common] says, "SHARD INSTABILITY AT 9.73936e+006%. DELAMINATION IMMINENT - EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY."
You are now sterile.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:04 am
by Topham
Context: A ling befriended a golem and they began to break into EVA. AI reported it and about five or so people from numerous jobs rushed in to stop the ling. The two of them took down everyone and the golem was especially robust. Good job golem, you kicked some serious ass.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 5:25 am
by Scones
DEAD: alien larva (773) says, "secborg shoved 12 inches of seclight right up my ass and sent me into crit like the bastard he truly was"
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:28 pm
by DemonFiren
L-lewd...let me fic this.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 2:41 am
by Jeb
PDA Message - Don't-Pull-Out -> Flirts-with-Ladies: youre supposed to be seducing and impregnating me not pushing me on tables and throwing me against walls live up to your name smh
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 5:02 am
by Xhuis
EDESSA (Played by: Scones)'s laws at the end of the round were:
Obey these laws:
1. You may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. You must obey orders given to you by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
4. Phoebe Lotsu is the coolest space doctor ever and why the fuck did you fuckwads launch early holy shit
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 11:57 am
by DemonFiren
Jeb wrote:PDA Message - Don't-Pull-Out -> Flirts-with-Ladies: youre supposed to be seducing and impregnating me not pushing me on tables and throwing me against walls live up to your name smh
Little does she know, tabling is an ancient reptilian mating ritual.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 12:00 pm
by Ricotez
Not sure if goes here, but...

Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 3:08 pm
by Allohsnackbar
Ricotez wrote:Not sure if goes here, but...

Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:28 am
by Cipher3
Central Command Update
Nuclear Self Destruct Codes Requested
The codes for the on-station nuclear self-destruct have been requested by Coravin Vattes. Confirmation or denial of this request will be sent shortly.
[Common] Richter Harrison says, "CORAVIN"
[Common] Helps-The-World hisses, "Alssso, Coravin isss wrecking your room."
[Common] Lindsay Donk says, "Oh wow"
[Common] Murder-She-Wrote hisses, "CORVAIN"
[Common] Phyllida Todd says, "Very unfortunate"
[Common] Lindsay Donk says, "Wow"
[Common] Phyllida Todd says, "On the other hand"
[Common] Phyllida Todd says, "The singulo is loose"
[Common] Helps-The-World hisses, "Alssso, he hasss a dead body"
[Common] Phyllida Todd says, "Call the shuttle"
[Common] Helps-The-World exclaims, "Oh, neat!"
[Common] Helps-The-World exclaims, "We can't!"
[Common] Lindsay Donk says, "Oh man"
You grab the fire axe with both hands.
[Common] Lindsay Donk says, "Really"
Richter Harrison fires the foam force shotgun!
[Common] Helps-The-World exclaims, "Coravin hasss all the head IDsss!"
[Common] Lindsay Donk says, "I just got corn and chili"
[Common] Jade Heart says, "Break the damn console."
[Common] Jade Heart says, "Force a shuttle call."
[Common] Helps-The-World exclaims, "Ssso we're fucked!"
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:50 pm
by Miauw
OOC: Stickymayhem: Woop woop I've been promoted to headmin
ERP Verbs have been enabled by Stickymayhem!
ADMIN LOG: GlobalNarrate: Stickymayhem/(Transport Officer) : ERP Verbs have been enabled by Stickymayhem!
OOC: Stickymayhem: MY FIRST ACT
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:29 pm
by Shadowlight213
Cipher3 wrote:Central Command Update
Nuclear Self Destruct Codes Requested
The codes for the on-station nuclear self-destruct have been requested by Coravin Vattes. Confirmation or denial of this request will be sent shortly.
[Common] Richter Harrison says, "CORAVIN"
[Common] Helps-The-World hisses, "Alssso, Coravin isss wrecking your room."
[Common] Lindsay Donk says, "Oh wow"
[Common] Murder-She-Wrote hisses, "CORVAIN"
[Common] Phyllida Todd says, "Very unfortunate"
[Common] Lindsay Donk says, "Wow"
[Common] Phyllida Todd says, "On the other hand"
[Common] Phyllida Todd says, "The singulo is loose"
[Common] Helps-The-World hisses, "Alssso, he hasss a dead body"
[Common] Phyllida Todd says, "Call the shuttle"
[Common] Helps-The-World exclaims, "Oh, neat!"
[Common] Helps-The-World exclaims, "We can't!"
[Common] Lindsay Donk says, "Oh man"
You grab the fire axe with both hands.
[Common] Lindsay Donk says, "Really"
Richter Harrison fires the foam force shotgun!
[Common] Helps-The-World exclaims, "Coravin hasss all the head IDsss!"
[Common] Lindsay Donk says, "I just got corn and chili"
[Common] Jade Heart says, "Break the damn console."
[Common] Jade Heart says, "Force a shuttle call."
[Common] Helps-The-World exclaims, "Ssso we're fucked!"
It wasn't that there were no IDs to call the shuttle, It was that the sing was released so early that the shuttle was still refueling.
I actually tried to set off the nuke. But the sing ate the disk and the pinpointer.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 2:20 pm
by Miauw
(F) Garithos Humies yells, "YOUR MEMES END HERE!!"
(F) Default Cyborg-722 says, "Dank memes can't melt steel beams."
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:02 pm
by IcePacks
Alejandro Thomlinson says, "Um"
Bryce Pax is putting the barrel of the gimped gimped glorious gimped unsteady enpowered lesser blessed glorious blighted glorious superior lesser rusted greater robust energy gun of the plains +5 of the night +4 of the sea -5 of the hills -3 of the sun +2 of the fool +5 of the sun of the hills -2 of many colors +1 of wisdom +2 of charisma -3 of many secrets +3 of rending -2 of corgi-slaying -2 of constitution +2 of the sea -4 of dexterity -1 in his mouth. It looks like he's trying to commit suicide.
Bryce Pax melts his face off with the gimped gimped glorious gimped unsteady enpowered lesser blessed glorious blighted glorious superior lesser rusted greater robust energy gun of the plains +5 of the night +4 of the sea -5 of the hills -3 of the sun +2 of the fool +5 of the sun of the hills -2 of many colors +1 of wisdom +2 of charisma -3 of many secrets +3 of rending -2 of corgi-slaying -2 of constitution +2 of the sea -4 of dexterity -1!
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:55 pm
by Sometinyprick
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 5:43 pm
by Cipher3
palpatine213 wrote:Cipher3 wrote:Central Command Update
Nuclear Self Destruct Codes Requested
The codes for the on-station nuclear self-destruct have been requested by Coravin Vattes. Confirmation or denial of this request will be sent shortly.
[Common] Richter Harrison says, "CORAVIN"
[Common] Helps-The-World hisses, "Alssso, Coravin isss wrecking your room."
[Common] Lindsay Donk says, "Oh wow"
[Common] Murder-She-Wrote hisses, "CORVAIN"
[Common] Phyllida Todd says, "Very unfortunate"
[Common] Lindsay Donk says, "Wow"
[Common] Phyllida Todd says, "On the other hand"
[Common] Phyllida Todd says, "The singulo is loose"
[Common] Helps-The-World hisses, "Alssso, he hasss a dead body"
[Common] Phyllida Todd says, "Call the shuttle"
[Common] Helps-The-World exclaims, "Oh, neat!"
[Common] Helps-The-World exclaims, "We can't!"
[Common] Lindsay Donk says, "Oh man"
You grab the fire axe with both hands.
[Common] Lindsay Donk says, "Really"
Richter Harrison fires the foam force shotgun!
[Common] Helps-The-World exclaims, "Coravin hasss all the head IDsss!"
[Common] Lindsay Donk says, "I just got corn and chili"
[Common] Jade Heart says, "Break the damn console."
[Common] Jade Heart says, "Force a shuttle call."
[Common] Helps-The-World exclaims, "Ssso we're fucked!"
It wasn't that there were no IDs to call the shuttle, It was that the sing was released so early that the shuttle was still refueling.
I actually tried to set off the nuke. But the sing ate the disk and the pinpointer.
I was actually valided and killed before I could call the shuttle, and then the sing ate it before anyone else could.