Re: Lavaland
Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 2:08 am
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Accelerators 2 shot ashwalkers its kinda bullshit. If you got an asshole miner they can easily kill youBottom post of the previous page:
Accelerators 2 shot ashwalkers its kinda bullshit. If you got an asshole miner they can easily kill youI was the one who tried to bomb youMMMiracles wrote:Ashwalkers aren't even that hard to kill unless they someone manage to land like 3 spear embeds in a row.
Ran into what was a ransacked survival capsule with blood and a supply headset, the nest was like 10-15 tiles to the east of it. Ashwalkers ended up coming back to gather the rest of the loot and it essentially ended with one of them trying to suicide bomb me with gibtonite I had mined earlier while the others chucked spears. Shit got pretty intense as I got knocked down by a spear and was saved solely by 2 goliaths who roamed into the battle and managed to pull the heat off me.
Pushed them back and killed the tendril, was probably one of the more memorable PvP moments in this game that wasn't solely from shit like rev/gang murder. Was actually pretty fun, would fight off ash liggers again.
hahahahaha!!!!Tornadium wrote:I should clarify I fucking hate Lavaland.
More on principle because they thought adding a PvE loot dungeon with shit that doesn't fit the setting was okay but giving security ballistic weapons was a shit idea because it didn't fit the setting.
You basically turned mining into an away mission, and the biggest complaint about away missions was that they were just used to grab loot for power gaming.Kor wrote:I don't think objecting to something violating NT's theme is entirely equivalent to an enemy/alien/outside force having its own theme.Tornadium wrote:I should clarify I fucking hate Lavaland.
More on principle because they thought adding a PvE loot dungeon with shit that doesn't fit the setting was okay but giving security ballistic weapons was a shit idea because it didn't fit the setting.
Wizards have magic but I wouldn't want security to start with wands. Each faction should have some internal consistency at least.
If you hate PVE on principle though then whatever, not gonna change your mind there. It's the only way to really alleviate the zero sum game of antag vs security and general angst though.
All that said I didn't add angel wings.
I never played the maze or hell away missions, so I can't comment on those. They sound fucking retarded. The wizard one is fine because wizard has been part of the game forever so the crew being ordered to get some payback isn't out of the realms of possibility.Kor wrote:>away missions were fitting to the universe and setting
Like when you visit wizard school, raid a maze full of Faithless, or shoot skeletons in hell? How is lavaland out of sync with maps like that?
>you turned lavaland into an away mission
Yes, and it's pretty popular. People liked away missions.
But away missions had really boring lazy mobs, way too much loot, and were generally just really easy to memorize and exploit.
You can't go into lavaland with a toolbox and come back with 30 c20rs.
>shit that lavaland adds is a way bigger breach
Like what?
I would argue that the vast majority enjoy getting the powergamey loot over the actual PvE experience.Wyzack wrote:I dunno, I enjoy it and I think lots of other people do too. It is fun
I've played it, but never to the point of really testing it due to lagging out for 10 second periods and coming back dead.MMMiracles wrote:Tornadium have you actually played the new mining or are you just theory-crafting out of your ass at this point I mean really.
The loot is a side-benefit of the job as a miner. It can give them an edge but seriously unless you're killing the ash drake most of the loot mining can get ahold of is easily matched/out-done by the shit research can pump out with the ore you get them.
It'd be pretty hard to justify getting eaten by an ash drake/turned into a mass of legion/frozen to death on a lavaplanet/fucked by a goliath if there wasn't some sort of reward involved past "RnD might give you some toys if they're competent".
so xray, ert armor, katanas, staffs of honkmother, champion belts, zombies, some shit i am probably forgetting, lots more cool shit I am probably forgetting, morph (kor said this is also free antag), hijack objective free antag, hijack objective free antag with all superpowers, fucking forms of null rod, TAROT CARDS WHICH GIVE YOU A RANDOM HOLOPARA, cubes which allow you to teleport, a meat hook staff that fits on your belt, stuns, teleports people to you, and can 3 hit kill (and 1 hits a borg if used at point blank), voodoo dolls, clusterbangs of fire, ai malf upgrades (including the ability to nuke if you subvert it), more shit I am forgetting, recall spells, soul shards, and much much more shit I am forgetting, all of that is outmatched by.. lets see... research has no smgs or laser gatlings... uh, durands? (durands need mining by the way) also, dragons aren't that hard to kill, and lava staff with that thing (especially with your Xray) is hilariously lethal. did I mention the malf upgrade that makes miners the only job besides traitor ai that can nuke the station? or that they can potentially sentience potion a tendril and its first few minions, move them to the station, and fuck shit up, leaving a 5x5 lethal chasm if the crew somehow wins? or the facehuggers? or the stroke I am going to have?MMMiracles wrote:Tornadium have you actually played the new mining or are you just theory-crafting out of your ass at this point I mean really.
The loot is a side-benefit of the job as a miner. It can give them an edge but seriously unless you're killing the ash drake most of the loot mining can get ahold of is easily matched/out-done by the shit research can pump out with the ore you get them.
It'd be pretty hard to justify getting eaten by an ash drake/turned into a mass of legion/frozen to death on a lavaplanet/fucked by a goliath if there wasn't some sort of reward involved past "RnD might give you some toys if they're competent".
The unloved rock wrote:so xray, ert armor, katanas, staffs of honkmother, champion belts, zombies, some shit i am probably forgetting, lots more cool shit I am probably forgetting, morph (kor said this is also free antag), hijack objective free antag, hijack objective free antag with all superpowers, fucking forms of null rod, TAROT CARDS WHICH GIVE YOU A RANDOM HOLOPARA, cubes which allow you to teleport, a meat hook staff that fits on your belt, stuns, teleports people to you, and can 3 hit kill (and 1 hits a borg if used at point blank), voodoo dolls, clusterbangs of fire, ai malf upgrades (including the ability to nuke if you subvert it), more shit I am forgetting, recall spells, soul shards, and much much more shit I am forgetting, all of that is outmatched by.. lets see... research has no smgs or laser gatlings... uh, durands? (durands need mining by the way) also, dragons aren't that hard to kill, and lava staff with that thing (especially with your Xray) is hilariously lethal. did I mention the malf upgrade that makes miners the only job besides traitor ai that can nuke the station? or that they can potentially sentience potion a tendril and its first few minions, move them to the station, and fuck shit up, leaving a 5x5 lethal chasm if the crew somehow wins? or the facehuggers? or the stroke I am going to have?MMMiracles wrote:Tornadium have you actually played the new mining or are you just theory-crafting out of your ass at this point I mean really.
The loot is a side-benefit of the job as a miner. It can give them an edge but seriously unless you're killing the ash drake most of the loot mining can get ahold of is easily matched/out-done by the shit research can pump out with the ore you get them.
It'd be pretty hard to justify getting eaten by an ash drake/turned into a mass of legion/frozen to death on a lavaplanet/fucked by a goliath if there wasn't some sort of reward involved past "RnD might give you some toys if they're competent".
nicely memed, my friend.The unloved rock wrote:so xray, ert armor, katanas, staffs of honkmother, champion belts, zombies, some shit i am probably forgetting, lots more cool shit I am probably forgetting, morph (kor said this is also free antag), hijack objective free antag, hijack objective free antag with all superpowers, fucking forms of null rod, TAROT CARDS WHICH GIVE YOU A RANDOM HOLOPARA, cubes which allow you to teleport, a meat hook staff that fits on your belt, stuns, teleports people to you, and can 3 hit kill (and 1 hits a borg if used at point blank), voodoo dolls, clusterbangs of fire, ai malf upgrades (including the ability to nuke if you subvert it), more shit I am forgetting, recall spells, soul shards, and much much more shit I am forgetting, all of that is outmatched by.. lets see... research has no smgs or laser gatlings... uh, durands? (durands need mining by the way) also, dragons aren't that hard to kill, and lava staff with that thing (especially with your Xray) is hilariously lethal. did I mention the malf upgrade that makes miners the only job besides traitor ai that can nuke the station? or that they can potentially sentience potion a tendril and its first few minions, move them to the station, and fuck shit up, leaving a 5x5 lethal chasm if the crew somehow wins? or the facehuggers? or the stroke I am going to have?MMMiracles wrote:Tornadium have you actually played the new mining or are you just theory-crafting out of your ass at this point I mean really.
The loot is a side-benefit of the job as a miner. It can give them an edge but seriously unless you're killing the ash drake most of the loot mining can get ahold of is easily matched/out-done by the shit research can pump out with the ore you get them.
It'd be pretty hard to justify getting eaten by an ash drake/turned into a mass of legion/frozen to death on a lavaplanet/fucked by a goliath if there wasn't some sort of reward involved past "RnD might give you some toys if they're competent".
that was removing just the cursed shovel I thoughtMMMiracles wrote: zombies don't exist anymore on lavaland which also means no more championship belt
also use a fucking list you fucking lizard
the spess mehrine is the ert armor, and it is ash storm proof you fucking lizardWyzack wrote:I dont give a shit about the loot. Coolest thing i ever got was a SPESS MEHREEN hardsuit one time. I just like it because it gives an interesting PvE experience and chilling in a pod shelter while an ash storm rages is comfy as fuck
Lavastaff a.k.a. a weapon that pretty much crits any player the moment they get shot, while creating an unerasable obstacle that sets everyone passing through on fire.Kor wrote:>shit that lavaland adds is a way bigger breach
Like what?
1. it can be erased with an rcdSligneris wrote:Lavastaff a.k.a. a weapon that pretty much crits any player the moment they get shot, while creating an unerasable obstacle that sets everyone passing through on fire.Kor wrote:>shit that lavaland adds is a way bigger breach
Like what?
Unless you have a meathook so you can pull from eachotherBombadil wrote:2 tendrils next to eachother is the worst even if you kill one you dont get the loot from the 2nd.
Please prevent tendrils from spawning right next to eachother
Crystals would be cool maybe they could grow like fungi and could be cultivated near lava. There you go Tribal lanterns/flashlightsSuper Aggro Crag wrote:i think lavaland is too dark and would be vastly improved by some sort of luminescent crystal growth or plant or fungi.
Liggers cant make growshroom seeds and the glowshrooms only spread so far from a single pointTakeguru wrote:Without coding anything new, you could have glowshrooms spreading naturally
This. Also they seem to have a weird penchant for spawning wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too close to mining outpost/other spawns in general, it seems. Most of the time I've seen the boss monsters other than drake and they were sitting right outside someones door pretty much. This is bs enough with normal lavaland monsters, bosses spawning right the fuck there is awful.Jike wrote:Colossus spawn too often, period.
Lavaland generation should limit boss monsters to only one or two per round
Also, maybe boss monsters should be forced to spawn far away from the mining outpost, otherwise it can ruin mining for people too quickly.
knock knockGamarr wrote:This. Also they seem to have a weird penchant for spawning wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too close to mining outpost/other spawns in general, it seems. Most of the time I've seen the boss monsters other than drake and they were sitting right outside someones door pretty much. This is bs enough with normal lavaland monsters, bosses spawning right the fuck there is awful.Jike wrote:Colossus spawn too often, period.
Lavaland generation should limit boss monsters to only one or two per round
Also, maybe boss monsters should be forced to spawn far away from the mining outpost, otherwise it can ruin mining for people too quickly.
There's a patch I have up on GitHub right now that causes colossi to spawn via a randomly-spawned ruin. That might help solve the problem to a degree.Gamarr wrote:This. Also they seem to have a weird penchant for spawning wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too close to mining outpost/other spawns in general, it seems. Most of the time I've seen the boss monsters other than drake and they were sitting right outside someones door pretty much. This is bs enough with normal lavaland monsters, bosses spawning right the fuck there is awful.Jike wrote:Colossus spawn too often, period.
Lavaland generation should limit boss monsters to only one or two per round
Also, maybe boss monsters should be forced to spawn far away from the mining outpost, otherwise it can ruin mining for people too quickly.
Not sure code-wise how ruins are handled, if there is a 'cap' on the amount allowed and if so, I hope you take that into account when setting up such a 'boss spawn' area so as not to cut into the other ruins spawn chances, lest we get '3bosses and one normal ruin' or such thanks to rng.Xhuis wrote: There's a patch I have up on GitHub right now that causes colossi to spawn via a randomly-spawned ruin. That might help solve the problem to a degree.
Firstly, the roles show up as orbit targets, meaning you do not need to be able to maneuver around lavaland to be able to discover them. Orbit, bottom of the list, there you go. Would like that actually changed, because someone can put ash eggs in a crate and you cannot 'click' them to spawn because of game mechanics but that's a minor issue compared to the present Ghost Problem.Wyzack wrote:If ghosts and observers can not zip around lavaland how will they take the ashwalker/golem/plantman roles? Also what exactly do you think it breaks? Ghosts are already not allowed to use information they obtained in death in the round, and it is bannable to do so
Someone already tried this and people complained enough to have the PR closed. Main argument being 'its an open source game so why bother trying to hide secrets'.Ezel wrote:Gibbed has this tho where you cant explore away mission z levels wouldnt be too special for lavaland would it you could still orbit poeple on the land but just not explore it by yourself
The logic of hiding hiding our map from ghosts other than Observing/Orbit has nothing to do with hiding secrets of that type, because goon adventure mode is a gigantic puzzlefuck and lavaland is not.MMMiracles wrote: Someone already tried this and people complained enough to have the PR closed. Main argument being 'its an open source game so why bother trying to hide secrets'.
I personally think its a stupid argument because most of the community doesn't even look at the forums, let alone the github to find said secrets but w/e.