Economics 101 time because they apparently don't teach this shit in Britain:
10 fucking percent of your savings were wiped out because investors wisely realize that your country is destroying its export and likely import market, because the EU is your biggest trading partner and there is no chance in hell the UK is going to maintain a free trade zone with the EU if the EU wants to remain a thing, which it does. If you were not aware, the fact that Britain had control over its own monetary policy but also was part of the free trade zone, along with the City of London's business friendly laws, made Britain one of the finance capitols of the world. It is probably the biggest driver of your economy, so fucking with that means that now your money, which can only be used to buy assets within the UK which is how currency fucking works, is now worth much less, because anything worth buying in the UK is worth much less.
With a 10% loss in savings people are not going to invest, both because there is now less wealth to invest, and, in some ways more importantly, people invest based on assumed future value. If your currency is rapidly losing value, this means that investors realize that the interest they earn will likely not be able to match the loss in current buying power. This is called opportunity cost, you all play video-games so I assume you understand the concept: If you are doing one thing with your resources, you can't do something else. Getting more pounds doesn't matter if the larger sum of pounds is likely to be worth less than what you could buy with it now.
This means that investment in the UK, or at least Britain, will stop and people will rapidly ditch UK assets, meaning a stock market crash. This in fact already happened, and there is talk about closing the stock market, which would dramatically damage investor confidence even more. It is a mad race to ditch toxic assets, which is pretty much the herald of a severe recession.
This is super basic shit that anyone with even a basic understanding of economics can fucking tell you, which is why UK economists fucking BEGGED you to not vote yes. But you did, so now it is time to post the memes.
Watching British savings get wiped out is like watching the sub count on the Fine Bros drop. All Britons are now 12% poorer from yesterday. Your fucking currency just dropped by 2 percent of its original value in the time it took me to write this shit.