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Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:35 pm
by One Seven One
Bottom post of the previous page:
I've been playing Blue Revolver, a colorful shmup game that one of my favorite artists worked on.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:59 pm
by XSI
CosmicScientist wrote:I know some people said they never really used the clergy/nobility/burghers expansion stuff.
Thats silly of them, because those give you pretty nice bonusses if you know how to use them
Who wouldn't want a boost of 100 of each point every 30 or so years, and to wipe out the autonomy on some provinces?
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 9:27 pm
by Lumbermancer
CosmicScientist wrote:Could you give us a rundown of what's changed?.
The traits (technically "ruler personalities") are something AI doesn't takes advantage of per say, but they modify AI behavior. There are both positive and negative ones, both in bonus and AI modifier.
Here's some:
Midas Touched - National Tax Modifier +10% (that's what both player an AI get) and AI modifier "Demand gold in peace" "Be more likely to pick certain Idea Groups".
Inspiring Leader - Morale Armies +5%. "Be more likely to join an Alliance"
Naive Enthusiast - Better Relations Over Time -10%. "Ignore Aggressive Expansion" "Prefer to pick on someone their own size" "Send gifts more often".
Careful - Aggressive Expansion impact -10%. "Overestimate Enemy Strength" "Start one sided wars".
Some are more negative:
Embezzler - Yearly Corruption +0.05%. "Sell their provinces to pay for their debts" "Debase their currency more frequently".
Ruler will start with one trait, and gain two more throughout their reign.
The estate system is just a background thing. You don't really need to pay too much attention, but you can use it in dire situation, to get a general or some quick cash.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 1:30 am
by ShadowDimentio
The Sunless Sea expansion is out, and I'm ready to plunge its depths. Yarr.
Also WEW LADS apparently Wasteland 3 is going to be a thing, check it out it's already hit it's funding in just a few days
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 8:38 pm
by DemonFiren
Planetside again, or still.
Damn I love being the shittiest infilshitter imaginable.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 2:13 am
by XSI
I might try out Planetside later and see if it has improved at all
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 2:27 am
by D&B
Transformice tbqh
Comfy as shit
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 3:57 am
by aranamor
I tried to be goodcurity in SWAT 4's campaign.
A bunch of people got shot.
A bunch of those people were me.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 11:40 am
by DemonFiren
XSI wrote:I might try out Planetside later and see if it has improved at all
100 certs per BR up to 15 and it resets your certs once you hit 15.
That's the only thing I really noticed or care about. It makes the grind more bearable.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 4:54 am
by Davidchan
Dunno why but I picked natural selection back up again, remember having a lot of fun with it before my taste got soured by the try hards and ludicrously good players who can kill you in seconds and jump around like crack heads that you could kill em.
For those that never played it before, its an rts-lite draped over an assymetrical fps shooter/slasher. Think 'if ss13 colonial marines was good" and you get the idea. Marines vs xenos/zerg in that they start on opposites sides of the map, commanders build bases and resource collectors, fooot soldiers secure resource points, claim territory and protect it. Commanders also research upgrades for players to use in the field, with exosuits and not-ultralisks being some endgame units that can be invested in.
Lots of fun, with 12-24 people could become a tg game night thing for people to scream at each other for.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 6:58 am
by ManyBones
ShadowDimentio wrote:The Sunless Sea expansion is out, and I'm ready to plunge its depths. Yarr.
It is actally good? Or they only added the zubmarine for lulzs and nothing more?
And currently Im playing civ5 due to massive hype. Gandhi nuke addict never gets old
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:54 pm
by Drynwyn
I should not have read the comments on that review, the sheer autism...
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 1:19 pm
by Lumbermancer
CosmicScientist wrote:EU4 stuff
Ottomans got lots of new events, relating to your consort, heir or even your mother and family of your consort (who are not a real thing). For example your mum will disapprove of your consort and you will have option to back your one true love but your mum will go after your heir reducing his legitimacy, or you can side with mum who will pick you a new wife. If your Heir's legitimacy drops too low he can go AWOL and eventually raise against you.
New fort system is great, it got rid of hunting enemy to wipe them out and then carpet sieging. Remember that in last patch they made so Besieger will be attacker if you try to relieve the siege, meaning he will get the penalties. So place them forts near rivers!
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:40 pm
by Lumbermancer
Rivers give attacker -1 penalty on dice rolls.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:52 pm
by Lumbermancer
I'm not sure if I understand.
You have a fort in a province with a river crossing. Enemy movies his army in and begins siege. You move your army in to stop siege. Before, you would be considered the attacker and get river crossing penalty. After Rights of Man patch the enemy will always be the attacker.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 2:12 am
by Supermichael777
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 7:16 am
by Grazyn
Stalingrad comes to mind. Soviets had to cross the river to get to the actual city to join the fight, it certainly didn't make it easier for them
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:22 am
by Malkevin
Playing Deserts of Kharak.
Its not homeworld but its not bad either.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:05 am
by DemonFiren
Malkevin wrote:Playing Deserts of Kharak.
Its not homeworld but its not bad either.
>it's not homeworld
Aaaand dropped.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 4:37 pm
by ColonicAcid
stellaris is 75% of an actual game now with the leviathans story pack.
good job paradox!!
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 9:09 pm
by DemonFiren
Does that mean no diplolizards?
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 1:11 am
by Incomptinence
From dipping my toe into it Endless space 2 shows a lot of promise like the only race that plays like generic ES 1 race is sophons.
Lumius have a seemingly simple but game changing affinity of buying outposts. Basically the momment they see a system they like they dump cash into it bam gonna be theirs. Also some weird shit about selling planets so if they over expand they can charge you to maybe have your own back yard back. Abuse the fuck out of probe system and buy planets you can't actually reach.
Voidyani are weird as shit and can either snowball out of control or slum it for yonks due to their work all habitable planets in a system with ship based slow growing pops shit. Cool idea but they really need to rework home system generation because with these guys anything less than a double colonisable in or near their home system means they are shit canned forever. Triple colonisable does the opposite and they can have that in the home system.
Cravers are still hungry and while AI don't get it players still need to wreck shit to survive as them.
Still rougher around the edges than stelaris but this is amplitude it's gonna get better.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 8:34 am
by Incomptinence
Broken lords were cool and they were weighed to a high dust start civ style.
Their affinity was the most breakable and they were pretty much the primary reason you kept custom races out of things. There was a slew of dust increasing traits they didn't include in their default package.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 1:45 pm
by Alipheese
Many many mobile games.
Recently Osiris: New Dawn by myself and the vehicles make life 3000% easier
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 3:47 pm
by JJRcop
I'm playing Redout a little bit lately, a racer really fast game with hover ships that control like hover ships not cars.
Here's one of the races I recorded at like the beginning of this month but didn't bother uploading until today.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 11:28 pm
by Lumbermancer
Wew I got elected as an HRE Emperor for the first time. As Prussia.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 12:13 pm
by Lumbermancer
I'm trying to play Tall with Prussia instead blobbing, so the plan was to just maintain the Empire as Emperor using my Space Marines. But alas Spain is a Defender of Faith and I'm Reformed, so Imperial Ban is hard to enforce.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 1:29 pm
by Lumbermancer
They might, if they're losing, have occupied provinces, high exhaustion, debts. If they refuse the call they will lose the Defender status. But it won't happen, considering they are such a powerhouse.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 1:41 pm
by XSI
They lose defender if they ever deny a call to arms from someone of their religion
And the AI really values it highly, so they're unlikely to do that.
Bright side? Not like they can use all their colonisation and new world against you. What are they going to do? Land a colony's 8 stack on your fort? You should be able to deal with those. Navy is probably not that big a deal either, you just need to be patient enough to bleed their war exhaustion out
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 2:11 pm
by Lumbermancer
Spain has Burgundy in Personal Union and Burgundy fucked over France earlier, so they do have means to go through HRE and fuck me over. Especially since I would have to war Bohemia, Poland and Lithuania, and I probably can't do it by myself without Austria's help. And they are already pretty weak, poised to get rolled over by Spain in that conflict.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 9:55 pm
by ShadowDimentio
Jesus christ the new Phoenix Wright game.
I cried
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 10:00 pm
by aranamor
Trying to get two countries to stop a war in Native Alternative Expansion in M&B as a trader with a bunch of Rome larpers pretending they're still relevant. Nordic infantry are some bullshit.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 2:30 am
by MrEousTranger
Borderlands the Pre-Sequel
Borderlands 2
Halo MCC
Ayylien Isolayytion
Holy fuck that ending to clap-tastic voyage was so sad I almost cried.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:12 am
by DemonFiren
Another stay in the Dungeons of the Endless.
The music is good and the lizard is pretty.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 4:39 pm
by Deitus
DemonFiren wrote:Another stay in the Dungeons of the Endless.
The music is good and the lizard is pretty.
pick one
also i finally gave into the /v/ memes and decided to play morrowind, and its actually pretty damn fun. the combat is pretty bland like everyone says but i really like the story and dialogue and shit, especially how you have to find your way to places via npc descriptions and landmarks rather than a waypoint, or you have to press for dialogue instead of just meeting x npc to get y. the only real gripe i have about it is that there's no book tracking mod like skyrim, which really triggers a bookaholic like me since i dont know what i have and have not read without having to resort to the wiki.
thinking about maybe buying oblivion when it goes to $5 during christmas since i like morrowind so much, anyone have opinions on that? skyrim was my first TES game and im also debating whether or not to get back into that what with the remastered edition coming out tomorrow.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 5:08 pm
by DemonFiren
You had better gone with the tesgeneral guide to modding morrowind.
Also, yeah, lizards are enormously pretty.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 5:16 pm
by Remie Richards
"Beat" Touhou 6.
gotta work on doing Normal without Continues, then try to beat Lunatic, then move on to Extra.
tough days ahead.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 6:13 pm
by Deitus
DemonFiren wrote:You had better gone with the tesgeneral guide to modding morrowind.
Also, yeah, lizards are enormously pretty.
>/letspostskyrimnudes general/
yeah i uh think i'll pass famalam
also lizards are objectively ugly as fuck
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 7:26 pm
by DemonFiren
The Morrowind guide is actually amazingly non-lewd.
Hell, even the Skyrim guide is clean aside from body replacers needed for most prettier skin textures.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 8:12 pm
by Grazyn
Deitus wrote:DemonFiren wrote:Another stay in the Dungeons of the Endless.
The music is good and the lizard is pretty.
pick one
also i finally gave into the /v/ memes and decided to play morrowind, and its actually pretty damn fun. the combat is pretty bland like everyone says but i really like the story and dialogue and shit, especially how you have to find your way to places via npc descriptions and landmarks rather than a waypoint, or you have to press for dialogue instead of just meeting x npc to get y. the only real gripe i have about it is that there's no book tracking mod like skyrim, which really triggers a bookaholic like me since i dont know what i have and have not read without having to resort to the wiki.
thinking about maybe buying oblivion when it goes to $5 during christmas since i like morrowind so much, anyone have opinions on that? skyrim was my first TES game and im also debating whether or not to get back into that what with the remastered edition coming out tomorrow.
If you play Oblivion I suggest you completely ignore the main quest, I mean like outright pretend it doesn't exist as soon as you're out of the tutorial dungeon, and only do it after everything else. All the other storylines are great, expecially the thieves guild and the dark brotherhood. Daedric quests (for the artifacts) are pretty awesome too. Enemies are auto-levelled and that can be annoying but you can remove it with mods, I personally didn't mind because they gave a costant challenge even at god-like levels and it was funny to be ambushed by highwaymen in full daedric plate or minotaur lords jumping out of a bush.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 9:04 pm
by XSI
Remie Richards wrote:"Beat" Touhou 6.
gotta work on doing Normal without Continues, then try to beat Lunatic, then move on to Extra.
tough days ahead.
Posting encouragement
As someone who has beaten Lunatic in that one(Though with bombs and a long time ago), you're in for a fun time.
Some spell cards are actually easier on lunatic than on normal, but as expected most will kick your ass on a first try.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:51 am
by Remie Richards
XSI wrote:Remie Richards wrote:"Beat" Touhou 6.
gotta work on doing Normal without Continues, then try to beat Lunatic, then move on to Extra.
tough days ahead.
Posting encouragement
As someone who has beaten Lunatic in that one(Though with bombs and a long time ago), you're in for a fun time.
Some spell cards are actually easier on lunatic than on normal, but as expected most will kick your ass on a first try.
It's encouraging to know that somebody I know's done it, makes it feel more manageable.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 9:08 pm
by Deitus
the further i get into morrowind the more i get the impression the entire series should be renamed "how the dwarves fucked everything up"
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 9:21 pm
by Lumbermancer
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 9:23 pm
by DemonFiren
Dwemer were cool right until they fedora-tipped so hard they became the skin of their DIY godbot.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 9:40 pm
by Deitus
Lumbermancer wrote:Dwemer.
nigga its the same fuckin thing
DemonFiren wrote:Dwemer were cool right until they fedora-tipped so hard they became the skin of their DIY godbot.
is that what the golem was about in TES 2? im by no means a lore expert on TES but from what i've gathered they were fairly advanced and were conceited douchebags to all other races because of it, then they found a god's heart and were like "but we dont believe gods exist!" and tried to make one out of it and ?????? happened leaving 99.9999% of them gone in some fashion.
ill have to wikidive sometime later.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 10:13 pm
by Lumbermancer
Dwemer weren't manlets.
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 11:25 pm
by TheColdTurtle
Been playing dragon Ball xenoverse 2 when my computer decides not to kill itself with a black screen and sound lopping, pretty fun so far. It is essentially xenoverse 1, but better
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 12:14 am
by Wyzack
I thought that they were even called dwarves in the first place because they were found by a race of giants who saw them as tiny?
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 1:24 am
by tedward1337
Wyzack wrote:I thought that they were even called dwarves in the first place because they were found by a race of giants who saw them as tiny?
Giants: "Holy shit you guys are small"
Dwarfs: "Nah dude you're just giant"
G: "Hmmm no you're just tiny"
D: "Wtf"
Re: What are you faggots playing?
Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 8:09 am
by Lumbermancer
The very first dungeon you are most likely to explore on your way to Balmora are Dwemer ruins, home of the infamous puzzl box. I'm pretty sure you can find Dwemer ghosts there, and they are very much human sized. That reminds me, ghosts in Morrowind are absolutely immune to all but magical damage. They changed it in Oblivion and Skyrim, for casuals.