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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 9:02 pm
by Malkevin

Bottom post of the previous page:

420weedscopes wrote:
Malkevin wrote:>Buying a phone so expensive you don't want to take it out of your house.
considering it's a phone for recording on
yeah i don't think i'll be going to The Local Park (12 miles away) to fuckin record a goddamn let's play
get out
No, you get out.
And buy a webcam and a delicious nvidia card capable of running shadowplay

Its hot, the wind has stopped.
Moisture is descending from the sky.
This is me

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 9:04 pm
by Malkevin
EndgamerAzari wrote:This is bullllshiiiiiit

I'm over 40 pounds overweight and my body completely freaks out if I don't eat for three hours. Like, full-on shakes and sweating and feeling like I gotta pee all the time. Why the FUCK am I carrying around all this fat if I start starving in less than a quarter of a day?!

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 9:19 pm
by EndgamerAzari
Did you seriously just suggest that intestinal parasites are the reason I'm obese?

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 9:49 pm
by DemonFiren
No, you oversized psychological crash dummy, they're the reason you're perma-hungry.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 10:09 pm
by EndgamerAzari
DemonFiren wrote:you oversized psychological crash dummy
THAT'S a new one.

In all honesty, I doubt I have worms, though I guess I don't know how I'd know. The last medical test I had was a blood screening and I don't think that kind of thing gets detected that way.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 10:32 pm
by XSI
There's tests for it

But I forgot how they work

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 10:36 pm
by EndgamerAzari
They're basically all stool sample tests from what I've read.

On a related note, don't Google "intestinal parasites".

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 11:08 pm
by ThanatosRa
Why am I watching fucking China, IL. FUCKING CHINA IL.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 11:12 pm
by Remie Richards
ThanatosRa wrote:Why am I watching fucking China, IL. FUCKING CHINA IL.
I asked myself the same thing when I binged it all ages ago...
Although I can trace the blame back to Miauw, as he posted the "Be Aggressive" song from the original shorts, and I found the song funny and looked up it's origins.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 11:16 pm
by ThanatosRa
Remie Richards wrote:
ThanatosRa wrote:Why am I watching fucking China, IL. FUCKING CHINA IL.
I asked myself the same thing when I binged it all ages ago...
Although I can trace the blame back to Miauw, as he posted the "Be Aggressive" song from the original shorts, and I found the song funny and looked up it's origins.
I actually find it rather funny. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME!? WHAT HAVE I BECOME!?

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 11:17 pm
by Remie Richards
It was pretty good.
I actually can't remember much of it at all.
Just like a faint memory of something bizarre as fug, which is appropriate.

Superjail was good too.

Rick and Morty is great.

Adult Swim's doing pretty good tbh.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 11:19 pm
by Malkevin
EndgamerAzari wrote:
DemonFiren wrote:you oversized psychological crash dummy
THAT'S a new one.

In all honesty, I doubt I have worms, though I guess I don't know how I'd know. The last medical test I had was a blood screening and I don't think that kind of thing gets detected that way.
itchy bum hole, usually at night

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 11:24 pm
by ThanatosRa
Remie Richards wrote:It was pretty good.
I actually can't remember much of it at all.
Just like a faint memory of something bizarre as fug, which is appropriate.

Superjail was good too.

Rick and Morty is great.

Adult Swim's doing pretty good tbh.
I haven't been playing much for a bit, But in the times i have, I'm surprised I haven't seen a bald assistant named Baby Cakes doing stupid and bizarre shit around the station.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 11:47 pm
by Malkevin

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 1:41 am
by Takeguru
New computer chair arrived today

It's purple when I ordered blue, but I don't really care, it's comfy and I'm tired of using a metal folding chair

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 1:46 am
by DrPillzRedux
I feel like going home and drinking myself to sleep while listening to depressing indie music. Tired of grieving.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 1:52 am
by Timbrewolf
What's up fam?

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:08 am
by DrPillzRedux
Nothing some rum can't fix. Any suggestions for ~$30 that doesn't bite much?

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:35 am
by nsos
ron abuelo 7-year is like $20.

hitting the bottle over shit fucked me up bad but i understand where people come from when it happens so i don't lecture them about it. but if you don't have to drink, don't. talk, walk, go on a long drive, something.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 3:32 am
by Wyzack
Cheers fuckers

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 5:53 am
by Timbrewolf
Drinking doesn't solve any problems but it does help you put some distance between yourself and the issue.

Eventually you do have to stop drinking and face things for real. Drinking delays that, which isn't always bad.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 8:42 am
by Malkevin
Unless you keep on drinking.

And then you die of liver failure before having to deal with it.
Although you'll probably end up dealing with it whilst you're shitting yourself to death in a hospital bed because the docs won't let you drink anyway...

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 9:22 am
by DemonFiren
Lemme tell ya, dying by puking up bloody chunks for hours is not a fun way to go.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 1:43 pm
by DrPillzRedux
The correct way is to not sleep on your side so you choke on it.

Also I got convinced to try a macchiato instead of a latte and oh my lord it's way better.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 1:59 pm
by Incomptinence
EndgamerAzari wrote: In all honesty, I doubt I have worms, though I guess I don't know how I'd know.
Be glad you can't tell.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:27 pm
by DemonFiren
DrPillzRedux wrote:macchiato instead of a latte
Have those responsible for the creation and distribution of caffeinated hot beverages truly forgotten that the correct term is latte-fucking-macchiato and that using either word on its own means you're drinking "milk" or "stained"?

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:49 pm
by DrPillzRedux
DemonFiren wrote:
DrPillzRedux wrote:macchiato instead of a latte
Have those responsible for the creation and distribution of caffeinated hot beverages truly forgotten that the correct term is latte-fucking-macchiato and that using either word on its own means you're drinking "milk" or "stained"?
Normies aren't autismal about their coffee.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 3:07 pm
by EndgamerAzari
Yesterday I learned the basics of using Git. I hope it stuck.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 4:21 pm
by Timbrewolf
I bought up the last couple months of Netrunner expansions I needed to get back up to date. I hadn't been paying much attention to the game but I want to go for it again.

I placed 3rd overall in my city's store-tournament and was pretty disappointed by it, got salty, and stopped playing for a bit.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 4:55 pm
by XSI
DrPillzRedux wrote:
DemonFiren wrote:
DrPillzRedux wrote:macchiato instead of a latte
Have those responsible for the creation and distribution of caffeinated hot beverages truly forgotten that the correct term is latte-fucking-macchiato and that using either word on its own means you're drinking "milk" or "stained"?
Normies aren't autismal about their coffee.
Hipsters don't count as normies anymore?

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 5:30 pm
by Malkevin
Wasn't aware hipsters and other trendies weren't considered normies.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 6:25 pm
by Remie Richards
Well it's 2 hours and 20 minutes after the time they last called me.
I haven't got this job have I? :(

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 7:29 pm
by XSI
Give it a few days

They might need to ask their boss or have a meeting with the other management

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 12:11 am
by 420weedscopes
An0n3 wrote:Huh? Apps like what? What are you using that does that?
many video game apps
Malkevin wrote:And buy a webcam and a delicious nvidia card capable of running shadowplay
why would i need shadowplay for recording a phone's screen
EndgamerAzari wrote:Yesterday I learned the basics of using Git.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 4:34 am
by EndgamerAzari
420weedscopes wrote:
EndgamerAzari wrote:Yesterday I learned the basics of using Git.
Even worse

Today I had to use it to upload some other assignments and after a couple false starts I REMEMBERED HOW

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:49 am
by Malkevin
420weedscopes wrote:
Malkevin wrote:And buy a webcam and a delicious nvidia card capable of running shadowplay
why would i need shadowplay for recording a phone's screen
I didn't realise people watched lets plays of boom beach and other phone trash games.

Suddenly my opinion of the masses somehow managed to get lower.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 12:00 pm
by 420weedscopes
thanks for adding to my list

an0n i figured it out
try and pull down the notifications thing and it'll give you your menu buttons

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 4:41 pm
by Timbrewolf
The double-chop for flashlight is the coolest shit. I don't know why I'm so happy with it but I am.

Hold the phone in your hand and slice it forward twice like you were chopping onions or something with it.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 6:49 pm
by Timbrewolf
Christ I've felt like crap the last few days. Got some random cough and allergy symptoms.

Took some anti-histamine earlier and still feel like shit, took some more painkillers for the ever present headache.
Maybe it's something in my diet being all fucky? My sugar intake has been kinda high the last week, my sister and her family are in town so I've been spending time with them and my parents and they all eat terribly.

Hoping it's just that and nothing more serious. Going to defrost some hamburger for dinner tonight, avoid any sugars or other weird shit and see if I don't feel better tomorrow.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 8:35 pm
by XSI
Could be the weather

I know I get awful headaches sometimes when the weather is stormy and rapidly changing from very windy and raining to dry and no wind
I know the weather over in Europe has been shit lately

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 9:34 pm
by oranges
What's wrong with git? Better than CSV

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:30 pm
by ThanatosRa
I need a change in career. What profession is the polar opposite of Computer technical work, Call Centers, and office work?

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:31 pm
by Remie Richards
ThanatosRa wrote:I need a change in career. What profession is the polar opposite of Computer technical work, Call Centers, and office work?

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:32 pm
by ThanatosRa
Remie Richards wrote:
ThanatosRa wrote:I need a change in career. What profession is the polar opposite of Computer technical work, Call Centers, and office work?
Besides that. I should also mention it must be civilian. I'll never get into the military in my current body state. Or with my eyesight.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:39 pm
by Remie Richards
ThanatosRa wrote:
Remie Richards wrote:
ThanatosRa wrote:I need a change in career. What profession is the polar opposite of Computer technical work, Call Centers, and office work?
Besides that. I should also mention it must be civilian. I'll never get into the military in my current body state. Or with my eyesight.
Bus driving Ninja.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:42 pm
by Malkevin


@Anon3 - have you been around strange air-cons recently?
Air cons are fucking dirty plague machines.

I'm pretty sure spending a lot of time in a server room with a funny smelling air con is what caused my chronic ear infection a couple of years back.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:45 pm
by ThanatosRa
Malkevin wrote:Lumberjack.

Until I saw what video it was, I was going to reply to this with the same video.

I'd actually seriously consider this. Lumberjack sounds incredibly simple and sane compared to the mental anguish I have to deal with. I'd rather use dangerous tools in a forest at the mercy of physics and trees. Every second fucking up trees could be my last. And I would both be at peace, and happy, with that.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 11:06 pm
by Remie Richards
it's technically the 22nd in england
so it's my birthday
I'm 19 now.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 11:18 pm
Remie Richards wrote:it's technically the 22nd in england
so it's my birthday
I'm 19 now.

Happy Birthday you cute lil' baby! So young and full of life, ambition and all that cliche stuff!

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 11:22 pm
by Wyzack
What is the legal drinking age in bongland?

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 11:26 pm
by Remie Richards
Thanks Galva c:

like, 16 Wyzack, although we have that rule where 5 year olds+ can drink in their own homes with a meal.
I don't really drink though, I had 1 glass of babysham at a christmas 5 or so years ago and was sooooo tipsy I couldn't solve some puzzles I'd gotten that year,
and I drank some nice apple sours about 2 months ago at a friend's game night (Card against humanity, Just Dance, etc.) but it didn't really have an effect haha.