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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 9:37 am
by DemonFiren
Bottom post of the previous page:
Meanwhile I read every guide I could get my hands on before even dying for the first time.
Guess that's a rare positive effect of starting with Bay.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 10:29 am
by Reece
Ironically enough I started with Bay myself, but read the wrong wiki,, which I think is just a generic one?
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 10:50 am
by DemonFiren
I believe it's the old errowiki.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 11:10 am
by Ricotez
It's the old wiki from back when Errorage hosted the website, which he refuses to take down for some reason.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 4:40 pm
i've always been a tg boy
got a major ban like only once and I didn't realize how good I had it until then.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 1:39 am
by TheWulfe
Ashwalker Pet Peeves:
Asswalkers who can't kite a Goliath despite watching me do the entire process, telling you to kite from two tiles away, before engaging themselves. This causes me to have to charge in after them before they get themselves killed and causing *me* to take hits also. And then their 'tactic' is validated through them living with the bounty dead, causing them to do it again.
Asswalkers who use bruise packs on every single minor damaged 5-brute limb and chew through our medical supplies before the third creep.
Asswalkers with no safety around lava and inevitably chew through egg-lives because they have sausage fingers and can't slow down around single-tile paths. Bonus points for immediately running into other Ashwalkers once on fire.
Passive Asswalkers who try to red-tape their comrades into being friendly, despite
A) Their lore is basically being pissed at Nanotrasen for trespassing on their lands, being a danger to your nest, and they are also considered sacrifices for the tendril
B) You have to treat the miner encounter as a Zero-Sum Game theory in who's aggressive to who. A miner who gets the drop on you has the added danger of him calling down reinforcements and the ease that his weapon kills means he's way deadlier to you than you are to him
C) Round-quality wise, it's way more fun if you are at war with Nanotrasen
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 6:56 am
by DemonFiren
>more fun if you're at war
[citation needed]
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 7:31 pm
[citation signed]
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 2:20 am
by AnonymousNow
There is almost NEVER a context in which removing a headset from a prisoner makes you anything other than a terrible, terrible member of security.
If you do that willy-nilly, you should remove all security roles from your preferences forever.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 2:33 am
by TheNightingale
AnonymousNow wrote:There is almost NEVER a context in which removing a headset from a prisoner makes you anything other than a terrible, terrible member of security.
If you do that willy-nilly, you should remove all security roles from your preferences forever.
If I'm sending someone to perma, I'll take their headset for a few seconds to swap it for a standard one, if they've got a department headset (we can't have them communicating with their department). Or if they're reading WGW, but if they do that they get a baton up the ass instead.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 8:41 am
by DemonFiren
TheNightingale wrote:AnonymousNow wrote:There is almost NEVER a context in which removing a headset from a prisoner makes you anything other than a terrible, terrible member of security.
If you do that willy-nilly, you should remove all security roles from your preferences forever.
we can't have them communicating with their department
Literally fascist.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 9:20 am
by InsaneHyena
AnonymousNow wrote:There is almost NEVER a context in which removing a headset from a prisoner makes you anything other than a terrible, terrible member of security.
If you do that willy-nilly, you should remove all security roles from your preferences forever.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 10:52 am
by Reece
Pretty much the above
Though with the Caveat that if they do that I just drag them to prison maint then E-gun them to death, because what they're doing stands a good chance of starting a shit spiral that gets sec officers killed.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 11:01 am
by Screemonster
Personally I'm in favour of the policy that anyone screaming over the radio that sec is doing something they're not (such as beating prisoners, killing people, whatever) is a greenlight to actually do that thing.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:36 pm
by InsaneHyena
I've asked Kor about it once, he said that it's valid to execute such people on the spot.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 4:42 pm
AnonymousNow wrote:There is almost NEVER a context in which removing a headset from a prisoner makes you anything other than a terrible, terrible member of security.
If you do that willy-nilly, you should remove all security roles from your preferences forever.
I gave you room to work out your personal fouls in the past like trying to get your way in Niknak's feedback thread along with attitude to Okand, but I'm starting to doubt everything you say now and that's not good because I know I'm not alone.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 4:58 pm
by AnonymousNow
That's a pretty aggressive way of saying you don't agree with me.
When a member of security removes your radio, they're licking their lips in anticipation of the incoming valid. That's not the kind of behaviour that should be encouraged.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 5:33 pm
by Screemonster
Or maybe you're screaming like a terrified frog and they don't want to deal with that shit
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 5:42 pm
by TheNightingale
Pet peeve: people starting arguments in threads when they really don't need to. Chill.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 12:32 am
by Wyzack
I dunno, I rarely execute criminals but i will frequently remove their headset if they are being shit
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:26 am
by Anonmare
To be honest I brig people so rarely that I usually don't get the chance to strip a radio or not.
I'd probably give a bored prisoner a station bounced radio so they can pester [Common] and [AI Private] and vent out their frustrations through verbal whiplash like all civilised space men.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 12:12 pm
by calzilla1
Man you guys are pussies, I take ALL the prisoners shit, put it in a locker, weld said locker, and threaten to space locker if they don't behave.
(And then do it anyways)
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 12:17 pm
by DemonFiren
I'm not sure if you're a giant meme or something that should remain confined to Sybil.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 12:27 pm
by Cheimon
I'll always take a radio if they're trying to get help with it. Even in a traitor round, it's quite plausible that someone you arrest will yell "help security arresting me", and various other combinations, and then you'll have prepared people trying to hurt you and break them out.
It's just part of securing a person, like taking off their toolbelt. They're not losing communication forever unless they're going into perma.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 1:13 pm
by Malkevin
Did the transmit only wall intercom ever get readded to perma?
Some assclown removed it a while back.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:32 pm
by WarbossLincoln
MMMiracles wrote:
I like taking soap during gang and proceeding to wipe away every gang sign I see. It's gotten to the point where mid-round, I've had gangers jump me with a bait gang sign just to stop me from taking away all their influence.
I do this as a drone. They get so mad at a small vent crawling asshole erasing all the gang signs.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:36 pm
by DemonFiren
Congratulations, you know how to break your drone laws.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:56 pm
by Cheimon
cmspano wrote:MMMiracles wrote:
I like taking soap during gang and proceeding to wipe away every gang sign I see. It's gotten to the point where mid-round, I've had gangers jump me with a bait gang sign just to stop me from taking away all their influence.
I do this as a drone. They get so mad at a small vent crawling asshole erasing all the gang signs.
Ban this sick filth.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 4:26 pm
by peoplearestrange
cmspano wrote:MMMiracles wrote:
I like taking soap during gang and proceeding to wipe away every gang sign I see. It's gotten to the point where mid-round, I've had gangers jump me with a bait gang sign just to stop me from taking away all their influence.
I do this as a drone. They get so mad at a small vent crawling asshole erasing all the gang signs.
100% would ban if I saw you doing this. Its completely against drone laws plus you're doing it to simply be a dick.
Be this a warning
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 11:40 pm
by AnonymousNow
It may be because I can't remember the wordings properly, but is it actually against drone laws?
It's a mess, like bloodstains, vomit and oil. A drone stumbling upon one could easily reason that cleaning the station does not involve interaction with another lifeform.
It feels woolly to me. I'm on the fence.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 12:05 am
by Screemonster
Drone laws or not, you'd have to be a grade-A autist not to realise that it's still interacting with and influencing the round, which is something that as a drone you shouldn't do.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:43 am
by DemonFiren
AnonymousNow wrote:It may be because I can't remember the wordings properly, but is it actually against drone laws?
It's a mess, like bloodstains, vomit and oil. A drone stumbling upon one could easily reason that cleaning the station does not involve interaction with another lifeform.
It feels woolly to me. I'm on the fence.
If that mess was made deliberately, you are involving yourself with another being by removing it.
Thus, you are violating your laws.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 8:08 am
I got this, because I was drone banned before.
Any interaction of living beings made and/or relating to that of a game mode (in this case, Gangs) are forbidden for drones.
It doesn't matter if a dude picked you up and used you as a hat, you cannot do anything about it, but attempt to free yourself and go about your duty to "IMPROVE THE SHIP", such as hull breeches and blood cleaning.
That means if you see a nuke in a hallway, it's not your priority. And in gangs case, it's for security to handle and the actual janitor.
The exceptions are important to learn and if you don't know any better, ahelp it and ask. These idiots are admins for a reason and wish to help and give VERY STRONG NOTES.
tldr drones aren't lawless so don't act like it and ahelp when you think you could interfere with the game/persons
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 9:57 am
by AnonymousNow
Fair points. Silicon laws are an oddity, anywhat.
Found out the other day that nonplayer (simplemob) humans are valid. It may seem obvious, but I've been bwoinked for less in the (admittedly distant) past.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 10:21 am
by InsaneHyena
Drones can interact with pAIs, however, host told me so. There was a long gang round, so me and some other drones built a station on derelict complete with lights, comms, cameras, RnD and AI. Brought that AI a pAI, so he had somebody to talk with.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 5:02 pm
InsaneHyena wrote:Drones can interact with pAIs, however, host told me so. There was a long gang round, so me and some other drones built a station on derelict complete with lights, comms, cameras, RnD and AI. Brought that AI a pAI, so he had somebody to talk with.
that's really cute
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 6:37 pm
by Gun Hog
What was REALLY weird was being built as an android by a drone (Borg with posibrain). The drone had set up a Science rig at the derelict (back when it was static). It ignored me after bringing me online.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:33 pm
Gun Hog wrote:What was REALLY weird was being built as an android by a drone (Borg with posibrain). The drone had set up a Science rig at the derelict (back when it was static). It ignored me after bringing me online.
As long as drones refuse to act with living organisms and/or active silicones, they're doing the right thing.
A drone can work on botany, engineering, and even atmos as long as it follows the "Improve the station" directive.
I should know, I played as one for at least a month without taking any other job. It's wonderful, you can even print more drones and hide them in places if validhunters are about.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:31 pm
by Reece
>HOS finds emag.
>Shuttle arrives after an hour, everyone strolls in because there's no dang-
>HOS emags the shuttle the moment he gets in there 'just in case' leaving everyone behind.
There is no reason a non antag should be emaging the shuttle if there is no danger to the shuttle itself. It's just fucking annoying.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:33 pm
by AnonymousNow
Also banworthy. Report that shit.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 12:11 am
Maybe not banworthy.
Seems small compared to other things, maybe a HEAVY NOTE.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 12:16 am
by AnonymousNow
Mackerel wrote:Maybe not banworthy.
Seems small compared to other things, maybe a HEAVY NOTE.
Heavy note for most players. Security, Captain, Head of Security? That's not acceptable.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 12:22 am
by Malkevin
AnonymousNow wrote:Also banworthy. Report that shit.
No its not, not unless they do it all the time.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 12:40 am
Malkevin wrote:AnonymousNow wrote:Also banworthy. Report that shit.
No its not, not unless they do it all the time.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 12:41 am
by PKPenguin321
it actually is, early launching the shuttle for no apparent reason is always at least bwoink worthy even on your first offense
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 12:47 am
by Mat13295
People who hop out of a sleeper. Let me fucking heal you damnit.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 1:51 am
by BeeSting12
When people specifically bully security and call us shitcurity for giving them perma. Also, greytiders that come back from gulag. They're meant to go braindead/ghost/suicide there, not actually work. It's my way of taking someone out of the round without taking them out of the round. Also, 90% of the time, when they come back, they make a stun prod and chase security for revenge. And when I'm being very nice as security and someone calls me shit and goes catatonic. (Had a guy with all access from HoP, he was in brig control. Told him I'd revoke his access and free him, he goes catatonic. I could've killed him then and there, but I was being generous, yet I was shitcurity.)
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 2:04 am
by Davidchan
Mat13295 wrote:People who hop out of a sleeper. Let me fucking heal you damnit.
My short time playing CMO I found myself baton slapping and cuffing idiots to shove them in sleepers or tubes when they needed healing. Then showing them the E-Gun I lifted from the HoS to prove I wouldn't use my medical machines to kill them if I wanted them dead.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 4:32 pm
by Cheimon
BeeSting12 wrote: Also, greytiders that come back from gulag. They're meant to go braindead/ghost/suicide there, not actually work. It's my way of taking someone out of the round without taking them out of the round.
Are you for real?
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 4:55 pm
by BeeSting12
Cheimon wrote:BeeSting12 wrote: Also, greytiders that come back from gulag. They're meant to go braindead/ghost/suicide there, not actually work. It's my way of taking someone out of the round without taking them out of the round.
Are you for real?
Yes, I feel that the crew is better off without the people who feel like its their duty to steal their stuff and randomly attack people. Let's put it this way. If I send someone to the gulag, they've done something really shitty that doesn't warrant perma/execution, so I'm just taking them off the station to a place where they can't tab out. Plus, when they do come back, they usually go back to doing the same thing + attacking security because revenge.
EDIT: If they actually work there and come back improved, then they cool. But I've gulagged a lot of people, and never seen that happen.
Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you
Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 5:02 pm
by Reece
I just kill tiders on the spot. I have absolutely no time for griefing little fucks.